Oleg N. Pugachev

Web of Science ResearcherID: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/A-3740-2013
Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6701713998
RSCI: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?authorid=78246
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8642-2022
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ru/citations?user=albNoM4AAAAJ
Academic degree: Doctor of Biological Sciences
Academic title: Academician of RAS
Position: Scientific Director
E-mail: Oleg.Pugachev@zin.ru
Contact phone: +7 (812) 328-29-41
Educational background:
  • Dr. Biol. Sci., St. Petersburg, Zoological institute RAS, 1999
  • Ph.D., Moscow University, 1982
  • M.S., Leningrad University, 1976
  • “Freshwater fish parasites of the North-East Asia and the paths of its formation.” (PhD)
  • “Freshwater fish parasites of Northern Asia (fauna, ecology of parasite communities, zoogeography).” (PhD habilitation)
Research interests: parasitology, zoology, ecology.
Field studies: White Sea, upstream and downstream of Volga River, Kamchatka, Chukotka, Eastern Siberia, Baikal and Transbaikalia, Russian Far East, Mongolia.
Professional membership:
Editorial activity:
Teaching and expertise:
  • Chairman of the Dissertation Council at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, specialty parasitology, entomology https://www.zin.ru/boards/00222301/
  • Chairman of the State Commission on Protection of Bachelor's and Master's Dissertations at the Faculty of Biology, Saint-Petersburg University
Scientific projects and grants:
  • Soviet-Finnish Project N11 “Fish parasites” 1985-1990
  • Grant INTAS N 93-1921 “Nematodes from Baikal seal” 1993-1996
  • Grants NN R4W000, R4W300 International Science Foundation “Parasite communities: structure and diversity” 1994-1995
  • Grant N 95-04-11198 Russian foundation for basic research “Fish parasite communities” 1995-1997
  • Grant N 00-04-55007 Russian foundation for basic research “Modern methods for animal taxonomy” 2000 - 2003
  • Grant N Ministry of industry, science and technology RF «Information system on biodiversity » 2001 - 2004
  • Grant N 02-04-48581 Russian foundation for basic research “Phylogeny of tetraonchids (Monogenea: Tetraonchidae) and theirs coevolution with hosts (Salmonidae) 2002 - 2004
  • Grant N 04-04-62036 Russian foundation for basic research “Handbook on zoology. Vol.2. Protista” 2004 - 2008
  • Grant N 06-04-08020 Russian foundation for basic research “Development of All-Russian information system on animal biodiversity in the Internet” 2006 - 2007
  • Grant N 06-04-48236 Russian foundation for basic research “Monogenea of mullets as a markers of theirs phylogeography” 2006 - 2008
Selected Publications:
  • Pugachev O.N., Khokhlov P.P. Myxosporea parasites of genus Myxobolus - parasites of the salmonids head and spinal brain // Systematic and ecology of fish from continental water bodies of the Far East region.Vladivostok. 1979. P. 137-139 (In Rus.).
  • Khokhlov P.P., Pugachev O.N. On the freshwater fish parasite fauna formation of North-East Asia // Fish parasites and diseases of Arctic province.Tomsk. 1980. P.43-56 (In Rus.).
  • Pugachev O.N. Genesis of the parasite fauna of Salmonoidea of Eurasia // Parasitologia. 1980. V.14, N.5, P.403-410 (In Rus.).
  • Pugachev O.N. Parasite fauna of the sucker (Catostomus catostomus) from the Kolyma river // Parasitologia. 1980, V.14, N.6, P. 511-513 (In Rus.).
  • Butorina T.E., Pugachev O.N., Khokhlov P.P. Some aspects of ecology and zoogeography of char's genus Salvelinus in Pacific ocean basin // Population biology and systematic of salmonids. Vladivostok. 1980. P. 82-95 (In Rus.).
  • Pugachev O.N. Parasitic protozoa of freshwater fishes from north-eastern part of the USSR // Parasitologichesky sbornik. Leningrad, Nauka. 1983, V.31, P.158-177 (In Rus.).
  • Pugachev O.N. Monogenea of freshwater fishes of North-East Asia // Studies on morphology and faunistics of parasitic worms. Proceedings of the Zoological inst. Ac. of Sci. 1983, V.181, P.22-34 (In Rus.).
  • Pugachev O.N. Helminths of freshwater fishes of the North-East Asia // Studies on morphology and faunistics of parasitic worms. Proceedings of the Zool.inst. Ac. Sci. 1983, V.181, P.90-113 (In Rus.).
  • Pugachev O.N. On the fauna of monogeneans of the family Tetraonchidae Bychowsky, 1937 // Parasitologia. 1984, V.28, N.1, P.30-39 (In Rus.).
  • Pugachev O.N. Nematodes of freshwater fishes of North-East Asia // Ecological and geographical studies on nematodes. Proceedings of the Zool.inst.Ac.Sci. 1984, V.126, P.10-19 (In Rus.).
  • Pugachev O.N. Parasites of freshwater fishes of North-East Asia. Leningrad, Nauka. 1984, 156 pp. (In Rus.).
  • Gussev A.V., Pugachev O.N. Family Tetraonchidae Bychowsky, 1937 // Key of freshwater fish parasites of the USSR. Leningrad, Nauka. 1985, V.II. Parasitic Metazoa, part I, P.253-268 (In Rus.).
  • Dzhalilov U.D., Pugachev O.N. Zoogeographical analysis of the parasite fauna of freshwater fishes from Highland Asiatic subregion // Parasitologia. 1985, V.19, N.6, P.417-423 (In Rus.).
  • Baasanjav G., Dgebuadze J.J., Demin A.N., Dulmaa A., Ermokhin,V.J., Lapin V.I., Nansalmaa B., Pugachev O.N., Paranlayzhamts G., Rjabov I.N., Tugarina P.I. Ecology and economical potential of the fishes of the Mongolian People Republic. Moscow, Nauka1985, 175 pp. (In Rus).
  • Anikeva L.V., Pugachev O.N., Paranlayzhamts G. Cestodes of the genus Proteocephalus from west-mongolian minnows (Oreoleuciscus: Cyprinidae) // Systematics, faunistics and morphology of parasitic organisms. Proceedings of the Zool.inst. Ac. of Sci. 1987, V.161, P.94-106 (In Rus.).
  • Ashurova M., Pugachev O.N. Myxobolus montanus sp.n. (Myxobolidae, Myxosporea) from Schizopygopsis stoliczkai // Parasitologia. 1988, V.22, N.5, P.435-436 (In Rus.).
  • Pugachev O.N. Principles of the functional morphology analysis of the lower monogenea anchors // Monogenea investigations. Proceedings of the Zool.inst. Ac. of Sci. Leningrad. 1988, V.177, P.49-59 (In Rus.).
  • Pugachev O.N. Phenogeographical analysis of Dactylogyrus phoxini Malewitzkaja, 1949 // Ecology and population analysis of host-parasite relationships. Petrozavodsk. 1988, P.103-109 (In Rus.).
  • Pugachev O.N. Pellucidhaptor fidus sp. n. (Monogenea, Dactylogyridae) from Phoxinus percnurus of Anadyr river basin // Parasitologia. 1989, V.23, N.3, P.257-259 (In Rus.).
  • Bylund G., Pugachev O.N. Monogenea of fish in Finland (Dactylogyridae, Ancyrocephalidae, Tetraonchidae) // Proceedings of the Soviet-Finland symposium "Parasites of freshwater fishes of North-Western Europe". Petrozavodsk. 1989, P.20-30.
  • Pugachev O.N. Zoogeographical peculiarities of freshwater fish parasite fauna of Arctic province // Fish parasites and diseases of Arctic province. Novosibirsk. 1990, P.5-15 (In Rus.).
  • Brummer-Korvenkontio H., Valtonen E.T., Pugachev O.N. Myxosporea parasites in roach, Rutilus rutilus (Linnaeus) from four lakes in central Finland // J. Fish Biol. 1991, V.38, N.4. P.573-586.
  • Alimov A. Ph., Lobanov A.L., Pugachev O.N. Comparision of relational and network approaches to creating data bases in the animal taxonomy, ecology and geographical distribution // Zhurnal obstchei biologii. 1993. V.54, N.1. P.96-103 (In Rus.)
  • Valtonen E.T., Tuuha H., Pugachev O.N. Seasonal studies of the biology of Achtheres percarum in perch, Perca fluviatilis, from four Finnish lakes over a 3-year period // J. Fish Biol. 1993. V.43. P.621-632.
  • Pugachev O.N., Fagerholm H.-P. Parasites of fish of economic interest in Northern Europe, a literature analysis //Bull. Scand. Soc. Parasitol. 1994. V.2, N.4. P.92-96.
  • Pugachev O.N., Fagerholm H.-P.A bibliography and an index list on parasites and parasitic diseases of fish in Northern Europe. Finland, Turku. 1995. 158 pp.
  • Gerasev P.I., Timofeeva T.A., Pugachev O.N. The world fauna of the family Dactylogyridae (Monogenea), Africa // Parasitologia. 1996. V.30. N2. P.149-152 (In Rus.)
  • Alimov A.F., Lobanov A.L., Pugachev O.N. Computer technology in the Zoological institute Russian Academy of Sciences // Data bases and computer graphics in zoological investigations. Proceedings of the Zool.inst., RAS. St. Petersburg. 1997. V. 269. P.11-15 (In Rus.).
  • Pugachev O.N. About possible natural focus of Oreoleuciscus humilis (Cyprinidae) filometrosis in Bon-Tzagan-Nuur (Goby lake) // Problemy prirodnoy ochagovosti. St. Petersburg. 1999. N.207-221 (In Rus.)
  • S.D’Amelio, K.D. Mathiopoulos, C.P. Santos, O.N. Pugachev, S.C. Webb, M. Picanco, L. Paggi. Genetic markers in ribosomal DNA for the identification of members of the genus Anisakis (Nematoda: Ascaridoidea) defined by polymerase chain reaction-based restriction fragment length polymorphism //International Journal for Parasitology, 2000, 30 (2), p. 223-226.
  • Pugachev O.N. Parasite communities of the river minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) // Parasitologia. 2000, 34 (3), P. 196-209 (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N. Infracommunities: structure and composition // Bull. Scand. Soc. Parasitol. 2000, 10(2), P. 49-54.
  • Pugachev O.N. Parasite communities and a fish spawn // Parasitologia. 2002, 36 (1), P. 3-10 (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N. Parasites of lenok, Brachymystax lenok (Salmonidae), and their communities // New contributions to freshwater fish research. Proceedings of the Zool.inst., RAS. St. Petersburg. 2001, V. 287, P. 207-219.
  • Galkin A.K., Pugachev O.N. On the early history of helminthology under the authority of the Russian Academy of Sciences // Parasitologia. 2001, 35 (5), P.467-472 (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N. Checklist of the freshwater fish parasites of the Northern Asia. Protozoa. 2001, Published by St. Petersburg State University. 240 pp. (In Rus.)
  • Bauer O.N., Pugachev O.N., Voronin V.N. Study of parasite and diseases of sturgeons in Russia: a review // J. Appl. Ichthyol. 2002, 18, P.420-429.
  • Pugachev O.N. Checklist of the freshwater fish parasites of the Northern Asia. Cnidaria, Monogenoidea, Cestoda. 2002, Published by St. Petersburg State University. 238 pp. (In Rus.)
  • Ananjeva N.B., Podlipaev S.A., Pugachev O.N. …to the bank of the genetic resources // Priroda, 2002, 8, P.17 (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N., Rusinek E.V. A description of Tetraonchus strelkowi sp. n. (Monogenea: Tetraonchidae) from gills of the lenok (Brachymystax lenok) from the Tola River (Mongolia) // Parasitologia, 2003, 37 (5), P. 436-439 (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N., Rusinek E.V. First record of Tetraonchus awakurai (Monogenea: Tetraonchidae) on the gills of a lenok Brachymystax tumensis in Primorye // Parasitologia, 2003, 37 (4), P. 343-346 (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N. Checklist of the freshwater fish parasites of the Northern Asia. Trematoda. 2003. Published by St. Petersburg State University. 224 pp. (In Rus.)
  • Alimov A.F., Zaitzev V.F., Pugachev O.N., Stepanjanz S.D., Slepkova N.V. Alma mater of the zoology of our country // Nauka v Rossii, 2003, 3, P. 92-100 (In Rus.).
  • Smirnov I.S., Lobanov A.L., Alimov A.F., Pugachev O.N., Krivokhatsky V.A. Information system on biodiversity of the Russia // Trudy Vserossyiskoi nauchnoi konferencii “ Nauchny servis v seti Internet, Novorossjisk, 22-27 September 2003, izd-vo MGU, P. 12-14. (In Rus.)
  • Abramson N. I., Ananjeva N.B., Podlipaev S.A., Pugachev O.N. DNA collections as a new approach to the investigation and conservation of the biological diversity // Fundamental zoological researches. Theory and methods. Moscow-Saint-Petersburg. 2004, P. 273-282. (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N. Checklist of the freshwater fish parasites of the Northern Asia. Nematoda, Acanthocephala, Hirudinea, Mollusca, Crustacea, Acari. 2004. Published by St. Petersburg State University. 240 pp. (In Rus.)
  • Gerasev P.I., Dmitrieva E.V., Pugachev O.N., Pronkina N.V. Monogeneans (Monogenea) from the mullets (Mugilidae, Pisces) // Fauna, biologya, morphologya i systematica parasitov, Moscow, 2006, P. 84-86. (In Rus.)
  • Smirnov I.S., Lobanov A.L., Alimov A.F., Pugachev O.N., Kirejtshuk A.G., Krivokhatsky V.A., Granichin O.N., Vakhitov A.T. Zoological electronic publishing: collections and ID systems // Trudy IX Vserossyiskoi nauchnoi konferencii “Internet i sovremennoe obstchestvo”. 14-16 November 2006. St. Petersburg. P. 115-118. (In Rus.)
  • Smirnov I.S., Pugachev O.N., Lobanov A.L., Alimov A.F., Voronina E.P. Digital marine animals collections of the Zoological institute RAS and their metadata // Trudy IX Vserossyiskoi nauchnoi konferencii “Electronnye biblioteki: perspektivnye metody i technologii, electronnye collekcii» - RCDL’2007, Yaroslavl. P. 122-127. (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N., Dzhavadov E.D., Bolshakov K.V., Belova L.M., Borisenko S.V., Kosarev V.V., Krylov M.V., Chernetsov N.S. The role of Passeriformes in the circulation of the viruses of influenza A // Veterinaria, 2007, N11, P. 22-24 (In Rus.)
  • Smirnov I.S., Lobanov A.L., Alimov A.F., Pugachev O.N., Krivokhatsky V.A., Kirejtshuk A.G., Voronina E.P. Animal biodiversity information system of Russia in the Internet // Trudy Vserossyiskoi nauchnoi konferencii “ Nauchny servis v seti Internet: mnogojaderny kompjuterny mir. 15 let RFFI”, 2007, Novorossjisk, P. 293-295. (In Rus.)
  • Alimov A.F., Lobanov A.L., Pugachev O.N., Smirnov I.S. The role of the Russian Foundation of Basic Research in computerization of the Zoological institute RAS researches // Trudy Vserossyiskoi nauchnoi konferencii “ Nauchny servis v seti Internet: mnogojaderny kompjuterny mir. 15 let RFFI”, 2007, Novorossjisk, P. 288-292. (In Rus.)
  • Dzhavadov E., Amdy E., Borisenko S., Samuseva G., Belova L., Pugachev O., Bolshakov K., Krylov M., Chernetsov N. Passeriformes as a reservoir of the viruses of influenza A // Ptizevodstvo, 2007, N5, P.21 (In Rus.).
  • Dmitrieva E.V., Pronkina N.V., Gerasev P.I., Pugachev O.N. Methods of study of monogeneans (Monogenea) as tools for knowing of their fauna, biology and systematic // Materialy IV Vserossiyskoi shkoly po teoreticheskoi I morskoi parasitologii. Kaliningrad, pos. Lesnoe, 21-26 May 2007. P. 61-64. (In Rus.)
  • Gerasev P.I., Pugachev O.N., Dmitrieva E.V., Pronkina N.V. Monogeneans (Monogenea) as model objects for investigation of evolution of parasites, phylogeography of hosts and the formation of specificity // Materialy IV Vserossiyskoi shkoly po teoreticheskoi I morskoi parasitologii. Kaliningrad, pos. Lesnoe, 21-26 May 2007. P. 48-51. (In Rus.)
  • Kolpakov N.V., Gerasev P.I., Pugachev O.N. Monogeneans (Monogenea; Platyhelminthes), as mirror of biotic districts history: distribution of Dactylogyridea fish parastes in the southern Far East. I. Introduction // Izvestya TINRO. 2007. Vol. 150, P. 238-249. (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N., Podlipaev S.A. Ptylum Myxozoa // Protista. Pt. 2. 2007, St. Petersburg, Nauka, P.1045-1082. (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N., Krylov M.V., Belova L.M. Reservoir viruses influenza A in nature // Mezhdunarodny vestnik veterinarii, 2008, N 2, P. 12-17. (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N., Belova L.M., Krylov M.V. Coccidia (Eimeriida) from fishes of the continental waters of Russia// Parasitologia, 2008, Vol. 42(3), P. 169-179. (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N., Slepkova N.V., Tikhonov A.N. Long-term activity of Academy of Sciences for the study of mammoth fauna. The role of academic expeditions of XVIII-XIX centuries // Nauka I technical: voprosy istorii i teorii. Trudy nauchnoi conferencii “Vyzov neosvoennogo prostranstva Rossyiskoy imperii: expedozionnaya dejatelnost’ Akademii nauk XVIII-XIX vv.”, 2008, SPb, P. 34-39. (In Rus.)
  • Gerasev P.I., Dmitrieva E.V., Ogawa K., Pugachev O.N., Kolpakov N.V. Monogeneans (Monogenea; Platyhelminthes), as mirror of biotic districts history: distribution of dactylogyrideans (Dactylogyridea) on fishes from the southern Far East. II. Facts // Izvestya TINRO. 2008. Vol. 153, P. 318 – 334. (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N., Bolshakov K.V., Krylov M.V., Belova L.M., Dzhavadov E.D. A monitoring influenza A in different wild birds species // Veterinaria, 2009, N4, P. 23-25. (In Rus.)
  • Dmitrieva Evgenija V., Gerasev Pavel I., Merella Paolo, Pugachev Oleg N. Redescription of Ligophorus mediterraneus Sarabeev, Balbuena & Euzet, 2005 (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) with some methodical notes // Systematic Parasitology, 2009 a, Vol. 73, P. 95- 105.
  • Dmitrieva Evgenija V., Gerasev Pavel I., Merella Paolo, Pugachev Oleg N. Redescription of Ligophorus cephali Rubtsova, Balbuena, Sarabeev, Blasco-Costa & Euzet, 2006 and L. chabaudi Euzet & Suriano, 1977 (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) with notes on the functional morphology of the copulatory organ sclerites // Systematic Parasitology, 2009 b, Vol. 73, P. 175-191.
  • Kornakova E.E., Pugachev O.N. Cercomeromorph hypothesis and modern state in phylogenety of parasitic flatworms (for a 100 anniversary of the academician B.E. Bychowsky) // Proceedings of the Zool.inst., RAS. St. Petersburg. 2009 c, Vol. 313 (3), P. 231-240. (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N., Gerasev P.I., Gusev A.V., Ergens R., Khotenovsky I.A. Guide to Monogenoidea of freshwater fish of Palaearctic and Amur regions. Ledizioni-Ledipublishing, 2010. 567 pp.
  • Pugachev O.N., Belova L.M., Krylov M.V. The finding of Coccidia in the trout Salmo trutta from continental waters of Russia// Parasitologia, 2010, Vol. 44(2), P. 191-193. (In Rus.)
  • Gerasev P.I., Dmitrieva E.V., Pugachev O.N. Methods of studying of Monogenea (Plathelminthes) by the example of mullets (Mugilidae) parasites // Zoological Journal, 2010, Vol. 89 (8), P. 1-15. (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N., Belova L.M., Bolshakov K.V., Krylov M.V., Cvei A.L., Kuzmina O.G., Sherbanjuk T.A. Indicator method of RT-PCR viruses influenza a in cloacal swabs of wild birds // Veterinaria, 2011, N2, P. 32-33. (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N., Krylov M.V., Belova L.M. Fish Coccidia of the order Eimeriida of Russia and adjacent territories. 2012, Saint-Petersburg, ZIN RAN. 101 pp. (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N., Podlipaev S. A. Phylum Myxozoa Grasse, 1970 // Protista. Part 2. Saint-Petersburg, Nauka, 2007, P. 1045-1082. (In Rus.)
  • Pugachev O.N., Krylov M.V., Belova L.M., Muhamedshina A.R. Current Problems of Avian Flu and Its Prevention // Ptizevodstvo, 2017, №5, P. 57-60 (In Rus.).