Andrey N. Ovchinnikov

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Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences
Academic title: No title
Position: Senior Researcher
Contact phone: +7 (812) 714-04-42
Educational background: Saint Petersburg State University, 2006.
Dissertations: “The dung flies (Scathophagidae, Diptera) of the European Russia; species composition, distribution and adaptive morphological transformations of the ovipositor.” (PhD)
Research interests: Entomology, insect ecology and physiology, morphology.
Field studies: South Russia, Altai, Russia Far East, Caucasus.
Professional membership: All-Russian Entomological Society,
Scientific projects and grants:
  • RSF 20-66-47010 “The ecological and genetic principles for bio-resource screening of insects and mites for biological pest control” (PI N.A.Belyakova, ARIPP).
  • RFBR 20-04-00185–а ”Thermal reaction norms for development in insects: variability, inheritance and evolution” (PI E.B.Lopatina, SPbSU).
  • RFBR 18-04-00354 PI O.G. Ovtshinnikova. “Morphogenesis of the male terminalia of Diptera Calyptratae in the evolution of Cyclorrhapha (Diptera)” (2018–2020).
  • RFBR 15-29-02526_ofi_m, PI S.G.Inge-Vechtomov. “Integrative study of biological invasions and anthropogenic impact on ecosystems” (2015–2017).
  • RFBR 15-04-03457-a, PI O.G. Ovtshinnikova. “Stages and trends of Eremoneura genital morfogenesis (Insecta, Diptera)” (2015–2017).
  • RSF 16-14-10031, PI M.Ya.Orlova-Benkovskaya. “Integrative study of the invasion process in Coleoptera” (2016–2018).
Selected Publications:
  • Reznik S. Ya., Ovchinnikov A.N., Ovchinnikova A.A., Bezman-Moseyko O.S., Belyakova, N.A. 2020. Photoperiodic, thermal, and trophic responses of a predatory ladybird Cheilomenes propinqua. Journal of Applied Entomology 145 (1-2): 134–144.
  • Ovchinnikov A. N., Belyakova, N. A., Ovchinnikova, A. A., Reznik, S. Y. Factors determining larval cannibalistic behavior in invasive and native populations of the multicolored Asian ladybird, Harmonia axyridis // Entomologia Generalis. 2019. Vol. 38 (3). P. 243–254.
  • Reznik, S. Y., Ovchinnikov, A. N., Ovchinnikova, A. A., Belyakova, N. A. Costs and benefits of interlarval cannibalism in Harmonia axyridis // Journal of Applied Entomology. 2018. Vol. 142 (1-2). P. 223–229.
  • Reznik S.Ya., Ovchinnikova A. A., Ovchinnikov A. N., Barabanova L.V.,Belyakova N. A. Inheritance of diapause regulation in the multicoloured Asian ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) // European Journal of Entomology. 2017. Vol. 114. P. 416-421.
  • Ovchinnikova A. A., Ovchinnikov A. N., Dolgovskaya M. Ya., Reznik S. Ya., Belyakova N. A. Trophic induction of diapause in native and invasive populations of Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) // European Journal of Entomology. 2016. Vol. 113 (1). P. 469–475.
  • Reznik S.Ya., Dolgovskaya M.Yu., Ovchinnikov A.N., Belyakova N.A. Weak photoperiodic response facilitates the biological invasion of the harlequin ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Journal of Applied Entomology. 2015. Vol. 139(4). P. 241–249.
  • Reznik S. Y., Dolgovskaya M. Y., Ovchinnikov A. N. Effect of photoperiod on adult size and weight in Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). European Journal of Entomology. 2015. Vol. 112 (4). P. 642–647.
  • Bondareva, O.V., Abramson, N.I., Ovchinnikov, A.N. Belyakova, N.A. Comparative Assessment of Genetic Structure in Invasive and Autochthonous Populations of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) // Entomological Review. 2019. Vol. 99(8). P. 1177–1182.
  • Reznik S. Ya., Ovchinnikov A. N., Dolgovskayaa M. Yu., Belyakova N. A. Interspecific variation in photoperiodic effect on the rate of preimaginal development in Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae). Entomological Review. 2015. Vol. 95 (1). P. 15–27.