Ekaterina M. Obraztsova

Web of Science ResearcherID: ---
Scopus Author ID: ---
RSCI: ---
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ru/citations?user=w7O_7PgAAAAJ
Academic degree: No degree
Academic title: No title
Position: Research Assistant
E-mail: Ekaterina.Obraztsova@zin.ru
Contact phone: +7 (812) 323-31-40, ext. 308
Educational background: Saint-Petersburg State University, 2015
Research interests: morphology, paleontology, turtles.
Field studies: Krasnoyarsk region; Olkhon island.
Professional membership:
Scientific projects and grants:
  • RSF 19-14-00020, Dinosaurs and accompanying vertebrates of the Mesozoic of Russia
  • RFBR 14-04-00416, Early trionychoid turtles of Asia: morphology, systematics, phylogeny and distribution
  • RFBR 18-04-01082, Morphogenetic and evolutionary regularities of development and variability of turtle shell
  • RFBR 19-04-00057, Radiation of placental mammals in Paleogene, 2019
  • RFBR 20-04-00222, Key morphological transformations of the skull in the evolution of turtle
Selected Publications:
  • Данилов И.Г., Образцова Е.М. 2015. Систематическое положение Oxemys gutta Nessov, 1977, проблематичной черепахи из позднего мела Узбекистана, и строение базисфеноида у некоторых групп позднемезозойских черепах Азии. Палеонтологический журнал, 3, 56–69.
  • Averianov A.O., Martin T., Skutschas P., Danilov I., Schultz J., Schellhorn R., Obraztsova E.M., Lopatin A., Sytchevskaya E., Kuzmin I., Krasnolutskii S., Ivantsov S. (2016). Middle Jurassic vertebrate assemblage of Berezovsk coal mine in Western Siberia (Russia). Global Geology, 19(4), 187-204.
  • Danilov, I. G., Obraztsova E.M., W. Chen, and J. Jin. 2017. The cranial morphology of Anosteira maomingensis (Testudines, Pan-Carettochelys) and the evolution of pan-carettochelyid turtles. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. https://doi.org/10.1080/02724634.2017.1335735.
  • Danilov, I. G., Obraztsova, E. M., Boitsova, E. A., & Skutschas, P. P. (2018). Diversity of middle Jurassic turtles from the Berezovsk quarry locality, Krasnoyarsk region, Russia: Morphology and histological study. Paleontological Journal, 52(2), 188-200.
  • Skutschas P.P., Markova V.D., Kolchanov V.V., Averianov A.O., Martin T., Schellhorn R., Kolosov P.N., Grigoriev D.V., Vitenko D.D., Obraztsova E.M., Danilov I.G.. 2020. Basal turtle material from the Lower Cretaceous of Yakutia (Russia) filling the gap in the Asian record, Cretaceous Research, Volume 106, 2020
  • Obraztsova, E. M., Krasnolutskii, S. A., Sukhanov, V. B., & Danilov, I. G. (2022). Xinjiangchelyid turtles from the Middle Jurassic of the Berezovsk coal mine (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia): systematics, skeletal morphology, variation, relationships and palaeobiogeographic implications. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 20(1), 2093662.