Maria S. Vishnevskaya

Web of Science ResearcherID:
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Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences
Academic title: No title
Position: Researcher
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Educational background:
  • 2007 – Bachelor – Saint-Petersburg State University, faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences, Department of Entomology
  • 2009 – Master – Saint-Petersburg State University, faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences, Department of Entomology
Dissertations: “Systematics and species delimitation of monomorphic blue butterflies of the subgenus Agrodiaetus (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) with use of the molecular markers analysis.” (PhD)
Research interests: mechanisms of prezygotic isolation, cryptic species, molecular phylogenetics, karyosystematics, Rhopalocera, metagenomics, environmental DNA.
Field studies: the Altai, the Urals, the Caucasus, Crimea.
Professional membership: Russian Entomological Society,
Pedagogical activity:
  • Methods for phylogeny reconstruction» course for Bachelor students (SPbU)
  • “Phylogenetics” course for Master students (ITMO University)
  • “Fluorescence in situ hybridization for cytogenetics analysis”, 6-days workshop (Research Park, SPbU)
  • “Problems of species and speciation” course for Master students (SPbU)
  • Field practice on entomology for Bachelor students (SPbU)
Scientific projects and grants:
  • RSF 24-24-00288 Prezygotic isolation in cryptic species: identification of hidden morphological traits in blue butterflies (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) using an image recognition system. (P.l. Vishnevskaya M.S.)
  • RSF 19-14-00202 Hybrid speciation without polyploidy: origin and evolution of pre- and postzygotic barriers between hybrids and parental forms (P.l. Lukhtanov V.A.)
  • RSF 14-14-00541 Genetic structure and mechanisms of biological diversity formation in insects (P.l. Lukhtanov V.A.)
  • RSF 22-24-00715 Food chain rewiring through human-mediated diet shifts in threatened Madagascan dung-beetles (P.l. Frolov A.V.)
  • RFBR 20-54-56011 Iran_t Know your enemies watch your friends: Plant bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) of Northern Iran with a special emphasis on the economically important taxa (P.l. Konstantinov F.V.)
  • АААА-А19-119091690086-6 «Study of genomic, proteomic and metabolomic characteristics of biological objects» (P.l. Volkov K.V.)
  • RFBR 18-04-00263 А Interspecific hybridization, reticular evolution and speciation in lepidopteran insects (P.l. Lukhtanov V.A.)
  • RFBR 17-04-00828-а. Analysis of holokinetic chromosomes and their changes in evolution of insects. (P.l. Kuznetsova V.G.)
  • RFBR 16-04-01682а: Phylogeny of the plant bug family Miridae (Insecta: Heteroptera) based on morphological and molecular data (P.l. Konstantinov F.V.)
  • RFBR №15-29-02533 ofi_m. “Structure and characterisitics of the taxonomical diversity in arthropods, involved into the coevolutionary relationships with plants and vertebrates Руководитель”. (P.l. Lukhtanov V.A.)
  • RFBR 14-04-31726 мол_а Cytogenetic mechanisms and evolutionary dynamics of karyotype reorganization in the phylogeny of butterflies and caddisflies (Insecta: Lepidoptera, Trichoptera) (P.l. Vershinina A.O.)
  • RFBR 13-04-92716-IND_a Unravelling higher level phylogenetic relationships of skipper butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae), times of divergences and evolution of hostplant associations (P.l. Lukhtanov V.A.)
Selected Publications:
  • Frolov A.V., Akhmetova L.A., Vishnevskaya M.S., Kiriukhin B.A., Montreuil O., Lopes F., Tarasov S.I. 2023. Amplicon metagenomics of dung beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae) as a proxy for lemur (Primates, Lemuroidea) studies in Madagascar. ZooKeys 1181: 29–39.
  • Makhov I.A., Lukhtanov V.A., Vishnevskaya M.S. 2023. Lepidoptera collected in SW Mongolia during expedition in Mongolian Altai in 2022: Geometridae. Shilap Revista de lepidopterología. – in print
  • Vishnevskaya M.S., Lukhtanov V.A. 2022 Cryptic morphological traits in cryptic species in blue butterflies of the subgenus Agrodiaetus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Proceedings of the XVI Congress of the Russian Entomological Society. – Moscow. – КМК. – p.84
  • Madyarova, E.; Shirokova, Y.; Gurkov, A.; Drozdova, P.; Baduev, B.; Lubyaga, Y.; Shatilina, Z.; Vishnevskaya, M.; Timofeyev, M. 2022 Metabolic Tolerance to Atmospheric Pressure of Two Freshwater Endemic Amphipods Mostly Inhabiting the Deep-Water Zone of the Ancient Lake Baikal. Insects 13: 578
  • Rumyantceva V., Rumyantceva V., Andreeva Y., Tsvetikova S., Radaev A., Vishnevskaya M., Vinogradov V., Drozdov A., Koshel E. 2021 Magnetically Controlled Carbonate Nanocomposite with Ciprofloxacin for Biofilm Eradication. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22 (12), 6187
  • Frolov A.V., Vishnevskaya M.S., Akhmetova L.A. 2021 Identification of larvae of two Aphodius Helwig, 1798 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) species using morphology and DNA barcode. Zootaxa 5047(2):153-164.
  • Frolov A.V., Akhmetova L.A., Vishnevskaya M.S. 2020 A new species of the endemic Madagascan scarab beetle genus, Madecorphnus grebennikovi (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Orphninae): morphological description and DNA barcode. Zootaxa 4808 (2): 373-378
  • Vishnevskaya M.S., Lukhtanov V.A., Dantchenko A.V., Saifitdinova A.F. 2018 Combined analysis of chromosomal and molecular markers reveals cryptic species: karyosystematics of the Agrodiaetus Hübner, [1822] blue butterflies. Comparative Cytogenetics 12(3): 325–326.
  • Vishnevskaya M.S., Saifitdinova A.F., Lukhtanov V.A. 2016 Karyosystematics and molecular taxonomy of the anomalous blue butterflies (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) from the Balkan Peninsula. Comparative Cytogenetics 10 (5) (Monograph)
  • Lukhtanov V.A., Dantchenko A.V., Vishnevskaya M.S., Saiftdinova A.F. 2015.Detecting cryptic species in sympatry and allopatry: analysis of hidden diversity in Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 116: 468–485.
  • Vishnevskaya M.S., Lukhtanov V.A., Dantchenko A.V., Saifitdinova A.F. 2015 The study of karyoptype evolution helps to identify cryptic species: a case study in Agrodiaetus butterflies. Chromosome 2015: proceedings of the international conference. Novosibirsk, p. 51-52.
  • Lukhtanov, V.A., Vishnevskaya, M.S., Volynkin, A.V., Yakovlev R.V. 2007. Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) of West Altai. Entmological Review 87: 524–544.