Igor S. Smirnov

Web of Science ResearcherID: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/R-2792-2017
Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=35888414800
RSCI: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?authorid=95847
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3098-3346
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ru/citations?user=4GV6OGsAAAAJ
Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences
Academic title: Senior Researcher
Position: Senior Researcher
E-mail: Igor.Smirnov@zin.ru
Contact phone: +7 (812) 323-13-11, ext. 251
Educational background: Saint Petersburg State University, 1972.
Dissertations: “The fauna of Antarctic and Subantarctic brittle-stars.” (PhD)
Research interests: Systematic, faunistic and biogeography of Polar Ocean brittle-stars (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea); Computer databases in systematics, faunistic, morphology and ecology of brittle-stars; Biological identification keys and computerized diagnostic systems for ophiuroids.
Field studies: 2000 - Expedition on the RV “Polarstern” in the Weddell Sea Antarctic, EASIZ III (collecting animals for collection of the Zoological Institute, distribution of bottom biocenosis); 1996 - Expedition on the RV “Polarstern” in the Weddell Sea Antarctic, EASIZ I (collecting animals for collection of the Zoological Institute, distribution of bottom biocenosis); 1988 - Expedition of the Zoological Institute to the Dalnie Zelentzy (Barents Sea)(distribution and ecology of benthos); 1986-87 - Expedition on the fishery RV “Evrika” to the Antarctic (collecting animals for collection of the Zoological Institute, distribution of bottom biocenosis); 1977 - Expedition to the White Sea (distribution and ecology of benthos); 1974 - Expedition on the fishery RV “Zund” to the Antarctic and Patagonian shelf (collecting animals for collections of the Zoological Institute and the Leningrad University).
Professional membership:
Pedagogical activity: Thesis management: 2002–2004. V.L. Dzhurinsky “Echinoderms of the northwestern sector of the Atlantic Ocean (based on materials from Soviet expeditions from 1954 to 1960).” Thesis in the specialty 031100 – Ecology.
Scientific projects and grants:
  • 2018. Grant RFBR-China, № 19-54-53028. “Comparative analysis of the Ophiura sarsii Lütken, 1855 (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) populations in the seas of the Arctic and the Pacific Oceans: morphology, genetics and linear growth”, participant.
  • 2005 – 2006: Arctic Ocean Diversity (ArcOD), participant.
  • 1999 - 2001: Ecology of Arctic Seas, CNAMF (NATO), participant.
  • 1996 - 2000: Ecology of Antarctic Sea Ice Zone (EASIZ), participant.
  • 1994 - 1995: International Program (INTAS), expert.
  • 1994 - 1995: International Northern Sea Route Program (INSROP), participant.
  • 1994 - 1995: Kiel Grant of the German Federal Ministry of Research and Technology (BMFT) as part of a project called “German-Russian Investigations on the Ecology of Eurasian Arctic Shelf Seas”, participant.
Selected Publications:
  • Neyelov A.V., Sirenko B.I., Smirnov I.S., Maximovich N.V. 2021. Graduates of the Department of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology, St. Petersburg (Leningrad) University in Antarctic // Materials of the XXII anniversary scientific seminar “The Department of Ichthyology and Hydrobiology is 90 years old” (St. Petersburg State University, Department of Ichthyology and Hydrobiology, 6.12.2019), SPb, 2021: 18-29. (In Russian)
  • Denisenko Stanislav, Sirenko Boris, Smirnov Igor. Underwater worlds of Arctic and Far East // Knowledge-power, N9, 2021: 12-20 (In Russian).
  • Neyelov A., Giginjak Yu., Melnikov I., Smirnov I. 2021.The history studies of the Antarctic coastal marine ecosystems // Polar Readings – 2020. The history of scientific research in the Arctic and the Antarctic. For the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute and the 200th anniversary of the discovery of Antarctic: The materials of the Eighth International Research and Application Conference (Saint Petersburg, 18–21 May 2020). Moscow: Paulsen Publishers: 165-181. (In Russian)
  • Kirejtshuk A.G., Sinev S.Yu., Smirnov I.S., Dianov M.B. 2021. Andrei Lvovich Lobanov - founder of the web-site "Beetles (Coleoptera) and Coleopterists" // Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 17(1): 263-274 https://doi.org/10.23885/181433262021171-263274
  • Stratanenko E.A., Strelkova N.A. and Smirnov I.S. Biodiversity and distribution of brittle stars (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea) in the Kara Sea // Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2021, 325(2): 235–247. (In Russian)
  • Rjabova V.N., Smirnov I.S. Scientific, pedagogical and educational activities of Konstantin Mikhailovich Derjugin in Petergof and Strelna // The biological age (1920–2020) of the palace and park ensemble Sergievka. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the organization of the Peterhof Natural Science Institute. Materials for virtual ecological readings of the school-conference in the estate "Sergievka". Eds. D.V. Osipov & Ju.D. Vlasov. St. Petersburg: Publ. VVM, 2020: 92-112 (In Russian)
  • Lobanov A.L., A.G. Kirejtshuk, S.Yu. Sinev, I.S. Smirnov, M.B. Dianov. Supersite “Beetles (Coleoptera) and Coleopterists” – 20 years with a scientific community // Internet and Modern Society. Proceedings of the XXII International Scientific Conference, St. Petersburg, on June 19 – 22.2019, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, 2020: 8-10. (In Russian).
  • Stratanenko E.A., Nazarova S.A., Smirnov I.S. 2020. Intraspecific variability of the brittle-stars Ophiura sarsii Lütken, 1855 within the Arctic and Pacific basins // IX International conference “Marine Research and Education” MARESEDU-2020. Conference proceedings Volume I (III), Tver, October 26-30, 2020: 167, 168 (In Russian).
  • Kirejtshuk A.G., Sinev S.Yu., Smirnov I.S. ANDREY LVOVICH LOBANOV (08/09/1940 - 07/20/2020) // Caucasian Entomological Bulletin. 2020. Т. 16. № 1. С. 187-189. (In Russian)
  • Ananjeva N.B., Voyta L.L., Volkovitsh M.G., Dianov M.B., Medvedev S.G., Milto K.D., Petrova E.A., Sinev S.Yu., Smirnov I.S., Smirnov R.V., Khalikov R.G., Khalin A.V. Collections of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences as an important tool and information basis for fundamental biological research // Bulletin of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. 2020. № 2 (106). P. 115-125. (In Russian)
  • Neelov A.V., Smirnov I.S. The coming of the shallow water coastal fauna of the near continental seas of the Antarctica // Abstracts of International Scientific Conference “Comprehensive Research of the Natural Environment of the Arctic and Antarctic”. Saint Petersburg, March 2–4, 2020. SPb: SSC RF AARI, 2020: 146-149. (In Russian)
  • Neyelov Alex, Smirnov Igor. Underwater world of Antarctic – far and close // Knowledge-power, N1, 2020: 12-19 (In Russian).
  • Neyelov A.V., Maximovich N.V., Smirnov I.S., Rjabova V.N. 2019. The role of graduates of St. Petersburg (Leningrad) University in the study of the fauna of the Southern Ocean // “Natural and cultural aspects of long-term environmental research in the North-West of Russia” (To the 150th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Adolfovich Bush, one of the founders of the Peterhof Institute of Natural Sciences). Materials of the XIII Regional Youth Ecological School-Conference in the estate "Sergievka". St. Petersburg, Old Peterhof, November 28-29, 2019 St. Petersburg: VVM Publishing House: 69-76. (In Russian)
  • Smirnov I.S., Lobanov A.L., Smirnov A.V. 2019. Echinoderm Collections of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, as Information Base for Fundamental Biological Investigation // Acta Scientific Medical Sciences, 3.12: 85-102. https://doi.org/10.31080/ASMS.2019.03.0475
  • Mironov A.N., Dilman A.V., Gebruk A.V., Kremenetskaia A.V., Minin K.V., Smirnov I.S. 2019. Echinoderms of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench // Progress in Oceanography, V. 179: 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2019.102217
  • Spiridonov V.A., Daneliya M.E., Smirnov I.S., Chernyshev A.V., Gagaev S.Yu. 2019. [To the memory of Victor Vladimirovich Petryashov (1956–2018)] // Invertebrate Zoology. Vol.16. No.3: 311–322 [inRussian].
  • Smirnov I.S., Neyelov A.V., Smirnov A.V. 2019. Development of the concept of E.N. Gruzov on formation of the Antarctic shelf fauna on an example of ophiuroids and fish [poster] // 10th European Conference on Echinoderms. Abstracts. September 16-19th, 2019. Moscow, Borissiak Paleontological Institute RAS: 94.
  • Smirnov I.S., Ananjeva N.B., Voyta L.L., Kirejtshuk A.G., Konina T.N., Lobanov A.L., Neyelov A.V. Providing of access to natural heritage collections of marine invertebrates of Polar Regions using information technology // Materials of the Sixth International Scientific and Practical Conference “POLAR READINDS ON THE ICEBREAKER KRASSIN – 2018”: Technologies and Equipment in Arctic Exploration, Saint-Petersburg, April 27-28, 2018. Moscow: Paulsen, 2019. P. 353-360. (In Russian).
  • Pugachev O., Ananjeva N., Sinev S., Voyta L., Khalikov R., Lobanov A., Smirnov I. 2019. Creation of Information Retrieval System on the Unique Research Collections of the Zoological Institute RAS // In.: I. Bychkov and V. Voronin (Eds.): Information Technologies in the Research of Biodiversity, Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham (SPEES), pp. 57–65, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-11720-7_9
  • Maximovich N.V., Rjabova V.N., Smirnov I.S. Konstantin Mikhailovich Derjugin - the scientist and the organizer of a science and education // Modern problems of natural and transformed ecosystems (To the 140th anniversary of the birth of Konstantin Mikhailovich Deryugin - the first director of the Peterhof Natural Science Institute and the 150th anniversary of the St. Petersburg Society of Natural Scientists). Materials of the XII Regional Youth environmental school-conference in the estate "Sergievka" 2018 St. Petersburg, Old Peterhof, November 29-30, 2018 SPb.: Publ. VVM, 2018: 6-16 (In Russian)
  • Mironov A.N., K.V. Minin, A.B. Dilman, I.S. Smirnov. 2018. Deep-sea echinoderms of the Sea of Okhotsk // Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. V. 154: 342-357. (0,96, 16 pages)
  • Gruzov E.N., Neyelov A.V., Smirnov I.S. 2018. Traces of the last glaciation of Antarctica in peculiarities of the vertical distribution of brittle stars // Materials of the III International scientifically-practical conference «The natural environment of Antarctica: ecological problems and nature protection». (Training Center “Forum”, Minsk, Belarus, September 17-19, 2018) / Eds D.A. Lukashanets et al. – Minsk, Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Biological Resources: 127-139. (In Russian)
  • Smirnov I.S. International conference “Wildlife of the Arctic: Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem State Assessment” // The Russian Polar Studies, 2017, 4 (30), P. 42, 43. (In Russian)
  • Neyelov A.V., Sirenko B.I., Smirnov I.S., Gagaev S.Yu., Golikov A.A., Andreev M.P., Gavrilo M.V. To the 60th anniversary of the Russian studies of Antarctic ecosystems // Materials of the Jubilee Reporting Scientific Session on the 185th Anniversary of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia, November 13-16, 2017). Collection of articles / Zoological Institute, RAS. SPb., 2017: 130-134. (In Russian)
  • Lobanov A.L., Kirejtshuk A.G., Smirnov I.S., Dianov M.B. The site of the Zoological Institute of the RAS "Beetles and Coleopterists" in coleopterological studies // Materials of the Jubilee Reporting Scientific Session on the 185th Anniversary of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia, November 13-16, 2017). Collection of articles / Zoological Institute, RAS. SPb., 2017: 115-118. (In Russian)
  • Alimov A.F., Ananjeva N.B., Dianov M.B., Lobanov A.L., Pugachev O.N., Ryss A.Yu., Smirnov I.S., Khalikov R.G. 2017. The role of the information technologies in the researches of the Zoological Institute of the RAS // Materials of the Jubilee Reporting Scientific Session on the 185th Anniversary of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia, November 13-16, 2017). Collected articles / Zoological Institute RAS. SPb: 5-8. (In Russian).
  • Smirnov I.S. Class OPHIUROIDEA. In: Species diversity on invertebrates and distribution of bottom communities in the Prydz Bay of the Cooperation Sea (Eastern Antarctic) (ed. by B.I. Sirenko, S.Yu. Gagaev, I.S. Smirnov). Appendix 3. List of species of algae and free-living invertebrates of the Prydz Bay, compiled on materials of 52-nd RAE (2006–2007), 54-nd RAE (2008–2009), 59-nd RAE (2013–2014). Explorations of the fauna of the seas. 2017, V. 76 (84), Biological results of the Russian Antarctic Expedition, 10. St. Petersburg. P. 233, 234.
  • Smirnov I.S. Brittle–stars (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea) of the Prydz Bay of the Cooperation Sea (East Antarctic). In: Species diversity on invertebrates and distribution of bottom communities in the Prydz Bay of the Cooperation Sea (Eastern Antarctic) (ed. by B.I.Sirenko, S.Yu.Gagaev, I.S.Smirnov). Chapter 11. Explorations of the fauna of the seas. 2017, V. 76 (84), Biological results of the Russian Antarctic Expedition, 10. St. Petersburg. P. 233, 234. (In Russian)
  • Sirenko B.I., Gagaev S.Yu., Smirnov I.S. Composition and distribution of the benthos communities from the shoals of the Prydz Bay, the Cooperation Sea (East Antarctic). In: Species diversity on invertebrates and distribution of bottom communities in the Prydz Bay of the Cooperation Sea (Eastern Antarctic) (ed. by B.I.Sirenko, S.Yu.Gagaev, I.S.Smirnov). Chapter 2. Explorations of the fauna of the seas. 2017, V. 76 (84), Biological results of the Russian Antarctic Expedition, 10. St. Petersburg. P. 50–82. (In Russian)
  • Borkin L.J., Stanislav G. Denisenko S.G., Andrei L. Lobanov A.L., Igor S. Smirnov I.S. 2016. She Also Lived on the ZIN Island... (In Memoriam of Sofia Davidovna Stepanjants, 08.10.1934 – 20.09.2015) // Studies in the History of Biology, V. 8, N 4: 118-131.(In Russian)
  • Smirnov I. S. 2016. Brittle Stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) of the Cooperation Sea, Eastern Antarctica // Biology Bulletin, 2016, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 491–493. (Original Russian Text © I.S. Smirnov, 2016, published in Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Biologicheskaya, 2016, No. 6, pp. 573–575. ISSN 1062-3590, https://doi.org/10.1134/S1062359016060157
  • Smirnov I.S., Ananjeva N.B., Lobanov A.L., Neyelov A.V., Sirenko B.I., Golikov A.A., Khalikov R.G., Voronina E.P. 2016. Collections of Antarctic invertebrates and fish of the Zoological Institute of RAS as information base of fundamental biological investigations // Proceedings of the Belarusian State University, Physiological, biochemical and molecular bases of functioning of Biosystems, V. 11, part 1 - Minsk: 325-336. (In Russian)
  • Stratanenko E.A., Denisenko S.G., Smirnov I.S. Distribution and biodiversity of brittle-stars in the Russian Arctic seas // Marine biological research: Proceedings of All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference with international participation dedicated to the 145-th anniversary of Sevastopol Biological Station (Sevastopol, 19-24 September, 2016) / Ed. A.V. Gaevskaya. – Sevastopol: EKOSI-Gidrofizika, 2016. – Vol. 2. p. 162-165. (In Russian).
  • Sirenko B.I., Gagaev S.Yu., Smirnov I.S. 2016. Bottom communities of shoals in the Prydz Bay, Antarctica // Unique Marine Ecosystems: Modern Technologies of Exploration and Conservation for Future Generations: Abstracts of the International Conference (Vladivostok, Russia, August 4-7, 2016). Compiler Shevchenko O.G. - Vladivostok: Far Eastern Federal University: P. 97.
  • Smirnov I.S., Ananjeva N.B., Lobanov A.L., Neyelov A.V., Sirenko B.I., Golikov A.A., Khalikov R.G., Voronina E.P. 2016. Collections of Antarctic invertebrates and fish of the Zoological Institute of RAS as information base of fundamental biological investigations // Materials of the II International scientifically-practical conference «Antarctic environment: the current state of knowledge». (Naroch, Belorussia, May 18-21, 2016) / Eds V.E. Mjamin et al. – Minsk, Konfido: 319-323. (In Russian)
  • Smirnov I.S., Smirnov A.V., Sinev S.Yu. Alexander Mikhailovich Djakonov (1886-1956) – zoologist, entomologist and founder of the Echinoderm Department of the Zoological Institute of RAS // Accounting of scientific session on results of works 2015. Abstracts. April, 12-14th, 2016. Zoological Institute, 2016: 30-33. (In Russian).
  • Ananjeva N.B., Voyta L.L., Volkovitsh M.G., Golikov A.A., Dianov M.B., Medvedev S.G., Petrova E.A., Sinev S.Yu., Smirnov I.S., Smirnov R.V., Syromjatnikova E.V., Khalikov R.G., Khalin A.V., Shumeev A.N. 2016. Research Collections of the Zoological Institute RAS as resource of biodiversity study // Accounting of scientific session on results of works 2015. Abstracts. April, 12-14th, 2016. Zoological Institute: 9-10. (In Russian).
  • Ananjeva N.B., Pugachev O.N., Khalikov R.G., Sinev S.Yu., Smirnov I.S. 2015. Collections of the Zoological Institute of RAS as information base of fundamental biological investigation // Infrastructure of scientific information resources and systems. Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium (S.-Petersburg. October, 6-8th, 2015). Dorodnycin Computing Centre of RAS: 140-152. (In Russian).
  • Smirnov I, Golikov A, Khalikov R (2015): Ophiuroidea collections of the Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences. v1.10. Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. Dataset.
  • Pawson D.L., Vanse D.Dj., Smirnov I.S. Austin Hobart Clark (1880-1954) –scientist, author and gentleman // Accounting scientific session on results of works 2014. Abstracts. April, 14-16th, 2015. Zoological Institute, 2015: 19-20. (In Russian).
  • Smirnov I.S. Brittle-stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from Cooperation Sea, East Antarctic // Second All-Russian Conference on echinoderms. February 18-19, 2015. PIN RAS, Moscow, 2015, p. 41-43. (In Russian).
  • Ananjeva N.B., Pugachev O.N., Khalikov R.G., Sinev S.Yu., Smirnov I.S. 2015. Collections of the Zoological Institute of RAS as information base of fundamental biological investigation // Infrastructure of scientific information resources and systems. Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium (S.-Petersburg. October, 6-8th, 2015). Dorodnycin Computing Centre of RAS: 140-152. (In Russian).
  • Smirnov I.S., Piepenburg D., Ahearn C., Juterzenka K.V. 2014. Deep-sea of European seas: An annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe. Ophiuroidea // Invertebrated Zoology, Vol.11, No.1. P.192-209.
  • Lobanov A.L., Smirnov I.S., Kireitchuk A.G. A thematic site “The Beetles and coleopterologists” of the Zoological Institute of RAS as digital library and collection // Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections: Proceedings of the XVI All-Russian National Research Conference RCDL’2014. Dubna, Russia, October 13-16, 2014. – Dubna: JINR, 2014: 416-419. (In Russian with English summary).
  • Neyelov A.V., Pushkin A.F., Smirnov I.S. 2014. Carrying out of hydrobiological monitoring of nearshore ecosystems of the various seas of the Southern Ocean in structure of the Russian Antarctic expedition // Materials of the I International scientifically-practical conference «Monitoring of a condition of a natural habitat of Antarctic and SubAntarctic and maintenance of activity of national expeditions»: - Minsk, V. 9, Part 2: 246-255. (In Russian)
  • Sirenko B.I., Gagaev S.Yu., Smirnov I.S. 2014. Comparison of shallow bottom communities of Ross, Davis, Cosmonauts and Commonwealth seas on dominating species of Antarctic invertebrates // Materials of the I International scientifically-practical conference «Monitoring of a condition of a natural habitat of Antarctic and SubAntarctic and maintenance of activity of national expeditions»: Proceedings of the Belarusian State University, V. 9, part 2 - Minsk: 39-48. (In Russian)
  • Petryashov V.V., S.V. Vassilenko, A.Yu. Voronkov, B.I. Sirenko, A.V. Smirnov, I.S. Smirnov. 2013. Biogeographical analysis of the Chukchi Sea and adjacent waters based on fauna of some macrobenthos taxa // Invertebrate Zoology, 10 (1): 49-68. (In English with Russian resume)
  • Lobanov A.L., Kirejtshuk, Stepanjants S.D., Smirnov I.S. 2013. Diagnostic keys: from the textual dichotomous to computer ones // Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, Supplement N2, S.-Petersburg, 2013: 249-268. (In Russian, with short English summary)
  • Smirnov I.S., Lobanov A.L., A.V. Neyelov, Kireitchuk A.G. Development of the information retrieval system ECOANT on the basis of the digital collection of Antarctic invertebrates // Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections: Proceedings of the XV All-Russian National Research Conference RCDL’2013. Yaroslavl, Russia, October 14-17, 2013. – Yaroslavl: Yaroslavl University, 2013: 338-344. (In Russian with English summary).
  • Smirnov I., Smirnov A. Class OPHIUROIDEA. In: Check-list of species of free-living invertebrates of the Russian Far Eastern seas (ed. by B.I. Sirenko). Explorations of the fauna of the seas. V. 75 (83). 2013. St. Petersburg: 195, 196. (0,12, 2 стр.)
  • Lobanov A.L., Kireitchuk A.G., Pugachev O.N., Smirnov I.S. Zoological collections, interactive identification keys and the Internet // Zoological collections of Russia in XVIII-XXI centuries: a sociopolitical and scientific context. / Editor-compiler N.V.Slepkova. SPb: Publishing house SPbGETU "LETI", 2012: 123-132. (In Russian with the English resume) (ISBN 978-5-7629-1218-1)
  • O’Hara Timothy D., Peter J. Smith, V. Sadie Mills, Igor Smirnov & Dirk Steinke. 2012. Biogeographical and phylogeographical relationships of the bathyal ophiuroid fauna of the Macquarie Ridge, Southern Ocean // Polar Biology, 1-13 ISSN 0722-4060 Polar Biol. DOI 10.1007/S00300-012-1261-9 (on-line version).
  • Rjabova V.N., Smirnov I.S. From history of science and enlightenment: K.M. Derjugin and the Central Geographic Museum // Releases of VII Regional youth scientific conference “Ecological school in Petergof – Scientific town of RF: Ecological problems of the Baltic Region”, (November 29-30, 2012, SPB, Petergof): SPb.: VVM, 2012: 114-127. (in Russian)
  • Sirenko B.I., Smirnov I.S. 2011/2012. Some breach of the Walles’ rule and other peculiarities of the fauna in the Weddell Sea // Ukraine Antarctic Journal, N 10-11: 186-200.
  • Kirejtshuk A.G., A.L. Lobanov, I.S. Smirnov, A.A. Inochkin, S.D. Stepanjants. Internet identification keys of biological objects. 5 years after // Scientific service in network Internet: exaflops’ future. Proceedings of All-Russian scientific conference in Novorossiysk on September 19-24, Publ. of Moscow University, 2011: 449-453. (in Russian).
  • Smirnov I.S., Lobanov A.L., Kireitchuk A.G. Virtual Scientific Collective of Thematic Supersite “Beetles (Coleoptera) and Coleopterists” of the Zoological Institute of RAS // Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections: Proceedings of the Thirteenth All-Russian Scientific Conference RCDL’2011 (Voronezh, October 19-22, 2011): Voronezh: Publishing & printing center of Voronezh State University, 2011: 272-278. (In Russian with English summary)
  • Smirnov Igor & Ahearn Cynthia. 2010. Ophiuroids – brittle stars and basket stars // Marine Benthic Fauna of Chilean Patagonia. Illustrated identification guide (edited by V Häussermann and G Försterra). Nature in Focus, Chile: 831-848.
  • Smirnov, I.S., A.L. Lobanov, A.G. Kirejtshuk, A.T. Vakhitov. 2010. Creation on-line illustration keys of polar brittlestars with help WebKey-X system. In: Echinoderms: Durham. Eds. L.G. Harris, S.A. Boettger, C.W. Walker, M.P. Lesser. Proceedings of the 12th International Echinoderm Conference. Durham, New Hampshire, USA. 7-11 August, 2006. P. 255-257.
  • Smirnov, I.S. 2010. Symbiotic relation between Antarctic ophiuroids of genus Ophiacantha. In: Echinoderms: Durham. Eds. L.G. Harris, S.A. Boettger, C.W. Walker, M.P. Lesser. Proceedings of the 12th International Echinoderm Conference. Durham, New Hampshire, USA. 7-11 August, 2006. P. 641-642.
  • Smirnov I.S., Pugachev O.N., Kireitchuk A.G., Dianov M.B., Lobanov A.L., Khalikov R.G., Golikov A.A., V.A.Krivokhatskiy // Results and prospects of development of information system on a biodiversity of animals of Russia (ZOODIV – BIODIV) // Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections: Proceedings of the Twelfths All-Russian Scientific Conference RCDL’2010 (Kazan, October 13-17, 2010): Kazan: Kazan University, 2010: 461-464. (in Russian with English summary)
  • Smirnov I., B. Sirenko, A. Lobanov, A. Golikov, A. Neyelov, E. Voronina. Collections of a sea natural heritage on a biodiversity of the Russian seas // (Proceedings of) The 1st International Theoretical and Practical Conference. Issues of Study and Preservation of Maritime Heritage of Russia (Saint-Petersburg, October 27–30, 2010). Kaliningrad, Terra Baltica. 2010. P. 85-93. (In Russian with English summary).
  • Petryashov V.V., Voronkov A.Yu.,Vasilenko S.V., Sirenko B.I., Smirnov A.V., Smirnov I. S., Chaban E.M. 2010. Biogeographical analysis of macrobenthos fauna in the East Siberian Sea and reconstruction of the fauna forming ways // Fauna of the East Siberian Sea, Distribution patterns and structure of bottom communities. Explorations of the fauna of the seas. 2010, V. 66 (74), St. Petersburg: 160-177. (In Russian with English summary).
  • Smirnov I.S. Class OPHIUROIDEA. In: Fauna of the East Siberian Sea, Distribution patterns and structure of bottom communities. Appendix II. List of species of free-living invertebrates of the East Siberian Sea (ed. by B.I. Sirenko). Explorations of the fauna of the seas. 2010, V. 66 (74), St. Petersburg. P. 241, 242.
  • Smirnov I.S. Class OPHIUROIDEA. In: Ecosystems and Biological Resourses of the Chukchi Sea and adjacent areas. Appendix II. List of species of free-living invertebrates of the Chukchi Sea and Bering Strait, comprised primarily from sampling of expeditions from 1976 up to 2005 (ed. by B.I. Sirenko). Explorations of the fauna of the seas. 2009, V. 64 (70), St. Petersburg. P. 311.
  • Sirenko B.I., Smirnov I.S., Neyelov A.V. On biodiversity and origin of Antarctic marine fauna // Scientific Reading Dedicated to Academician Oleg G. Kussakin. Vol. 1. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2008: 202-216. (In Russian with English summary).
  • Smirnov A.V., I.S. Smirnov. 2009. Echinoderms of Chukchi Sea and Bering Strait // Ecosystems and Biological Resourses of the Chukchi Sea and adjacent areas. Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, explorations of the fauna of the seas, (64(70), St. Petersburg: 154-199. (in Russian with English summary)
  • Smirnov Igor S., Andrei L. Lobanov, Alexei A. Golikov, Elena P. Voronina & Alexey V. Neyelov. Creation of the information retrieval system for collections of the marine animals (fish and invertebrates) at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences // In: Vanden Berghe, E., W. Appeltans, M.J. Costello, Pissierssens P. (Eds). Proceedings of Ocean Biodiversity Informatics: an international conference on marine biodiversity data management Hamburg, Germany, 29 November - 1 December, 2004. Paris, UNESCO/IOC, VLIZ, BSH, 2007. P. 177-186. (IOC Workshop Report, 202) (VLIZ Special Publication, 37)
  • Smirnov I.S. Juvenile symbiosis for antarctic genus Ophiacantha // The bulletin MSRN, section of geology, 2007, V. 82, issue 2, p. 88. (in Russian).
  • Sirenko B.I., Smirnov I.S. Hydrobiological investigations of Zoological Institute of RAS in Antarctic // Bulletin of the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007/08, 2007, № 9-10, p. 31.
  • Smirnov A.V., Smirnov I.S. 2006. New echinoderms findings in the Laptev Sea (1993-1998 years expeditions) // Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, explorations of the fauna of seas, 56(64), St. Petersburg, 2006: 93-147. (in Russian with English summary)
  • Rjabova V.N., Smirnov I.S. Pages of science history. The scientific and elucidative work of K.M. Derjugin in Petergof and Strelna // Proceedings of VIII scientific seminar “Reading of memory of K.M.Derjugin”, St.-Petersburg, 2006: 66-83. (in Russian)
  • Smirnov I.S., Lobanov A.L., Pugachev O.N., Alimov A.F., Voronina E.P. Digital collection in zoology and digital libraries // Digital libraries, 9 (4). 2006: 115-118. (in Russian).
  • Kirejtshuk A.G., A.L. Lobanov, I.S. Smirnov & М.В. Dianov. 2005. "Supersite" of Zoological institute web-portal — “Beetles (Coleoptera) and coleopterists” // RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 14(2): 139-151 (with Russian abstract).
  • Smirnov I.S. 2005. Zonation by Brittle stars // Atlas of the oceans, AntarcticOcean, Head department of navigation and oceanography, Ministry of Defence, Federation of Russian, Navy; AARI, map V(B), scale 1:75000000: 257.
  • Smirnov I.S. 2005. Types of distribution areas of Brittle stars // Atlas of the oceans, AntarcticOcean, Head department of navigation and oceanography, Ministry of Defence, Federation of Russian, Navy; AARI, map G, scale 1:200000000: 257.
  • Smirnov I.S. 2005. Brittle stars found on macrophytes // Atlas of the oceans, AntarcticOcean, Head department of navigation and oceanography, Ministry of Defence, Federation of Russian, Navy; AARI, map D, scale 1:200000000: 257.
  • Gruzov E.N., Smirnov I.S. 2005. Echinodermata species distribution by depths. B. Brittle stars // Atlas of the oceans, Antarctic Ocean, Head department of navigation and oceanography, Ministry of Defense, Federation of Russian, Navy; AARI, diagram B: 259.
  • Gutt J., Sirenko B.I., Smirnov I.S., Arntz W.E. How many macrozoobenthic species might inhabit the Antarctic shelf? // Antarctic Science, 2004, 16 (1): 11-16.
  • Lobanov A.L., Smirnov I.S. Place and role of the information technologies in the Zoological Institute researches // Fundamental Zoological Researches: Theory and Methods/ Moscow-St.-Petersburg: KMK Scientific Press Ltd., 2004: 283-318 (in Russian with English abstract).
  • Smirnov I. Class OPHIUROIDEA. In: Fauna and ecosystems of the Laptev Sea and adjacent deep waters of the Arctic Basin. Appendix I. List of species of invertebrates of the Laptev Sea and adjacent areas, which is compiled mainly on the materials of last expeditions of 90th years of XX century (ed. by B.I.Sirenko). Explorations of the fauna of the seas. 2004, V. 54 (62), Part II, St.Petersburg. 2004. P. 157-158.
  • Sirenko B., I. Smirnov. Biodiversity of the Arctic Ocean // Integration of Russian and International Science in the Modern Oceanic Research. International Council for Science. Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR). Abstracts. Moscow, 2003. P. 22, 23.
  • Sirenko, B., Smirnov, I., Stepanjants S., Arntz, W., Gutt J., Rachor, E., Piepenburg, D., Svoboda, A. Russian and German Cooperation in the Research on Arctic and Antarctic Marine Fauna // In: History of Oceanography. Abstracts of the VII International Congress on the History of Oceanography. Kaliningrad, September 8-12, 2003, 2003: 86-89.
  • Sirenko B., Arntz W., Smirnov I. Fauna of the Weddell Sea and its peculiarities // Problems of the Arctic and Antarctic, 2003, V. 74, p. 171-180.
  • Smirnov I.S., Lobanov A.L. Antarctic brittle-stars: collections and data bases// The bulletin MSRN, section of geology, 2002, V. 77, issue 1, p. 80, 81. (in Russian).
  • Alimov A.F., I.S. Smirnov, A.Y. Ryss, M.B. Dianov, A.L. Lobanov, A.A. Golikov. Modern biological electronic publications: collections, identification systems and databases. Information technology in biodiversity research, 2001. pp. 5-12.
  • Sirenko B., I. Smirnov, W. Arntz, 2001, Biodiversity of Macrozoobenthic Communities in the Eastern Weddell Sea and at the Antarctic Peninsula. - “The Expedition ANTARKTIS XVII/3 (EASIZ III) of RV “Polarstern” in 2000”, Berichte zur Polarforshung (Reports on Polar Research), Heft-Nr. 402, edited by Wolf Arntz and Thomas Brey. pp. 113-116.
  • Smirnov I. Class OPHIUROIDEA. In: List of species of free-living invertebrates of Eurasian Arctic seas and adjacent deep waters (ed. by B.I.Sirenko). Explorations of the fauna of the seas. V. 51 (59). 2001. S. 125.
  • Smirnov I. Station list of brittle stars from the Weddell Sea. In: Biodiversity of the Weddell Sea: macrozoobenthic species (demersal fish included) sampled during the expedition ANT XIII/3 (EASIZ I) with RV “Polarstern”, Berichte zur Polarforschung (Reports on Polar Research). N 372. 2000. S. 90-95.
  • Gutt J., Sirenko B.I., Arntz W., Smirnov I.S., De Broyer C. (Edrs.). Biodiversity of the Weddell Sea: macrobenthic species (demersal fish included) sampled during the expedition ANT XIII/3 (EASIZ I) with RV “Polarstern”// Berichte zur Polarforshung, N372, 2000: 103 pp.
  • Lobanov A.L., M.B.Dianov, S.G.Medvedev, V.E.Panov, I.S.Smirnov. Presentation and use of zoological information in the global Internet network. Trudy Zool. Inst. Ross. Akad. Nauk, 286, 2000: 87-92.
  • Alimov A.F., I.S. Smirnov, A.Y. Ryss, M.B. Dianov, A.L. Lobanov, A.A. Golikov. Modern biological electronic publications: collections, identification systems and databases. Information technology in biodiversity research, 2001. pp. 5-12.
  • Sirenko B., I.Smirnov, W.Arntz, 2001, Biodiversity of Macrozoobenthic Communities in the Eastern Weddell Sea and at the Antarctic Peninsula. - “The Expedition ANTARKTIS XVII/3 (EASIZ III) of RV “Polarstern” in 2000”, Berichte zur Polarforshung (Reports on Polar Research), Heft-Nr. 402, edited by Wolf Arntz and Thomas Brey. pp. 113-116.
  • Smirnov I. Class OPHIUROIDEA. In: List of species of free- living invertebrates of Eurasian Arctic seas and adjacent deep waters (ed. by B.I.Sirenko). Explorations of the fauna of the seas. V. 51 (59). 2001. S. 125.
  • Smirnov I. Station list of brittle stars from the Weddell Sea. In: Biodiversity of the Weddell Sea: macrozoobenthic species (demersal fish included) sampled during the expedition ANT XIII/3 (EASIZ I) with RV “Polarstern”, Berichte zur Polarforschung (Reports on Polar Research). N 372. 2000. S. 90-95.
  • Smirnov I.S. Phylogeny and taxonomy of high taxa of ophiuroids. Colloquium on echinoderms “Morphogenetic and constructive bases of a standing of the plans of a structure of high taxa of echinoderms”. March 24 1997. PIN, Moscow, The bulletin MSRN, section of geology, 1999, V. 74, issue 1, p. 78. (in Russian).
  • Smirnov I.S., Lobanov A.L. A computer identification key on ophiuroids as a database for a saving of the taxonomic information. Colloquium on echinoderms “Morphogenetic and constructive bases of a standing of the plans of a structure of high taxa of echinoderms”. March 24 1997. PIN, Moscow, The bulletin MSRN, section of geology, 1999, V. 74, issue 1, p. 79. (in Russian).
  • Smirnov I.S., A.V. Neyelov, A.A. Golikov. History of biological oceanology, data bases and global ecology // History of the national oceanography. Abstracts for the II International Conference, September 20-24, 1999, Kaliningrad, 1999: 143, 144.
  • Smirnov I.S., A.L. Lobanov, M.B. Dianov. Zoological digital (virtual) museums // Scientific service in network Internet. Abstracts of All-Russian scientific conference in Novorossiysk on September 20- 25, Publ. of Moscow University, 1999: 185-187. (in Russian)
  • Smirnov I.S., A.L. Lobanov, M.B. Dianov. Electronic zoological collections // Digital libraries: advanced methods and technologies, digital collections. Proceedings of the First Russian National Conference in Saint-Petersburg, Russia on October 19-22, Publ. of S.-Petersburg University, 1999: 236-240. (in Russian)
  • Sirenko B.I., I.S.Smirnov, A.P.Andriashev. Zoologeographical investigation of Antarctic: results and prospectives// Abstracts of International conference dedicated to the 275th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Peterwsburg, on October 26-29, St. Petersburg, 1999: 61-65. (in Russian and in English).
  • Lobanov A.L., M.B. Dianov, I.S. Smirnov. Zoogeographical regionalization on the basis of databases of taxon records // Abstracts of International conference dedicated to the 275th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Peterwsburg, on October 26-29, St. Petersburg, 1999: 43-46. (in Russian and in English).
  • Smirnov I.S., Lobanov A.L., Alimov A.F., Golikov A.A. From digital collections to virtual collectives of zoologists in Internet // Internet and Modern Society. Abstracts of the Second All-Russian Scientific Conference, St.Peterwsburg, on November 29 - December 3, St. Petersburg, 1999: 61-62. (in Russian).
  • Smirnov I.S., A.A. Golikov, A. Rachor, D. Piepenburg. 1999. Study of long-term changes of ophiurid fauna (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea) in the Barents Sea with application of statistical methods. Proceedings of the First International BASIS Research Conference. St.Petersburg, Russia February 22-25, 1998. University of Munster, Germany: 410-411.
  • Lobanov A.L., I.S.Smirnov, M.B.Dianov. 1999. The Computer Biological Editions on Compact Discs: Classification and Prospects of using in the education and science.
  • Smirnov I.S., A.Y. Ryss. Biological collections and data bases. Information Retrieval Systems in Biodiversity Research. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, v. 278, (Abstracts of the International Symposium), S.-Petersburg, 1999: 33-38. [Russian and English]
  • Smirnov I. 1998. The relationship between type of development and type of polar brittle-stars. Proceedings of the Ninth International Echinoderm Conference. San Francisco, USA. 5-9 August, 1996. P. 421.
  • Smirnov I., A. Lobanov, M. Dianov. 1998. Creation of computer picture identification key for the arctic ophiuroids. Proceedings of the Ninth International Echinoderm Conference. San Francisco, USA. 5-9 August, 1996. P. 422.
  • Smirnov I., S. Stepanjants, V. Koltun, A. Svoboda. 1998. Polar ophiuroids and their symbiotic relations. Proceedings of the Ninth International Echinoderm Conference. San Francisco, USA. 5-9 August, 1996. P. 423.
  • Shubina L.K., S.N. Fedorov, E.V. Levina, P.V. Andriyashenko, A.I. Kalinovsky, V.A. Stonik, I.S. Smirnov. Comparative study on polyxydroxylated steroids from echinoderms // Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 1998. V. 119 B. P. 505 - 511.
  • 73. Lobanov A., Smirnov I. Principles of arrangement and using of classifiers of animals in the standard ZOOCOD. Data bases and computer graphics in zoological investigations, Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, v. 269, S.-Petersburg, 1997: 66-75. [in Russian, English summary].
  • 74. I.S. Smirnov, A.L. Lobanov. Specialized bibliographical system for zoologists - ZOOBIB. Data bases and computer graphics in zoological investigations, Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, v. 269, S.-Petersburg, 1997: 130-132. [in Russian, English summary].
  • Smirnov I., Smirnov A. “OCEAN” - a data bank of marine St.Petersburg. Data bases and computer graphics in zoological investigations, Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, v. 269, S.-Petersburg, 1997: 133-135. [in Russian, English summary].
  • Sokolov E., Smirnov I., Lobanov A. An integrated system ZOOINT for conducting and using of zoological databases. Data bases and computer graphics in zoological investigations, Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, v. 269, S.-Petersburg, 1997: 136-144. [in Russian, English summary].
  • Svoboda A., Stepanjants S., Smirnov I. 1997. Two polar Hydractinia species (Cnidaria), epibiotic on two closely related brittle stars (Echinodermata): an example for a taxonomic and ecological bipolarity. - In: Antarctic Communities (Species, Structure and Survival). Eds. B.Battaglia, J.Valencia, D.W.H.Walton. Cambridge University Press, pp. 22-25.
  • Sirenko B., I. Smirnov, W. Arntz, 1997, Taxonomic biodiversity of bottom invertebrates in the eastern Weddell Sea. - "The Expedition ANTARKTIS Xlll/3 (EASIZ I) of RV “Polarstern” to the eastern Weddell Sea in 1996", Berichte zur Polarforshung (Reports on Polar Research), Heft-Nr. 249, edited by Wolf Arntz and Julian Gutt. pp. 25-31.
  • Pavshtiks E.A., I.S. Smirnov. 1996. Marine biological researches of the Russian Polar expedition 1900 - 1903. Russian Hydrobiological journal, N 1: 106-108. [in Russian, with short English summary].
  • Svoboda A., Stepanjants S., Smirnov I. Zwei polare Hydractiniden-Arten (Hydroidea, Cnidaria) als Symbionten nahe verwandter Schlangensterne (Ophiolepididae, Echinodermata) - ein oekologisches Beispiel fur Bipolaritaet. Berichte zur Polarforschung. N 155. 1995. S. 86-89.
  • Smirnov I., Lobanov A., Sokolov E., Dianov M. An retrieval system ZOOINT for zoology. Vestnik RFFI. 1995.
  • Smirnov A.V., Smirnov I.S. Echinoderms from the East- Siberian Sea. - In: Thhe Fauna of the East-Siberian sea. Part III. SPb, 1994, P.132-182. (Explorations of the fauna of the seas, Vol. 49(57). [In Russian with English summary].
  • Smirnov I. 1994. Working out a databank on marine invertebrates. - In: Echinoderms through Time. Proceedings of the 8th International Echinoderm Conference. Dijon, France, 6-10 September, 1993. P. 145.
  • Smirnov I. 1994. Biogeography and area types of the Southern Ocean ophiuroids (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea). - In: Echinoderms through Time. Proceedings of the 8th International Echinoderm Conference. Dijon, France, 6-10 September, 1993. P. 477-488.
  • Skarlato O.A., Starobogatov Ya.I., Lobanov A.L., Smirnov I.S. 1994. Data bases by zoologic systematics and information about higher taxa of animals// Zoologicheskiy zhurnal. Vol. 73, N 12. S. 100-116 [in Russian]
  • Skarlato O.A., Starobogatov Ya.I., Lobanov A.L., Smirnov I.S. 1994. Biodiversity and their analysis with computer data banks. In: Biodiversity. The degree of taxonomic study. Moscow, Nauka. S. 20-41 [in Russian]
  • Smirnov I.S. 1992. The types of areas of brittle-stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) of South Ocean. - In: The physical oceanology and problems of biological productivity. St.Petersburg. P. 136-165. [in Russian].
  • Smirnov I.S. 1991. The brittlestars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) of the Mawson Sea (the East Antarctica) - in: Informational Bulletin of the Soviet Antarctic expedition, St.Petersburg, No 116. P. 66-69. [in Russian].
  • Pushkin A.F., Smirnov I.S., Neyelov A.V. 1991. On the study of bottom fauna of the Rybiy Khvost. - in “Informational Bulletin of the Soviet Antarctic expedition”, St.Petersburg, 1991, No 116. P. 24-27. [in Russian].
  • Smirnov I.S. 1990. The fauna of brittle-stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) of South Ocean and influence of West Wind drift on distribution of ofiuroids. In: Oceanological investigation of the South Ocean. P. 165-188. [in Russian].
  • Smirnov A.V., Smirnov I.S. 1990. Echinoderms from the Laptev Sea. - Explorations of the fauna of the seas. Vol. 37 (45). Ecosystems of the New Siberian shoals and the fauna of the Laptev Sea and adjacent waters : 411-462 [In Russian with English summary].
  • Alekseev A.P., Golikov A.N., Scarlato O.A., Smirnov I.S. 1985. Landscaped and biogeographical investigations. - Geographical problems of the World Ocean. P.51-56. [in Russian].
  • Smirnov I.S. 1982. The fauna of the floating rhizoids of kelps from Subantarctic and Patagonian Regions. - Ecology and systematic of marine hydrobionts. Explorations of the fauna of the seas. Vol. 28 (36). P.108-109 [In Russian with English summary].
  • Litvinova N.M., Smirnov I.S. 1981. On the study of genus Astrophiura (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea). - Zoologicheskij Zhurnal [Zoological Journal, Moscow], 60 (4): 626-629. [In Russian with English summary].
  • Smirnov I.S., Stepanjants S.D. 1980. "The symbiosis of hydroid Hydractinia vallini Jaderholm and brittle-star of family Ophiolepididae in Antarctic waters". - In: “Theoretical and practical significance of Coelenterata”. p. 105-108. [in Russian].
  • Smirnov I.S. 1978. The rhizoids of floating kelps from antarctic waters of Southern Hemisphere as factor of transfer of littoral invertabrates. - In: Theoretical and methodological basis for complex studing and mastering of the shelves. p. 179-181. [in Russian].
  • Smirnov I.S. 1977. “New species of the genus Ophiomisidium (Ophiuroidea) from subantarctic water of Indian Ocean.” - In: New species and genus of marine invertebrates. Explorations of the fauna of the seas. Volume XXI (XXIX). Pp.105-108. [in Russian].