Description of Zelonia daumondi sp. nov. (Trypanosomatidae: Leishmaniinae)

M.N. Malysheva, A.I. Ganyukova, D.O. Drachko, A.Y. Kostygov & A.O. Frolov

Abstract. Using light and electron microscopy, as well as molecular phylogenetic methods, we described a new species of monoxenous trypanosomatids, Zelonia daumondi sp. nov., based on three isolates collected in northwestern Russia: two from the predatory pentatomid bug Picromerus bidens (Linnaeus, 1758) and one from an overwintering female mosquito Culiseta annulata (Schrank, 1776). This is the first record of a member of the genus Zelonia Shaw, Camargo et Teixeira, 2018 in the Holarctic Region and the most northern one in the world. All three studied isolates had identical sequences of the 18S rRNA and gGAPDH genes, justifying their assignment to a single species. An isolate previously documented in the lygaeid bug Stalagmostethus fuscatus (Turton, 1802) from Madagascar was found to belong to the same species, as determined by the 18S rRNA gene sequence, thereby demonstrating a wide geographic range of the new species.
Key words: phylogeny, morphology, ultrastructure, Picromerus bidens, Culiseta annulata, new species

Zoosystematica Rossica, 2023, 32(2): 252–268  ▪  Published online 22 November 2023  ▪  Open full article  

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