Sixth addition to the revision of Itarinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)

A.V. Gorochov

Abstract. Itara (Gryllitara) curupi sp. nov. and I. (Phormincter) melanocephala sumatrae subsp. nov. from Southern Sumatra as well as Inditara subgen. nov. and I. (Inditara) indiae sp. nov. from South India are described. Itara curupi distinctly differs from all the other species of Gryllitara in having two rows of denticles on the dorsal surface of the epiphallus, I. melanocephala sumatrae differs from the nominotypical subspecies by a shorter distal part of the ectoparameres, and I. indiae strongly differs from all the other representatives of Itara in possessing a smaller tegminal mirror, more simple oblique veins in the male tegmina, and a specific structure of the male genitalia.
Key words: Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Itarinae, Itara, Inditara , new subspecies, new species, new subgenus

Zoosystematica Rossica, 2009, 18(2): 218-223  ▪  Published in print 25 December 2009  ▪  Open full article  


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