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Volume 20, Number 1, 2011, pp. 3–173

Managing editor: A.V. Gorochov

S.Ya. Tsalolikhin. 2011. Redescription of Ethmolaimus multipapillatusParamonov, 1926 (Nematoda: Chromadorida: Ethmolaimidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(1): 3–10.


The neotype of Ethmolaimus multipapillatus Paramonov, 1926 is designated from Inder Lake, Kazakhstan. Taxonomy, zoogeography and biology of the genus Ethmolaimus are discussed. A key to species of the genera Ethmolaimus, Paraethmolaimus and Trichethmolaimus is given.

M.V. Vinarski. 2011. The “index of the copulatory apparatus” and its application to the systematics of freshwater pulmonates (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Pulmonata). Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(1): 11-27.


The index of the copulatory apparatus (ICA) is calculated as the ratio between lengths of the praeputium and the penis sheath in the copulatory apparatus in freshwater pulmonate mollusks. ICA is often used for species’ delimitation and identification in different taxa of pulmonates, however, its variation (in both intra- and interspecific levels) is still poorly studied that may make troubles for systematicists. The variation of ICA in pond snails (family Lymnaeidae Rafinesque, 1815) has been studied in several aspects (intra- and interpopulation, interspecific). It has been shown that the index varies considerably, and it is almost impossible to identify a single specimen on the base of ICA solely. However, mean ICA values are more useful for taxonomic and identification purposes. Closely related species of lymnaeids demonstrate some extent of overlap between their ranges of ICA variation that hampers their identification but is not a cause for synonymisation. The factors of different origin that potentially may influence the ICA values in freshwater pulmonates have been reviewed. It is revealed that ICA manifests significant ontogenic and (in some lymnaeid species) geographical changes. The use of ICA in pulmonate systematics should be accompanied by data on variation in another characters of conchological or anatomical kind.

M.B. Kaydan & F. Kozár. 2011. New and rare mealybugs (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae, Putoidae) from Eastern Anatolia (Turkey). Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(1): 28–39.


This study aimed to determine the species of mealybugs (Pseudococcidae and Putoidae) found in five provinces (Ağrı, Bitlis, Hakkari, Iğdır and Van) in Eastern Anatolia, (Turkey). Species of the families Pseudococcidae and Putoidae were collected from natural and cultivated plants between 2005 and 2008. New locality and host plant data are given for all species. In total, 60 species of Pseudococcidae in 16 genera and two species of the genus Puto Signoret, 1875 were found, including 25 new species records for the Turkish fauna, namely: Atrococcus arakelianae (Ter-Grigorian, 1964,), A. cracens Williams, 1962, Coccura circumscripta (Kiritchenko, 1963), Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell), Fonscolombia europaea (Newstead, 1897), Heliococcus glacialis (Newstead, 1900), Metadenopus festucaeŠulc, 1931, Mirococcopsis ammophila Bazarov & Nurmamatov, 1975, M. avetianae Ter-Grigorian, 1964, M. subalpina (Danzig, 1985), M. teberdae (Danzig, 1985), Phenacoccus angustatus Borchsenius, 1949, P. eurotiae Danzig, 1975, P. incertus (Kiritshenko, 1940), P. kokandicus Nurmamatov, 1986, P. persimplex Borchsenius, 1949, P. querculus (Borchsenius, 1949), P. prope schmelevi Bazarov, 1980, P. strigosus Borchsenius, 1949, Pseudococcus comstocki (Kuwana, 1902), Puto megriensis (Borchsenius, 1948), Ripersiella parva (Danzig, 1985), R. petiti (Goux, 1941), R. poltavae (Laing, 1929) and Spilococcus vashlovanicus Danzig, 1998. A new mealybug species, Phenacoccus chatakicus sp. nov., is described and illustrated based on adult females.

I.A. Gavrilov-Zimin. 2011. Mealybugs of the genus Rhodania Goux, 1934 (Homoptera: Coccinea: Pseudococcidae) from Russia and neighbouring countries. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(1): 40-44.


A taxonomic revision of the genus Rhodania is given, including the original key for all 5 nominal species of the genus and a figure of the type species, Rh. porifera Goux, 1934, from Teberda (North Caucasus, Russia). Two species, Rh. porifera and Rh. festucae Hadzibejli, 1959 are noted for the territory of Russia and neighboring countries. The morphological variation of these species is discussed.

V.B. Golub & R.E. Linnavuori. 2011. Tingis (Tropidocheila) ribesi, a new species of lace bug (Heteroptera: Tingidae) from Iran. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(1): 45-47.


Tingis (Tropidocheila) ribesi sp. nov. (Heteroptera: Tingidae) from Iran is described.

I.A. Belousov & A.G. Koval. 2011. A new cave-dwelling species of the genus Cimmerites Jeannel, 1928 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechini) from the West Caucasus. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(1): 48-53.


A new species of the genus Cimmerites Jeannel, 1928, C. maximovitchi sp. nov., is described from the Akhunskaya Cave and Labirintovaya Cave, both located in the Akhun Karst Massif on the Black Sea Coast of the West Caucasus (Krasnodar Territory, Russia). The new species is rather isolated within the genus Cimmerites and occupies an intermediate position between species related to C. kryzhanovskii Belousov, 1998 and species close to C. vagabundus Belousov, 1998. Though both C. maximovitchi sp. nov. and C. kryzhanovskii are still known only from caves, these species are quite similar in their life form to other members of the genus which are all true endogean species.

A.G. Kirejtshuk. 2011. A new genus of the family Nitidulidae (Coleoptera: Polyphaga) from Australia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(1): 54-61.


Brittonema gen. nov. of the subfamily Cillaeinae is described. This genus includes two new species from Australia (Queensland), B. mandibulare sp. nov. and B. pygidiatum sp. nov. The new genus has a unique combination of characters, and also peculiar shape of pronotum and structure of genitalia making possible its recognition among other genera of the subfamily.

A.G. Kirejtshuk, D. Azar & O. Montreuil. 2011. First Mesozoic representative of the subfamily Liparochrinae (Coleoptera: Hybosoridae) from the Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(1): 62-70.


One specimen among coleopterous inclusions recently recovered in Lebanese amber is described as Libanochrus calvus gen. et sp. nov. and assigned to the subfamily Liparochrinae of the Hybosoridae. This specimen is incomplete but a large part of its head with appendages, prothoracic segment with anterior legs, remains of the median part of the pterothoracic underside and the lateral base of the of the right elytron make possible the conclusion on the subfamily attribution and diagnose it among the rest of fossil and recent taxa of this family. At present it is the oldest representative of the subfamily.

Ya.N. Kovalenko. 2011. Acanthocnemidae (Coleoptera), a family of beetles new to Russia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(1): 71-73.


Acanthocnemus nigricans (Hope, 1843), a single recent representative of the beetle family Acanthocnemidae, is reported from Russia for the first time. Distribution, probable ways of dispersion and the published data on the biology of A. nigricans are discussed.

S.N. Myartseva. 2011. Two new species of Centrodora (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Aphelinidae), a new genus for Mexico. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(1): 74-77.


Two new species of the genus Centrodora Förster, 1878 are described from the state of Tamaulipas in Mexico: C. tropicalis sp. nov. and C. zacateis sp. nov. This is the first record of the genus Centrodora from Mexico.

D.R. Kasparyan. 2011. Two new species of the genus Orthopelma (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Orthopelmatinae) from Caucasus and Tian-Shan. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(1): 78-84.


Two new Palearctic species of ichneumon-wasps, Orthopelma caucasicum sp. nov. and O. dodecameron sp. nov. are described from mountains of the Caucasus and Middle Asia. A key to the West-Palaearctic species is given. Two species-groups in Orthopelma are distinguished and characterised in the key.

S.A. Belokobylskij & T.S. Kostromina. 2011. Two late-spring braconid genera of the subfamily Alysiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) new for the fauna of Russia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(1): 85-95.


Two braconid genera from the subfamily Alysiinae, Lodbrokia Hedqvist, 1962 and Asyntactus Marshall, 1898, are recorded in the fauna of Russia and in the Asian continent for the first time. A new species Lodbrokia uralica sp. nov. is described from the Urals, and a key to species of this genus is provided. Redescriptions of the female and male of Asyntactus rhogaleus Marshall, 1898 with information about the level of variability of its morphological characters are given. Asyntactus sigalphoides Marshall, 1898 is synonymised with A. rhogaleus Marshall, 1898 (syn. nov.).

A.I. Khalaim. 2011. Tersilochinae of South, Southeast and East Asia, excluding Mongolia and Japan (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(1): 96-148.


Tersilochines of South, Southeast and East Asia (excluding Mongolia and Japan) have been studied. Eight genera and 60 species are recorded in the region: Allophrys (2 species), Barycnemis (5 species), Diaparsis (29 species), Phradis (2 species, including 1 unidentified species), Probles (12 species, including 1 unidentified and 6 undescribed species), Sathropterus (2 species), Slonopotamus gen. nov. (2 species) and Tersilochus (6 species, including one species of the obscure status). One genus and 26 species are described as new: Allophrys bruneiensis sp. nov. (Brunei), A. occipitata sp. nov. (Vietnam, India), Diaparsis absista sp. nov. (Brunei), D. bannapeana sp. nov. (Laos), D. bolikhamsaica sp. nov. (Laos, Thailand), D. brunnea sp. nov. (Brunei), D. crenulator sp. nov. (Brunei), D. dediticia sp. nov. (Vietnam, Brunei), D. hilaris sp. nov. (Vietnam), D. karnatakana sp. nov. (India), D. labiensis sp. nov. (Brunei), D. mandibulator sp. nov. (Laos), D. minuta sp. nov. (Vietnam), D. monstrosa sp. nov. (Brunei), D. morleyi sp. nov. (Sri Lanka), D. propodeator sp. nov. (Brunei, Sarawak State of Malaysia, southern Indonesia, Laos), D. pulchra sp. nov. (South Korea), D. sarawakiensis sp. nov. (Sarawak and Pahang states of Malaysia), D. viela sp. nov. (Vietnam, Laos), D. vietnamica sp. nov. (Vietnam), D. zispina sp. nov. (Vietnam), Probles vietnamica sp. nov. (Vietnam, probably East China and south of Far East of Russia), Sathropterus secundus sp. nov. (Vietnam), Slonopotamus elephantoides sp. nov. (Laos), S. indianus sp. nov. (India) and Tersilochus granulatus sp. nov. (South Korea). Generic assignment of two species are changed: Barycnemis sanctijohanni (Rao & Kurian, 1951), new combination, and Probles (Microdiaparsis) caudate (Morley, 1913), new combination. Barycnemis dissimilis and B. tobiasi from Nepal, Diaparsis convexa from Vietnam, D. niphadoctona from Laos, and Sathropterus pumilus from India and Nepal are newly recorded from the countries. The genus Diaparsis comprises almost half of species of the tersilochine fauna of the studied region (29 species, 48%), and is a dominant genus in the Oriental Region. Keys to genera and species of Tersilochinae of South, Southeast and East Asia (excluding Mongolia and Japan) are provided.

A.L. Lvovsky. 2011. Three new species of the genus Agonopterix (Lepidoptera: Depressariidae) from Nepal. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(1): 149-152.


Three new species of the genus Agonopterix are described from Nepal. Hitherto only two species of this genus were recorded from the Himalayas: A. costaemaculella (Christoph, 1882) and A. cyclas (Meyrick, 1910) (Meyrick, 1910; Diakonoff, 1952).

T.V. Galinskaya. 2011. A new species of Ulidia (Diptera: Ulidiidae) from Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(1): 153-158.


Ulidia transcaspica sp. nov. from Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan is described and depicted. The new species is close to U. nigricubitalis Zaitzev, 1982 from Mongolia; U. nigricubitalis is also depicted.

A.V. Gorochov. 2011. New family-group taxa in the infraclass Polyneoptera (Insecta): making the names, proposed early, available. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(1): 159-160.


Eight family-group names of the insect orders Orthoptera and Titanoptera (Leiomelinae, Tettohaglinae, Praelocustopsinae, Archelcaninae, Subtiloriini, Prolandrevini, Prototitaninae, Deinotitaninae) published without concrete indications of their type genus are unavailable in according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. They are made available here.

A.P. Kassatkina. 2011. Three new species, two new genera, and new family Biphragmosagittidae (Сhaetognatha) from Southwest Pacific Ocean. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(1): 161-173.


Resuming published and own data, a revision of classification of Chaetognatha is presented. The family Sagittidae Claus & Grobben, 1905 is given a rank of subclass, Sagittiones, characterised, in particular, by the presence of two pairs of sac-like gelatinous structures or two pairs of fins. Besides the order Aphragmophora Tokioka, 1965, it contains the new order Biphragmosagittiformes ord. nov., which is a unique group of Chaetognatha with an unusual combination of morphological characters: the transverse muscles present in both the trunk and the tail sections of the body; the seminal vesicles simple, without internal complex compartments; the presence of two pairs of lateral fins. The only family assigned to the new order, Biphragmosagittidae fam. nov., contains two genera. Diagnoses of the two new genera, Biphragmosagitta gen. nov. (type species B. tarasovi sp. nov. and B. angusticephala sp. nov.) and Biphragmofastigata gen. nov. (type species B. fastigata sp. nov.), detailed descriptions and pictures of the three new species are presented.

Volume 20, Number 2, 2011, pp. 177–359

Managing editor: N.G. Bogutskaya

P.V. Tuzovskij. 2011. А description of a new water mite species of the genus Albaxona Szalay, 1944 (Acariformes: Aturidae) from the Far East of Russia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 177-185.


A new water mite, Albaxona orientalis, based on male, female and deutonymph from running waters of the Far East of Russia is described with illustrations.

P.V. Tuzovskij. 2011. A description of a new water mite species of the genus Axonopsis Piersig, 1893 (Acariformes: Aturidae) from the Northern Caucasus. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 186-191.


A new water mite, Axonopsis caucasicus, based on male and female from running waters of the North Caucasus is described with illustrations.

S.G. Ermilov, L.B. Rybalov & A.A. Kemal. 2011. Two new species of oribatid mites of the genus Liacarus (Acari: Oribatida) from Ethiopia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 192-199.


Two species of oribatid mites genus Liacarus Michael, 1898 (Acari: Oribatida), L. paratanzicus sp. nov. and L. shipitsyni sp. nov. are described from mosses (first species also is in litter) from southern Ethiopia. In Ethiopian fauna, this genus is recorded for the first time.

S.G. Ermilov & A.E. Anichkin. 2011. Four new species of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) from Vietnam. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 200-215.


Four new species of oribatid mites, Unguizetes cattienensis sp. nov. (Mochlozetidae), Gigantoppia zryanini sp. nov. (Granuloppiidae), Caucasiozetes frankeae sp. nov. (Microzetidae) and Otocepheus (Acrotocepheus) vietnamicus sp. nov. (Otocepheidae) from forest soil, litter and decaying wood of Cat Tien National Park in southern Vietnam are described. The representative of the genus Gigantoppia as well as Unguizetes sphaerula is recorded for the first time in Vietnam, and the genus Caucasiozetes is firstly recorded in the Oriental Region. A new generic diagnosis of Caucasiozetes is presented, and an identification key to the Vietnamese species of Otocepheus (Acrotocepheus) is presented.

A.V. Gorochov. 2011. Taxonomy of Podoscirtinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Part 9: the American tribe Paroecanthini. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 216-270.


Systematic position and composition of the endemic American tribe Paroecanthini are discussed. This tribe is divided into two subtribes: Paroecanthina stat. nov. (from Paroecanthini Gorochov, 1986) and Tafaliscina stat. nov. (from Tafaliscinae Desutter, 1988). Five new genera, 24 new species and 6 new subspecies are described. Systematic position and distribution of true and possible taxa of Paroecanthini are clarified, and some of these taxa are redescribed. Orocharis eclectos Otte, 2006, syn. nov. is synonymised with Paroecanthus mexicanus Saussure, 1859 which is restored as type species of Paroecanthus Saussure, 1859 according to original monotypy of this genus. Orocharis signatus Walker, 1869 and Carsidava Walker, 1869 are excluded from synonymy of P. mexicanus and Paroecanthus, respectively. Orocharis signatus is considered to be a probable synonym of P. aztecus aztecus Saussure, 1874. Carsidava and Chremon Rehn, 1930, syn. nov. are considered possible and evident synonyms of Ectotrypa Saussure, 1874, respectively. Angustitrella vicina (Chopard, 1912), sp. resurr. and A. picipes (Bruner, 1916), sp. resurr. are restored from synonymy of A. podagrosa (Saussure, 1897) and Siccotrella niger (Saussure, 1874), respectively. Lectotype of Amblyrhethus brevipes (Saussure, 1878) and type species of Metrypa Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1873 (Tafalisca lurida Walker, 1869) are designated. Pseudogryllus Chopard, 1912, gen. resurr. is restored from synonymy of Tafalisca Walker, 1869.

E.M. Danzig & I.A. Gavrilov-Zimin. 2011. To the nomenclature of some scale insects (Homoptera: Coccinea). Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 271-273.


The synonymy of Brevennia rehi (Lindinger, 1943) is discussed. The new combination, Dysmicoccus mongolicus (Danzig, 1969), is introduced. Lectotypes are designated for Brevennia femoralis Borchsenius, 1949, Chaetococcus transcaucasicus Borchsenius, 1949 and Acanthococcus (= Rhizococcus) salsolae (Borchsenius, 1949).

A.G. Kirejtshuk. 2011. “Paradoxal” new genus and species of the family Nitidulidae (Polyphaga: Coleoptera) from Afro-Madagascarean and Australian Regions. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 274-298.


In the paper described are two new species of the genus Amphicrossus Erichson, 1843 (A. microtuberculatus sp. nov. from Sudan and A. uhligi sp. nov. from Zambia: Amphicrossinae), one new species of the genus Meligethinus Grouvelle 1906 (M. zimbabwensis sp. nov. from Zimbabwe: Meligethinae), one new species from the genus Neopallodes Reitter, Reitter, 1884 (N. madagascarensis sp. nov. from Madagascar: Nitidulinae, Cyllodini) and one species of the new genus Gonoglypha gen. nov. (G. distinctissima sp. nov. from Australia (Queensland): Nitidulinae, Cychramptodini). In the paper also some addition to the description of Meligethinus dolosus Grouvelle, 1919 from the eastern part of South Africa and some comments on significance of different characters, taxonomy and classifications of some groups of the family Nitidulidae are included.

N. Samin, H. Ghahari, E. Koçak & Gh.R. Radjabi. 2011. A contribution to the scelionid wasps (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) from some regions of Eastern Iran. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 299-304.


The Scelionidae were studied in some regions of Eastern Iran. In total 23 species from 7 genera were collected, among which two species, Eumicrosoma phaeax (Nixon, 1938) and Sparasion punctatissimum Kieffer, 1906, are new records for Iran.

F.J. Peris-Felipo, S.A. Belokobylskij & R. Jiménez-Peydró. 2011. First record of the genus Syncrasis in Spain, with а redescription of Syncrasis (Eusyncrasis) talitzkii Tobias, 1986 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Alysiinae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 305-309.


The genus Syncrasis Foerster, 1862 as subgenus Eusyncrasis Tobias, 1986 is recorded for the first time in the fauna of Spain. A key to subgenera, and a detailed redescription of Syncrasis (Eusyncrasis) talitzkii Tobias, 1986 on the basis of Spanish material collected by а Malaise trap in the Alicante Province, are provided.

S.A. Belokobylskij & K.G. Samartsev. 2011. First records of the tribe Holcobraconini and the genus Zombrus Marshall, 1897 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Doryctinae) in Europe. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 310-318.


The doryctine tribe Holcobraconini and its genus Zombrus Marshall, 1897 are recorded for the first time for Europe. Zombrus bicolor (Enderlein, 1912), which was previously known only from the East Palaearctic, is recorded for Kazakhstan (Almaty Province) and European part of Russia (Astrakhan’ Province) for the first time. A discussion about the content and distribution of the Holcobraconini genera and the Palaearctic species of the genus Zombrus, and a key to the Palaearctic species of Zombrus are provided. The redescriptions of the tribe Holcobraconini, the genus Zombrus and species Z. bicolor are given.

V.S. Kuslitzky & D.R. Kasparyan. 2011. A new genus of ichneumonid flies of the subfamily Collyriinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from Syria and Israel. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 319-324.


In the subfamily Collyriinae, a second genus of ichneumonid flies (Aubertiellagen. nov.) is established for Collyria nigricator Aubert, 1964 previously known only from Syria. The new genus differs from Collyria Schiødte, 1839 in having the mouth hollow much broader than face, malar space very short, lower tooth of mandible strongly elongate, and tergites 7 and 8 not enlarged and retracted into abdomen (these tergites are always modified and strongly projecting in Collyria). Key for both genera of the subfamily is given. Female of Aubertiella nigricator (Aubert, 1964), comb. nov., previously unknown, is described. This species is recorded from Israel for the first time.

E.N. Yegorenkova & Z.A. Yefremova. 2011. Baryscapus babiyi Doğanlar, 1993 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is parasitoid of Lasiosina devitata (Diptera: Chloropidae) in Turkey: description of male and discovery of host. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 325-329.


Baryscapus babiyi Doğanlar, 1993 is reared from Lasiosina devitata Nartshuk in Turkey. This is the first record of a host for B. babiyi. The latter species is included in B. daira species group. Female of B. babiyi is redescribed, and previously unknown male of this species is described.

A.L. Lvovsky & S.Yu. Sinev. 2011. Paradasycera – a new genus of the broad-winged moths (Lepidoptera, Oecophoridae) from the Russian Far East. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 330-333.


A new eastern-palaearctic monotypic genus of the broad-winged moths, Paradasycera gen. nov., is described. It is related to the European genus Dasycera Stephens, 1829, from which differs by the very short ovipositor in female and slightly pointed apex of the fore wing. The type species of the genus, Paradasycera insignis (Christoph, 1882), comb. nov., is redescribed.

V.E. Pilipenko. 2011. A new species of Tipula (Savtshenkia) (Diptera: Tipulidae) from Chukotka. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 334-337.


A new cranefly species, Tipula (Savtshenkia) anadyrensis sp. nov. from the northern Far East, is described and illustrated. The species belongs to the subnodicornis group and is close to T.postposita Riedel, 1919. The female of the new species has short wings.

D.M. Astakhov. 2011. Robber fly species (Diptera: Asilidae) new to the lower Volga area. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 338-339.


The genus Jothopogon Becker, 1913 and three species of robber flies are for the first time recorded from Russia. Nine species are for the first time found in the Lower Volga area.

E.P. Nartshuk. 2011. Grassflies of the family Chloropidae (Diptera) of A.P. Fedchenko’s Turkestan collection with description of new taxa. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 340-349.


Sixteen species are found in the chloropid collection made by A.P. Fedchenko in Turkestan in 1869–1871 and three more species were identified to the generic level only. A new genus, Alajichlorops, and four new species, A. fedchenkoi, Chlorops kirghisicus, Ch. olgafedchenkoae, and Polyodaspis palpata are described. A key for the palaearctic species of the genus Polyodaspis Duda, 1933 is presented.

A.V. Barkalov & X.-Y. Cheng. 2011. A review of the Chinese species of the genus Blera (Diptera: Syrphidae) with the description of a new species. Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 350-355.


A review of species of the genus Blera Billberg, 1820 known from China is given. A new species, Blera longiseta sp. nov., is described. Three species, B. japonica (Shiraki, 1930), B. nitens (Stackelberg, 1923) and B. violovitshi Mutin, 1991, are recorded for the first time from China. An illustrated key to species is provided.

S.A. Belokobylskij & M.J. Sharkey. 2011. To the memory by Vladimir Ivanovich Tobias (1929–2011). Zoosystematica Rossica, 20(2): 356-359.



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