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Volume 29, Number 1, 2020, pp. 3–161

Managing editor: D.A. Gapon, A.V. Frolov

I.A. Gavrilov-Zimin & B.A. Borisov. 2020. Aleuroclava aucubae (Homoptera: Aleyrodinea), a new adventive species for Russian Black Sea Coast, and its concomitant entomoparasitic fungus Conoideocrella luteorostrata (Ascomycota: Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 3–10.


An Oriental species of whiteflies, Aleuroclava aucubae (Kuwana, 1911), was collected for the first time from the territory of Russia (the Black Sea Coast of Russian Caucasus, Sochi National Park). The species was found to form dense colonies of ultimolarvae (pseudopupae) on leaves of Ficus carica and Ulmus glabra. Some of the ultimolarvae were infected by the fungus Conoideocrella luteorostrata (Zimmermann, 1901) Johnson et al., 2009. A morphological description of the pseudopupa of A. aucubae, with the original figure and photos are provided.

S.Ya. Tsalolikhin. 2020. Two new species of free-living nematodes (Nematoda) from Vietnam. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 11–16.


Two new species of nematodes from the families Monhysteridae and Tobrilidae are described. Nematodes were collected from small forest ponds in North and Central Vietnam. Monhystera vietnamica sp. nov. differs from morphologically close M. uncigubernaculum Zedan, Jacobset et Geraert, 1989 mainly in longer vagina and rectum, from M. rolandi Khan et Tahseen, 2006 in longer cephalic setae and presence of ocellus. Brevitobrilus larae sp. nov. differs from morphologically close B. orientalis Tsalolikhin, 2013 mainly in longer body and longer and thinner, not hornlike cephalic setae. The genus Brevitobrilus was previously represented in Vietnam only by the species B. stefanskii (Micoletzky, 1925).

V.G. Kaplin. 2020. A new species of bristletails of the genus Petrobiellus (Microcoryphia: Machilidae) from Sakhalin. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 17–22.


Petrobiellus sachalinensis sp. nov. from the northwest of Sakhalin Island (Russia) is described and illustrated. It is compared with the three other known species of the genus, P. takunagae Silvestri, 1943 from Honshu Island (Japan), P. curvistylis Uchida, 1954 from Hachijo-jima Island (Japan), and P. kusakini Kaplin, 1980 from Simushir Island (Russia). The new species can be distinguished from the congeners by the colour of body and scales, by distribution of pigment, by colour and shape of paired ocelli, and by structure of compound eyes, maxillary palps, legs, urites, and ovipositor.

S.A. Belokobylskij & Ch.-Sh. Lin. 2020. A new species of the genus Ecphylus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Doryctinae) from Taiwan, with a diagnostic character previously unknown in the genus. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 23–32.


A short review of the genera Ecphylus Foerster, 1863 and Sycosoter Picard et Lichtenstein, 1917 is given. A new species, Ecphylus lini sp. nov., from Taiwan Island is described. Unlike all other species in the genus, it has the strongly striate second metasomal tergite. The species was reared from the bark beetle Scolytus japonicus Chapuis, 1875 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae). The genus Ecphylus is recorded in the Oriental fauna for the first time. The following new combinations are suggested: Sycosoter alboapicalis (Belokobylskij, 1993), comb. nov.; S. brevitergum (Belokobylskij, 1993), comb. nov.; S. conformis (Belokobylskij, 2009), comb. nov.; S. hahajimus (Belokobylskij et Maeto, 2008), comb. nov.; S. konishii (Belokobylskij, 2009), comb. nov.; S. medianus (Belokobylskij, Iqbal et Austin, 2004), comb. nov.; S. subtropicalis (Belokobylskij, 2009), comb. nov.; and S. topali (Papp, 1993), comb. nov.

V.M. Loskot & G.B. Bakhtadze. 2020. Distribution, systematics and nomenclature of the three taxa of Common Stonechats (Aves, Passeriformes, Muscicapidae, Saxicola) that breed in the Caucasian region. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 33–57.


Geographic distribution and habitat preferences of Saxicola rubicola rubicola (Linnaeus, 1766), S. maurus variegatus (S.G. Gmelin, 1774), and S. m. armenicus (Stegman, 1935) inhabiting the Caucasian Isthmus and adjacent areas are described in detail. We examined the individual, sexual, age, seasonal and geographical variations of seven main diagnostic features of both plumage and morphometrics (exactly, the length of wing and tail) using 381 skin specimens. Substantially improved diagnoses of S. m. variegatus and S. m. armenicus are provided. After a thorough examination of the materials and history of the expedition of Samuel Gmelin in 1768–1774, and his description of Parus variegatus, it was concluded that the type locality of this taxon was the vicinity of Shamakhi in Azerbaijan not Enzeli in North-Western Turkey. It is also shown the fallacy of the recently proposed attribution of the holotype of the northern subspecies S. m. variegatus to the southern taxon S. m. armenicus and synonymisation of these names, as well as the replacement of the name S. m. variegatus by its junior synonym S. m. hemrichii Ehrenberg, 1833 for the northern subspecies.

A.V. Gorochov & V.V. Izerskyy. 2020. A new replacement name for Bezverkhovia Gorochov, 2018 (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Podoscirtinae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 58–59.


The generic name Bezverkhovia Gorochov, 2018 assigned to the cricket genus from South America is a junior homonym of the generic name in Vietnamese Lepidoptera. The new replacement name Eubezverkhovia nom. nov. is proposed here instead of the aforementioned homonymic name. The following new combinations are also suggested: Eubezverkhovia lydia (Gorochov, 2018), comb. nov. and E.? huanchaca (Gorochov, 2017), comb. nov.

V.N. Podshivalina & N.G. Sheveleva. 2020. First record of Sinodiaptomus sarsi (Copepoda: Calanoida) from the East European Plain. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 60–69.


The calanoid copepod species Sinodiaptomus sarsi (Rylov, 1923) is recorded from the East European Plain (the Sura River floodplain, Middle Volga Region, Russia) for the first time. A brief description and illustrations of the species are provided, and some differences between its European and Asian populations are revealed. The studied population of S. sarsi from the Sura River basin is mostly similar in morphological characters to populations from China and Japan.

S.K. Korb & A.Yu. Matov. 2020. A new species of the genus Polychrysia (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Plusiinae) from the Inner Tian-Shan, Kyrgyzstan. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 70–74.


Polychrysia iuno sp. nov. is described from the Inner Tian-Shan, Kyrgyzstan (Dzhumgaltoo Range, Sary-Kayky Massif, right bank of Karakol River, 42°11.300′N 74°03.193′E, 2093 m asl). The new species differs from the closely related P. esmeralda (Oberthür, 1880) in the wing pattern and ground colour tone, and by the structure of male genitalia.

V.B. Golub & E.V. Sergeeva. 2020. First record of Agramma atricapillum (Heteroptera: Tingidae) from the Asian part of Russia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 75–76.


The lacebug species Agramma atricapillum (Spinola, 1837) (Heteroptera: Tingidae) is recorded in the Asian part of Russia, namely in the south of the Tyumen’ Province, for the first time.

S.K. Ryndevich & R.B. Angus. 2020. Redescription of Hydrobius pauper (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae), with a key to the Eurasian species of the genus Hydrobius. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 77–86.


The little-known water scavenger beetle Hydrobius pauper Sharp, 1884 has only ever been recorded from Japan. Based on the type series, the species is redescribed and its diagnostic features are clarified. The lectotype of H. pauper is designated. This species is compared with other Eurasian representatives of the genus Hydrobius Leach, 1815. A key to all Eurasian species of the genus is given.

B.I. Sirenko. 2020. Leptochiton tahitiensis sp. nov. (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Leptochitonidae) from the Society Islands, Polynesia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 87–92.


A new chiton species, Leptochiton tahitiensis sp. nov., is described from Polynesia. The new species differs from other congeners in the structure of granules of tegmentum, in dorsal scales and teeth of radula.

B.I. Sirenko & T. Nguyen Tai. 2020. First findings of the rare chiton Acanthochitona leopoldi (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) in the South China Sea. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 93–100.


The rare chiton Acanthochitona leopoldi (Leloup, 1933) is recorded for the first time from the Spratly Islands (Truong Sa), Vietnam. The species is redescribed based on the scanning electron microscope examination of the recently collected specimens. Age variability of the shell, radula and perinotum of this species is also given.

J. Mortelmans. 2020. Resurrection of the name Limnia testacea (Diptera: Sciomyzidae), with L. setosa as a new synonym, and the first record of L. testacea from Mongolia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 101–108.


The status of the names Pherbina testacea (Sack, 1939) and Limnia setosa Yano, 1978 is revised based on the examination of the type material of both the species, additional specimens and an analysis of the published data. The following taxonomic changes are proposed: Ph. testacea is returned to the genus Limnia, as Limnia testacea, comb. resurr., and L. setosa, syn. nov., is placed in synonymy with L. testacea. The records of L. testacea (under both names) are reviewed. Limnia testacea is recorded for the first time from Mongolia, which considerably extends the range of this species.

E.V. Tselikh. 2020. Review of the genus Globimesosoma (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae), with the description of a new species from the Russian Far East. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 109–114.


A review of Globimesosoma Xiao et Huang, 2001 is given. The genus is recorded from the Palaearctic region for the first time. A new species, Globimesosoma amurense sp. nov., is described from the Russian Far East. Type material of the only previously known Oriental species, Globimesosoma yaoarum Xiao et Huang, 2001, is redescribed and illustrated. A key for the two known species of Globimesosoma is provided.

E.V. Tsvetkov. 2020. A new species of the genus Homoeosoma (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Phycitinae) from the Leningrad Province, Russia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 115–121.


Homoeosoma oxyargentella sp. nov. is described from the Leningrad Province of Russia. The new species can be distinguished by very short wedge-shaped processes of vinculum, rather narrow valva, relatively long sacculus, and straight or only slightly convex anterior margin of gnathos in male genitalia; and by elongate signa, short eighth tergum, and short posterior apophyses in females. A key to the European species of the genus Homoeosoma Curtis, 1833 is given based on the male genitalia and external characters.

A.V. Sinchuk, S.V. Buga & S.V. Baryshnikova. 2020. First record of the walnut leaf miner Caloptilia roscipennella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) in Belarus, with a note on synonymy. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 122–127.


The walnut leaf miner Caloptilia roscipennella (Hübner, 1796) is recorded for the first time in Belarus. The larvae of this species damage leaves of the common walnut (Juglans regia L.). In 2015, C. roscipennella was registered in a number of geographical locations in the Brest and Gomel provinces. In subsequent years, the species was found only in the same places. It is shown that the name C. roseipennella Anikin, Zolotukhin et Kirichenko, 2016, syn. nov., being an unjustified emendation, is a junior synonym of C. roscipennella (Hübner, 1796) in accordance with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, Articles 32.5.1 and 33.2.3.

I.O. Nekhaev & E.N. Krol. 2020. A review of the genus Anatoma in the Eurasian Arctic seas (Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda: Anatomidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 128–137.


A taxonomic review of the genus Anatoma Woodward, 1859 in the Eurasian Arctic seas is presented. The new species A. golikovi sp. nov. is described from the northwestern part of the Barents Sea. The species differs from all other Arctic and North Atlantic Anatoma in having a flat spire. We consider Anatoma schioettei Høisæter et Geiger, 2011, syn. nov., a junior synonym of A. crispata (Fleming, 1828). Anatoma schanderi Høisæter et Geiger, 2011 is recorded for the first time from the Siberian seas.

R.V. Smirnov, O.V. Zaitseva & A.A. Vedenin. 2020. A remarkable pogonophoran from a desalted shallow near the mouth of the Yenisey River in the Kara Sea, with the description of a new species of the genus Galathealinum (Annelida: Pogonophora: Frenulata). Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 138–154.


A new species of Pogonophora obtained from one station at a depth of 25 m from near the Dikson Island in the Kara Sea is described. Galathealinum karaense sp. nov. is one of the largest pogonophorans, the first known representative of the rare genus Galathealinum Kirkegaard, 1956 in the Eurasian part of the Arctic Ocean and a highly unusual finding for the desalted shallow of the Yenisey Gulf. Several characters occurring in the new species are rare or unique among the congeners: under-developed, hardly discernible frills on the tube segments, extremely thin felted fibres in the external layer of the tube, and very faintly separated papillae in the anterior part of the trunk. Morphological characters useful in distinguishing species within the genus Galathealinum are defined and summarised in a table. Diagnosis of the genus Galathealinum is emended and supplemented by new characters. Additionally, three taxonomic keys are provided to the species of Galathealinum and to the known species of the Arctic pogonophorans using either animals or their empty tubes only, with the brief zoogeographical information on each Arctic species.

D.A. Evstigneev & N.V. Glukhova. 2020. First records of two species of Tephritidae and one species of Platystomatidae (Diptera) from Transcaucasia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(1): 155–161.


Two species of Tephritidae, Tephritis conyzifoliae Merz, 1992 and Tephritomyia lauta (Loew, 1869), and one species of Platystomatidae, Platystoma dimidiatum Hendel, 1913, are recorded for the first time from Armenia and Transcaucasia at large. The larvae of T. conyzifoliae develop in two species of Crepis, C. pannonica (Jacq.) K. Koch and C. ciliata C. Koch. The latter species is recorded for the first time as a host plant of T. conyzifoliae. Tephritomyia lauta were reared from Echinops sp. The morphological details of all three species of flies are illustrated in colour photos, as well as the host plants of the two species of tephritids.

Volume 29, Number 2, 2020, pp. 165–367

Managing editor: A.V. Frolov

H.J. Gasca-Álvarez & U. Bosia. 2020. Scarab beetle Cyclocephala panthera (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini): redescription and the first record from Colombia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 165–171.


The scarab beetle Cyclocephala panthera Dechambre, 1979, previously known from Brazil, Bolivia and Peru, is recorded from Colombia for the first time and redescribed. The redescription is provided with illustrations of the diagnostic characters and a map of the known distribution of the species.

B.M. Kataev. 2020. Description of a new subgenus of Trichotichnus (Coleoptera: Carabidae), with two new species from the Western Ghats (India), and remarks on other subgenera. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 172–194.


Within Trichotichnus Morawitz, 1863, the new subgenus Parairidessus subgen. nov. is described, which includes two new species from the Western Ghats in India: T. saluki sp. nov. (type species) from Western Karnataka and T. perforatus sp. nov. from Maharashtra. Each of the species has distinctive features unusual for Trichotichnus: several setae in pronotal apical angles and tarsi densely setose dorsally in T. saluki sp. nov., and median lobe with membranous ventral side in T. perforatus sp. nov. The other subgenera of Trichotichnus (Iridessus Bates, 1883, Trichotichnus s. str., Amaroschesis Tschitschérine, 1897, and Bottchrus Jedlička, 1935) are briefly reviewed and their distinctive features are clarified. Harpalus relucens Bates, 1973 [= T. orientalis (Hope, 1845)] is considered as a type species of Iridessus Bates, 1883, which was originally designated by Tschitschérine in 1906; the more recent designation of Harpalus lucidus Morawitz, 1863 as the type species of this subgenus by Habu in 1954 is invalid. The systematic position of the Himalayan species T. tonklii Kirschenhofer, 1992 and the two North American species, T. autumnalis (Say, 1823) and T. nitidulus (Chaudoir, 1843) nom. resurr., is discussed. Harpalus fulgens Csiki, 1932 (non Dejean, 1829) is considered as an unnecessary substitute name for Harpalus nitidulus Chaudoir, 1843. A key to subgenera of Trichotichnus is provided.

B.M. Kataev, M.A. Yeshitla & J. Schmidt. 2020. Systematic position of Omostropus rotundatus and notes on some other species of Harpalina (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Ethiopia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 195–204.


Omostropus rotundatus Clarke, 1973 from the Bale Mountains (Ethiopia) is transferred to the genus Harpalus Latreille, 1802. Since the name rotundatus was already used in the latter genus, the substitute name Harpalus clarkei Kataev et Schmidt, nom. nov. is proposed for Harpalus rotundatus (Clarke, 1973), comb. nov. (non Dejean, 1829; non Chaudoir, 1844). The diagnostic characters of Harpalus and Omostropus are discussed. Data on distribution and hind wing development of some additional Ethiopian species of Harpalina mostly from the Bale and Arsi Mountains are presented.

A.A. Nadolny & A. Zamani. 2020. A new species of wolf spiders of the genus Lycosa (Aranei: Lycosidae) from Iran. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 205–212.


A large burrowing wolf spider, Lycosa macrophthalma sp. nov., is described from the holotype female from central Iran. The new species can be easily distinguished from all congeners by the presence of anterior epigynal hoods and a protrusion between their edges and the septum. Lycosa macrophthalma sp. nov., L. aragogi Nadolny et Zamani, 2017, L. piochardi Simon, 1876, L. praegrandis C.L. Koch, 1836, and L. tarantula (Linnaeus, 1758) have a similar conformation of the endogyne and represent diagnostic characters of the genus Lycosa Latreille, 1804 sensu stricto.

N.Yu. Ivanova. 2020. Classification and evolution of the burrowing sea anemones (Anthozoa: Actiniaria: Athenaria): a review of the past and current views. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 213–237.


The opinions of systematists about the classification and evolution of burrowing sea anemones have repeatedly changed over the long-term study of Actiniaria. Four stages can be distinguished over the course of the classification history. Each system was characterized by the use of mainly one particular feature. These features were: (1) characters of the external morphology, (2) arrangement of the mesenteries, (3) presence or absence of the basilar muscles and (4) molecular markers. The views on the origin and the evolution of the burrowing sea anemones were also altered more than once, that led to the emergence of several hypotheses. The burrowing sea anemones were considered as a primitive group or, on the contrary, as more advanced descendants of large hexamerous actinians.

E.E. Prokhorova, A.A. Vinogradova, A.S. Tokmakova & G.L. Ataev. 2020. The first record of the trematode Urogonimus certhiae (Trematoda: Leucochloridiidae) in the Eurasian nuthatch Sitta europaea. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 238–246.


Adult trematodes of the genus Urogonimus Monticelli, 1888 were found in the cloaca of a male Eurasian nuthatch Sitta europaea Linnaeus, 1758, the carcass of which was found in the Vyritsa Settlm. (Leningrad Prov., Northwest Russia). Based on morphological characters, the worms were identified as U. certhiae McIntosh, 1927. This is the first record of this parasite from the nuthatch and from Northwest Russia. We analysed nucleotide sequences of ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA of this species and found important differences with U. macrostomus (Rudolphi, 1803). Genetic and morphological data indicated that U. certhiae and U. macrostomus were two separate species. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed that Urogonimus and Leucochloridium Carus, 1835 were two distinct genera.

A.V. Gorochov. 2020. Taxonomy of Podoscirtinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Part 12: new taxa of the subtribe Truljaliina subtrib. nov. from Africa. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 247–257.


The subtribe Truljaliina subtrib. nov. of the tribe Podoscirtini is described; it consists of eight or ten African and two Indo-Malayan genera. The following species and subspecies of this subtribe from Africa are described as new to science: Dolichogryllus ugandaensis sp. nov. from Uganda; Pseudotruljalia speciosa pulchra subsp. nov. from Uganda; Eumadasumma? pubescens sp. nov. from South Africa; E. lucens pallescens subsp. nov. from Kenya; E. l. mlavula subsp. nov. from Swaziland. These taxa are distinguished from their relatives and from each other by the following features: the new subtribe, by the presence of a characteristic plate-like dorsal epiphallic lobe and some other characters of the male genitalia; D. ugandaensis sp. nov., mainly by a smaller V-shaped process of the male metanotal gland; P. s. pulchra subsp. nov., by a less slender pronotum and not uniformly dark fore legs; E.? pubescens sp. nov., by a more pubescent body; the both new subspecies of E. lucens, by different lengths of the ovipositors and some differences in the body colouration.

E.M. Chertoprud, D.M. Palatov & M.V. Vinarski. 2020. Revealing the stygobiont and crenobiont Mollusca biodiversity hotspot in Caucasus: Part II. Sitnikovia gen. nov., a new genus of stygobiont microsnails (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae) from Georgia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 258–266.


A new genus of stygobiont hydrobiid snails, endemic to Georgia, is described. Sitnikovia gen. nov. includes two species: S. megruli sp. nov. and S. ratschuli sp. nov., known only from their type localities (Garakha and Sakishore caves). The data of shell characters, penial morphology, and radula of the new genus are provided.

S.Yu. Storozhenko. 2020. New species of the genera Cranae and Lucretilis (Orthoptera: Acrididae) from Indonesia with taxonomic notes on the tribe Cranaeini. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 267–277.


Three species are described from Indonesia, namely Cranae lolobatensis sp. nov. (Halmahera Island), C. ferwillemsei sp. nov. (New Guinea Island) and Lucretilis balikpapan sp. nov. (Borneo Island = Kalimantan). Position of the genera Lucretilis Stål, 1878 and Cranae Stål, 1878 in the modern classification of grasshoppers is discussed. First genus belongs to the nominative tribe of the subfamily Oxyinae. The genera Cranae, Cranaella Ramme, 1941, Craneopsis C. Willemse, 1933, Opiptacris Walker, 1870, Paracranae C. Willemse, 1931, Phalaca I. Bolívar, 1906, Philicranae C. Willemse, 1955 are placed in the tribe Cranaeini Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893, stat. resurr. This tribe is transferred here from Oxyinae to the subfamily Hemiacridinae based on following characters: ventral genicular lobes of hind femora without spine; epiphallus bridge-like, not divided into two symmetric halves; zygoma apically with deep excision; valves of penis completely divided into basal and apical ones, and flexure between them absent.

S.G. Ermilov. 2020. A new species of the subgenus Scheloribates (Topobates) (Acari: Oribatida: Scheloribatidae) from Panama. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 278–283.


The oribatid mite subgenus Scheloribates (Topobates) Grandjean, 1958, is recorded from the Neotropical region for the first time. A new species of this subgenus is described from the leaf litter collected in Cayo Agua Island, Panama. Scheloribates (Topobates) panamaensis sp. nov. differs from its related species by the very large body size and presence of a strong ventrodistal process on the leg femora II–IV.

S.A. Belokobylskij. 2020. Two new species of the genus Leluthia (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Doryctinae) from Yemen. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 284–295.


Two new species of the genus Leluthia (Leluthia) from Yemen, L. (L.) abnormis sp. nov. and L. (L.) brevitergum sp. nov., are described and illustrated. This is the first record of the genus Leluthia Cameron, 1887 in the Afrotropical Region.

D.R. Kasparyan. 2020. A new ichneumonid genus (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Ctenopelmatinae) from the south of Russian Far East. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 296–300.


A new genus and species, Petiolon cephalotes gen. et sp. nov., are described in the tribe Pionini (Ichneumonidae: Ctenopelmatinae) from Primorsky Territory of Russia. The new genus differs from other genera of the tribe by its unusually long, narrow and almost straight first metasomal segment without glymmae, very broad head which is 1.7 times as wide as mesoscutum (measured between tegulae), and unusually thick ovipositor with very thin lower valves in their apical 0.25. The latter character is typical for the Pionini.

E.V. Tselikh. 2020. Review of the eastern Palaearctic species of Janssoniella (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), with descriptions of four new species. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 301–315.


The eastern Palaearctic species of the genus Janssoniella Kerrich, 1957 are reviewed. Four new species, Janssoniella albiclava Tselikh et Lee, sp. nov. and J. kawabatai Tselikh, sp. nov. (from South Korea and Japan), J. magna Tselikh et Lee, sp. nov. (from South Korea and the Russian Far East), and J. rachini Tselikh, sp. nov. (from Japan and the Russian Far East), are described and illustrated. The male of J. notata Kamijo, 1960 is described for the first time. Janssoniella caudata Kerrich, 1957 is newly recorded from eastern Siberia. An identification key to females of the six eastern Palaearctic species of Janssoniella is given.

Y. Bakhshi, G. M. Kashani & S. Sadeghi. 2020. Cylisticus ilamicus sp. nov., a new woodlouse species (Oniscidea: Cylisticidae) from Iran. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 316–322.


The second species of the woodlouse genus Cylisticus Schnitzler, 1853 is described and illustrated from Iran. Cylisticus ilamicus sp. nov. was collected in Mazhareh Cave, Ilam Province, southwestern Iran, and considered a trogloxene species. The structure of the head with rounded median lobe and without longitudinal carina distinguishes it from all other congeners.

A. Lasoń & A.G. Kirejtshuk. 2020. A new species of the genus Cryptarcha (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) from Solomon Islands. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 323–327.


Cryptarcha solomonensis sp. nov. from Solomon Islands is described. This new species belongs to the strigata-group and is similar to C. australis Reitter, 1873, but distinct from it in the somewhat slenderer body with the yellow colouration on the elytra not reaching presutural parts in their anterior half, the longer and narrower aedeagus having one brush of hairs on the apex of the tegmen and in the different structure of its ovipositor. The diagnosis of the new species is compiled on the basis of comparison with other members of the strigata-group from Australia and adjacent islands.

S.G. Ermilov, E.A. Hugo-Coetzee & A.A. Khaustov. 2020. A new species of oribatid mites of the subgenus Lanceoppia (Bicristoppia) (Acari: Oribatida: Oppiidae) from South Africa. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 328–334.


The oribatid mite subgenus Lanceoppia (Bicristoppia) Subías, 1989 (Oribatida: Oppiidae) is recorded in South Africa for the first time. A new species of this subgenus is described from soil of Hogsback State Forest (South Africa). Lanceoppia (Bicristoppia) capensis sp. nov. is similar to L. (B.) cucheana Mahunka, 1994 in having long, clavate bothridial seta with spines apically, but differs from the latter by the presence of broadly rounded rostrum, well developed costula, medium length of interlamellar and notogastral setae, and semi-quadrangular interbothridial tubercle. Summarized data on distribution and habitat of all known species of Lanceoppia (Bicristoppia) are presented.

V.E. Pilipenko & P. Starkevich. 2020. Tipula (Vestiplex) hasiya sp. nov., a new crane fly species (Diptera, Tipulidae) from Nepal. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 335–346.


A new crane fly species from Nepal, Tipula (Vestiplex) hasiya sp. nov. (Diptera: Tipulidae), is described and illustrated. The male and female genitalia are A new crane fly species from Nepal, Tipula (Vestiplex) hasiya sp. nov. (Diptera: Tipulidae), is described and illustrated. The male and female genitalia are illustrated for the most closely related species, T. (V.) subtincta Brunetti, 1912. The female of T. (V.) subtincta is described for the first time.

A.V. Gorochov. 2020. New subtribes of Arachnocephalini (Orthoptera: Mogoplistidae) and a new genus and species of this tribe from South Africa. Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 347–352.


The tribe Arachnocephalini is divided into three subtribes: [1] Pseudomogoplistina subtrib. nov. with one genus lacking ventrolateral lobes on the tarsi and having a massive Y-shaped sclerite in the male genitalia; [2] Bothromogoplistina subtrib. nov. including two genera with similar tarsi but with a different structure of the male genitalia (lacking a Y-shaped sclerite and having a long and thin virga-like sclerotised rachis inside a membranous invagination of the ventral fold); [3] Arachnocephalina Gorochov, 1984 possibly including all the other genera of this tribe (these genera are with a pair of ventrolateral lobes on the second tarsal segment and/or with the male genitalia more or less similar to those of Bothromogoplistina subtrib. nov.). One new genus with one new species (Bothromogoplistes paraproctalis gen. et sp. nov.) are described from a burrow in the arid territory of South Africa. This cricket is probably related to the genera Cycloptiloides Sjöstedt, 1910 and Eucycloptilum Chopard, 1936, but their males differ from each other in the pronotal length, the presence or absence of wings and tympana, and the shape of the paraprocts and genital plate. One species, Cycloptiloides parvum (Chopard, 1961), comb. nov., is transferred from Eucycloptilum to Cycloptiloides.

B.A. Korotyaev. 2020. A review of weevils of the genus Ceutorhynchus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), associated with woodland draba, Draba nemorosa (Brassicaceae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 29(2): 353–367.


A brief review of, and a key to eight Palaearctic species of the weevil genus Ceutorhynchus Germar, 1823 associated with the spring and summer ephemeral crucifer Draba nemorosa (Brassicaceae) are given. Two new species related to Ceutorhynchus unguicularis C.G. Thomson, 1871 are described: C. kerzhneri sp. nov. from Primorskiy Territory and Kunashir I., and C. melniki sp. nov. from Zabaikalskiy and Primorskiy territories and eastern Mongolia.

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