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Volume 22, Number 1, 2013, pp. 3–149
Managing editor: A.V. GorochovS.Ya. Tsalolikhin. 2013. A new species, Brevitobrilus orientalis sp. nov. (Nematoda: Tobrilidae) from West Kazakhstan. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(1): 3-5. Abstract  Brevitobrilus orientalis sp. nov. was collected in a small brackish water lake near Batkul Lake in West Kazakhstan. New species differs from B. findeneggi (Schiemer, 1971) in a short body and a relatively long tail. |
A.V. Gorochov. 2013. No evidence for Paleozoic origin of mantises (Dictyoptera: Mantina). Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(1): 6-14. Abstract  The hypothesis of Paleozoic origin of mantises recently proposed by Béthoux & Wieland is discussed. It is shown that these authors reject the logical scenario of evolution of the main higher taxa in the order Dictyoptera, well grounded by the morphological, paleontological and molecular data, in favor of the opposite one based on two very feeble assumptions: about inexplicable importance of one of the very common fusions of veins RS and MA in the tegmina of one of the Carboniferous polyneopterans, and about some traces of basal fusion of RS and M ostensibly present in the tegmina of recent mantises. Arguments against these views are considered. |
A.V. Gorochov. 2013. Taxonomy of Podoscirtinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Part 10: American taxa of the tribe Aphonoidini. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(1): 15-58. Abstract  The systematic position and composition of the endemic American subribe Diatrypina stat. nov. (from Diatrypini Desutter, 1988) are discussed. This group is put in the tribe Aphonoidini as one of its two subtribes: Diatrypina and Aphonoidina stat. nov. The genus Prodiatrypa Desutter, 1988, originally included in “Diatrypini”, is transferred to the subtribe Tafaliscina of the tribe Paroecanthini. One new subgenus, 25 new species and four new subspecies are described. Nine species, erroneously included in the genera belonging to some other tribes, are transferred to the genus Diatrypa Saussure, 1874: Paroecanthus exaetos Otte, 2006 (D. exaetos comb. nov.), P. pipizon Otte, 2006 (D. pipizon comb. nov.), P. optivus Otte, 2006 (D. optivus comb. nov.), P. desumptus Otte, 2006 (D. desumptus comb. nov.), P. eudoxos Otte, 2006 (D. eudoxos comb. nov.), Orocharis legnotos Otte, 2006 (D. legnotos comb. nov.), O. apogon Otte, 2006 (D. apogon comb. nov.), O. epipolios Otte, 2006 (D. epipolios comb. nov.), O. tolmeros Otte, 2006 (D. tolmeros comb. nov.). |
A.V. Gorochov. 2013. A new subtribe of the tribe Phisidini from America and remarks on the genus Arachnoscelis (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Meconematinae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(1): 59-62. Abstract  A new subtribe (Arachnoscelidina subtrib. nov.) and two new subgenera of the genus Arachnoscelis Karny (Centrophisis subgen. nov. and Peruphisis subgen. nov.) are described. All these taxa are distributed in America and probably belong to the tribe Phisidini of the katydid subfamily Meconematinae. Some problems of taxonomy and morphology of the Arachnoscelidina are briefly discussed. |
Abstract  Aphids of 23 species and three subspecies are recorded for the first time in Western Siberia; ten species and two subspecies, namely Pineus strobi (Hartig, 1839), Chaitophorus salijaponicus szelegiewiczi Pintera, 1987, Chaitophorus populeti sensoriatus Mimeur, 1934, Aphis rostellum (Zhang, Chen, Zhong et Li, 1999), Aphis talgarica Kadyrbekov, 2001, Protaphis elatior (Nevsky, 1928), Hydaphias molluginis Börner, 1939, Ovatus crataegarius (Walker, 1850), Cryptomyzus (Ampullosiphon) stachydis (Heikinheimo, 1955), Uroleucon (Uroleucon) pseudobscurum (Hille Ris Lambers, 1967), Uroleucon (Lambersius) dubium Holman, 1975 and Uroleucon (Uromelan) campanulae (Kaltenbach, 1843), are recorded for the first time from the territory of Russia. |
B.M. Kataev & D.N. Fedorenko. 2013. Three new species of the genus Chydaeus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Vietnam. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(1): 69-79. Abstract  Three new species of the genus Chydaeus Chaudoir, 1854 are described from Vietnam: C. abramovi sp. nov. (Lao Cai Province), C. majusculus sp. nov. (Lam Dong and Khanh Hoa provinces) and C. dalatensis sp. nov. (Lam Dong Province). A key for identification of six species and subspecies of Chydaeus known from Vietnam is provided. |
Yu.G. Arzanov & B.A. Korotyaev. 2013. Aphytobius sphaerion (Boheman, 1845), a new species to the fauna of Russia (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Ceutorhynchinae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(1): 80-81. Abstract  Aphytobius sphaerion (Boheman, 1845), found on Melandrium album (Miller) Krause in the lower basin of the Don River, is recorded for the first time from Russia. |
B.A. Korotyaev. 2013. A new species of the weevil genus Ceutorhynchus Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from China. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(1): 82-86. Abstract  Ceutorhynchus (Heorhynchus) catenulatus sp. nov. is described from China (Sichuan). It differs from the two known members of the subgenus Heorhynchus Korotyaev, 1999 in the smaller size, coarsely catenulate elytra, deeper median sulcus and sharper lateral tubercles on the pronotum, usually rufous antennae and tarsi, and truncate apically aedeagus. From C.ibukianus Hustache, 1916, the new species is distinguished, in addition, by the black colour without clear blue sheen. Ceutorhynchus philippovi Korotyaev, 1980, described from the south of the Russian Far East, is synonymized with C. subcoeruleipennis Voss, 1958 described from China. |
Abstract  A new species of Dinotrema with only basomedially sculptured propodeum, Dinotrema vitobiasi sp. nov., is described from Spain. A comparison of this new species with its three morphologically most similar species, D. vituperatum (Fischer, 1974), D. latifemur (Fischer, 1975) and D. carinatum (Tobias, 1962), is provided. |
D.R. Kasparyan. 2013. A contribution to the knowledge of ichneumon flies of the tribe Cryptini (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Cryptinae) from Mexico. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(1): 93-106. Abstract  This article is addendum to the revision “Cryptini de México” (Kasparyan & Ruíz Cancino, 2005, 2008a). New data on ichneumon flies of the tribe Cryptini are given mainly on material from “Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México” collected in 2007–2009. Five new species, Debilos nigriceps sp. nov., Diapetimorpha zaldivari sp. nov., Lymeon albifemur sp. nov., L. clebschi sp. nov. and Whymperia oaxaca sp. nov., are described from Oaxaca State in southern Mexico. Acerastes tarsoleucus (Cameron, 1886) is recorded from Mexico for the first time, and female of this species is described for the first time. First representative of the Neotropical genus Debilos Townes, 1966 is described in Mexican fauna. New data on distribution in Mexico of some cryptine species are given. |
A.L. Lvovsky. 2013. New and little known species of the genus Casmara Walker, 1863 (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) from Southeast Asia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(1): 107-110. Abstract  Two new species of the genus Casmara Walker, C. nedoshivinae sp. nov. and C. subagronoma sp. nov. are described from Vietnam, China and Indonesia. Casmara exculta (Meyrick, 1914) is recorded from Vietnam and Indonesia for the first time. |
S.V. Baryshnikova. 2013. A new remarkable species of the genus Bucculatrix (Lepidoptera: Bucculatricidae) from the Primorsky Territory (Russian Far East). Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(1): 111-113. Abstract  Bucculatrix lovtsovae sp. nov., which is characterized by an unique character, well-marked asymmetry of valvae in the male genitalia, is described from the Russian Far East (Primorsky Territory). |
A.V. Polevoi. 2013. On the systematics and distribution of some poorly known species of Boletina (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) in northern Europe, with the description of a new species. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(1): 114-122. Abstract  A new Palaearctic species, Boletina palmata sp. nov., is described, and three other species, B. kurilensis Zaitzev, B. jamalensis Zaitzev and B. pinusia Maximova, are redescribed. It is demonstrated that many specimens from Fennoscandia formerly identified as B. kurilensis belong to B. palmata, while true B. kurilensis occurs only in northern parts of Murmansk Province in Russia, northern Norway and northern Finland. European specimens previously identified as B. jamalensis are proved to belong to B. pinusia, while another closely-related species, B. struthioides Polevoi et Hedmark, is found to be a junior synonym of B. jamalensis. |
D.M. Astakhov. 2013. A new species of robber flies of the genus Eremisca (Diptera: Asilidae) from the Lower Volga area. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(1): 123-128. Abstract  An illustrated description of a new species of robber flies, Eremisca dosangensis sp. nov., from Astrakhan Province of Russia is given. |
E.P. Nartshuk. 2013. Grassflies of the family Chloropidae (Diptera) on Mediterranean islands. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(1): 129-140. Abstract  One hundred sixteen species of Chloropidae (Diptera) are recorded from several Mediterranean islands: 66 on Sardinia, 46 on Sicilia, 45 on the Balearic Islands, 39 on the Maltese Islands, 31 on Corsica, 22 on Cyprus and 6 on Crete. The number of species recorded depends more on the level of knowledge of fauna than on the area of the islands. The recorded species belong to no less than ten chorotypes, most of them, to Euro-Mediterranean, Macaronesian-Mediterranean or Mediterranean chorotypes. Two species, Lasiambia aterrima (Duda) and Oscinimorpha tenuirostris (Duda), are known on islands and in North Africa (Tunisia) but not recorded from mainland Europe. Two species are East Mediterranean, Tricimba meridian Dely-Draskovits and Trachysiphonella pori Harkness et Ismay. Scoliophthalmus trapezoids Becker and Anacamptoneurum obliquum Becker, which are recorded only from Cyprus, are distributed also in Africa, Arabia and the Oriental Region. Five species are up-to now found only on islands. This review includes 22 species (16 valid), which have type localities on the islands. |
A.L. Ozerov & M.G. Krivosheina. 2013. Types of Scathophagidae (Diptera) at the Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(1): 141-149. Abstract  The data are summarized on the type specimens (holotypes, lectotypes, paratypes, paralectotypes) of 19 species in the family Scathophagidae (Diptera) kept at the Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg. The lectotypes are designated for three species, Scatophaga arctica Becker, 1897, S. septentrionalis Becker, 1897, and Scopeuma longinqua Becker, 1915. Acerocnema obscuripes Becker, 1915 is transferred to the genus Nanna Strobl, 1894. Three new synonymies are established: Scathophaga multisetosa (Holmgren, 1883) = Scatophaga arctica Becker, 1897, syn. nov.; Nanna obscuripes (Becker, 1915) = N. indotatum Engelmark, 1999, syn. nov.; Allomyella frigida (Holmgren, 1883) = Microprosopa varitibia Becker, 1897, syn. nov. Both syntypes of Ceratinostoma nudiseta Becker, 1907 are not Scathophagidae but Muscidae possibly belonging to Spilogona Schnabl, 1911. A redescription of Allomyella portenkoi (Stackelberg, 1952) is given. |
 Volume 22, Number 2, 2013, pp. 153–314
Managing editor: N.G. BogutskayaE.V. Soldatenko & A.A. Petrov. 2013. Mating and morphology of the copulatory apparatus in Planorbarius corneus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata). Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(2): 153-164. Abstract  This paper examines mating behaviour and copulatory mechanics (including insemination) in Planorbarius corneus (Linnaeus, 1758) and presents a revised description of its copulatory apparatus. The taxonomic position of the genus Planorbarius within the Basommatophora is discussed. The study shows that although P. corneus is similar to Planorbella (Seminolina) duryi (Wetherby, 1879) in the structure of the shell, copulatory apparatus, mating behaviour and even mating positions, they have different mechanisms of intromission. The analysis of morphology and mating behaviour does not support a close phylogenetic affinity of Planorbarius to the family Bulinidae P. Fischer et Crosse, 1880 and Planorbidae Rafinesque, 1815. |
E.M. Chaban & I.O. Nekhaev. 2013. Age variability in the shell of Scaphander punctostriatus (Mighels et C.B. Adams, 1842) (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Cephalaspidea) as revealed by specimens from the Russian part of the Barents Sea. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(2): 165-171. Abstract  The shell sculpture and morphology of the radula and gizzard plates of juvenile specimens of Scaphander punctostriatus from the Russian part of the Barents Sea is described for the first time and compared with those of adult specimens; the shell morphology is discussed and illustrated for the first time. |
A.V. Sikorski. 2013. New combination for Malacoceros jirkovi and a key for Spio (Polychaeta: Annelida) from Norwegian waters and adjacent Arctic areas. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(2): 172-180. Abstract  The species Malacoceros jirkovi Sikorski, 1992 is transferred to Spio Fabricius, 1785 in the light of new data (listed below).The de scription of this species is given for the first time in English. About 30 years of the study of polychaetous material from the economic zone of Norway has eventually shown there to be nine species belonging to Spio inhabiting this area: S. filicornis (Müller, 1776) [including S. malmgreni Sikorski, 2001 as a junior synonym], S. mecznikovianus Claparede, 1868, S. decoratus Bobretzky, 1871, S. arctica Söderström, 1920, S. armata Thulin, 1957, S. goniocephala Thulin, 1957, S. jirkovi (Sikorski, 1992), newly described S. symphyta Meißner, Bick et Bastrop, 2011 and S. arndti Meißner, Bick et Bastrop, 2011. The species S. theeli Söderström, 1920 and S. tzetlini Sikorski, 2001 which might be obtained in the adjacent areas (the Barents and White Seas) are also mentioned to fulfill the list of Arctic fauna. |
P.V. Tuzovskij. 2013. A description of two new species of water mites of the genus Torrenticola Piersig, 1896 (Acariformes: Hydrachnidia: Torrenticolidae) from the Krasnodar Kray, Russia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(2): 181-188. Abstract  Two new water mite species, Torrenticola amplexella and T. krasnodarensis, from running waters of the North Caucasus (Krasnodar Kray) are described with illustrations. |
Abstract  The Neotropical genera Quiva Hebard, 1927 and Yungasacris Rehn, 1950 belonging to the tribe Dysoniini are briefly reviewed. The former genus is divided into two subgenera: Quiva s. str. and Paraquiva subgen. nov. Four species and subspecies are described: Q. (Q.) sharovi sp. nov., Q. (P.) angieae sp. nov., Yu. multa sp. nov. and Yu. grata rara subsp. nov. Keys to subgenera, species and subspecies of these genera are given. |
S.Yu. Storozhenko. 2013. New and little-known species of the genus Zhengitettix (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae: Scelimeninae) from Southeast Asia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(2): 204-223. Abstract  Seven new species of the genus Zhengitettix Liang, 1994 are described: Z. hosticus sp. nov., Z. mucronatus sp. nov. and Z. spinulentus sp. nov. from Vietnam; Z. albitarsus sp. nov. and Z. extraneus sp. nov. from Thailand; Z. palawanensis sp. nov. and Z. taytayensis sp. nov. from the Philippines. Two species, Z. curvispinus Liang, Jiang et Liu, 2007 and Z. obliquespicula Zheng et Jiang, 2005 are firstly recorded from Vietnam. An annotated check-list and key to species of the genus Zhengitettix are given. Position of Zhengitettix within the family Tetrigidae is briefly discussed. |
A.V. Gorochov. 2013. Eighth addition to the revision of Itarinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(2): 224-229. Abstract  Two new species [Itara (Itara) tioman sp. nov. and I. (Maxitara) kinabalu sp. nov.] are described from Malaysia (from a small island near the Malacca Peninsula and from the Borneo Island, respectively). They differ from all the other congeners in some characters of male tegmina and male genitalia. |
Abstract  The detail investigation of the aphid fauna of the Kurgan Province (Russia) was started only at the end of the first decade of the XXI century. Until that time only brief and incomplete information about aphids living in the region had been published. The aim of this study was combining and critical review of previously published information on aphids of the region (including data in specialised applied publications) with addition of original new data. Based on summarised data, a conclusion was done that the aphid fauna of the region includes 113 species (from 48 genera), 31 of them have been recorded for this territory for the first time. |
A.G. Kirejtshuk & A. Nel. 2013. Skleroptera, a new order of holometabolous insects (Insecta) from the Carboniferous. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(2): 247-257. Abstract  A new order of holometabolan insects is proposed for Stephanastus polinae Kirejtshuk et Nel, 2013 from the Upper Carboniferous of Allier, France (Gzhelian, Commentry) (Nel et al., 2013). It is considered a member of the superorder Coleopterida. It shares with the order Coleoptera sclerotised forewings, which demonstrate a simple and somewhat reduced Sc, a simple and concave RP, a convex RA, the M less convex than R and CuA, M also simple and basally fused with CuA (putative synapomorphy), but distally separating from it; stem of M+Cu well separated from R, the coxae do not project and the trochanters are short. The new order Skleroptera ordo nov. differs from the orders Coleoptera and Strepsiptera in the structure of the thoracic sclerites and venation of the forewings, particularly in the following character combination: the absence of lateral carina on the prothorax, the narrow separation of the bases of its forewings, the very narrow anal region of the forewings that widen apically and the absence of a sub-marginal anal (adsutural) vein going along the entire posterior margin of the tegmina. These unique characters of Stephanastus Kirejtshuk et Nel, 2013 suggest that this individual was somewhat laterally compressed (like some orthopteroids). This represents also an essential difference from body ground plan of the Coleoptera in general. It is hypothesized that the position of the new order within the superorder Coleopterida at the subclade level is as follows: Skleroptera + (Coleoptera [probably including Umenocoleidae sensu stricto] +Strepsiptera). |
B.M. Kataev & D.W. Wrase. 2013. Two new species of the subgenus Egadroma (genus Stenolophus) from South Asia, with redescription of Stenolophus (Egadroma) ovatulus (Bates, 1889) (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(2): 258-265. Abstract  Two new species of the subgenus Egadroma Motschulsky, 1855 of the genus Stenolophus Dejean, 1821 are described: S. (Egadroma) melniki sp. nov. from Thailand and S. (Egadroma) ovchinnikovi sp. nov. from Pakistan and India. Stenolophus (E.) ovatulus (Bates, 1889), comb. nov., which was originally described within Acupalpus Latreille, 1829, is redescribed on the basis of material from China (Hainan and Fujiang provinces), Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia (first records from Thailand and Cambodia). The following new synonym is proposed: Stenolophus (E.) ovatulus (Bates, 1889) = Egadroma fukiensis Jedlička, 1953, syn. nov. |
Abstract  Three new fireflies, Lychnacris vulpes sp. nov., Robopus velozi sp. nov. and R. oviedoensis sp. nov., are described from the Dominican Republic. |
D.N. Fedorenko. 2013. New species of bombardier beetles of the genera Brachinus and Pheropsophus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Brachininae) from Vietnam. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(2): 271-284. Abstract  Eight new species of bombardier beetles are described from Vietnam: Brachinus dalatensis sp. nov., B. ovalipennis sp. nov., B. belyaevae sp. nov. (all in the melancholicus species-group), Pheropsophus (Stenaptinus) bidoupensis sp. nov., Ph. (S.) ngoclinhensis sp. nov., Ph. (S.) kalyakini sp. nov., Ph. (S.) similis sp. nov. and Ph. (S.) obliteratus sp. nov. (all in the aptinoides species-group). A key to species of the Pheropsophus aptinoides group of the Vietnamese fauna is provided. |
S.N. Myartseva. 2013. A new replacement name for junior homonym Encarsia trjapitzini Myartseva, 2013 (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(2): 285. Abstract  A new replacement name is proposed for Encarsia trjapitzini Myartseva, 2013. |
V.G. Chemyreva & V.A. Kolyada. 2013. First record of the New World genus Pentapria Kieffer, 1905 (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae: Spilomicrini) from Palaearctic Region. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(2): 286-296. Abstract  The New World genus Pentapria Kieffer is recorded in the Palaearctic Region for the first time. Two new species of this genus, P. ambiptera sp. nov. and P. grebennikovi sp. nov., from the Russian Far East (Primorskiy Territory) and Japan are described and illustrated. Diagnosis of the genus Pentapria is specified. A key to two East Palaearctic species of Pentapria is provided. |
T.S. Kostromina. 2013. A new micropterous species of the genus Bracon Fabricius, 1804 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Braconinae) from the South Urals. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(2): 297-302. Abstract  A new micropterous species Bracon semitus sp. nov. belonging to the subgenus Lucobracon Fahringer is described from Orenburg Province of Russia. This is the second example of microptery discovered in both the genus Bracon and the subfamily Braconinae. |
H. Ghahari & Z.A. Yefremova. 2013. A study on the family Eulophidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) from Iran. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(2): 303-310. Abstract  Twenty-eight eulophid species from 12 genera of the Eulophidae are collected in Iran. Of them, 2 genera and 8 species are new record for Iranian fauna. |
M.V. Nazarkin. 2013. Hooked Mako Isurus planus (Agassiz, 1856) from the Miocene of Sakhalin. Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(2): 311-314. Abstract  An isolated upper lateral shark tooth from the Middle-Late Miocene Kurasiiskaya Formation, Sakhalin Island, Russia, is identified as an Isurus planus (Agassiz, 1856). This is the first record of hooked mako for Russia, and the northernmost finding of this fossil shark. |