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Volume 19, Number 1, 2010, pp. 3–167

Managing editor: N.G. Bogutskaya

D.V. Tikhonenkov. 2010. Morphology of some species of heterotrophic flagellates from tundra soils (Protista: Kinetoplastea: Cercomonadida). Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 3-8.


Cell morphology and biodiversity of heterotrophic flagellates from soils of the south-eastern part of Khallerchinskaya Tundra were examined for the first time in literature. Species-specific features were analysed, and descriptions of the specie, based on drawings and photos of living cells, are given. The species Cercobodo ovatus Lemmermann, 1910 is transferred to the genus Cercomonas Dujardin, 1841.

A.E. Zhokhov. 2010. A new gorgoderid trematode of the genus Phyllodistomum (Digenea: Gorgoderidae) from Clarias gariepinus (Actinopterygii: Clariidae) in Lake Tana, Ethiopia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 9-12.


Phyllodistomum tana sp. nov. is described from the ureters of Clarias gariepinus from Lake Tana, Ethiopia. This species is distinguished from its congeners in Africa in having an oblong body shape, transverse loops of the uterus between the posterior margin of ventral sucker and the vitelline follicles, and the localization exclusively in the ureters of C. gariepinus. The new species differs from P. bavuri and P. vanderwaali in the larger size of body, the position of the testes with respect to the ovary and with each other, the lobed vitelline follicles and the sucker ratio.

S.A. Kornienko, V.D. Gulyaev, N.T. Erzhanov. 2010. A new cestode, Neoskrjabinolepis gvosdevi (Cyclophyllidea: Hymenolepididae) from the shrew Sorex tundrensis Merriam, 1900, in Kazakhstan. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 13-17.


A cestode, Neoskrjabinolepis (Neoskrjabinolepidoides) gvosdevi sp. nov., is described from the tundra shrew Sorex tundrensis Merriam, 1900 in Kazakhstan. The new species has ten rostellar hooks, 0.40-0.43 mm long, with claw-liked blade with crooked middle part. It can be distinguished from other species in the subgenus by the cylindrical cirrus short, 0.45-0.50 mm long, and armed with different types of spines; the basal part covered with numerous small, rosethornshaped spines, and the middle and distal parts armed with fine, needle-shaped spines.

A.V. Shoshin. 2010. A new species of diatom-feeding Asperotobrilus (Nematoda, Triplonchida: Tobrilidae) from Lake Baikal. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 18-22.


A new species, Asperotobrilus holophagus sp. nov. is described, which is a specialised diatomfeeder. A simple funnel-shaped stoma, a high vestibulum, and reduction of lips are typical of diatom-feeding tobrilids. A key to species of the genus Asperotobrilus is given.

P.V. Tuzovskij. 2010. Larval morphology of the water mite Sperchonopsis reducta Sokolow, 1940 (Acariformes, Sperchontidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 23-28.


A larva of the water mite Sperchonopsis reducta Sokolow, 1940 is described. The idiosoma of the larva bears 18 pairs of setae, the dorsal plate has a wide and slightly convex anterior margin and a pointed posterior end; the setae Fch are not longer than the trichobothria Fp and Oi, the setae Pe are shorter and thinner than the setae Pi; the urstigmae are with well developed caps; the capitulum has a long basis and a short rostrum; the pedipalpal tarsus bears three large serrate unequal setae, a single solenidion, and four thin short smooth setae.

A.V. Gorochov. 2010. New data on the tribe Ducetiini from Vietnam (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 29-34.


Prohimerta (Anisotima) laocai sp. nov. from Northern Vietnam and Paraducetia cruciata gialai subsp. nov. from Central Vietnam are described. Corrected are some erroneous data on systematic position of Prohimerta (Anisotima) vieta, P. (Prohimerta) maculosa, and Paraducetia cruciata, as well as those on the type locality of P. maculosa.

A.V. Stekolshchikov, N.V. Leshchinskaya, S.V. Buga & N.V. Voronova. 2010. Recent additions to the aphid (Homoptera: Aphidoidea) fauna of Byelorussia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 35-38.


For the first time, Therioaphis brachytricha, Therioaphis rhiemi, Aphis brohmeri, Aphis coffeata, Aphis korshunovi, Aphis lambersi, Aphis leontodontis, Aphis pilosellae, Aphis rumicivora, Anuraphis catonii, Brachycaudus mordvilkoi, Brachycaudus populi, Aspidaphis adjuvans, Myzus langei, Myzus certus, Acyrthosiphon malvae potha, Acyrthosiphon boreale, Macrosiphum albifrons, Macrosiphoniella dimidiata, Nasonovia pilosellae, Pleotrichophorus deviatus, Titanosiphon artemisiae, Uroleucon hypochoeridis, Uroleucon pilosellae, Uroleucon pseudobscurum, Uroleucon aeneum, and Uroleucon simile are recorded from Byelorussia.

Е.М. Danzig, I.A. Gavrilov. 2010. Mealybugs of the genera Planococcus and Crisicoccus (Sternorrhyncha: Pseudococcidae) of Russia and adjacent countries. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 39-49.


A key for four species of the genus Planococcus Ferris, 1950 is given; three species inhabit the territory of Russia and adjacent countries and the fourth one, P. citri (Risso, 1813), was erroneously recorded from the territory of the former USSR, because of the confusion of this species with P. ficus (Signoret, 1875) during identification. All discussed species are morphologically described and illustrated. Planococcus taigae Danzig, 1980 and P. juniperus Tang, 1988 are placed in synonymy under Planococcus vovae Nasonov, 1908. The genus Crisicoccus Ferris, 1950, which is morphologically similar to Planococcus, is also discussed and reported for the territory of Russia for the first time with the species C. pini (Kuwana, 1902).

M.B. Kaydan, I.A. Gavrilov. 2010. Mirococcopsis multicircularia sp. nov. from Turkey (Sternorrhyncha: Pseudococcidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 50-53.


An adult female of Mirococcopsis multicircularia sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to M. teberdae (Danzig, 1985), but differs from it by the number of circuli (three instead of one), small number of dorsal multiclocular pores, the presence of simple tubular ducts of only one size (instead of two sizes) and the presence of several oral rim tubular ducts on the dorsum. The new species was collected from an undetermined Poaceae plant in Van-Bahçesaray in 2006.

A.G. Kirejtshuk, J. Háva & A. Nel. 2010. New genus and species of subfamily Trinodinae (Coleoptera, Polyphaga, Dermestidae) from Lowermost Eocene French amber. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 54-69.


In the paper six new species of the genus Oisenodes gen. nov. (Dermestidae, Trinodinae, Trinodini) are described: O. azari sp. nov., O. clavatus sp. nov., O. gallicus sp. nov., O. metepisternalis sp. nov., O. oisensis sp. nov. and O. transversus sp. nov. A new tribe Trinoparvini Hava, trib. nov. is established for the recent genus Trinoparvus Háva, 2004. Short review of known fossil records of the subfamily Trinodinae is given.

M.A. Bologna & N.B. Nikitsky. 2010. A new enigmatic dimorphic Lytta from Crimea, Ukraine (Coleoptera: Meloidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 70-76.


Lytta zubovi sp. nov., a new species of Meloidae from Crimea (Ukraine) is described and figured. The species is dimorphic, with the female, known only from a photograph, brachyelytrous and probably apterous. It is tentatively placed in the genus Lytta Fabricius, 1775, waiting for a revision of the tribe Lyttini. According to the present concept of Lytta, the new species is similar to the Holarctic subgenus Poreospasta Horn, 1868, never recorded from Europe, even though it is strictly different, particularly in the head and pronotum shape, and the dimorphic condition of wings.

S.A. Belokobylskij. 2010. Two new species of subfamily Doryctinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from China. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 77-85.


Two new doryctine species belonging to the genera Dendrosoter Wesmael (D. hainanicus sp. nov.) and Dendrosotinus Telenga (D. taiwanicus sp. nov.) are described from China. The genus Dendrosoter Wesmael is recorded for the first time for the fauna of China.

A.V. Reshchikov. 2010. A new species of Glyptorhaestus (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from Nepal. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 86-88.


Glyptorhaestus brachycephalus sp. nov. is described from Nepal. This is the first record of Glyptorhaestus from the Oriental Region.

D.R. Kasparyan. 2010. The Nearctic species of Saotis Förster, 1869 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Ctenopelmatinae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 89-116.


Sixteen North American species of the genus Saotis Förster, 1869 are reviewed. Most of them have Holarctic distribution. Four new species of this genus are described: S. erythropleura sp. nov., S. rufigaster sp. nov., S. tinctor sp. nov. and S. truncator sp. nov. The Nearctic subspecies of four Holarctic species are described and redescribed: S. brevispina lissor subsp. nov., S. granulator albator subsp. nov., S. renovata rufipes subsp. nov. and S. pygidiator nearctor Kasparyan, 2009. A key to the Nearctic species of Saotis is given. The status of the European Iskarus Kolarov, 1987 as a monotypic subgenus of the genus Saotis is justified due to peculiarities in structure of its ovipositor.

D.R. Kasparyan. 2010. A new Palaearctic species of Saotis Förster (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Ctenopelmatinae) from Ukraine. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 117-119.


Saotis flavator sp. nov., a new species of ichneumon-flies, is described from southern Ukraine. The new species differs from other Palaearctic congeners in having entirely yellow pronotum, scutellum, and rather light abdomen.

A.I. Khalaim. 2010. To the study of Afrotropical species of the genus Aneuclis Förster, 1869 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Tersilochinae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 120-123.


Aneuclis rhodesiana sp. nov. is described from Zimbabwe, Cameroon and South Africa from the material of the Natural History Museum, London. New faunistic records of six species of the genus Aneuclis are given for Afrotropical region.

A.L. Lvovsky. 2010. A new species of the genus Martyringa (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) from China. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 124-126.


Martyringa hoenei, sp. nov. from North Yunnan is described. The new species is closely related to M. latipennis (Walsingham, 1882) differing by male genital structures.

A.S. Ukrainsky & Yu.A. Lovtsova. 2010. Emendation of a species-group name in the genus Oiketicoides (Lepidoptera: Psychidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 127-128.


The species-group name sysoletinae is an emended name for sysoletinovae (in combination Oiketicoides simulans sysoletinovae Lastuchin, 2008).

E. P. Nartshuk. 2010. Chloropid flies of the genus Cadrema (Diptera: Chloropidae) of Thailand with description of a new species. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 129-142.


Chloropid flies of the genus Cadrema Walker occurring Thailand are reviewed. Cadrema thailandica sp. nov. is described. Cadrema minor guizhouensis Yang & Yang, 1990 is synonymized with the nominate subspecies. Variation in the shape and number of black marks on the scutum in both species is discussed and illustrated.

O.V. Selivanova, O.P. Negrobov & D. Yang. 2010. Redescription of the holotype of Lichtwardtia formosana (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), with new data on its synonymy. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 143-146.


The type specimens Lichtwardtia formosana Enderlein, 1912 is redescribed, including a study of morphology of the hypopygium. The species L. taiwanensis Zhang, Masunaga & Yang, 2009 is considered as a synonym of L. formosana.

G.I. Buryi, A.P. Kasatkina, A.V. Zhuravlev & P.P. Safronov. 2010. First finding of euconodont animals (Euconodontophylea) imprints on the territory of Russia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 147-153.


The paper presents data on first in Russia imprints of problematic euconodont animals found in the Lower Carboniferous deposits of the Kozhim River of the Northern Urals. In a thin interlayer of black carbonaceous mudstone, the first complete imprint of a euconodont animal and separated dental elements: "Spathognathodus" crassidentatus Branson & Mehl, Polygnathodus communis Branson & Mehl, Bispathodus sp. was found. The imprint is a long (about 4.8 mm), narrow (0.3-0.4 mm), worm-shaped body, exposed on one side, on which one can see a head, a trunk, and a tail. Behind the tail of the first imprint, there is a head of another younger specimen whose trunk appears to curve and pass into other plane. The first imprint of the euconodont animal was studied using a scanning electron microscope ZEISS EVO 50XVP without spraying its surface. A complete image of the euconodont animal trunk was obtained with low magnification (50Ч). With magnifications of 120Ч to 10000Ч, numerous details of its structure are observed. Complete data on the outer morphology of euconodont animals were thus obtained for the first time. These data support the hypothesis that the euconodonts belong to a distinct group of organisms established earlier, the phylum Euconodontophylea Kasatkina & Buryi, 1997.

P. Zupančič, D. Marić, A.M. Naseka & N.G. Bogutskaya. 2010. Squalius platyceps, a new species of fish (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) from the Skadar Lake basin. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(1): 154-167.


Squalius platyceps, new species, is described from the Drin River drainage including the Skadar Lake and its tributaries. The new taxon is distinguished from other species of the genus Squalius in the eastern Adriatic Sea basin by a combination of the following character states: body depth 24-29% SL; head length 25-30% SL; a wide head (head width 52-59% HL, and interorbital width 37-42% HL); a moderately pointed conical snout; a subterminal mouth, with a projecting upper lip; a straight mouth cleft; lower jaw length (38-43% HL) about equal to caudal peduncle depth and only slightly larger than interorbital width; 43-47 (commonly 44-45) total lateral line scales; commonly 8½ branched anal fin rays; anal fin margin straight (in specimens up to about 180 mm SL) or convex; commonly 43 total vertebrae (24+19 or 25+18); a row of dense black pigment dots along the outer margin of scales on back and flanks forming a regular reticulate pattern, and intense black pigmentation on pectoral, pelvic, anal and caudal fins.

Volume 19, Number 2, 2010, pp. 171–386

Managing editor: N.G. Bogutskaya

V.R. Alekseev. 2010. Two new Eucyclops species (Cyclopiformes: Cyclopidae) from Spain. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(2): 171-178.


Eucyclops miracleae sp. nov. from the Albufera Mediterranean lagoon, and Eucyclops romaniensis sp. nov. from a spring in the vicinity of Valencia, both from Spain, are described. These new species belong to the serrulatus group because of the structure of the antennula possessing a smooth hyaline plate on three distal segments and the antenna bearing a group of hair-like setae on the top of the anterior side of the antennal basis. The new species are clearly distinguishable from the type species of the genus, E. serrulatus (Fischer, 1851), by missing a gap between hair-like setae on the outer side of the P4 coxal spine. A key for Eucyclops species inhabiting surface and subterranean waters of Europe is given.

V.I. Monchenko. 2010. A new species of Speocyclops (Crustacea: Copepoda) from interstitial waters of the eastern Lesser Caucasus. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(2): 179-187.


An illustrated description of Speocyclops atropatenae sp. nov. from eastern Lesser Caucasus (Talysh Mountains, at Gosmalyan and the vicinity of Stepanakert [Khankendi ]) is presented. The new species differs from the related S. demetiensis Scourfield, 1932 and S. plutonis Kiefer, 1937 by having a triangular and better developed anal operculum with deep dents (2 to 8) along its outer margin, by a divided genital double-somite, strongly serrated abdominal somites, an elongated distal endopodal P4 segment with the index 1.3 (vs. 1.1 in the two species in comparison), and some other characters. The maxilliped is three-segmented (vs. foursegmented in S. demetiensis); the maxillar endopod two-segmented (vs. one-segmented in S. demetiensis). Speocyclops atropatenae sp. nov. possesses six setae on the second endopodal antennal segment (vs. eight in S. demetiensis), and the ornament on the first endopodal antennal segment is absent (vs. two transverse spinule rows present in S. demetiensis). The new species inhabits interstitial water of mountain streams, and its distribution is the most eastern range in the genus.

P.V. Tuzovskij. 2010. Description of a new water mite species of the genus Stygothrombium Viets, 1932 (Acariformes: Stygothrombioidea: Stygothrombiidae) from the Far East of Russia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(2): 188-195.


A new water mite, Stygothrombum orientalis, based on male and deutonymph from running waters of the Far East is described with illustrations.

E.M. Chaban & I.O. Nekhaev. 2010. Retusa pellucida (Brown, 1827) (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia: Cephalaspidea) from the Barents Sea - a new species for the fauna of Russian Arctic seas. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(2): 196-204.


Retusa pellucida (Brown, 1827) recorded the first time for the recent fauna of the Russian Arctic. New data on morphology of its soft part are given. Shell sculpture of Retusa pellucida is discussed in comparison with R. truncatula (Bruguière, 1792) and related forms.

A.V. Gorochov. 2010. Taxonomy of Podoscirtinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Part 8: American taxa of the tribe Podoscirtini. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(2): 205-245.


Tribal position of some American representatives of Podoscirtinae and differences between this subfamily and Eneopterinae are discussed. Two former tribes are reduced to the subtribes Aphonomorphina and Neometrypina (both in Podoscirtini). Two new genera, four new subgenera, 30 new species and two new subspecies are described. The former genus Euaphonus Hebard, 1928 is reduced to a subgenus of the genus Aphonomorphus Rehn, 1903. New replacement name Eneopteroides chopardi nom. nov. is proposed for Eneopteroides flavifrons Chopard, 1956 which is a junior secondary homonym of Eneopteroides flavifrons (Saussure, 1897). Systematic position and distribution of some other American taxa of Podoscirtini are clarified.

N.J. Kluge. 2010. Paradoxical molting process in Orthezia urticae and other coccids (Arthroidignatha: Gallinsecta) with notes on systematic position of scale insects. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(2): 246-271.


Process of transformation in legs and antennae, which takes place in Orthezia urticae (Linnaeus, 1758) in course of molt from one instar to another, disagrees with modes of life of these instars. Each molt from one actively feeding instar to another (these are two first instars of male and all instars of female) is accompanied with deep degeneration, dedifferentiation, new differentiation and subsequent growth of each appendage; proximal segment of each appendage newly grows in an unusual inverted condition and everts only during ecdysis. Unlike this, quiescent instars of male molt like most other insects, so that molting processes do not cause immobility of their appendages. Examination of some other coccid species allows to assume that this alternation of molt modes is usual for Gallinsecta. Possibly, this character is initial for Gallinsecta and is connected with existence of leg-less feeding instars in non-related representatives. To describe processes which take place at metamorphosis, new terms for preimaginal instars of Pterygota are introduced. New taxa names PSYLLALEYRODA taxon nov. and APHIDOCOCCA taxon nov. are suggested.

D.A. Gapon. 2010. Taxonomic notes on the genus Leprosoma (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(2): 272-276.


The pygophore, parameres and aedeagus of Leprosoma reticulatum (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1851) are described for the first time. Based on new comparative data, L. olcesii Fairmaire, 1886 is shown to be a separate species. An improved key to species of the genus Leprosoma is given.

B.M. Kataev. 2010. A taxonomic review of the subgenus Hyparpalus (genus Parophonus) of the Oriental and Australian regions (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalini). Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(2): 277-300.


A taxonomic review of the subgenus Hyparpalus Alluaud, 1930 (genus Parophonus Ganglbauer, 1892) of the Oriental and Australian regions is given. Nine species are recognised in the fauna of the Oriental Region, one of which reaches the northern Australia. The Oriental species are divided in three species groups: the cyaneotinctus (two species), subtilis (three species) and javanus (four species) groups. Distinctive characters and a key for identification of these groups and all the included species are provided. Relationships between Hyparpalus of the Oriental and Afrotropical regions and status of the Afrotropical taxon Orphanixus Clarke, 1971 are discussed. The following new synonymies are established: Parophonus subtilis (Bates, 1892) = Hyparpalus iridicolor Landin, 1955, syn. nov. = H. nagpurensis Ito, 1993, syn. nov. = H. nagpurensis curvatus Ito, 1993, syn. nov. = H. pakistanensis Ito, 2008, syn. nov.; Parophonus lividus (Andrewes, 1923) = Hyparpalus hiekei Ito, 1993, syn. nov.; Parophonus vitalisi (Andrewes, 1922) = Hyparpalus maniti Ito, 1993, syn. nov. = H. maniti similis Ito, 1993, syn. nov.; Parophonus acutangulus (Bates, 1891) = Hyparpalus gracilis Andrewes, 1947, syn. nov.; Parophonus javanus (Gory, 1833) = Diaphoromerus opacus MacLeay, 1888, syn. nov. = Parophonus australicus Baehr, 1986, syn. nov. Lectotypes are designated for Hypolithus cyaneotinctus Bates, 1889, H. cyanellus Bates, 1889 and H. acutangulus Bates, 1891.

A.G. Kirejtshuk & A.G. Ponomarenko. 2010. A new coleopterous family Mesocinetidae fam. nov. (Coleoptera: Scirtoidea) from Late Mesozoic and notes on fossil remains from Shar-Teg (Upper Jurassic, South-Western Mongolia). Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(2): 301-325.


The paper deals with the description of the new family, Mesocinetidae fam. nov., four new genera (Manoelodes gen. nov., Manopsis gen. nov., Parashartegus gen. nov. and Shartegus gen. nov.) and eight new species (Manoelodes gratiousus sp. nov., Manopsis concavicollis sp. nov., Mesocinetus aequalis sp. nov., M. angustitarsis sp. nov., M. elumbis sp. nov., M. subjectus sp. nov., Parashartegus distinctus sp. nov. and Shartegus transversus sp. nov.) originated from site Shar-Teg (South-Western Mongolia; Gobi-Altai ajmag) with the Upper Jurassic age. Other species of this new family (Mesocinetus mongolicus Ponomarenko, 1986 (Myangad, Hovd ajmag, West Mongolia) and M. ovatus Ponomarenko, 1990 (Undurga, Chitinskaya Region, Transbaikalia, Russia)) are known from the Lower Neocomian, Lower Cretaceous, although M. ovatus is temporally excluded from the genus Mesocinetus Ponomarenko, 1986. The key to the genera of this family is elaborated. Specimens of the new family found also in other places (Karatau (Upper Jurassic), Baissa (Lower Cretaceous), Khutel-Khara and Liaoning (both at the boundary between Jurassic and Cretaceous)) and can be expected in many Asian Late Mesozoic sites. This new family is rather similar to both families Scirtidae and Eucinetidae, sharing different characters with each of them. The structure of the superfamily Scirtoidea and placement of the new family are discussed. The composition of fossil animals and plants in the Shar-Teg sediments is reviewed and time of its formation is estimated.

A.G. Kirejtshuk & M. Fallahzadeh. 2010. A new species of the genus Cybocephalus (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) with light head and pronotum from Iran. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(2): 326-329.


Cybocephalus (Cybocephalus) aonidiellae sp. nov. (subfamily Cybocephalinae) collected on Aonidiella orientalis (Newstead, 1894) (Sternorrhyncha: Coccinea: Diaspididae) hosted on Citrus (Rutaceae) is described from Iran.

S.K. Ryndevich & F. Hebauer. 2010. Review of species of the genus Cercyon Leach, 1817 of Russia and adjacent regions. V. Subgenus Cercyon Leach, 1817. Cercyon nigriceps-group (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(2): 330-340.


Morphological diagnoses, distribution and environmental preferences of species of the Cercyon nigriceps-group (subgenus Cercyon Leach, 1817) from Russia and adjacent regions are presented. Cercyon paranigriceps sp. nov. from the Russian Far East and Myanmar is described. Cercyon nigriceps (Marsham, 1802) is recorded from Malta, Ukraine, Gambia and Nepal for the first time; C. setiger Wu & Pu, 1995 is for the first time recorded from Guizhou (China).

A.S. Ukrainsky. 2010. New synonym in the ladybird genus Scymnus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from Yemen. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(2): 341-342.


According to the principle of priority, the species name Scymnus (Pullus) helmutfurschi González, 2008 becomes a new objective junior synonym of Scymnus (Pullus) kapuri Kovář, 2007.

A.V. Reshchikov. 2010. Emtgolia interrupta, a new Mongolian genus and species of tribe Perilissini (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(2): 343-346.


A new ichneumonid genus and species Emtgolia interrupta gen. nov. et sp. nov. are described from Mongolia. The new genus belongs to the subfamily Ctenopelmatinae and may be easily distinguished from other ichneumonid genera by having an interrupted radial vein at stigma and a deep longitudinal impression in lower part of mesopleuron. A short discussion of the problems of taxonomy of the tribe Perilissini is given.

B.A. Korotyaev & M.A. Alonso-Zarazaga. 2010. A new species of the weevil genus Theodorinus Korotyaev, 1982 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Ceutorhynchinae) from Spain. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(2): 347-351.


Theodorinus (Atlantonyx) lopezcoloni sp. nov. is described from Spain, closely related to Th. latipennis (Pic, 1905) from Algeria and Morocco, but differing in the noticeably narrower body, uniformly flat elytral intervals, narrower tarsi with 3rd tarsomere only slightly wider than 2nd, somewhat less convex scales, and absence of erect setae in the depression on anal ventrite in male. In the shape of body, evenly flat elytral intervals, position of the tubercle on 5th interval, and absence of erect setae on male anal ventrite the new species is more similar to the Moroccan Th. peyerimhoffi Korotyaev, 1994. It differs, in addition to the structure of aedeagus, in the broader, more widely overlapping scales on the body, much narrower odd-numbered elytral intervals than even-numbered ones, and, prima facies, in the still more advanced denticle on the 5th interval of elytra.

A.I. Khalaim & E. Ruíz-Cancino. 2010. First record of the genus Odontocolon Cushman, 1942 from Mexico (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Xoridinae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(2): 354-356.


Odontocolon niger sp. nov. is described from nothern Mexico. This is the first record of the genus Odontocolon Cushman, 1942 from this country.

H. Ghahari & R. Jussila. 2010. A contribution to the knowledge of ichneumon wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from Iranian cotton fields and surrounding grasslands. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(2): 357-360.


The fauna of Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) from Iranian cotton fields and surrounding grasslands is studied in this paper. In a total of 18 species from 15 genera (Barycnemis, Colpotrochia, Ctenochira, Dichrogaster, Gelis, Iseropus, Itoplectis, Lissonata, Neleges, Pristomerus, Rhyssa, Scambus, Schizopyga, Temelucha, Tromatobia), and 8 subfamilies (Banchinae, Cremastinae, Cryptinae, Metopiinae, Pimplinae, Tersilochinae, Tryphoninae, Rhyssinae) were collected from this agro-ecosystem.

H.R. Esmaeili, B.W. Coad, A. Gholamifard, N. Nazari & A. Teimory. 2010. Annotated сhecklist of the freshwater fishes of Iran. Zoosystematica Rossica, 19(2): 361-386.


The confirmed freshwater fishes of Iran comprise 202 species in 104 genera, 28 families, 17 orders and 3 classes found in 19 different basins. There are also 23 species whose presence in Iranian waters needs confirmation by specimens. The most diverse order is the Cypriniformes with 120 confirmed species (59.4%) followed by Perciformes with 28 species (13.9%), Cyprinodontiformes (10 species, 5.0%), Clupeiformes (9 species, 4.5%), Salmoniformes (7 species, 3.5%), Mugiliformes and Siluriformes each with 6 species (3.0%), Acipenseriformes (5 species, 2.5%), Gasterosteiformes (3 species, 1.5%), and 8 other orders each with one species (0.5%). New species are still being discovered, 7 described in 2009, while others are being resurrected from synonymy, newly recorded from Iran, or exotic species newly established. Some taxonomic problems remain and are commented on briefly. Thirty-nine endemic species (19.3%) in 6 families and 23 exotic species (11.4%) in 8 families are listed here. The mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki Girard, 1859 is the most widespread exotic species.

Volume, Year:
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Vol. 2. 1993
Vol. 1. 1992
Suppl. 3. 2020
Suppl. 2. 2018