Andrey A. Przhiboro

Web of Science ResearcherID:
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Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences
Academic title: No title
Position: Senior Researcher
Contact phone: +7 (812) 328-02-11, ext. 290
Educational background: St Petersburg State University, 1994
Dissertations: “Ecology and role of benthic dipterans (Insecta: Diptera) in shallow-water communities of small lakes in northwestern Russia.” (PhD)
Research interests: Ecology, systematics and adaptations of Diptera (Insecta) in aquatic and semiaquatic environments. Communities and ecosystems in shallow aquatic and semiaquatic habitats, with special attention to extreme conditions.
Field studies: European Russia, Southern Siberia, Far East of Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, China, Chile.
Editorial activity:
Pedagogical activity: Coauthor of the tutorial: Philippov D.A., Prokin A.A., Przhiboro A.A. 2017. Methods and techniques of hydrobiological research of mires: a manual. Tyumen: Tyumen University Press. 208 p.
Scientific projects and grants:
  • RFBR, 11-04-01742-а. PI A.A. Przhiboro. “Biodiversity and role of Diptera (Insecta) in the nearshore zone of small lakes in NW Russia”.
  • RFBR, 13-04-90918-mol_in_nr. PI A.A. Przhiboro. “Biodiversity of non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) in springs of the Ukrainian Carpathians by the example of the Gorgany Massif”.
  • RSF, 14-14-01134, PI A.A. Prokin. “Arthropods of sphagnum associations as a model to evaluate the relationship of historical and ecological factors in the evolution of communities” (A.A. Przhiboro, principal investigator).
  • RFBR, 15-34-50544-mol_in_nr. PI A.A. Przhiboro. “Non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) of islands and continental coast of the Barents and Kara seas”.
  • RFBR, 15-04-0732-а. PI A.A. Przhiboro. “Biodiversity and adaptations of psammorheophilous dipterans (Insecta: Diptera) of the Northern Palaearctic”.
Selected Publications:
  • Пржиборо А.А. 1999. Бабочницы (Psychodidae), земноводные комары (Dixidae), хаобориды (Chaoboridae), таблицы 1-4 к общей части // Определитель пресноводных беспозвоночных России и сопредельных территорий. Том 4: высшие насекомые, двукрылые. СПб: 90-136, 372-379, 470-507.
  • Przhiboro A.A. 2000. Synusia of the turf inhabitants of monocotyledones: a poorly known component of the lake macrobenthos // Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, 286: 113-120.
  • Garbuz D.G., Zatsepina O.G., Przhiboro A.A., Yushenova I., Guzhova I.V. & Evgen’ev M.B. 2008. Larvae of related Diptera species from thermally contrasting habitats exhibit continuous up-regulation of heat shock proteins and high thermotolerance // Molecular Ecology, 17: 4763–4777. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2008.03947.x
  • Lukashevich E., Przhiboro A., Marchal-Papier F. & Grauvogel-Stamm L. 2010. The oldest occurrence of immature Diptera (Insecta), Middle Triassic, France // Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France (n. s.), 46(1–2): 4-22.
    DOI: 10.1080/00379271.2010.10697636
  • Przhiboro A. & Sæther O.A. 2010. Tvetenia tshernovskii (Pankratova, 1968), comb. n., a senior synonym of Tvetenia vitracies (Sæther, 1969) (Diptera: Chironomidae) // Zootaxa, 2675: 57–64.
  • Przhiboro A. & Sæther O.A. 2011. Littoral chironomid communities of two small lakes in northern Karelia (Russia) studied by emergence traps // Wang X, Lui W (eds). Contemporary chironomid studies. Proсeedings of the 17th international symposium on Chironomidae (6-9 July 2009, Nankai University, Tianjin, China). Nankai University Press. p. 187-217.
  • Пржиборо А.А. 2012. Водные и околоводные макробеспозвоночные и количественная оценка их обилия // Иовченко Н.П. (Ред.). Экосистемы заказника "Раковые озера": история и современное состояние. Труды С.-Петербургского общества естествоиспытателей. Серия 6. Том 6 (2011): с. 53-65, 208, 252-272.
  • Chapman E.G., Przhiboro A.A., Harwood J.D., Foote B.A. & Hoeh W.R. 2012. Widespread and persistent invasions of terrestrial habitats coincident with larval feeding behavior transitions during snail-killing fly evolution (Diptera: Sciomyzidae) // BMC Evolutionary Biology, 12: 175 (pp. 1-22 + Supplements). DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-12-175
  • Przhiboro A. & Paasivirta L. 2012. Chironomidae of semiaquatic lake shore habitats in the Karelian Isthmus (northwestern Russia) // Fauna norvegica, 31: 87-94. DOI: 10.5324/fn.v31i0.1410
  • Przhiboro A. 2014. Diversity and adaptations of immature Diptera in semiaquatic habitats at shorelines of hypersaline lakes in the Crimea, with a brief review of Diptera in mineralized bodies of water // Acta Geologica Sinica, 88, Suppl. 1: 98-100.
    DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.12266_22
  • Lukashevich E.D. & Przhiboro A.A. 2014 (2015). A new tribe of Diamesinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia // Cretaceous Research, 52, part B: 562-569. DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2014.03.016
  • Zatsepina O.G., Przhiboro A.A., Yushenova I.A., Shilova V., Zelentsova E.S., Shostak N.G., Evgen'ev M.B., Garbuz D.G. 2016. A Drosophila heat shock response represents an exception rather than a rule amongst Diptera species // Insect Molecular Biology, 25(4): 431-449. DOI: 10.1111/imb.12235
  • Пржиборо А.А. 2017. Реофильные по происхождению двукрылые (Insecta: Diptera) - необычные компоненты сообществ сфагновых болот юга Чили // Труды института биологии внутренних вод РАН, 79(82): 147-156.