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Volume 23, Number 1, 2014, pp. 3–163
Managing editor: A.V. GorochovS.Ya. Tsalolikhin. 2014. Review of the genus Prodesmodora Micoletzky, 1923 (Nematoda: Desmodorida: Desmodoridae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(1): 3-6. Abstract  Practically all nine species of the genus Prodesmodora are known only from type localities except for species P. circulata, cosmopolitism of which is doubtful. Morphometric characteristics of all the species are similar. Differentiation of the species is best performed by rectum length, tail length, cephalic setae length and by amphid position. A key for identification of species is given. |
A.V. Gorochov. 2014. Classification of the Phalangopsinae subfamily group, and new taxa from the subfamilies Phalangopsinae and Phaloriinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(1): 7-88. Abstract  Preliminary classification of the Phalangopsinae subfamily group (= group “Phalangopsidae”: Phalangopsinae, Cacoplistinae, Phaloriinae and Pteroplistinae) are given. Some problems of evolution and taxonomy of this group are discussed. The former tribe Luzarini (= Luzarinae auct.) is synonymized with the tribe Phalangopsini divided into several subtribes (including the subtribe Luzarina). Sixty eight new taxa from Neotropical, Indo-Malayan and Papuan regions are described: Palpigera aluzara sp. nov., Asymmetracla subgen. nov. and Glandulacla subgen. nov. (in the genus Ochraperites Desutter-Grandcolas, 1993), O. (A.) asymmetricus sp. nov., O. (O.) cuyabeno sp. nov., O. (G.) aguarico sp. nov., Laozacla gen. nov., L. furca sp. nov., Eidmanacris longa sp. nov., Caribacusta gen. nov., C. antigua sp. nov., Noctivox orizaba sp. nov., Modestozarina subtrib. nov., Modestozara gen. nov., M. modesta sp. nov., M. troglophila sp. nov., M. satipo sp. nov., Notendecous subgen. nov. and Pedroecous subgen. nov. (in the genus Endecous Saussure, 1878), Daedalonotum gen. nov., D. daedalum sp. nov., Nemozarina subtrib. nov., Nemozara gen. nov., N. rio sp. nov., N. riorio sp. nov., N. pastaza sp. nov., N. vulcanica sp. nov., Anemozara gen. nov., Zacmozara subgen. nov. (in the genus Anemozara), A. (A.) vera sp. nov., A. (A.) propria sp. nov., A. (A.) umbrosa sp. nov., A. (Z.) eximia sp. nov., Lernecina subtrib. nov.; Lerneca sylvestris sp. nov., L. inalata amboro subsp. nov., L. inalata pantanal subsp. nov., Parendacustina subtrib. nov., ?Uvaroviella problematica sp. nov., Bolivacla gen. nov., B. boliviana sp. nov., Brevizaclina subtrib. nov., Stridulacla subgen. nov. (in the genus Mikluchomaklaia Gorochov, 1986), M. (M.) enarotali sp. nov., Papuzacla subgen. nov. and Lobulacla subgen. nov. (in the genus Brevizacla Gorochov, 2003), B. (P.) fawi sp. nov., B. (L.) nabire sp. nov., B. (L.) halmahera sp. nov., Terrozacla gen. nov., T. jambi sp. nov., T. harau sp. nov., T. trusmadi sp. nov., T. borneo sp. nov., T. kubah sp. nov., T. gading sp. nov., Vescelia mulu sp. nov., Phaloria (Papuloria) latiuscula sp. nov., Ph. (P.) tristis sp. nov., Ph. (P.) paratristis sp. nov., Ph. (P.) tariku sp. nov., Ph. (P.) manifesta sp. nov., Ph. (P.) waena sp. nov., Ph. (P.) neorava sp. nov.; Ph. sulawesi sp. nov.; Tremellia timah orientalis subsp. nov.; Pseudotrigonidium borneo sp. nov.; P. gaponi sp. nov. One former genus is included in the genus Longuripes Desutter-Grandcolas et Hubbell, 1993 as its subgenus Prolonguripes Desutter- Grandcolas, 1993, stat. nov. Prosthacusta beliza (Otte et Perez-Gelabert, 2009), comb. nov. is transferred from the synonymic genus Doposia Otte et Perez-Gelabert, 2009 (= Lerneca Walker, 1869) to Prosthacusta Saussure, 1874. The genus Otteus Koçak et Kemal, 2009, gen. dist. is restored from synonymy with Cubacophus Ruiz-Baliú et Otte, 1997. Phaloria galoa Otte et Cowper, 2007, syn. nov. is synonymized with Ph. heterotrypoides Gorochov, 1999, and this species as well as Ph. insularis Bolivar, 1912 are transferred from the nominotypical subgenus to the subgenus Papuloria Gorochov, 1996. |
A.V. Gorochov. 2014. Three new taxa of the genus Paraphidnia (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae) from French Guiana. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(1): 89-95. Abstract  Paraphidnia (Anaphidna) tarsalis sp. nov., P. (A.) fasciata sp. nov. and P. (A.) osae orientalis subsp. nov. are described from the same locality in French Guiana. These taxa belong to a species group of the subgenus Anaphidna with reduced processes on the pronotal disc. |
I.A. Gavrilov-Zimin & D. Matile-Ferrero. 2014. The genus Coccidohystrix Lindinger, 1943 in the Palaeartic Region with description of two new species from Maghreb (Homoptera: Coccinea: Pseudococcidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(1): 96-105. Abstract  Two new species of mealybugs, Coccidohystrix maghribiensis sp. nov. from Morocco and C. monicae sp. nov. from Tunisia are described and illustrated. A key for all Palaearctic species of Coccidohystrix (= Artemicoccus) as well as descriptions and new detailed figures of C. echinata (Balachowsky, 1930), comb. nov. and C. splendens (Goux, 1946), a new junior synonym and a substitute name for C. echinata (Balachowsky, 1936), are provided. |
I.I. Kabak & D.W. Wrase. 2014. A new species of the genus Taridius from China (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Lebiini). Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(1): 106-110. Abstract  A new species of the genus Taridius Chaudoir, 1875, T. yunnanus sp. nov. is described from the vicinity of Erhai Lake not far from Dali City, Yunnan (China). |
S.V. Kazantsev. 2014. Three new species of the genus Drilonius (Coleoptera: Omethidae) from Indochina. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(1): 111-117. Abstract  Three new omethid species, Drilonius fedorenkoi sp. nov. from Vietnam, as well as D. holzschuhi sp. nov. and D. nyx sp. nov. from Laos are described. Male habitus and aedeagi of the new species are figured. |
V.A. Tsinkevich & I.A. Solodovnikov. 2014. First record of sap beetles Epuraea ocularis and Stelidota geminate (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) from Caucasus. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(1): 118-121. Abstract  Two invasive species of the sap beetles, Epuraea ocularis Fairmaire, 1849 and Stelidota geminate (Say, 1825), are recorded from Caucasus for the first time: from Abkhazia and from Russia (Krasnodar Territory) and Abkhazia, respectively. Stelidota geminata is also a new species for the fauna of Russia. |
G.N. Khabiev & V.A. Krivokhatsky. 2014. Rare species of antlions (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) new for the fauna of Caucasian and Middle Asian countries. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(1): 122-126. Abstract  Two species new for the Russian fauna, Neuroleon (Ganussa) lukhtanovi Kriv. and Pseudoformicaleo gracilis (Klug), are collected for the first time from different localities in Daghestan; N. lukhtanovi is also first indicated for Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Palpares turcicus Koçak and Nicarinus poecilopterus (Stein) are recorded for the first time from Azerbaijan and Armenia, respectively. |
V.A. Trjapitzin. 2014. Sugonyaevita subgen. nov. of the genus Encyrtus Latreille, 1809 (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(1): 127-130. Abstract  Sugonyaevita subgen. nov. of the genus Encyrtus Latreille, 1809 is established and described. Type species of this subgenus, Encyrtus ludmilae Sugonyaev, 1999, was reared from the soft scale Megalocryptes bambusicola (Green, 1930) (Hemiptera: Coccidae) dwelling on the surface of bamboo stems in nests of the ant Crematogaster sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Vietnam. |
Abstract  A new genus in the subfamily Coccophaginae (Aphelinidae), Mexidalgus gen. nov., is described based on the type species Mexidalgus toumeyellus sp. nov. from Mexico. Morphological characters of the new genus and its differences from the closely related genera Coccophagus Westwood, 1833 and Coccobius Ratzeburg, 1852 are discussed. |
S.Yu. Sinev & A.L. Lvovsky. 2014. Taxonomical status and species composition of the little known genus Agnoea Walsingham, 1907 (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Lypusidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(1): 137-144. Abstract  The previously monotypic genus Agnoea Walsingham, 1907 is shortly reviewed. The following synonymy is established: Agnoea Walsingham, 1907 = Pseudatemelia Rebel, 1910, syn. nov. = Tubulifera Spuler, 1910, syn. nov. = Tubuliferola Strand, 1917, syn. nov. = Tubuliferodes Toll, 1956, syn. nov. (as a subgenus); Agnoea aeneella (Rebel, 1910) = Borkhausenia chalcocrates Meyrick, 1930, syn. nov. The genus Agnoea is restricted to the Palearctic region and includes the following nineteen species: Agnoea aeneella (Rebel, 1910), comb. nov.; A. amparoella (Vives, 1986), comb. nov.; A. colurnella (Mann, 1867), comb. nov.; A. detrimentella (Staudinger, 1859), comb. nov.; A. elsae (Svensson, 1982), comb. nov.; A. filiella (Staudinger, 1859), comb. nov.; A. flavifrontella ([Denis et Schiffermüller], 1775), comb. nov.; A. fuscifrontella (Constant, 1885), comb. nov.; A. josephinae (Toll, 1956), comb. nov.; A. kurentzovi (Lvovsky, 2001), comb. nov.; A. langohri (E. Palm, 1990), comb. nov.; A. latipennella (Jäckh, 1959), comb. nov.; A. lavandulae (Mann, 1855), comb. nov.; A. pallidella (Jäckh, 1972), comb. nov.; A. semifuscata (Walsingham, 1911), comb. nov.; A. subgilvida (Walsingham, 1901), comb. nov.; A. subochreella (Doubleday, 1859), comb. nov.; A. synchrozella (Jäckh, 1959), comb. nov.; A. xanthosoma (Rebel, 1900), comb. nov. Lectotype is designated for Borkhausenia chalcocrates Meyrick, 1930. The annotated list of species of Agnoea (including information on type material and distribution, as well as nomenclatural comments) is given. |
T.V. Galinskaya. 2014. A new species of Melieria (Diptera: Ulidiidae) from the Republic of Daghestan (Russia). Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(1): 145-149. Abstract  Melieria daghestanica sp. nov. from Daghestan (Russia) is described. The new species resembles M. parmensis Rondani, 1869 (from Italy, Austria and Transcaucasia) and M. pseudosystata Kameneva, 1997 (from Turkmenistan and Tajikistan) but differs from them in the following combination of characters: apical crossband reaching subapical spot, spots on stigma and dMCu crossvein fused into an oblique crossband, subbasal crossband extending from R1 to Cu1, first flagellomere yellow, gena yellow with a brown spot ventral of eye margin. |
V.A. Baranov & A.A. Przhiboro. 2014. New records of non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) from springs and streams of the Ukrainian Carpathians (Gorgany Massif). Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(1): 150-157. Abstract  Seven species of Chironomidae (Diptera) are recorded from Ukraine for the first time: Krenopelopia binotata (Wiedemann, 1817), Chaetocladius gracilis Brundin, 1956, Limnophyes asquamatus Andersen, 1937, Paraphaenocladius exagitans monticola Strenzke, 1950, Thienemannia gracei (Edwards, 1929), T. gracilis Kieffer, 1909, and Micropsectra notescens (Walker, 1856). The record of C. laminatus Brundin, 1947 from Ukraine is confirmed. Adults of all species emerged from semiaquatic substrata (moss, litter) collected from mountain springs and streams in the Gorgany Massif of the Ukrainian Carpathians; C. gracilis, P. exagitans monticola and T. gracei are for the first time recorded from springs. The type specimens of C. gracilis are reexamined, and the lectotype is designated. Emendations are proposed to the diagnosis of the genus Thienemannia Kieffer, 1911 and to the diagnostic characters of the male of T. gracei. |
M.V. Nazarkin & A.F. Bannikov. 2014. Fossil mackerel (Actinopterygii: Scombridae: Scomber) from the Neogene of South-Western Sakhalin, Russia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(1): 158-163. Abstract  The caudal part of a skeleton of mackerel Scomber sp. in the deposits of the Kurasi Formation of Middle-Upper Miocene of south-western Sakhalin Island is reported. It is the first finding of a fossil representative of the suborder Scombroidei in the Far East of Russia. The genus Scomber comprises 4 recent and about 10 fossil species from Oligocene to Pliocene of Europe, North America (California) and East Asia (Japan). Preservation of the material studied was not good enough to allow a detailed comparison of the Sakhalin mackerel with known both recent and extinct species of the genus. |
Volume 23, Number 2, 2014, pp. 167–275
Managing editor: D.A. GaponA.W. Jankowski. 2014. Cothurnia polydorica sp. nov. (Ciliophora: Peritrichia), a symbiont of shell-boring spionid polychaetes in the Sea of Japan, and a review of ciliates associated with polydorids. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(2): 167-173. Abstract  Small unidentified spionid polychaetes (Polydora sp.) boring in shells of gastropod and bivalve molluscs in the Nakhodka region are hosts of a new species of loricate peritrich named Cothurnia polydorica sp. nov. The large genus Cothurnia can be subdivided into two groups (subgenera or genera) with one or two zooids inside the lorica; C. polydorica is a monozoic (solitary) species; after cell division one of the daughter individuals becomes migratory and swims away. The trophont is not vermiform and thus is not typical of most cothurnids; contraction of fixed specimens is partial, in the adoral half only; the lorica has a second inner layer of material at its base; the stalk is very long as compared with other cothurnids. The migrants adhere to the tips of thick setae of the host but not to its body surface, on which there are scattered small parasitic rhynchodids sucking the host body fluid by short apical tubes. A review of ciliates associated with polydorids is given. |
A.W. Jankowski. 2014. Tokophrya sibirica sp. nov. (Ciliophora: Acinetida), a symbiont of freshwater ostracods in Irkutsk Province. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(2): 174-177. Abstract  Freshwater ostracods, even in seasonally drying and freezing ditches, are inhabited by a variety of ciliates, possibly with rapid encysting. Loricates are represented by the genus Lagenophrys, stalked peritrichs, by solitary and colonial species of both Vorticellida and Operculariida; no suctorians have been found so far. The epifauna near St Petersburg and Irkutsk is the same, except for the common occurence of a small tokophryid suctorian on the shell surface of Herpetocypris incongruens along the Angara River and along Listvenka – Irkutsk road; this species may be a regional endemic. A similar but not the same tokophryid inhabits the few examined Baikalian ostracods. This new species, Tokophrya sibirica sp. nov., associated with H. incongruens, is very similar but not identical to T. cyclopum. |
S.Ya. Tsalolikhin. 2014. To the fauna of the free-living nematodes (Nematoda) of high-mountain water bodies of the Western Himalayas and the Pamir. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(2): 178-187. Abstract  Seventeen species of the nematodes, typical for the Palaearctic fauna, from the orders Tobrilida, Dorylaimida, Mononchida, Monhysterida, Chromadorida and Plectida were recorded for the first time in water bodies of the Western Himalayas and the Pamir. |
N.A. Sedova & S.S. Grigoriev. 2014. Megalopa of Mesocrangon intermedia (Decapoda: Crangonidae) from the eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(2): 188-196. Abstract  For the first time megalopa of Mesocrangon intermedia is described. The megalopa can be distinguished from that of the Crangon and Neocrangon by the morphology of its telson and carapace. The main distinguishing features of megalopa of M. intermedia were two spines on medial line of the carapace, a relatively long rostrum, a relatively narrow antennal scale, and the distinctive length of the terminal setae on the telson. Drawings of general view and individual limbs are presented. |
A.V. Gorochov. 2014. Evolution and taxonomic significance of the copulatory apparatus in Ensifera (Orthoptera). Part 1: General concepts and origin. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(2): 197-209. Abstract  The importance of using copulatory characters in generic and higher taxonomy (not only in species taxonomy) is discussed in the light of the recent “genital clock” concept which should partly replace the old “lock-and-key” theory. This concept assumes that evolutional changes in the copulatory apparatus (if it is sufficiently complicated) follow after genetic drift, and that these processes occur at a more uniform rate than changes in the characters of external morphology, ecological properties and many other biological traits, since structure of this apparatus is less dependent upon the situation in the ecosystem. Evolution of the copulatory apparatus in the suborder Ensifera and in its ancestors may be divided into three hypothetical stages reflected in some morphological features: 1) a highly hypothetical stage without copulation and without a copulatory apparatus in the most ancient (extinct) orthopteroid insects; 2) the appearance of different organs in early Orthoptera serving for fixation of partners during copulation and for insertion of the spermatophore in the female genital chamber; 3) the development of complicated organ with consolidation of these functions. |
A.V. Gorochov. 2014. New data on the genus Malgasia (Orthoptera: Mogoplistidae) from Madagascar and Seychelles. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(2): 210-218. Abstract  Malgasia marmorata (Saussure, 1899) is redescribed on the base of the type specimens and new material. Three new species from Seychelles and Madagascar, M. seychellensis sp. nov., M. minutissima sp. nov. and M. grisea sp. nov. are described.
A.V. Stekolshchikov & S.V. Buga. 2014. Detailed description of oviparous females and males of Tubaphis ranunculina (Homoptera: Aphididae) with comments on the species distribution. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(2): 219-233. Abstract  Detailed descriptions of oviparous females and males of Tubaphis ranunculina (Walker, 1852) (Homoptera: Aphididae) are given. The most complete data on the distribution of this species are overviewed. Acyrthosiphon (Microlophium) ranunculi Mordvilko, 1914 is considered as a new subjective synonym of Acyrthosiphon malvae (Mosley, 1841). |
V.M. Gnezdilov. 2014. First record of the genus Issopulex (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Caliscelidae) from Madagascar. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(2): 234-237. Abstract  Issopulex gloriosus China et Fennah, 1960 (Fulgoroidea: Caliscelidae) is recorded for the first time from Madagascar (Toliara Province). Habitus photos of the species are provided. |
V.M. Gnezdilov & F. Poggi. 2014. First record of Nearctic issid planthopper Thionia simplex (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Issidae) from Europe. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(2): 238-241. Abstract  The Nearcticissid species Thionia simplex (Germar, 1830) is recorded for the first time from Europe. Other alien Auchenorrhyncha species in Europe are listed and discussed. |
A.N. Zinovjeva. 2014. New records of the true bugs (Heteroptera: Cimicomorpha, Pentatomomorpha) for the Northeast of European Russia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(2): 242-247. Abstract  Twenty seven species of the true bugs from the families Anthocoridae, Reduviidae, Miridae (Cimicomorpha), Coreidae, Thyreocoridae, Acanthosomatidae, and Pentatomidae (Pentatomomorpha) are recorded from the Northeast of European Russia for the first time. The family Thyreocoridae is for the first time reported from the region. |
B.M. Kataev & I.I. Kabak. 2014. On the distribution of some ground-beetles of the tribe Harpalini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Kazakhstan and the Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region of China. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(2): 245-255. Abstract  New data about distribution of 21 species and subspecies of ground-beetles of the tribe Harpalini in Kazakhstan and the Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region of China are provided. The following taxa are reported from Kazakhstan for the first time: Dicheirotrichus (s. str.) lacustris (Redtenbacher, 1858), Dicheirotrichus (Trichocellus) tschitscherini (Reitter, 1899), Dicheirotrichus (T.) hauseri (Reitter, 1894), Bradycellus (Tachycellus) glabratus Reitter, 1894, Acupalpus (Ancylostria) interstitialis Reitter, 1884, Harpalus (Semiophonus) signaticornis (Duftschmid, 1812), Harpalus (s. str.) torridoides Reitter, 1900, Harpalus (s. str.) viridanus viridanus Motschulsky, 1844, and Ophonus (Hesperophonus) convexicollis (Ménétriés, 1832). The following taxa are reported from China (Xinjiang) for the first time: Anisodactylus (s. str.) binotatus (Fabricius, 1787), Stenolophus (s. str.) abdominalis persicus Mannerheim, 1844, Stenolophus (s. str.) discophorus Fischer von Waldheim, 1823, Harpalus (s. str.) vittatus vittatus Gebler, 1833, Harpalus (s. str.) cyclogonus cyclogonus Chaudoir, 1844, and Ophonus (Metophonus) hystrix dissors Tschitschérine, 1895. Three species, Harpalus (s. str.) amariformis Motschulsky, 1844, H. (s. str.) affinis (Schrank, 1781) and H. (s. str.) tarsalis Mannerheim, 1825, are reported from Xinjiang for the first time. The following synonymy is proposed: Stenolophus (Egadroma) marginatus Dejean, 1829 = Badister piceus Ballion, 1870, syn. nov. |
E.P. Nartshuk. 2014. Fruit flies (Diptera: Drosophilidae) of the Russian Arctic. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(2): 256-263. Abstract  Drosophilid flies of the Russian Arctic are reviewed. Thirteen species of Drosophilidae are recorded: one from the genus Stegana, seven from Drosophila and five from Scaptomyza. The northernmost localities in the Palaearctic are recorded for D. melanogaster Meigen, 1830 and D. hydai Sturtevant, 1921. Scaptomyza yakutica Sidorenko et Toda, 1996 described from Yakutia was found for the first time in Europe (the European part of Russia). Seven species of Drosophilidae are found in the tundra biome. The finding of Drosophilidae in the tundra zone contradicts the view on the absence of “wild” drosophilids in this zone. |
Abstract  A new aphelinid species, Mexidalgus veracruzanus sp. nov., was reared from Mesolecanium mayteni (Hempel, 1900) (Hemiptera: Coccidae) from the State of Veracruz, Mexico. This coccid species, previously known only from Brazil, is a new record for Mexico and a new host for the aphelinid genus Mexidalgus Myartseva, 2014. |
M.V. Nazarkin. 2014. Gill rakers of basking sharks (Lamniformes: Cetorhinidae) from the Tertiary of Sakhalin Island, Russia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(2): 269-275. Abstract  Isolated gill rakers of basking sharks (Lamniformes: Cetorhinidae) were collected from the upper Oligocene Holmsk Formation and Middle-Upper Miocene Kurasi Formation of the Sakhalin Island. This is the second finding of fossil basking shark remains in Russia. Fossil gill rakers are similar to those in recent representatives of the genus Cetorhinus, but differ from the latter by wider and shorter medial processes and higher bases. These features are more typical for basking sharks in the fossil genus Keasius. Additional material is needed for the exact taxonomic identification of the Tertiary basking sharks from Sakhalin. |