Galina M. Suleymanova

Web of Science ResearcherID: ---
Scopus Author ID: ---
RSCI: ---
Google Scholar: ---
Academic degree: No degree
Academic title: No title
Position: Senior Collection Keeper
Contact phone: +7 (812) 328-12-12, ext. 247
Educational background: Higher. Leningrad Institute of textile and light industry. S. M. Kirov. 1992
Research interests: Systematics, dipterology, zoological collections, faunistics.
Field studies: The Volga Region, The Caucasus, Siberia, Altai, Ural.
Professional membership: Russian entomological society,
Scientific projects and grants:
  • RFBR No. 18-04-00354-а Morphogenesis of the male terminalia of Diptera Calyptratae in the evolution of Cyclorrhapha (Diptera).
  • RFBR No. 15-04-03457-a Stages and directions of the morphogenesis of the genitalia of males and females in the macroevolution of higher short-Diptera (Insecta, Diptera).
  • RFBR No. 13-04-10044-k Organization and survey of expedition by the subject “Adaptive strategies in the evolution of Dipterous insects”.
  • RFBR No. 11-04-00185-a Adaptive strategies in the evolution of Diptera.
Selected Publications: Nartshuk E. P., Suleimanova G. M. Type Specimens of Conopidae (Diptera) in the Collection of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg// Entomological Review, 2019, 99 - 1, 119-128