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Volume 4, Number 1, 1995 [1996], pp. 1–200

Managing editor: I.M. Kerzhner

Yu.I. Podlipaeva & L.I. Farka. 1995. List of the amoeba cultures in the living collection of the Laboratory of Cytology of Unicellular Organisms, Institute of Cytology, St.Petersburg. Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 1–2.


The collection of living amoeba cultures described includes 39 clones belonging to 8 species and 3 genera of the family Amoebidae, 11 clones of undetermined amoebas among them. The collection is the largest in Europe and probably in the world.

G. Fernandez-Leborans & I.Kh. Alekperov. 1995. Revision of the genus Zosterodasys with description of new species (Protozoa, Ciliophora). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 3–16.


A key to and desciptions of species of Zosterodasys are given. Three new species are described: Z. cantabrica (Spain), Z. caspica (for Chilodontopsis vorax strain I of Agamaliev, 1967, Caspian Sea) and Z. fluviatilis (for Zosterodasys sp. of Aliev, 1990, Azerbaijan). Z. henarensis nom. n. is proposed for Z. derouxi Sola & al., 1990, August (non Aliev, 1990, March).

V.M. Alekseev. 1995. A new species of freshwater nematode, Alaimus belogurovi sp. n., from the lake Khanka (Nematoda: Alaimidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 17–18.


A new species, Alaimus belogurovi, is described from the lake Khanka. It is closely related to A. proximus Thorne.

I. Andrássy. 1995. Tricaenonchus caucasius gen. et sp. n., a remarkable nematode species from the Caucasus (Nematoda: Mononchidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 19–21.


A peculiar new nematode representing a new genus and species, Tricaenonchus caucasius gen. et sp. n., is described from the Caucasus. It is unique within the superfamily Mononchoidea in showing an unusual constellation of the buccal teeth.

V.B. Golub. 1995. Two new synonymies in Palaearctic Tingidae (Heteroptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 22.


The following new synonymies are established: Tingis (Tingis) ampliata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838) = T. (T.) deserticola Horváth, 1906; Physatocheila distinguenda (Jakovlev, 1880) = Ph. hailarensis Nonnaizab, 1985.

A.V. Adrianov & V.V. Malakhov. 1995. The phylogeny and classification of the class Kinorhyncha. Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 23–44.


The class Kinorhyncha consists of two orders (Cyclorhagida and Homalorhagida), five suborders (Protorhagae, Criptorhagae, Conchorhagae, Cyclorhagae and Homalorhagae), nine families (Zelinkaderidae, Antigomonidae, Cateriidae, Semnoderidae, Centroderidae, Echinoderidae, Dracoderidae, Neocentrophyidae and Pycnophyidae), 14 genera and about 130 valid species. Phylogenetic conclusions and classification are based on the external morphology of the trunk and structure of the neck closing apparatus. Plesiomorphic and apomorphic states of most characters are summarized for Kinorhyncha. Zelinkaderidae is considered the most primitive taxon within Cyclorhagida. None of the cyclorhagid families and genera are thought to be derived from any of the others. Only Neocentrophyidae is considered a neotenic group within Homalorhagida. A scheme of phylogenetic relatioships within Kinorhyncha is proposed. Modified diagnoses of the class, orders, suborders, families and genera are given.

V.I. Gontar. 1995. Bryozoa collected by the “Polarstern” expedition in 1991 and 1993. Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 45–47.


32 species and subspecies, including a new species Hornera pseudolichenoides, have been collected in the Barents Sea and near Spitsbergen and 67 species and subspecies in the Laptev Sea and at the northern slope of the Barents Sea.

I.M. Kerzhner & Y.J. Kwon. 1995. On the systematic position of Staccia plebeja Stål (Heteroptera: Reduviidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 48.


Staccia plebeja Stål, 1866 is transferred to the genus Neostaccia Miller, 1940 and recorded for the first time from South Korea and Myanmar.

M.V. Malyutina & O.G. Kussakin. 1995. Addition to the Polar Sea bathyal and abyssal Isopoda (Crustacea). Part I. Anthuridea, Valvifera, Asellota (Ischnomesidae, Macrostylidae, Nannoniscidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 49–62.


New records for suborders Anthuridea and Valvifera and asellot families Ischnomesidae, Macrostylidae and Nannoniscidae from little-investigated bathyal and abyssal depths of the Canada Basin are presented. Two new species, Macrostylis polaris and Panetela compacta, are described.

E.L. Markhaseva & F.D. Ferrari. 1995. Three new species of Ryocalanus from the eastern tropical Pacific (Crustacea, Copepoda: Ryocalanidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 63–70.


Females of Ryocalanus asymmetricus sp. n., R. bicornis sp. n. and male of R. bowmani sp. n. from the eastern tropical Pacific are described. R. asymmetricus is well distinguished from the other species of the genus by the shape of genital segment, R. bicornis by the shape of the last segment of prosome and R. bowmani by the shape of the last segment of prosome and geniculate right A 1.

N.Ju. Kluge. 1995. A new suborder of Thysanura for the Carboniferous insect originally described as larva of Bojophlebia, with comments on characters of the orders Thysanura and Ephemeroptera. Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 71–75.


The fossil wingless insect originally described as larva of Bojophlebia procopi (Ephemeroptera) belongs not to Ephemeroptera, but to Thysanura. It is named Carbotriplura kukalovae gen. et sp. n. and placed in the suborder Carbotriplurina subordo n. Here the order Thysanura is accepted in the Börner’s sense, since the widely accepted Henning’s division of Amyocerata (= Ectognatha sensu Henning) into Monocondylia and Dicondylia is not based on actual features. Characters of Ephemeroptera and Thysanura are discussed; the differences between tergaliae and parategra and between wing buds and paranota are explained.

N.Ju. Kluge. 1995. The Palaearctic Metretopodidae, with description of a new genus and species from Siberia (Ephemeroptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 76–80.


Male and female larvae, subimagos and imagos of Metreplecton macronyx gen. et sp. n., a species widely distributed in Siberia, are described. The genus Metreplecton shares some features with Metretopus and some with Siphloplecton. Data on distribution of Metretopus borealis and M. alter are given.

A.V. Gorochov. 1995. New and little known crickets from the collection of the Humboldt University and some other collections (Orthoptera: Grylloidea). Part I. Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 81–114.


2 new genera, 2 new subgenera, 20 new species, and 2 new subspecies of the subfamilies Itarinae, Grillomorphinae, and Gryllinae are described. 1generic and 2 specific names are resurrected from synonymy. New synonymies (2 generic and 4 specific) are established. Lectotypes of some species are designated. Redescriptions, descriptions of hitherto unknown females, new data on the systematic position and geographical distribution of several forms are given.

I.M. Kerzhner. 1995. A new genus of Phylini from Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Iran (Heteroptera: Miridae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 115–118.


The paper contains the description of Camptozorus gen. n. with three new species, C. chondrillae (Kazakhstan and the Astrakhan’ Prov. of Russia; on Chondrilla spp.), C. lactucae (E Kazakhstan and SW Mongolia; on Lactuca tatarica) and C. linnavuorii (Iran).

B.V. Anikin & V.l. Piskunov. 1995. New species of gelechiid moths from Saratov Province, Russia (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 171–175.


Four new species of gelechiid moths from Saratov Province are described: Lutilabria volgensis, Bryotropha rossica, Filatima djakovica, F. zagulajevi.

A.S. Zamotajlov. 1995. The carabid genus Deltomerus Motschulsky, 1850 of the Caucasus, 4. Description of new species and subspecies and further distributional data (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 119–125.


Two new species and three subspecies of Deltomerus from the Caucasus are described: D. bogatshevi karadagi ssp. n. (Azerbaijan), D. ensiger trsiensis ssp. n. (N Ossetia), D. kryzhanovskii kionchochi ssp. n. (N Ossetia), D. kabardensis sp. n. (Kabarda), and D. pjatigorianus sp. n. (Stavropol Terr.). New distributional data are given for D. golovatchi Zamotajlov, 1992, D. komarovi Zamotajlov, 1988, D. circassicus Reitter, 1890, D. fischtensis Kurnakov, 1960, and D. pseudoplatynus Reitter, 1887.

B.A. Korotyaev. 1995. On the identity of Ceuthorrhynchidius ovulum Schultze (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 126.


A new combination and a new synonymy are established: Calosirus ovulum (Schultze, 1897), comb. n. = Amalus latibasis Reitter, 1916, syn. n.

B.M. Kataev. 1995. A new species of the genus Acupalpus from Iraq and Iran, and remarks on A. flaviceps and A. marginicollis (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 127–130.


Acupalpus jaegeri sp. n. from Iraq and SW Iran closely related to A. flaviceps Motsch. is described and data on distribution of the latter are given. A. marginicollis Reitt. from Middle Asia is placed in synonymy with A. elegans (Dej.).

A.G. Kirejtshuk & A.H. Kirk-Spriggs. 1995. Viettherchnus Kirejtshuk, 1985 and Ceramphosia gen. n. from the Indo-Malayan Region (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 131–138.


The paper comprises a revision of the genus Vietterchnus endemic to the Indo-Malayan Region (V. finitimus finitimus Kirejtshuk, 1985; V. f. indiensis ssp. n.; V. philippinensis Kirejtshuk, 1987; V. plagiatus sp. n.; V. sulawesiensis sp. n.; V. s. septentrionalis ssp. n.) and description of Ceramphosia cornuta gen. et sp. n., presumably closely related to Viettherchnus.

A.G. Kirejtshuk & J. Pakaluk. 1995. Notes on the Nearctic Epuraeinae (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 139–152.


The paper includes new records, new synonymy for some names proposed in the genus Epuraea Erichson, 1843 and descriptions of E. (E.) cetera sp. n., E. (E.) gulstafsoni sp. n., E. (E.) interposita sp. n., E. (Amedanyraea) latebrosa subgen. et sp. n. and also substantiation of change in taxonomical interpretation of some nearctic species, in particular members of the subgenus Epuraeanella Crotch, 1874. Lectotypes are designated for Epuraea (Epuraea) pallescens labilis Erichson, 1843, stat. n. and Epuraea scutellaris (Brown, 1880), comb. n. (transferred from Omosita); Epuraea (Marinexa) scaura nom. n. is given to Epuraea scutellaris Kraatz, 1895. The subgenus Horniraea subgen. n. is proposed for Epuraea scaphoides Horn, 1879.

I.K. Lopatin. 1995. Paracoenobius gressitti gen. et sp. n. from the Fiji Islands (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Cryptocephalinae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 153–154.


Paracoenobius gressitti gen. et sp. n. from the Fiji Isls. (Tamavua) is described.

V.A. Krivokhatsky. 1995. Isoleon amseli (Hölzel, 1967), comb, n., with description of the larva (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 155–158.


The male and larva of Isoleon amseli (Hölzel, 1967), comb. n. (= Solter amseli) from Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tadjikistan are described.

V.I. Tobias. 1995. New species of Microchelonus with light-coloured legs from Turkmenistan (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 159–162.


Three new species of Microchelonus (M. repeteki, M. volkovitshi and M. zygophylli) are described and figured. All of them have light-coloured (yellow or brown-yellow) legs, a character uncommon in Palaearctic species which normally have black hind femora. Differences between the new species from the widely distributed Palaearctic species M. latrunculus Marsh. and some Centralasian species, also with pale legs, are given.

D.R. Kasparyan & A.E. Humala. 1995. A new Palaearctic species of the genus Cushmania Dasch, 1992 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae, Microleptinae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 163–165.


Cushmania psarevi sp. n. from the Altai mountains is described. The genus Cushmania Dasch, 1992 is recorded from the Palaearctic Region for the first time.

B.A. Korotyaev. 1995. A new species of Ceutorhynchus misidentified as C. ovulum Schultze (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 166.


Ceutorhynchus kipchak sp. n. from the Caucasus, Middle Volga area, E Kazakhstan and SW Siberia, formerly misidentified as C. ovulum Schze., is described.

N.D. Voinovich, V.A. Trjapitzin & E.S. Sugonyaev. 1995. Contribution to the knowledge of parasites of Eulecanium douglasi Šulc and E. franconicum Lindinger (Homoptera: Coccidae): on Blastothrix truncatipennis (Ferrière) with notes on the genus Metablastothrix Sugonyaev (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 167–170.


The investigation of type series of Microterys truncatipennis Ferrière, 1955 (from Germany), Blastothrix pragensis Hoffer, 1963 (from Czech Republic) and B. trjapitzini Sugonyaev, 1976 (from Karelia and Kazakhstan) shows that M. truncatipennis belongs to the genus Blastothrix Mayr, B. pragensis and B. tryapitzini being its synonyms. M. tatricus Erdös, 1955 from Slovakia and Poland is another synonym of B. truncatipennis. The lectotype of B. prangensis is designated. B. truncatipennis is a primary parasite of the Birch Lecanium Scale Eulecanium douglasi Šulc and Blackberry Lecanium Scale E. franconicum Lindinger (Homoptera: Coccoidea). Morphological characters of adult B. trancatipennis for three generations developing in Karelia during 2 years and their variability are given. The genus Metablastothrix Sugonyaev includes secondary parasites of coccids. Its type species was misidentified by Sugonyaev as Mycroterys truncatipennis. It is suggested that Metablastothrix isomorpha Sugonyaev (treated formelly as Asiatic subspecies of Metablastothrix truncatipennis sensu Sugonyaev, non Ferrière) should be designated as the type species of the genus Metablastothrix. For the European subspecies of M. isomorpha the name M. isomorpha occidentalis ssp. n. is proposed.

A.G. Kirejtshuk & V.V. Filimonov. 1995. New records of the little known Palaearctic tenebrionid Arthromacra pretiosa Reiche from Caucasus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 176.


Arthromacra pretiosa Reiche was described from Anatolia and because of its scarcity in nature and museum collections its distribution still remains poorly known. The paper deals with a recent record and information on distribution taken from the specimens deposited in the collections of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Zoological Museum at the Moscow State University. The range of this species according to new data includes Turkey, Georgia and Dagestan (Russia).

A.V. Polevoi. 1995. New and poorly known fungus gnats of the families Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae and Keroplatidae from Eastern Fennoscandia (Diptera, Nematocera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 177–182.


New data on six species of Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae and Keroplatidae poorly known in Eastern Fennoscandia are given. New species Bolitophila melanoleuci from Russian Karelia, Bolitophila limitis and Diadocidia trispinosa from Finland and the previously unknown female of Bolitophila aperta Lundström are described. Notes on biology are provided wherever possible.

A.M. Sokolov. 1995. The interspecific relationships of Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) and Southern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialoides) (Aves: Procellariiformes). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(1): 183–200.


So far the relationship between Fulmar and Southern Fulmar has been studied insufficiently. Contrary to the widespread theory (Voous, 1949), the author assumens that Southern Fulmar descended from the ancient fulmars in South Pacific. The data on the morphology of Southern Fulmar and two Fulmar subspecies are used as the basis for this study. Bill length and width in Pacific and Atlantic Fulmar and in other Procellariiformes (one specimen from each genus) were examined. The structure of jaw apparatus muscles, especially m. adductor externus profunda, pars caudalis (Aec), gives evidence for the conclusion that in Pacific Fulmar (F. glacialis rotgersii) this structure is more archaic. The aponeurotic construction of Aec in F. g. rodgersii is similar to that in Albatroses and Petrels, the most ancient birds in Procellariiformes. Paleontological data confirm this conclusion. Comparison of paleontological, paleoclimatic and paleogeographical data allows approximate origination time of Southern Fulmar in South Pacific to be determined: late Miocene – early Pliocene. Geographical isolation of two Fulmar subspecies occurred in late Pliocene.

Volume 4, Number 2, 1995 [1996], pp. 201–320

Managing editor: I.M. Kerzhner

A.V. Smirnov & A.V. Goodkov. 1995. Systematic diversity of gymnamoebae in the bottom sediments of a freshwater lake in Karelia (Lobosea, Gymnamoebia). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 201–203.


The fauna of naked amoebae (Lobosea, Gymnamoebia) of the freshwater lake Leshevoe (Valamo Island) had been studied in 1990-1994. 39 amoebae species were found in sediments, 26 of them represent the order Euamoebida, 4 the oder Acanthopodida and 3 the order Leptomyxida. 11 species are new to science. Evidently, in all the previous faunistic publications species diversity of naked amoebae in fresh waters was underestimated. In freshwater habitats the species diversity of Euamoebida seems to be higher and of Leptomyxida lower than in the saltwater ones.

A.Ju. Woznessenskij. 1995. New replacement names for one genus and two species of Acrididae (Orthoptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 204.


The following new replacement names are proposed for junior homonyms: Rammeihippus nom. n. for Microhippus Ramme, 1939; Chorthippus miramaellus nom. n. for Ch. miramae Ramme, 1939; Ch. sinuatus Mistshenko & Woznessenskij, nom. n. for Ch. meridionalis Mistshenko, 1950.

S.J. Tsalolikhin. 1995. Review of the fauna of free living nematodes from inland waters of Ethiopia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 205–218.


26 species of nematodes are recorded from 10 lakes and 14 rivers of Ethiopia. Most of them are re-described and figured in this paper. Some species are new for Ethiopia and Africa. A lectotype of Actinolaimus omercooperi Filipjev, 1931 is designated and re-described. New synonymy is established: Monhystrella parvella (Filipjev, 1931) = Diplolaimella pusilla Tsalolikhin, 1993, syn. n.

A.V. Adrianov & V.V. Malakhov. 1995. The phylogeny, classification and zoogeography of the class Priapulida. I. Phylogeny and classification. Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 219–238.


The class Priapulida consists of six orders (Selkirkiomorpha, Ottoiomorpha, Priapulomorpha, Halicryptomorpha, Meiopriapulomorpha and Seticoronaria), seven families, ten genera, and 7 macrobenthic and 9 meiobenthic species. Selkirkiomorpha and Ottoiomorpha are composed of only fossil priapulids from the Middle Cambrian. Recent priapulids have the loricated larva in the postembryonic development. The phylogenetic conclusions and classification are based on the external morphology of the introvert, neck, trunk, and tail. Plesiomorphic and apomorphic states of most characters are summarized for Priapulida. A scheme of phylogenetic relationships within Priapulida and a revised classification of the class are proposed. Modified diagnoses of the class, orders, families and genera are given.

M.V. Malyutina & O.G. Kussakin. 1995. Additions to the Polar Sea bathyal and abyssal Isopoda (Crustacea, Malacostraca). Part 2. Asellota, Desmosomatidae. Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 239–260.


Ten new species of Desmosomatidae from the Canada Basin (Polar Sea) were collected at the drift station “North Pole 22”. Seven of them – Balbidocolon polare sp. n., Eugerda mandibulata sp. n., Eugerda gurjanovae sp. n., Eugerda dubia sp. n., Cryodesma cryoabyssale sp. n., Chelator stellae sp. n., Oecidiobranchus glacialis sp. n. – are described. The other three species remain undescribed being poorly preserved.

A.V. Tolstikov. 1995. A new species of Hydrozetes from Northern Siberia (Acariformes, Oribatei: Hydrozetidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 261–266.


Description of adults and immatures of the new species Hydrozetes (Heloribates) tamarae from the taiga bogs of the Tynmen Province and the polygonal bogs of the mouth of Kolyma River is presented.

I.M. Kerzhner. 1995. Type specimens of Heteroptera described by L.R. Meyer-Dür. Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 267–269.


A list of L.R. Meyer-Dür’s extant type specimens of European Miridae and Argentinian Nabidae in the Amarican Museum of Natural History is given. Lectotypes are designated for 15 nominal species. Previous lectotype designations for Psallus argyrotrichus Fieber and Psallus dilutus Fieber are considered invalid. A new synonymy is established: Psallus haematodes (Gmelin, 1790) = Plagiognathus decolor Lindberg, 1934.

I.M. Kerzhner & Yu.A. Popov. 1995. Type specimens of Miridae described by O.M. Reuter in the Zoological Museum of the Moscow University (Heteroptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 270–272.


The Fedtshenko’s collection from Middle Asia kept in the Zoological Museum of the Moscow University was examined. A list of type specimens of Miridae described by O.M. Reuter and kept in this collection is given. Lectotypes of 22 species-group taxa are designated.

I.M. Kerzhner. 1995. Type specimens of Paiaearctic Miridae and Nabidae in the Museum of Natural History in Vienna (Heteroptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 273–278.


A list of type specimens of Palaearctic Miridae and Nabidae in the Museum of Natural History in Vienna is given. Capsus rubrinervis Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835 is placed again in synonymy with Calocoris instabilis Fieber, 1861, but as presumable synonym. Lectotypes of 44 species-group taxa of Miridae and of one species of Nabidae are designated.

A.V. Matalin. 1995. The larvae of the ground beetle Bradycellus (Tachycellus) glabratus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalini). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 279–291.


Three instars of the Siberian Bradycellus (Tachycellus) glabratus Reitt. larvae are described for the first time. Differential diagnoses of the subgenera Tachycellus Mor., Bradycellus Er., Stenocellus Casey and the genus Bradycellus as well as a key to the subgenera and species of Bradycellus based on the larval characters are presented.

A.V. Gorochov. 1995. A new species of Pseudomogoplistes from Morocco and Portugal (Orthoptera: Mogoplistidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 292.


Pseudomogoplistes vicentae sp. n. differs distinctly from the 3 other species of this genus in peculiarities of coloration and details of abdominal apex.

A.S. Zamotajiov & H. Sawada. 1995. New species of the genus Apatrobus Habu & Baba, 1960 from Tibet (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 293–297.


Two new species and one subspecies and of the genus Apatrobus from SE Tibet are described: A. koiwayai sp. n., A. koiwayai demulensis ssp. n., and A. dentatus sp. n.

M.Yu. Kalashian. 1995. Description of the larva of Euspilotus perrisi (Coleoptera: Histeridae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 298–300.


The larva of Euspilotus perrisi (Mars.) is described, illustrated and compared with previously known larvae of Saprininae (Coleoptera, Histeridae).

V.A. Krivokhatsky. 1995. Antlions of the subgenus Ganussa (genus Neuroleon) from Middle Asia (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 301–306.


A key to four species of the subgenus Ganussa from the countries of MiddleAsia, the former USSR republics, is presented. N. (G.) lukhtanovi sp. n. and N. (G.) zakharenkoi sp. n. are described.

S.A. Belokobylskij. 1995. A new Palaearctic genus of the subfamily Ichneutinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 307–310.


A new Palaearctic genus Pseudichneutes gen. n. (with type species Ichneutes levis Wesmael, 1835) of the subfamily Ichneutinae is described and illustrated.

V.A. Kirpichnikova. 1995. Species of the genus Opsibotys Warren of Russia (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 311–312.


A key to two species of the genus Opsibotys Warren occuring in Russia is presented. O. hasanensis sp. n. from the Primorsk Terr. of Russia is described. O. perfuscalis Munroe & Mutuura is downgraded to subspecies of O. fuscalis Den. & Schiff., its female genitalia are described and figured for the first time.

E.P. Nartshuk. 1995. A new fossil acrocerid fly from the Jurassic beds of Kazakhstan (Diptera: Acroceridae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 313–315.


Juracyrtus kovalevi gen. et sp. n. is described from the Upper Jurassic (Malm, Karabastauz suite) of Karatau Ridge, Chimkent Province, Kazakhstan. Comparison with Archocyrtus gibbosus Ussatchev known from the same deposits is given.

V.A. Richter & S.N. Myariseva. 1995. The tachinid genus Erynniopsis new to the fauna of Middle Asia (Diptera: Tachinidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 316.


The genus Erynniopsis Townsend is for the first time recorded from Middle Asia (Turkmenistan). E. antennata Rd. was reared from leaf-beetle Diorhabda elongata Brulle.

A.O. Averianov & L.S. Glickman. 1995. A new species of squalid shark from the Lower Paleocene of the Saratov Province, Russia (Chondrichthyes: Squalidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 317–319.


Centrophoroides volgensis sp. n. from the Lower Paleocene (Danian) deposits near Lysye Gory village in Saratov Prov. (Russia) is described. It is characterized by the relatively large size of teeth, relatively high main cusp and widened basement of the apron on tooth crowns.

S.Yu. Storozhenko. 1995. A new species of Grylloblattella Storozhenko, 1988 from Siberia (Grylloblattida). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4(2): 320.


A new species of the previously monotypic genus Grylloblattella is described.

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