Vladislav V. Potin

Web of Science ResearcherID: ---
Scopus Author ID: ---
RSCI: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?authorid=604240
Google Scholar: ---
Academic degree: No degree
Academic title: No title
Position: Senior Collection Keeper
E-mail: Vladislav.Potin@zin.ru
Contact phone: +7 (812) 328-13-11, ext. 226
Educational background: ---
Research interests: Fauna and taxonomy of Polychaeta. Organization of scientific collections.
Field studies: • He participated in more than 20 expeditions to the Arctic and the Far East. 2003 - expedition to the Barents Sea, 2007 - Bering and Chukchi Seas. Antarctic expeditions: 2007-2008, 2010-2011. Diving Antarctic expeditions: 2008-2009 - expeditions to Antarctica, the Commonwealth Sea, Pruds Bay, Art. Progress; 2009-2010 - Art. Bellingshausen. 2012 - Arctic, Franz Josef Land.
Selected Publications:
  • Golikov A.N., Gagaev S.Yu., Galtzova V.V., Golikov A.A., Dunton K., Menshutkina T.V., Novikov O.K., Petrjashev V.V., Potin V.V., Sirenko B.I., Schonberg S., Vladimirov M.V. 1994. Ecosystems and the flora and fauna of the Chaun Bay of the East-Siberian Sea.- Expedition of the fauna of the seas. vol.47(55): 4–110 (In Russian)
  • Golikov A. N , Gagaev S. Yu , Galtzova V. V , Golikov A. A , Dunton K , Menshutkina T.V., Novikov O.K., Petrjashev V.V., Potin V.V., Sirenko B.I., Schonberg S., Vladimirov M.V. 1994 Ecosystems and flora and fauna of the Chaun Bay of the East-Siberian Sea // Ecosystems and the Flora and Fauna of the Chaun Bay of the East-Siberian Sea. Part 1. ZIN RAS Exploration of the fauna of the seas, v. 47(55), p. 4–111. (In Russian)
  • Gagaev S.Yu., Golikov A.N., Sirenko B.I., Golikov A.A., Petryashev V.V., Potin V.V. 1989. The distribution of bottom ecosystems in the Chaun Bay of the East-Sibirian Sea. In: Hydrobiological investigations marine and fresh waters., Leningrad: 113–126 (In Russian)
  • Golikov A.N., Sirenko B.I., Gal'tsova V.V., Golikov A.A., Novikov O.K., Petryashev V.V., Potin V.V., Fedyakov V.V. and Vladimirov M.V. 1988. The ecosystems of the south-eastern part of the Kandalaksha Bay of the White sea of the Sonostrov, Explorat. Fauna Seas., Leningrad, Nauka, 40(48): 3–117. (In Russian)
  • Sirenko B.I., Buzhinskaya G.N., Gontar V.I. and Potin V.V. 1988. To the fauna of Chikhachev Bay (Sea of Japan). In: Biota and communities of the Far Eastern seas: lagoons and bays of Kamchatka and Sakhalin., Vladivostok: 31–48. (In Russian)