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Volume 27, Number 1, 2018, pp. 3–183

Managing editor: A.V. Gorochov

M.V. Vinarski. 2018. Galba robusta sp. nov. from Yemen (Gastropoda: Lymnaeidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(1): 3–10.


Mollusks of the genus Galba Schrank, 1803, inhabiting north-east Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, are separated into two morphologically distinct groups. The first group contains two conchologically indistinguishable species, G. truncatula (O.F. Müller, 1774) and G. schirazensis (Küster, 1862). The second group includes one species characterized by significantly larger size and different shell proportions as compared to G. truncatula and G. schirazensis. This species is new one and described here as G. robusta sp. nov. with type locality situated in Yemen. It is hypothesized that G. robusta sp. nov. has a vast distribution, ranging from Central Iran southwards to East Africa. A comparison of the new taxon with two nominal species of Galba, G. mweruensis (Connolly, 1929) and G. umlaasianus (Küster, 1862) described from East and South Africa, as well as some data on conchological variation of African representatives of this genus are given.

N.A. Sedova & S.S. Grigoriev. 2018. Morphological features of larvae of the genus Argis (Decapoda, Crangonidae) from coastal Kamchatka and adjacent waters. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(1): 11–33.


Larvae of five species of the family Crangonidae (Argis crassa, A. dentata, A. lar, A. ochotensis and A. ovifer) from plankton of east part of Okhotsk Sea and from Avacha Gulf are described. Morphological features of the larvae are compared for purpose of their identification in planktonic samples. The main morphological features of larvae at corresponding stages are revealed. Larvae of these species are similar in most features. Distinctions concern only several details of their structure. Figures of early and late stages of zoea are presented. It is shown that larvae of the genus Argis can have two or three zoeal stages. Generalized morphological characteristic for the larvae of shrimps from the genus Argis is given.

V.G. Kaplin & P.V. Alborova. 2018. A new species of bristletails of the genus Trigoniophthalmus Verh. (Archaeognatha, Machilidae) from the North Ossetia-Alania. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(1): 34–39.


A new bristletail species, Trigoniophthalmus fiagdoni sp. nov., is described from the North Ossetia-Alania. Its distinctive characters are discussed.

A.V. Gorochov. 2018. Taxonomic studies on the cricket subfamilies Pteroplistinae, Phaloriinae and Cacoplistinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) from the Old World. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(1): 40–76.


A new material on the subfamilies Pteroplistinae, Phaloriinae and Cacoplistinae from the Indo-Malayan and Afrotropical regions of the Old World is considered. Nineteen new taxa of these subfamilies are described: Pteroplistes malaccanus sp. nov. from Malacca, P. borneoensis sabahi subsp. nov. from Borneo, Tramlapiola? bugiamap sp. nov. from Vietnam [Pteroplistinae]; Trellius (Zatrellius) kinabalu sp. nov., T. (Z.) crocker sp. nov. and T. (Z.) tawau sp. nov. from Borneo, T. (Neotrellius) logunovi sp. nov. and T. (N.) simulator sp. nov. from Vietnam, Borneloria spinosa gen. et sp. nov. and B. moorei occidentalis subsp. nov. from Borneo, Phaloria (Papuloria) multa sp. nov. from Sulawesi and a nearest island [Phaloriinae: Phaloriini]; Subtiloria semota sp. nov. and S. succinea korup subsp. nov. from Cameroon, Schizotrypus conradti nigericus subsp. nov. from Nigeria, Afrophaloria malawi sp. nov. from Malawi, A. dja sp. nov. from Cameroon [Phaloriinae: Subtiloriini]; Homoeogryllus ambo sp. nov. from Ethiopia, H. reticulatus limbe subsp. nov. from Cameroon [Cacoplistinae: Homoeogryllini]. New data on distribution of some other species are also given.

A.V. Gorochov. 2018. The cricket subfamily Podoscirtinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) in Peru. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(1): 77–121.


At present, 86 species and subspecies of the cricket subfamily Podoscirtinae are registered in Peru, and 46 of them are found in the territory covered by the Peruvian project on invertebrate fauna of the Ene and Tambo River Basins. From this territory, 16 taxa are here described as new to science: Perutrella ashaninka sp. nov.; Bezverkhovia lydia gen. et sp. nov.; Angustitrella superuncus sp. nov.; A. nigella sp. nov.; Aphonomorphus (Aphonomorphus) paramutus sp. nov.; A. (A.) hamatus sp. nov.; A. (A.) proximus tambo subsp. nov.; A. (A.) pichiguia sp. nov.; A. (A.) stipatus longifurca subsp. nov.; A. (Euaphonus) problematicus sp. nov.; A. (E.) firmus sp. nov.; A. (?) brachyphallus sp. nov.; Spiraphonus asymmetricus longiapex subsp. nov.; Phyllogryllus crassus sp. nov.; Diatrypa (?) intersecta sp. nov. For A. (A.) venado Gor., D. (Diatrypa) signata Gor., D. (D.) decora decora Gor. и D. (Latispeculum) venado Gor., previously unknown females are described. New data on distribution and systematical position of some taxa are also given.

V.M. Gnezdilov. 2018. A new genus representing a new tribe of the family Issidae (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea) from the forest canopy of French Guiana. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(1): 122–129.


Guianaphryna dendrophila gen. et sp. nov. is described from the forest canopy of Northeastern French Guiana and represents a new tribe, Guianaphrynini trib. nov., of the subfamily Thioniinae. This tribe is characterized by the peculiar structure of the forewings bearing pustules and lacking transverse veins, and of the 3-lobed hind wings with an intermediate poorly sclerotized area between the remigial and remigio-vannal lobes which is replacing the cubital cleft, as well as with a strong intermediate vein between CuP and Pcu at the middle of the wing and rudimentary furcation of the second anal vein.

V.M. Gnezdilov. 2018. On the taxonomic position of Vindilis fornicata Stål, 1870 (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea: Issidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(1): 130–136.


The genus Vindilis Stål, 1870 is placed in the tribe Parahiraciini Cheng et Yang, 1991 based on the examination of photographs of the type specimen of its type species, Vindilis fornicata Stål, 1870. According to the hind wing structure and venation, V. fornicata is closely related to Nisoprincessa palawana Gnezdilov, 2017; both genera and species are known from the Philippines only.

V.M. Gnezdilov & D.A. Dmitriev. 2018. Proposed designation of a neotype for Issus longipennis Spinola, 1839, the type species of Thionia Stål, 1859 (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea: Issidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(1): 137–141.


Following the ICZN (1999) Articles 75.1–75.3, a neotype of Issus longipennis Spinola, 1839 is designated. This leads to the synonymy of Issus longipennis Spinola, 1839 and Issus cinctifrons Stål, 1854, syn. nov. and stabilization of the generic concept of Thionia Stål, 1859, one of the largest genera in the family Issidae which currently includes 62 species.

V.B. Golub & V.A. Soboleva. 2018. Morphological differences between Stephanitis pyri, Corythucha arcuata and C. ciliata (Heteroptera: Tingidae) distributed in the south of the European part of Russia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(1): 142–145.


The paper presents an original key for the identification of three harmful species of the lace bugs (Heteroptera: Tingidae) distributed in the south of the European part of Russia: the Palaearctic Stephanitis pyri (Fabricius, 1775) and the Nearctic Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832) and C. ciliata (Say, 1832); the last two species are invasive in Europe.

N.N. Vinokurov & V.V. Dubatolov. 2018. Desert shield bug Brachynema germarii (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) is found in the south of Eastern Siberia, Russia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(1): 146–149.


In the south of Eastern Siberia, the widespread desert bug Brachynema germarii (Kolenati, 1846) from the family Pentatomidae was found. The species was collected at light in the Trans-Baikal Territory in the Daurian State Nature Reserve not far from the border with Mongolia and in a building in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where it was probably brought from the Tyva Republic.

I.I. Kabak. 2018. Two new species of the genus Pseudotaphoxenus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Sphodrini) from Xinjiang, China. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(1): 150–156.


Two new species of the genus Pseudotaphoxenus Schaufuss, 1865 are described from the basin of upper Ili, Xinjiang, China: P. achillei sp. nov. (type locality: the right bank of the Tekes River, south of Karatogai Vill.), and P. tarantsha sp. nov. (type locality: southern foothills of Boro-Horo Range, left bank of Piliktshi [Pilikchi] River, east of Karagatsh [Karagach] Vill.).

A.I. Khalaim & A.M. Tereshkin. 2018. A review of the subfamily Tersilochinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from Belarus. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(1): 157–168.


Fauna of the ichneumonid subfamily Tersilochinae of Belarus is reviewed. Eleven genera comprising 55 species have been recognized: Allophroides Horstmann (2 species), Aneuclis Förster (5), Barycnemis Förster (10), Diaparsis Förster (6), Epistathmus Förster (1), Gelanes Horstmann (3), Heterocola Förster (1), Phradis Förster (5), Probles Förster (8), Spinolochus Horstmann (2) and Tersilochus Holmgren (12). One species, Probles dronkia Khalaim sp. nov., is described as new to science, and 42 species are recorded from Belarus for the first time increasing Belarus fauna of Tersilochinae almost 4.6 times.

P. Rosa. 2018. Chrysis serena Radoszkowski, 1891, a new synonym of Ch. zonata Dahlbom, 1854 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(1): 169–176.


Chrysis serena Radoszkowski, 1891 is synonymised with Ch. zonata Dahlbom, 1854. The new synonymy is discussed and the updated distribution of Ch. zonata in Russia is given.

P. Rosa. 2018. A new species of Hedychridium Abeille de Perrin, 1878 from Kazakhstan (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(1): 177–183.


A new species, Hedychridium alatum sp. nov., from South East Kazakhstan is described. The previously named H. sericifrons species group is here renamed in H. flos species group. Cases of body discoloration in desert-dwelling species are reported.

Volume 27, Number 2, 2018, pp. 187–333

Managing editor: D.A. Gapon

I.V. Shamshev & M. Barták. 2018. A new species of dance fly of the subgenus Empis (Kritempis) (Diptera: Empididae) from Spain. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 187–191.


A new species of dance fly (Diptera, Empididae) in the subgenus Kritempis Collin, 1926 of the genus Empis Linnaeus, 1758 is described from Spain: E. (K.) kubiki sp. nov. (type locality: Embalse de Barbate, Cádiz Province). The new species is closely related to E. (K.) livida Linnaeus, 1758.

O.P. Negrobov, T. Tago & O.O. Maslova. 2018. A new species of the genus Nematoproctus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Japan. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 192–195.


A new species of Dolichopodidae, Nematoproctus kumazawai sp. nov., is described from Japan. The new species is close to N. longifilus Loew, 1857 and can be distinguished from the latter by the mostly yellow antenna, yellow palpus, mid femur without ventral hairs, triangular cercus with the apex reaching the base of abdominal segment 4, and the apical part M almost straight.

O.O. Maslova, O.P. Negrobov & J. Oboňa. 2018. A new species of Medetera (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Slovakia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 196–199.


Medetera longisurstylata sp. nov. is described from Slovakia. The new species is similar to M. tuberculata Negrobov 1966 but differs from the latter in the dark legs, structure of the genitalia and the surstylus longer than the epandrium.

S.Yu. Gagaev. 2018. Fossil impression of a nephtyid polychaete (Polychaeta: Nephtyidae) in the Miocene sediments of Sakhalin (NW Pacific). Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 200–204.


During the expedition of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ZIN RAS) in 1998, a fossil impression of a polychaete worm belonging to the family Nephtyidae Grube, 1850, containing fragments of jaws, was found in the west of Sakhalin. The find is dated to the Middle and Upper Miocene. There are no published records of any finds of fossil nephtyids in the area. Based on the analysis of the jaw shape, it is concluded that the nephtyid impression may belong to the genus Nephtys Cuvier 1817 or the genus Aglaophamus Kinberg, 1865.

E.B. Fefilova & V.R. Alekseev. 2018. A new species and new records of harpacticoids (Crustacea: Copepoda: Harpacticoida) from North-Eastern Borneo. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 205–217.


Zooplankton samples from inland water bodies in the north-eastern part of Borneo were collected in rivers, ponds, roadside ditches, irrigation canals, rice fields, and temporary water bodies. The harpacticoid copepods (Harpacticoida) were found only in three surveyed locations. Seven species of four genera from the families Canthocamptidae and Phyllognathopodidae were identified. Four of harpacticoid species found belong to the genus Elaphoidella. A new species, Elaphoidella fatimae sp. nov., is described. It differs from all known species of the genus by combination of the following characters: posterior margins of body somites serrate at dorsal side; anal operculum rounded, with spinules; caudal rami conical; exopod of leg 5 about three times as long as wide. Six species were reported for Borneo for the first time.

D.V. Tumanov. 2018. First data on the freshwater Tardigrada in India: a find of Pseudobiotus kathmanae in a small Himalayan lake. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 218–223.


A brief report on the tardigrade species Pseudobiotus kathmanae discovered in a small lake in Indian Himalayas is given, provided with morphometric data and photographs. Current state of knowledge of Indian fauna of Tardigrada is discussed, together with the discussion of the distribution of the freshwater genus Pseudobiotus.

N.V. Denisenko. 2018. A new species of the genus Hincksina (Bryozoa: Cheilostomatida: Flustridae) from the Faroe Islands slope. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 224–228.


A new species of the genus Hincksina Norman, 1903, H. magnicellata sp. nov., is described and illustrated. Its specimens were found on stones collected on the slope around the Faroe Islands archipelago. Description of the new species in the genus Hincksina is based on an extensive opesia, on endozooidal ovicells and on the presence of interzooidal avicularia, as well as oral and mural spines.

D.R. Kasparyan. 2018. A new species of the genus Syndipnus (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Ctenopelmatinae: Euryproctini) with unusually depressed metasoma. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 229–233.


A new species of the subfamily Ctenopelmatinae, Syndipnus depressus sp. nov. with strong dorsoventral compression of the metasoma, is described from Poland. Similarity of the new species to two ctenopelmatine species of the tribe Mesoleiini (Mesoleius phyllotomae Cushman, 1933 and M. aceris Shaw et Kasparyan, 2003), endoparasitoids of leaf mining sawflies of the genus Heterarthrus Stephens, 1835 (Tenthredinidae: Heterarthrinae), suggests that the new species may have similar hosts.

A.I. Khalaim. 2018. A new remarkable species of Probles with clavate antennae from Vietnam (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Tersilochinae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 234–238.


Probles (Euporizon) chernetsovi Khalaim sp. nov. characterised by strongly clavate antennae with unusual sensillar areas, is described as new to science from Central Vietnam.

A.I. Khalaim. 2018. Palaearctic species of the genus Heterocola (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Tersilochinae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 239–258.


Palaearctic material of the genus Heterocola Förster was studied, the holotypes of four species were examined and re-described. Heterocola concava (Uchida) from Japan is transferred to Phradis Förster (comb. nov.), and the genus Heterocola is excluded from the fauna of Japan. Specimens of H. proboscidalis (Thomson) and H. rufiventris Horstmann deposited in the Zoological Institute RAS (St Petersburg) and briefly mentioned from the former USSR by K. Horstmann in his revision (1981) are found and re-examined, and their complete label data are provided. Extensive faunistic records of the Palaearctic species of Heterocola primarily based on the Zoological Institute RAS collection are provided. Colour photographs of six species are given for the first time. An identification key to six species of Heterocola occurring in the Palaearctic region is provided; taxonomic status of the seventh species, H. pappi Kolarov, is not clear.

A.A. Prokin. 2018. First record of Hebrus ruficeps (Heteroptera: Hebridae) from the Caucasus. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 259–260.


Hebrus (Hebrusella) ruficeps Thomson, 1871 (Heteroptera: Hebridae) is recorded for the Caucasus for the first time from a Sphagnum peat bog in the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic.

P. Rosa. 2018. New synonyms of specific and generic names in the family Chrysididae (Hymenoptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 261–267.


The type material of two Chrysididae genera described by Yu. Tarbinsky from Central Asia was examined. New synonyms are proposed: Pseudochrysis Semenov, 1891 = Arnoldia Tarbinsky, 2004, syn. nov.; Spinolia Dahlbom, 1854 = Pseudochrysura Tarbinsky, 2004, syn. nov.; Pseudochrysis neglecta (Shuckard, 1837) = Arnoldia seraphimi Tarbinsky, 2004, syn. nov.; Spinolia rusalka (Semenov, 1901) = Pseudochrysura zonsteini Tarbinsky, 2004, syn. nov.

P. Rosa. 2018. On the status of the cuckoo wasp genus Allochrysis, with descriptions of the Chrysis ear and Ch. slava species groups (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 268–286.


Allochrysis Kimsey et Bohart, 1991 is synonymised with Chrysis Linnaeus, 1761. The Ch. ear species group is established, with descriptions of two new species, Ch. shestakovi sp. nov. from Kazakhstan and Ch. sericata sp. nov. from Uzbekistan. Chrysis paria Bingham, 1903 is transferred to the Ch. succincta species group. The new Ch. slava species group is established for Ch. slava Semenov, 1967 and the new species, Ch. priapus sp. nov. from Mongolia, is described here.

S.V. Kuzhuget. 2018. New records of true bugs (Heteroptera) from the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Tyva Republic, Russia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 287–288.


Three species of true bugs (Heteroptera), Blepharidopterus angulatus, Phytocoris nowickyi and Scolopostethus thomsoni, new for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, were found in the Western Sayan Mountains. Two species, Drymus sylvaticus and Odontoscelis fuliginosa, are recorded in the Tyva Republic for the first time; this is the first finding of the genus Drymus in the region.

A.V. Stekolshchikov & O.A. Khruleva. 2018. Macrosiphoniella (Asterobium) jaroslaviholmani nom. nov., a new replacement name for M. (A.) jaroslavi Stekolshchikov et Khruleva, 2015. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 289.


A new replacement name Macrosiphoniella (Asterobium) jaroslaviholmani nom. nom. is proposed for M. (A.) jaroslavi Stekolshchikov et Khruleva, 2015.

A.V. Gorochov, M.K. Tan & Ch.Ya. Lee. 2018. Taxonomic notes on the cricket subfamilies Nemobiinae and Trigonidiinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) from islands and coasts of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 290–321.


Several taxa of Nemobiinae and Trigonidiinae from some islands and coasts of Pacific Ocean and Andaman Sea (Indian Ocean) are considered. The tribes Marinemobiini Gorochov, 1985 and Burcini Gorochov, 1986 are briefly redescribed, and the tribes Nemobiini Saussure, 1877 and Pteronemobiini Vickery, 1973 are also discussed. Some genera of Marinemobiini (Marinemobius Gorochov, 1985, Apteronemobius Chopard, 1929 and Parapteronemobius Furukawa, 1970) as well as type species of Apteronemobius (A. longipes Chopard, 1929) are redescribed; Marinemobius and Parapteronemobius are restored from synonyms of Apteronemobius and Caconemobius Kirby, 1906, respectively (with the suggestion of three new combinations for the specific names); Eumarinemobius sundaicus gen. et sp. nov. is described from the Malay Peninsula and nearest islands, and former Apteronemobius darwini Otte et Alexander, 1983 is supposedly included in this genus (as E. darwini comb. nov.); Parapteronemobius sazanami kunashir subsp. nov. is described from the Kuril Islands. The tribe Burcini is restored from synonyms of Thetellini Otte et Alexander, 1983, and its following taxa are redescribed or described as new for the science: Burcus Gorochov, 1986 which is also restored from synonyms of Thetella Otte et Alexander, 1983; B. trilobulatus sp. nov. from Thailand; B. t. bunaken subsp. nov. from Indonesia; Paraburcus gen. nov. for Thetella elegans Kobayashi, 1983 (= P. elegans comb. nov.); Neoburcus tarutao gen. et sp. nov. from Thailand. The unavailable tribal name Thetellini is considered as a possible synonym of Nemobiini, and its type genus and species (Thetella and Th. oonoomba Otte et Alexander, 1983 from Australia) as well as some other genera from Pacific islands must be preliminary placed in this tribe, but the genus Caledonina Desutter-Grandcolas, 2016 from New Caledonia probably belongs to Pteronemobiini. Two generic names of Hawaiian Trigonidiinae (Zudella Gorochov, 1988 and Nudilla Gorochov, 1988) are restored from subgenera and synonyms of Trigonidium Rambur, 1838, respectively: the genus Zudella includes numerous Hawaiian species erroneously placed in Trigonidium (they are listed here); the genus Nudilla is here synonymised with Laupala Otte, 1994, syn. nov., and the neotype for Nudilla type species (Trigonidium pacificum Scudder, 1869) is here designated, as well as a new replacement specific name (N. danieli nom. nov.) is here given for the secondary homonym Laupala pacifica Otte, 1994. Also 169 new combinations for specific names in the two latter genera are proposed; T. kolekole Otte, 1994, syn. nov. and L. cerasina Otte, 1994, syn. nov. are synonymised with Z. hawaiiensis Gorochov, 1986 and N. pacifica (Scudder, 1869), respectively.

M.S. Tahami, A.V. Gorochov & S. Sadeghi. 2018. Two new species of cave crickets of the genus Eremogryllodes (Orthoptera: Myrmecophilidae: Bothriophylacinae) from Iran. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 322–327.


Two new species, Eremogryllodes spinulatus sp. nov. and E. balouchi sp. nov., are described from the south of Iran. These crickets were collected in caves located in Fars and Sistan & Balouchestan Provinces. They differ from other Iranian congeners mainly in some distinct characters of ventral ectoparameres in the male genitalia, namely structure of distal and proximal sclerites of ventral ectoparamere, and shape of dorsal ectoparamere and rachis.

M.V. Vinarski & I.N. Bolotov. 2018. Racesina, a new generic name for a group of Asian lymnaeid snails (Gastropoda: Hygrophila: Lymnaeidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 328–333.


A new generic name Racesina gen. nov. is proposed to designate a group of Asian lymnaeid snails including Lymnaea luteola Lamarck, 1822 and species closest to it. Earlier these molluscs were classified within the (sub-)genus Cerasina Kobelt, 1881, however, it is shown by us that this name is a junior synonym of Radix Montfort, 1810. The genus Racesina embraces three species distributed in Central, Southeast and South Asia: R. luteola (type species), R. oxiana (O. Boettger, 1889), and R. siamensis (Sowerby, 1873).

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