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Volume 24, Number 1, 2015, pp. 1–139
Managing editor: A.V. GorochovI.O. Nekhaev. 2015. Occurrence of Obtusella intersecta in the Barents Sea (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Rissoidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(1): 3-8. Abstract  Obtusella intersecta (S. Wood, 1857) was recorded from several sites of the Murman Coast which is the most northeast locality for this species and the first case of finding of O. intersecta in the Barents Sea and Russian waters. The description of the shell, the soft body and the female reproductive system of found specimens is provided. |
L.N. Anisyutkin. 2015. A new species of the genus Cranopygia (Dermaptera: Pygidicranidae: Pygidicraninae) from Vietnam. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(1): 9–13. Abstract  A new earwig of the genus Cranopygia, C. nova sp. nov., is described from South Vietnam (Kon Tum Province). A detailed morphological description of the new species is given. |
Abstract  New cockroaches of the family Blaberidae are described from Southern Sumatra: two new species of the genus Cyrtonotula Uvarov, 1939, C. secunda sp. nov. and C. tertia sp. nov. (Epilamprinae); and one new species of the genus Paranauphoeta J.W.H. Rehn, 1951, P. pullata sp. nov. (Paranauphoetinae). Detailed morphological descriptions of the new species are given. Structures of the male genitalia of the genus Cyrtonotula are described for the first time. Hypothesis on the relationships of these new taxa as well as Morphna maculata Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1865, Rhabdoblatta sp. and Pseudophoraspis sp. based on 28S ribosomal DNA sequences is discussed. |
A.V. Gorochov. 2015. Evolution and taxonomic significance of the copulatory apparatus in Ensifera (Orthoptera). Part 2: Male genitalia in Grylloidea. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(1): 31–41. Abstract  In the superfamily Grylloidea, the main trends in the evolution of the copulatory apparatus were probably connected with the transformation of simple membranous (hagloid) genitalia, characteristic of ancient groups of Ensifera, into a complicated organ with highly specialized sclerites for fixation of the female during copulation. This evolutionary process was probably accompanied by partial reduction and disappearance of paraproctal hooks or other external abdominal processes which may have been used by these ancient groups for female fixation. Sclerites in the male genitalia of Grylloidea appeared independently not less than four times: in Gryllotalpidae, Myrmecophilidae, Gryllidae and Mogoplistidae. This hypothesis, proposed by Gorochov in 1984, was one of the reasons for division of the recent Grylloidea into four families. Each of the first three families acquired sclerites in the male genitalia once, whereas Mogoplistidae possibly acquired them more than once: male genitalia of the tribe Mogoplistini are of the hagloid type, membranous; in most genera of Arachnocephalini (Mogoplistinae), in Pseudomogoplistes (Mogoplistinae) and in Malgasiinae, male genitalia have three types of sclerites which could have also appeared independently. Moreover, many sclerites of the male genitalia in Grylloidea are formed independently and have significant convergent similarity; this is why the nomenclature of male genital structures based partly on their function and position but not exclusively on their homology is simpler and much more suitable for descriptions and morphological investigations. This nomenclature is considered here. |
A.V. Gorochov. 2015. New data on the genus Peracca (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae) in Malaysia, with description of two new species. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(1): 42–47. Abstract  Peracca omissa sp. nov. and P. derelicta sp. nov. from western part of Malaysia are described. These species are very similar to P. conspicuithorax Griffini, 1897 and P. mirzai Tan et Ingrisch, 2014 but differs from them in the shape of some male abdominal structures. Peracca macritchiensis Tan et Ingrisch, 2014, syn. nov. from Singapore is synonymized to P. tiomani Gorochov, 2011 described from Tioman I. near southern part of Malacca Peninsula. |
A.V. Gorochov & S.YU. Storozhenko. 2015. New and little-known taxa of the tribe Diestramimini (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae: Aemodogryllinae) from Southeast Asia. Part 1. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(1): 48–84. Abstract  A new subgenus, 19 new species and two new subspecies are described from Vietnam, Laos and China: Tamdaotettix (Tamdaotettix) aculeatus sp. nov., T. (T.) flexus sp. nov., T. (T.) laocai sp. nov., T. (Laotettix subgen. nov.) tarasovi sp. nov., T. (L.) curvatus sp. nov., T. (L.) minutus sp. nov., T. (L.) inflatus sp. nov., T. (L.) sympatricus sp. nov., T. (?) robustus sp. nov., Gigantettix laosensis sp. nov., G. maximus auster subsp. nov., Diestramima hainanensis sp. nov., D. bispinosa sp. nov., D. hamata sp. nov., D. propria sp. nov., D. yunnanensis sp. nov., D. champasak sp. nov., Adiestramima adunca sp. nov., A. bella sp. nov., A. elongata sp. nov., A. perfecta hue subsp. nov. Previously unknown male of G. maximus maximus Gorochov, 1998 and imago of D. palpata (Rehn, 1906) are described on the base of a new material. New distributional data for some species are given. |
Libin Ma & A.V. Gorochov. 2015. The cricket genus Abaxitrella (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Podoscirtinae) in China, with description of one new species. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(1): 85–89. Abstract  The genus Abaxitrella Gorochov, 2002 is recorded from China for the first time. Abaxitrella uncinata sp. nov. is discovered in the Chinese province Fujian; its description and illustrations as well as a key to Abaxitrella species are given. |
S.YU. Storozhenko. 2015. New species of the genus Rhopalotettix Hancock, 1910 (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae, Metrodorinae) from Vietnam. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(1): 90–93. Abstract  Rhopalotettix vietnamensis sp. nov. is described from Vietnam. The new species is similar to R. chinensis Tinkham, 1939 in a distinct median carina of the fastigium (in all the other congeners, median carina is absent) and differs from the latter species by the rostrum with almost parallel lateral sides and by a narrow tegmen, visible part of which is 2.3 times narrower than mid femur (in R. chinensis, rostrum with the lateral sides gradually converging to the acute apex, and visible part of tegmen is almost as broad as mid femur). |
I.A. Gavrilov-Zimin & E.M. Danzig. 2015. Some additions to the mealybug fauna (Homoptera: Coccinea: Pseudococcidae) of the Canary Islands. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(1): 94–98. Abstract  Five species of mealybug (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) were found to be new for the Canary Islands and more widely – for Macaronesia or for the whole Hesperian (Mediterranean-Macaronesian) zoogeographical region. In addition one species, Phenacoccus guanchorum sp. nov., is described and illustrated as new for science. |
S.V. Kazantsev. 2015. New species of the subgenus Elgodexoris (genus Dexoris) and a new genus of the tribe Dexorini (Leptolycinae) from East Africa, with notes on the status of Mimolibnetinae (Coleoptera: Lycidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(1): 99–107. Abstract  A new genus Kurbatovia gen. nov. is erected for Dexoris chome Bocák, Grebennikov et Masek, 2013. Four new species, Dexoris (Elgodexoris) rwandensis sp. nov., D. (E.) nyungwensis sp. nov., D. (E.) svetlanae sp. nov. and D. (E.) maikoensis sp. nov., are described from Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A key to species of the subgenus Elgodexoris Bocák et Bocáková, 1988 is provided. Mimolibnetinae is revalidated as a distinct subfamily. |
A.I. Khalaim. 2015. A new species of Phradis Förster (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Tersilochinae) from Japan. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(1): 108–112. Abstract  A new species, Phradis hikosanus sp. nov. from South Japan is described and illustrated. It differs from other species of the genus in its disproportionately small globose head and strongly compressed laterally mesosoma (lateral sides of mesosoma are almost flat). A key to three species of Phradis occurring in Japan is provided. |
S.A. Belokobylskij & C. Villemant. 2015. Platyspathius picardi sp. nov., a new European species of the genus Platyspathius Viereck, 1911 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Doryctinae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(1): 113–120. Abstract  A new Western Palaearctic species of the genus Platyspathius Viereck, 1911, P. picardi sp. nov. is described and illustrated. This species is the most similar to the Afrotropical P. clymene Nixon, 1941 and the Eastern Palaearctic P. hospitus Belokobylskij et Ku, 2001 with which it is compared. A key for determination of the Palaearctic species of Platyspathius is provided. |
S.N. Myartseva. 2015. A replacement name for Encarsia antennata Myartseva, 2014 (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(1): 121. Abstract  A replacement name, Encarsia flagellata nom. nov., is proposed for E. antennata Myartseva, 2014, a junior homonym of E. antennata Myartseva, 2008. |
Abstract  New data on morphology of the head region of euconodonts are discussed based on a study of its imprint from the Lower Carboniferous deposits of the Polar Urals (Russia); on its external ventral surface, the animal had an oval expansion of the head region, supposedly, a mouth food sac. A similar structure is also described in one of the imprints from Granton (Great Britain) exposed from internal surfaces. A hypothesis is put forward on the mechanism of functioning of the feeding apparatus in euconodonts which consists of hard S, M, and P tooth elements and H attaching skeletal elements as well as soft connective structures. The food sac probably served for filtering food particles from the water which was removed through special openings and for formation of the food bolus and transferring the latter into the alimentary canal (gut). These data gave to reasons for a new interpretation of feeding behaviour of euconodonts. It is suggested that the euconodont animals were filter feeders adapted to the near-bottom dwelling over substrates, where there was greatest concentration of small food items available for filtration. |
M.V. Nazarkin & Y. Yabumoto. 2015. New fossils of Neogene pricklebacks (Actinopterygii: Stichaeidae) from East Asia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(1): 128–137. Abstract  Two new findings of fossil pricklebacks (Pisces: Stichaeidae) from the Miocene deposits of Honshu Island (Japan) and Kamchatka Peninsula (Russia) are described. Both specimens are incomplete and cannot be identified below either family or subfamily level. Nevertheless, these findings suggest wide distribution of stichaeids in the North-Western Pacific during the Miocene. The specimen from the deep-sea Bessho Formation of Honshu represents the first fossil record of pricklebacks of the subfamily Lumpeninae. |
V.M. Gnezdilov. 2015. BOOK REVIEW. Chen X.-S., Zhang Z.-G. & Chang Z.-M. Issidae and Caliscelidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) from China. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang, 2014. 242 p. ISNB 978-7-80662-979-6. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(1): 138–139. Abstract  |
Volume 24, Number 2, 2015, pp. 143–306
Managing editor: D.A. GaponB.I. Sirenko. 2015. New species of Parachiton (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from the South China Sea. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(2): 143–147. Abstract  A new chiton species Parachiton laevisquamatus sp. nov. was described from the southeastern South China Sea. It differs from congeners in having smooth dorsal scales, trapezoidallyshaped intermediate valves in rostral view and a shorter antemucronal area of the tail valve. |
E.M. Chaban, I.O. Nekhaev & P.A. Lubin. 2015. Hermania indistincta comb. nov. (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia: Cephalaspidea) from the Barents Sea – new species and genus for the fauna of the Russian Seas. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(2): 148–154. Abstract  Hermania indistincta (Ohnheiser et Malaquias, 2013) comb. nov. is recorded for the first time for the Barents Sea and the Russian marine fauna. Based on the morphology of the studied specimens the diagnosis of the genus Hermania Monterosato, 1884 is emended. The taxonomic significance of the spiral shell sculpture in the genus Hermania is discussed. |
Abstract  Two genera of the American Phaneropterinae are discussed: Viadana Walker, 1869; Tomeophera Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1878. The former tribe Viadanini is considered as a subtribe (Viadanina Cadena-Castañeda, 2012, stat. nov.) including Viadana, Tomeophera and two other possible genera only; for the genus Anaulacomera Stål, 1873, a separate subtribe (Anaulacomerina Brunner-Warttenwyl, 1878, stat. nov.) is proposed. The genus Ctenophlebia Stål, 1874, gen. resurr. as well as V. transversa Walker, 1869, sp. resurr. and T. piracicabensis (Piza, 1971), sp. resurr. are restored from synonymy to Viadana, C. myrtifolia (Linnaeus, 1758) and T. modesta Brunner-Wattemwyl, 1891, respectively; two former genera are included in the genus Viadana as its subgenera Paraviadana Piza, 1980, stat. nov. and Proviadana Hebard, 1933, stat. nov.; and V. griffini (Giglio-Tos, 1897), comb. nov. is transferred to the latter genus from the genus Tomeophera. The following new taxa (43) from Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, French Guiana and Guatemala are described: Arcuadana subgen. nov. (in the genus Viadana); V. (V.) hamata sp. nov.; V. (V.) semihamata sp. nov.; V. (V.) ultrahamata sp. nov.; V. (V.) obliqua sp. nov.; V. (V.) satipo sp. nov.; V. (V.) bulbosa sp. nov.; V. (V.) biloba sp. nov.; V. (V.) aguarico sp. nov.; V. (V.) amboro sp. nov.; V. (V.) piracicabae strelnikovi subsp. nov.; V. (V.) brasiliensis mercadoi subsp. nov.; V. (V.) diegomendesi sp. nov.; V. (A.) cusco sp. nov.; V. (A.) dentata sp. nov.;V. (A.) abbreviata sp. nov.; V. (A.) nulla sp. nov.; V. (A.) appendiculata sp. nov.; V. (A.) ordinaria sp. nov.;V. (A.) o. signata subsp. nov.; V. (A.) decora sp. nov.; V. (A.) arcuata sp. nov.; V. (A.) tristis sp. nov.; V. (A.) barrancoi sp. nov.; V. (A.) brunneri sp. nov.; V. (A.) hebardi sp. nov.; V. (Paraviadana) intermedia sp. nov.; V. (P.) i. atalaya subsp. nov.; V. (P.) cercata sp. nov.; V. (P.) c. cuyabeno subsp. nov.; V. (P.) napo sp. nov.; V. (P.?) aenigma sp. nov.; V. (Proviadana) ornata sp. nov.; V. (Pr.) lobulata sp. nov.; V. (Pr.) proxima sp. nov.; V. (Pr.) illobulata sp. nov.; V. (Pr.) taediosa sp. nov.; V. (Pr.) guatemalensis sp. nov.; T. semilata sp. nov.; T. s. boliviana subsp. nov.; T. ucayali sp. nov.; T. australis sp. nov.; T. modesta angusta subsp. nov. Lectotype for V. (A.) difformis (Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1878) is designated; male of V. (A.) fruhstorferi (Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1891) is described for the first time. |
A.V. Gorochov, P. Dawwrueng & T. Artchawakom. 2015. Study of Gryllacridinae (Orthoptera: Stenopelmatidae) from Thailand and adjacent countries: the genera Diaphanogryllacris and Gryllacris. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(2): 219–235. Abstract  A new material on the genera Diaphanogryllacris Karny, 1937 and Gryllacris Audinet-Serville, 1831 from Thailand and Laos is considered. Seven new species and subspecies are described: D. adunca sp. nov.; D. orlovi sp. nov.; D. panitvongi sp. nov.; D. p. boulapha subsp. nov.; D. laeta makbuni subsp. nov.; G. thailandi facemarmiger subsp. nov.; G. longiloba sp. nov. |
I.A. Gavrilov-Zimin. 2015. System of generic groups in mealybugs (Homoptera: Coccinea: Pseudococcidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(2): 236–259. Abstract  The paper provides a brief conspectus of the system of morphological generic groups, elaborated earlier by the author basing on the total taxonomic revision of Palaearctic mealybugs. Here the system is complemented by the analysis of all 249 genera of the world fauna. Borders of two generic groups are reconsidered and two else groups (with mainly Oriental and Australasian genera) are included in the system. Main taxonomic characters of generic rank are discussed and illustrated. |
B.M. Kataev & I.I. Kabak. 2015. A new species of the subgenus Trichocellus (genus Dicheirotrichus) from Xinjiang, China (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalini). Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(2): 260–265. Abstract  Dicheirotrichus (Trichocellus) pevtsovi sp. nov. is described from the western and southern outlying districts of Taklimakan Desert, southwestern Xinjiang, China. |
V.G. Chemyreva. 2015. New and little known species of the genus Spilomicrus (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae) from the Eastern Palaearctic. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(2): 266–278. Abstract  Three new species, Spilomicrus pilosiventris sp. nov. from the Far East of Russia, Japan, China, Taiwan and Nepal, S. comatus sp. nov. from Japan and the Far East of Russia and S. sergeyi sp. nov. from the Primorskiy Territory of Russia, are described and illustrated. Spilomicrus kumaonensis Sharma, 1980 is recorded for the first time for the fauna of the Far East of Russia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Nepal. |
A.L. Lvovsky. 2015. Two new species of the genus Acria (Lepidoptera: Peleopodidae) from South-East Asia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(2): 279–281. Abstract  Acria javanica sp. nov. and A. sulawesica sp. nov. are described from Indonesia. |
E.P. Nartshuk, X. Liu & D. Yang. 2015. Grassflies of the genus Merochlorops (Diptera: Chloropidae) from South-East Asia with description of a new species. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(2): 282–291. Abstract  Chloropid flies of the genus Merochlorops Howlett, 1909 (Diptera: Chloropidae) from the mainland part of South-East Asia are reviewed. A key to determination of nine species is proposed. A new species, M. punctifrons, is described from Thailand. The new data on the distribution and life mode of larvae are given for other species. |
V.V. Sakhvon. 2015. A contribution to the fauna of robber flies (Diptera: Asilidae) of Belarus. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(2): 292–302. Abstract  An annotated list of robber flies (Diptera: Asilidae) occurring in Belarus is presented based on the original material and published data. Totally 36 species are recorded, 35 of them based on the author’s material. Ten species are recorded from Belarus for the first time. |
N.V. Denisenko. 2015. New species of the genus Parasmittina (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata: Smittinidae) from the Chukchi Sea. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(2): 303–306. Abstract  A new species of the genus Parasmittina Osburn, 19521, P. tatianae sp. nov., is described and illustrated. It was obtained from a surface of mollusk shells in the south-eastern part of the Chukchi Sea. The new species differs from congeners in the size of zooids, in the shapes of the primary orifice and peristome and in the morphology of the lyrula and the condyles. |