Yuri V. Starikov

Web of Science ResearcherID: ---
Scopus Author ID: ---
RSCI: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?authorid=610745
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0783-6885
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ru/citations?user=WcNFn3gAAAAJ
Academic degree: No degree
Academic title: No title
Position: Artist Restorer
E-mail: Yuri.Starikov@zin.ru
Contact phone: ---
Educational background: Leningrad State University, Biology and soil faculty, Chair of vertebrate animals. Internship (methods of modern taxidermy): Australia, Switzerland. Advanced training courses of the staff of Russian natural history museums.
Research interests: Restoration of natural history objects (practical and theoretical elaboration of a new trend in Russian practice). History of taxidermy. Paleotaxidermy. Taxidermy of fish, amphibians, and reptiles. Museology.
Field studies: Russian Far East, Amur region, western Georgia, Turkmenistan, the White Sea, Vietnam, Australia.
Professional membership:
  • Member of the Attestation commission of the Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation (attestation of specialists in preservation of objects of cultural heritage (excluding rescue archeological field works), in restoration of other cultural values (section of decorative and applied art).
  • Association of Russian natural history museums.
  • Creative union of museum curators of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Province.
  • St. Petersburg Union of artists. Restoration section. Member of the Managing Board.
Pedagogical activity:
  • Member of coordination council of the Commission for attestation of restorers of the Ministry of culture of Russian Federation. Elaboration of qualification characters for attestation of natural history restorers. 2019, 2023.
  • Lections and practical classes “Methods of modern taxidermy” and “Restoration of subjects from zoological collections”/ State Darwin Museum, 2001–2018.
  • Lections “Restoration of natural history subjects”. Advanced training courses for the personnel of museums of Russian Federation “Restoration of museum subjects from ethnographical collections. Russian Ethnographical Museum (REM) 2012, 2014–2019, 2021–2022.
  • Lections “Modern taxidermy”, St. Petersburg State University, Biological Faculty, Chair of vertebrate animals, 2014–2017.
  • Lections “Introduction to the restoration of natural history subjects”, St. Petersburg State University, Chair of museum affairs and monument protection, 2013, 2014, 2019.
  • Filming of a short documentary movie on restoration of natural history subjects “White Crow of restoration”, St. Petersburg Institute of Culture, Chair of science and photo art, 2019.
  • Lections “Restoration of natural history objects”. Repin St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, Chair of painting restoration, 2012, 2014.
  • Special course “History of the formation of ichthyology collection in Russia. Restoration of fishes stuffed skins”. St. Petersburg State University, Chair of ichthyology and hydrobiology. 2002г.
  • Training and practical course “History of formation of zoological collections in Russia. Restoration of subjects from zoological collections”. Mongolian State University, Ulan-Bator, 2005.
  • Training and practical course “General taxidermy” for the personnel of museums and natural parks of Vietnam, Hanoi, 2011.
  • Individual training of Russian and foreign specialists of natural history museums.
Scientific projects and grants:
  • The Fond of Sarasin Bank. Switzerland, 1993. Project on making of a copy of Magadan baby mammoth mummy for Natural History museum in Basel. Participants: Yu. Starikov (Zoological Museum ZIN RAS, Daniel Oppliger, Natural History Museum of Basel. Results published in: Engesser B. / Ein Todessturz vor 40 000 Jahren / Naturhistorisches Museum Basel. Unser, 1993 P. 13–15.
  • National Geographic Society. USA (проект 4894-92) – support of field works in Vietnam, November–December 1993 г. Russian-American-Vietnamese expedition. Supervisor Prof. I. Darevsky.
  • The Fond for the Conservation of the White Stork. The Swiss White Stork Society. Results in the publication: The 6th International White Stork Census. Switzerland, 1997.
  • The Open Society Institution (D. Soros Foundation). 60 min advertising clip “Zoological Museum” in Russian and English, 1999.
Selected Publications:
  • Starikov Yu.V. Copies of the Magadan baby mammoth mummy // Baby mammoths Mammuthus primigenius // Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS. 1999, V. 275, P. 121–124. (In Russian).
  • Starikov Yu.V. Methods of the detection of quality in preparation of fish staffed skins // Proceedings of Darwin State Museum. 1999, V. 2, P. 56–62. (In Russian).
  • Starikov Yu.V. The use of borax instead of arsenic in taxidermy // Russian ornithological journal, Express publication. No. 111, St. Petersburg. 2000, P. 20–23. (In Russian).
  • Starikov Yu.V. A sort guide to fixation of fish and preparation of fish museum exhibits, Moscow. State Darwin Museum. 2001, 59 pp.
  • Starikov Yu.V. Taxidermy of fishes // Proceedings of State Darwin Museum. 2001, V. 4, P. 110–125. (In Russian).
  • Starikov Yu.V. On appearance and distribution of the term “taxidermy” in Europe // Proceedings of S.I.Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Annual conference, 2006. Moscow, Dipl. 2006, P. 388–391. (In Russian).
  • Starikov Yu.V. To the history of Russian taxidermy Part 1 // Taksidermiya 2007. No. 11, P. 24–27. Part 2 // Taksidermiya 2007. No. 12, P. 23–26. (In Russian).
  • Starikov Yu.V. Restoration of stuffed dog from I.P. Pavlov laboratory // Conservation, restoration, and reconstruction of military history memorials. Preservation of cultural heritage: science and practice. Publ. VIMAIViVS, SPb. 2012, V. 8, P. 71–79. (In Russian).
  • Starikov Yu.V. Restoration of the sperm whale skeleton // Conservation of marine heritage in Russian museums: Materials of VI international scientific and practical conference on conservation of marine heritage in Russian Museums (Kaliningrad, October 8–12, 2012) – Kaliningrad: Terra Baltika. 2012, P. 149–153. (In Russian).
  • Starikov Yu.V. Restoration of natural history subjects: print prep. Introduction article by Starikov Yu.V. // Materials of All-Russia conference “Problems of restoration of subjects from natural history collection. Theory and practice” February 1–5, 2012. ZIN RAS, St. Petersburg, SDM, Moscow. 2014, P. 118–128. (In Russian).
  • Starikov Yu.V. Restoration of wet preparations // “Research in conservation of cultural heritage”. Materials of international scientific and methodic conference devoted to 60th anniversary of the State research institute of restoration, Moscow, October 24–26, 2017. GosNIIR, 2017, P. 108–111.
  • Starikov Yu.V. Restoration of game trophies from the Gatchina Palace // “Royal games and funs”. Materials of scientific and practical conference November 23–24, 2017. “State Museum Reserve Gatchina” – SPb, “Print 2”. P. 247–261.
  • Starikov Yu.V. Sopkarga mammoth in Taimyr local history museum // Materials of the Vth scientific and practical conference Polar Readings – 2017. “Museums in the Arctic and Arctic in museums” (April 29–30, 2017, St. Petersburg). PAO Sovkomflot 2018, P. 236–250.
  • Starikov Yu.V., Kaluzhnikov A.V. Attribution of unknown works of a taxidermist P.S. Mishchenko from the collection of Sverdlov provincial local history museum // Art Heritage. Research. Storage. Conservation. No. 1, 2022. State restoration research institute.
  • Starikov Yu.V., Radzyun A.B. Restoration of natural history objects. The skeleton of the giant Bourgeois from Kunstkammer (Cabinet of Curiosities) // Research in conservation of cultural heritage // Materials of international scientific and practical conference of State restoration research institute, November 9–11, 2010, Moscow, Indrik, 2012. V. 3, P. 251–256.
  • Starikov Yu.V., Savinich I.B. Cleaning and restoration ща stuffed birds // Methods of preparation and restoration of natural history collections, Moscow, Proceedings of State Darwin museum, 1999. V. 2, P. 52–56.
  • Starikov Yu.V., Starikova L.G. To the question on restoration of natural history objects // Исследования в консервации культурного наследия. Materials of international scientific and practical conference devoted to 50th anniversary of the State restoration research institute. Moscow, Indrik, 2008. V. 2, P. 251–255.
  • Starikov Yu.V., Spiridonov V.A., Naumov A.D., Zuev Yu.A. The first finding and the possibility of the red king crab Paralithodes camchaticus (Crustacea Decapoda Lithdidae) population formation in the White Sea // Russian journal of biological invasions 2015. No. 1, P. 79–94.
  • Starikov Yu.V., Perova T.L. The taxidermist P.S. Mishchenko. Creative biography // Materials of 10th conference of the Association of natural history museums of the Russian Federation “Position and role of natural history museums in modern society” (October 19-21, 2016, Moscow), State Darwin museum. 2016, P. 75–77.
  • Starikov Yu.V., Bakerkina L.N. An unknown work of the English taxidermist Roland Ward (attribution practice) // Annual reporting conference of the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg, Peter and Paul fortress (Collection of papers) 2011.
  • Starikov Yu.V. Fadeev I.V. Roland Ward, a classic of Victorian taxidermy // Collection of works of XVIIIth international scientific conference. Expertise and attribution of art and applied art objects (November 21–23, 2012, State Tretyakov gallery, Moscow), Magnum-Ars Publishers. 2015, P. 248–259.
  • Gerasev P.I., Starikov Yu.V., Ershov P.N. Contribution to the fauna of monogeneans (Monogenea, Plathelminthes) – the White Sea fish parasites. Material of the jubilee scientific reporting session devoted to 185th anniversary of the Zoological institute RAS (St. Petersburg, November 13–17, 2017). Collection of papers. St. Petersburg, Zoological institute RAS. 2017, P. 50–52.
  • Starikov Yu.V., Starikova L.G. On problems of natural history objects restoration // Materials of VIth international scientific and practical conference on preservation, research, conservation and restoration of museum objects. Part 2. Kiev, 2008, P. 247–252.
  • Starikov Y.V. Development of Russian taxidermy // Taxidermy collections in Museums of Natural Science and of Regional Studies. Summaries of the reports of The XII-Russian Practical Scientific Conference of Museums of Natural Science of Russia. 10–12 October 2006. State Biological Museum. Moscow, P. 33–34.
  • Starikov Y. Influence of works of French naturalists on the development of taxidermy and formation of natural history collections in Russia XIX century // International symposium “Natural History Museums and Institutions in the 21st century: Impact on our common future” Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. October 18–19, 2007.
  • Starikov Y.V. Reflection of the theory of evolution in the exposition of the Zoological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences // ICOM – NATHIST 2008 “Presentation of Evolution in Museum Exhibitions”. Moscow, 2008, P. 36.
  • Starikov Y.V. On restoration of object from ornithological collections // 9th International Conference of European Bird Curators. 12–16 October 2015. Abstracts. M.: SDM, 2015, P. 91.
  • Starikov Y.V. Conservation and mounting of the 48 000 year old woolly mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius skeleton from the Taimyr Peninsula, Russia // VII International Conference of Mammoths and Their Relatives. 17–23 Sepember, 2017. National Museum of Natural Sciences, Taichung, Taiwan. Abstracts, P. 27.
  • Starikov Y. On the situation of the White Stork in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova // Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the White Stork (Western Population). Basel. 1996, P. 93–96.