Alexey V. Smirnov

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Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences
Academic title: No title
Position: Senior Researcher
Contact phone: +7 (812) 328-13-11, ext. 251
Educational background: Leningrad State University, 1977.
Dissertations: “Holothurians of the order Apoda of the seas of the URSS and adjacent waters.” (PhD)
Research interests: Echinoderms (Echinodermata), especially holothuroids (Holothuroidea) and star-fishes (Asteroidea); system, phylogeny, morphology, paleontology, and origin of Holothuroidea and Asteroidea; holothurians of the Arctic, North Pacific and Antarctic; biogeography of the Arctic and North Pacific echinoderms; history of biology; natural product chemistry of holothurians.
Field studies: White Sea, Barents Sea, Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, Japan Sea, Alaska, Aleutian is., Commander is., Sakhalin is., Tasmanian Sea море, Arafura Sea, Vanuatu, Cook Islands, New Zealand, Great Barrier Reef.
Professional membership:
Selected Publications:
  • Smirnov A. V. 2021. Origin of the Class Holothuroidea. Paleontological Journal. Vol. 55. No. 7. P. 766–786.
  • Смирнов А.В. 2021. Даниэль Готлиб Мессершмидт как зоолог: Изучение архивного наследия. К 300-летию начала экспедиции Даниэля Готлиба Мессершмидта в Сибирь (1719–1727) / Ред. И. В. Тункина. (Серия AD FONTES. Материалы и исследования по истории науки. Вып. 19). Санкт-Петербург: Реноме. С. 145-167.
  • Panina E. G., Stepanov V. G., Smirnov A. V., Martynov A. V. 2020. Two new species of holothurians of the genus Echinopsolus Gutt, 1990 (Echinodermata: Dendrochirotida: Cucumariidae) from the North-Western Pacific. Zootaxa. Vol. 4789, No. 1. P. 233–246.
  • Смирнов А.В. 2020. Орест Александрович Скарлато – учёный и организатор науки: к 100-летию со дня рождения (1920–1994). Бюллетень Дальневосточного малакологического общества. Вып. 24. С. 111-132.
  • Smirnov A.V., Panina E.G., Sanamyan N.P., Sanamyan K.E. 2017. Scoliorhapis stepanovi ‑ new species of sea cucumber from the North-West Pacific (Holothuroidea: Synaptida: Chiridotidae: Taeniogyrinae) and some remarks on the genus Scoliorhapis. Zootaxa. Vol. 4337, No. 4. P. 563–572.
  • Smirnov AV. 2017. Evgeniy Gruzov – the Pioneer of Russian Antarctic scuba-diving Hydrobiological Research. Explorations of the fauna of the seas. Vol. 76(84). Sirenko B.I., Gagaev S. Yu., Smirnov I.S. (Eds.). Species diversity of invertebrates and distribution of bottom communities in the Pruds Bay of the Cooperation Sea (Eastern Antarctica). (Biological results of the Russian Antarctic expedition, Vol. 10). St. Petersburg: Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences. P. 5-49.
  • Smirnov A.V. 2016. Parallelisms in the Evolution of Sea Cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea). Paleontological Journal. Vol. 50, No. 14. P. 1610-1625.
  • Smirnov A.V. 2015. Paedomorphosis and Heterochrony in the Origin and Evolution of the Class Holothuroidea. Paleontological Journal. Vol. 49, No. 14. P. 1597‑1615.
  • Smirnov A.V. 2014. Sea Cucumbers Symmetry (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea). Paleontological Journal. Vol. 48, No. 12. P. 1215‑1236.
  • Gebruk A.V., Smirnov A.V., Rogacheva A.V. 2014. Deep-sea fauna of European seas: An annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe. Holothuroidea. Invertebrate Zoology. Vol. 11, No. 1. P. 156–180.
  • Samyn Y., Smirnov A., Massin C. 2013. Carl Gottfried Semper (1832-1893) and the location of his type specimens of sea cucumbers. Archives of natural history. Vol. 40, pt.2. P. 324-339.
  • Smirnov A. V. 2012. System of the Class Holothuroidea. Paleontological Journal. Vol. 46, No. 8. P. 793‑832.
  • Smirnov A.V. 2011. Peter Simon Pallas and Zoological Institute Academy of Sciences. Studies in the history of biology. 2011. Volume 3. No. 3. P. 107‑129.
  • Smirnov A.V., Smirnov I.S. 2009. New echinoderms findings in the Laptev Sea (1993‑1998) expeditions. – Explorations of the fauna of the seas [Issledovaniya fauny morej], vol. 64(72). Sirenko B.I. (ed.). Ecosystems and biologicalresources of the Chukchi Sea and adjacent waters. St. Petersburg: Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences. P. 154-199 (In Russian with English summary).
  • Smirnov A.V. 2008. Features of a structure of class Holothuroidea, its position in system of type Echinodermata and its origin. – Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists. Ser. 1. [Trudy S.-Peterburgskogo obshchestva estestvoispytatelei. Ser. 1]. Tom 97. Evolutsionnaya morphologiya zhivotnykh. Chast’ 1 [Vol. 97. Evolutionary Morphology of Animals. Part 1]. St.Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Publishing House. P. 90–109. (In Russian)
  • Antonov A. S., Avilov S. A., Kalinovsky A. I., Anastyuk S. D., Dmitrenok P. S., Evtushenko E. V., Kalinin V. I., Smirnov A. V., Taboada S., Ballesteros M., Avila C., Stonik V. A. 2008. Triterpene glycosides from Antarctic sea cucumbers. 1. Structure of Liouvillosides A1, A2, A3, B1, and B2 from the Sea Cucumber Staurocucumis liouvillei: New procedure for separation of highly polar glycoside fractions and taxonomic revision // Journal of Natural Products. Vol. 71. P. 1677‑1685
  • Avilov S. A., Silchenko A. S., Antonov A. S., Kalinin V. I., Kalinovsky A. I., Smirnov A. V., Dmitrenok P. S., Evtushenko E. V., Fedorov S. N., Savina A. S., Shubina L. K., Stonik V. A. 2008. Synaptosides A and A1, triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Synapta maculata containing 3-O-methylglycuronic acid and their cytotoxic activity against tumor cells // Journal of Natural Products. Vol. 71. P. 525‑531.
  • Smirnov A.V., Smirnov I.S. 2006. New echinoderms findings in the Laptev Sea (1993‑1998) expeditions. – Explorations of the fauna of the seas [Issledovaniya fauny morej], vol. 56(64). Sirenko B.I., Vassilenko S.V. (ed.). Marine invertebrates of Arctic, Antarctic and Subantarctic [Morskie bespozvonochnye Аrktiki, Аntarktiki i Subantarktiki]. St. Petersburg: Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences. P. 93-147 (In Russian with English summary).
  • Fokin S.I., Smirnov A.V., Lajus J.A. 2006. Marine Biological Stations at the Russian North (1881‑1938). KMK Scientific Press, Moscow. 130 p. (In Russian with short English annotation).
  • Kalinin V. I., Silchenko A. S., Avilov S. A., Stonik V. A., Smirnov A. V. 2005. Sea Cucumbers Triterpene Glycosides, the Recent Progress in Structural Elucidation and Chemotaxonomy. Phytochemistry Reviews. Vol. 4, No. 2‑3. P. 221‑236.
  • Silchenko A. S., Stonik V. A., Avilov S. A., Kalinin V. I., Kalinovsky A. I., Zaharenko A. Z., Smirnov A. V., Mollo E., Cimino G. 2005. Holothurins B2, B3, and B4, new triterpene glycosides from Mediterranean sea cucumbers of the genus Holothuria. – Journal of Natural Products. Vol. 68, No. 4. P. 564‑567.
  • Avilov S.A., Kalinin V.I., Smirnov A.V. 2004. Use of triterpene glycosides for resolving taxonomic problems in the sea cucumber genus Cucumaria (Holothurioidea, Echinodermata). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. Vol. 32. P. 715‑733.
  • Silchenko A. S., Avilov S. A., Kalinin V. I., Kalinovsky A. I., Stonik V. A., Smirnov A. V. 2004.Pseudostichoposide B – new triterpene glycoside with unprecedent type of sulfatation from the deep-water North-Pacific sea cucumber Pseudostichopus trachus. – Natural Product Research. Vol. 18, No. 6. P. 565‑570.
  • Smirnov A.V. 2003. Historical review of biological investigations carried out by the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki [Problems of the Arctic and Antarctic], issue 73. P. 208‑215 (In Russian).
  • Smirnov A.V., Gebruk A. V., Galkin S. V., Shank T. 2000. New species of holothurian (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea) from hydrotermal vent habitats. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Vol. 80. P. 321‑328.
  • Smirnov A.V. 1999. Some remarks on the subgenus Oligotrochus M. Sars, 1866 sensu Heding, 1935 (genus Myriotrochus, Myriotrochidae, Holothurioidea) with descriptions of two new species. Zoosystema. Vol. 21, no. 1. P. 13‑27.
  • Smirnov A.V. 1999. The origin of the order Apodida (Holothuroidea) and its families. In: Carnevali M.D.C., Bonasoro F. (eds.). Echinoderm Research 1998. Proceedings of the fifth european conference on echinoderms, Milan, Italy, 7‑12 September 1998, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Brookfield. P. 393‑395.
  • Smirnov A.V. 1999. The History of Russian Studies of the Zoobenthos of the Arctic Seas (the End of the 18th Century to the 1960s) and the Role of the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences. Russian journal of marine biology. Vol. 25, issue 6. P. 458-473
  • Smirnov A.V. 1998. On the classification of the apodid holothurians. In: Mooi R., Telford M. (eds). "Echinoderms: San Francisco". Proceedings of the ninth international echinoderm conference, San Francisco, California, USA, 5‑9 August 1996, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Brookfield. P. 517‑522.
  • Smirnov A.V. 1997. New apodid holothurians (Holothurioidea, Apodida) from the New Caledonian continental slope collected during "BIOGEOCAL" expedition 1987. Zoosystema, vol. 19, no. 1. P. 15‑26.
  • Smirnov A.V. 1994. Arctic echinoderms: Composition distribution and history of the fauna. In: David B., Guille A., Féral J.-P., Roux M. (eds.). Echinoderms through time. Proceedings of the eighth international echinoderm conference. Dijon/France/6-10 September 1993. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Brookfield. P. 135-143.
  • Smirnov A.V., Smirnov I.S. 1994. Echinoderms of the East Siberian Sea. Explorations of the fauna of the seas [Issledvaniya fauny morej], vol. 49(57). Golikov A.N. (ed.). Fauna of the East Siberian Sea. Part III [Fauna Vostochno-Sibirskogo moria. Chast' III]. Vol. 49(57). St. Petersburg: Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences. P. 131‑182. (In Russian with English summary).
  • Smirnov A.V. 1994. Georgij Petrovich Gorbunov. Explorations of the fauna of the seas [Issledovanija fauny morei]. Vol. 49(57). Golikov A.N. (ed.). Vol. 49(57). Fauna of the East Siberian Sea. Part III. P. 4‑15 (In Russian).
  • Smirnov A.V., Smirnov I.S. 1990. Echinoderms from the Laptev Sea. – Explorations of the fauna of the seas [Issledvaniya fauny morej], vol. 37(45). Golikov A.N. (ed.). Ecosystems of the New Siberian shoals and the fauna of the Laptev Sea and adjacent water. Leningrad: “Nauka”. P. 411‑462 (In Russian with English summary).
  • Smirnov A.V. 1989. Coordination of the system of recent and extinct holothurian of the family Synaptidae. Kaljo D. (ed.). Problemy izuchenija iskopaemykh i sovremennykh iglokozhikh. [Fossil and recent echinoderm researches]. Akademia Nauk Estonskoij SSR. Institut Geologii. Akademija Nauk SSSR. Nauchnyi Sovet “Puti i zakonomernosti istoricheskogo razvitija ;bvotnykh I rastitel’nykh organizmov”. [Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR. Institute of geology. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Scientific Counsil on the Problem “Path and patterns of Historical Development of Animal and Plant Organisms”], Tallinn. P. 203-217 (In Russian with English summary).