Mikhail V. Nazarkin

Web of Science ResearcherID: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/AAM-4301-2020
Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=7801550470
RSCI: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?authorid=85640
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7634-7957
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ru/citations?user=q4HJz8oAAAAJ
Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences
Academic title: No title
Position: Senior Researcher
E-mail: Mikhail.Nazarkin@zin.ru
Contact phone: +7 (812) 328-12-12, ext. 202
Educational background: Leningrad State University, Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences, Department of the Vertebrate Zoology, 1987.
Dissertations: “Miocene fishes from the Agnevo Formation of Sakhalin Island: the fauna, systematics, and origin.” (PhD)
Research interests: Fish fauna, taxonomy, paleontology, morphology, phylogeny, systematics.
Field studies: Central Asia, Kamchatka, Chukotka, Yakutia, Magadan Region, Primorye, Khabarovsk Area, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands, Japan, South Korea.
Scientific projects and grants:
  • RFBR 14-04-00642 Deep-sea fishes of the Paleogene and Neogene of the northwestern Pacific
  • RFBR 17-04-00596 Cenozoic fishes of the North Pacific as a forerunner of modern ichthyofauna
  • RFBR 19-54-51001 Neogene fishes of South Korea and their contribution to the study of biota development in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
Selected Publications:
  • Fedorov V.V., Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M. V., Shestakov A.V., Volobuyev V.V. 2003. Catalogue of marine and fresh-water Fishes of the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. Vladivostok: Dalnauka. 204 pp. [Russian]
  • Voskoboinikova O.S., Nazarkin M.V., Golubova E.Yu. 2012. Earlier stages of fishes from the northern part of the Okhotsk Sea. In ser.: Explorations of the fauna of the Seas. Vol. 68(76) St. Petersburg: Zoological Institute RAS. 108 pp. [Russian]
  • Nessov L.F., Mertinene R.A., Golovnyova L.B., Potapova O.R., Sablin M.V., Abramov F.V., Bugaenko D.V., Nalband’an L.A., Nazarkin M.V. 1986. New finds of the ancient organisms remains in the Belgorod and Kursk regions. P. 124–130. In: Complex researches of biogeocenoses of forest-steppe oak groves. Leningrad: Leningrad State University. [Russian]
  • Chereshnev I.A., Gudkov P.K., Nazarkin M.V. 1991. The first data on biology of anadromous dolly varden Salvelinus malma (Walbaum) in the Hatyrka river (a northeast part of Koryak uplands). P. 124–132. In: Biology of chars of the Far East. Vladivostok: Dalnauka. [Russian]
  • Nazarkin M.V. 1993. Freshwater fishes from upper quarternary sediments on the coast of East-Siberian Sea // Journal of Ichthyology, 33(2): 26–36.
  • Nazarkin M.V., Lebedintsev A.I. 1993. Fish remains found in ancient camps of the Northern coast of the Sea of Okhotsk // Journal of Ichthyology, 33(9): 134–140.
  • Mertinene R., Nessov L., Nazarkin M. 1994. Cretaceous sharks of the genus Paraisurus in Uzbekistan and Lithuania // Geologia, (17): 139–143.
  • Nazarkin M.V., Nessov L.A. 1995. A new species of Myctophidae from miocene deposits of Karaginskiy Island (Bering Sea) // Journal of Ichthyology, 35(8): 24–32.
  • Lebedintsev A.I., Nazarkin M.V. 1996. Fishery on the Okhotsk Coast in the ancient time. P. 123–127. In: Archaeological researches in the north of the Far East. Magadan: SVKNII. [Russian]
  • Solov'ev A.V., Nazarkin M.V. 1996. An unique locality of Miocene fossil fishes on Sakhalin // Bulletin of the Sakhalin museum. A year-book of the Sakhalin regional museum of local lore, (3): 343–353. [ Russian]
  • Nazarkin M.V. 1997. A new genus and species of greenling (Hexagrammidae) from the Miocene of Sakhalin island // Journal of Ichthyology, 37(1): 5–13.
  • Nazarkin M.V. 1997. A new Late Miocene flounder from Agnevo Svita, Sakhalin Island // Journal of Ichthyology, 37(8): 547–553.
  • Nazarkin M.V. 1998. New stichaeid fishes (Stichaeidae, Perciformes) from Miocene of Sakhalin // Journal of Ichthyology, 38(4): 279–291.
  • Nazarkin M.V. 1999. On the finding of bigmouth sculpin fish (Hemitripteridae) in Miocene of Sakhalin // Journal of Ichthyology, 39(5): 370–376.
  • Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V., Skopetz M.B., Shestakov A.V. 1999. Biodiversity and biogeography of freshwater and sea coastal fishes of the Tauy Inlet (North Sea of Okhotsk). P. 150–165. In: Science in the Northeast Russia. Magadan: Northeast Scientific Center RAS. [Russian]
  • Nazarkin M. V. 2000. Fish remains from ancient camps of Moneron Island. P. 52–56. In: Takashi Nomura, Tetsuo Kikuchi, Pokofiev M.M., Humpbacks С.В., Nazarkin M.V., Panteleev A.V. Materials on archeology and archeozoology of Moneron Island. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. [Russian]
  • Yabe M., Shinohara G., Munehara M., Suzuki N., Pitruk D.L., Sokolovsky A.S., Markevich A.I., Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V. 2000. Shallow water fishes in Peter the Great Bay and the Tauisk Bay, Far-East Russia. P. 61-69. In: Goto A. (ed.), Origin and biodiversity of fishes in Far East Russia and Northern Japan. Proceedings of the Workshop. Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University.
  • Shinohara G., Nazarkin M.V., Chereshnev I.A. 2000. Shallow water species of the family Zoarcidae near Magadan, northern part of Russian Far East. P. 71–77. In: Goto A. (ed.), Origin and biodiversity of fishes in Far East Russia and Northern Japan. Proceedings of the Workshop. Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University.
  • Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V., Skopets M.B., Pitruk D.L., Shestakov A.V., Yabe M., Shinohara G., Suzuki N. 2000. Annotated list of fish-like vertebrates and fish in Tauisk Bay (northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk). P. 91–94. In: Goto A. (ed.), Origin and biodiversity of fishes in Far East Russia and Northern Japan. Proceedings of the Workshop. Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University.
  • Nazarkin M.V., Voskoboinikova O.S. 2000. New fossil genus and species of Trichodontidae and the position of this family in the order Perciformes // Journal of Ichthyology, 40(9): 687–703.
  • Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V., Skopets M.B., Pitruk D.L., Shestakov A.V., Yabe M., Shinohara G., Suzuki N. 2001. Annotated list of fish-like vertebrates and fish in Tauisk Bay (northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk). P. 64-86. In: Biodiversity and ecological status along the northern coast of the Sea of Okhotsk. A collection of study reports. Vladivostok: Dalnauka.
  • Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V., Shestakov A.V., Skopets M.B. 2001. Problem of the coastal fish fauna biodiversity conservation under conditions of investigation and development of the hydrocarbon reserves on the shelf of the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk // Kolyma news. Northeast Scientific Center RAS: 11–16.
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2002. Gunnels (Perciformes, Pholidae) from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island // Journal of Ichthyology, 42(4): 279–288.
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2002. Large flatfishes from the Miocene of the Agnev Formation of the Sakhalin island. Journal of Ichthyology, 42(1): 7–18.
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2002. Trispinax ladae gen. et sp. nov.: A species of the New Family of Trachinoid Fishes Trispinacidae (Perciformes, Trachinoidei) from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island // Journal of Ichthyology, 42(6): 419–426.
  • Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V. 2002. On the occurrence of Japanese Sandfish Arctoscopus japonicus (Trichodontidae) in the Region of Tauisk Bay of the Sea of Okhotsk // Journal of Ichthyology, 42(8): 683–686.
  • Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V., Shestakov A.V., Skopetz M.B. 2002. Taxonomic and ecological diversity of marine and freshwater fishes of the Northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. P. 94–97. In: Conservation of biodiversity of Kamchatka and coastal waters. Materials of III scientific conference (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, November 27–28, 2002). Kamchatpress. [Russian]
  • Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V., Shestakov A.V. 2002. Biogeography of ichthyofauna of the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. P. 150–153.In: Conservation of biodiversity of Kamchatka and coastal waters. Materials of III scientific conference (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, November 27–28, 2002). Kamchatpress. [Russian]
  • Nazarkin M.V., Chernova N.V. 2003. A new species of eelpouts, Gymnelopsis humilis sp. nov. (Zoarcidae), from the Northern Part of the Sea of Okhotsk // Journal of Ichthyology, 43(8): 577–581.
  • Chereshnev I.A., Shestakov A.V., Nazarkin M.V. 2003. New Data on the Biology of Japanese Sandfish Arctoscopus japonicus (Trichodontidae) from the Tauiskaya guba, Sea of Okhotsk // Journal of Ichthyology, 43(8): 691–693.
  • Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V., Shestakov A.V. 2003. New for the Fauna of Russia: Cockscomb Alectrias mutsuensis Shiogaki (Stichaeidae, Perciformes) from Tauiskaya Gulf (Northern Part of the Sea of Okhotsk) // Journal of Ichthyology, 43(9): 744–748.
  • Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V., Shestakov A.V. 2003. Ichthyofauna composition, structure and dynamics of coastal ichthyocenoses in the Tauiskaya Bay of the Sea of Okhotsk. P. 307–311. In: Conservation of biodiversity of Kamchatka and coastal waters. Materials of IV scientific conference (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, November 18–19, 2003). Kamchatpress. [Russian]
  • Nazarkin  M.V. 2004. The review of the fish remains from archaeological Sites of Sakhalin island. P. 151–158. In: Amur-Ohotsk region during an paleometal epoch and the Middle Ages. 1. Khabarovsk regional museum of local lore of N.I. Grodekov. Khabarovsk. [Russian]
  • Shinohara G., Nazarkin M.V., Chereshnev I.A. 2004.  Magadania skopetzi, a new genus and species of Zoarcidae (Teleostei: Perciformes) from the Sea of Okhotsk // Ichthyological Research, 51: 137–145.
  • Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V. 2004. The First Finding of the Atka Mackerel Pleurogrammus monopterygius (Scorpaeniformes: Hexagrammidae) in the Tauiskaya Bay (Northern Part of the Sea of Okhotsk) // Journal of Ichthyology, 44(4): 307–311.
  • Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V., Regel K.V., Shestakov A.V. 2004. Feeding of Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis in the Tauiskaya Bay of the sea of Okhotsk. P. 314–316. In: Conservation of biodiversity of Kamchatka and coastal waters. Materials of V scientific conference (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, November 22–24, 2004). Kamchatpress. [Russian]
  • Nazarkin M.V., Lebedintsev A.I. 2004. Ichthyofauna of the Olsky camp of Tokarev's culture (Northern Okhotsk Sea, a paleometal epoch). P. 381–386. In: III Dikov readings. Materials of the scientifically-practical conference devoted to the 50 anniversary of the Magadan area. Magadan, 2004. [Russian]
  • Gudkov P.K., Nazarkin M.V., Vostretsov Yu.E. 2005. Reconstruction by fossil otoliths of the structure of populations of pacific navaga Eleginus gracilis (Gadidae) that inhabited Amur Bay 2400-2450 years ago // Journal of Ichthyology, 45(4): 295–300.
  • Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V., Shestakov A.V., Skopetz M.B., Grunin S.I. 2005. Marine and fresh-water Fishes of Tauiskaya Bay. P. 545–575. In: Biological diversity of Tauiskaya Bay of the Sea of Okhotsk. Vladivostok: Dalnauka. [Russian]
  • Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V. 2005. Rare fishes of the Tauiskaya Bay of the Sea of Okhotsk. In: Science of Northeast of Russia. P. 358–360. In: Beginning of Century. Materials of the All-Russia scientific conference devoted to Memories of the Academician K.V. Simakov (Magadan, April 26-28, 2005). [Russian]
  • Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V., Chegodaeva E.A. 2005. New findings and the description of rare species of fishes of the Tauiskaya Bay of the Sea of Okhotsk. P. 227–231. In: Conservation of biodiversity of Kamchatka and coastal waters. Materials of VI scientific conference (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 29-30 November, 2005): Kamchatpress. [Russian]
  • Shestakov A.V., Nazarkin M.V. 2005. Some data in biology of greenlings Hexagrammos stelleri and H. octogrammus (Hexagrammidae) of the Tauiskaya Bay (Northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk). P. 272–275. In: Conservation of biodiversity of Kamchatka and coastal waters. Materials of VI scientific conference (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 29-30 November, 2005): Kamchatpress. [Russian]
  • Nazarkin M.V., Chereshnev I.A. 2006. Finding of the Shantar Snailfish Liparis schantarensis (Scorpaeniformes: Liparidae) in the Taui Bay region of the Sea of Okhotsk // Journal of Ichthyology, 46(1): 44–49.
  • Shinohara G., Nazarkin M.V., Yabe M., Chereshnev I.A. 2006. Magadanichthys, a replacement name for the zoarcid fish genus Magadania (Actinopterygii: Perciformes), with notes on new specimens from Russia // Species Diversity, (11): 93–97.
  • Gudkov P.K., Nazarkin M.V. 2006. New finding of сommon dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus Linnaeus, 1758 (Pisces: Coryphaenidae) in Sakhalin waters // Proceedings of the Sakhalin scientific research institute of Fish economy and oceanography, 8: 279–284. [Russian]
  • Radchenko O.A., Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V., Petrovskaya A.V., Chegodaeva E.A. 2006. The first results of studying of genetic variability in some eelpout taxa (Zoarcidae, Perciformes) of the northern part of Sea of Okhotsk. P. 419–425. In: Conservation of biodiversity of Kamchatka and coastal waters. Materials of VII international scientific conference (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 28-29 November, 2006): Kamchatpress. [Russian]
  • Shestakov A.V., Nazarkin M.V. 2006. On the Biology of the White-Spotted Greenling Hexagrammos stelleri and the Masked Greenling H. octogrammus (Hexagrammidae) from Taui Bay of the Sea of Okhotsk // Journal of Ichthyology, 46(8): 677–680.
  • Nazarkin M.V., Fedorov V.V. 2007. New findings and redescription of holotype of eelpout Lycodes semenovi Popov, 1931 (Perciformes: Zoarcidae) // Journal of Ichthyology, 47(9): 701–707.
  • Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V., Chegodaeva E.A. 2007. Zoarces fedorovi sp.nova (Perciformes: Zoarcidae) a new species of eelpout from the Taui Bay of the sea of Okhotsk // Journal of Ichthyology, 47(8): 555–565.
  • Radchenko O.A., Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V., Petrovskaya A.V., Chegodaeva E.A. 2008. Restriction Fragment Variation of the Mitochondrial Gene of Cytochrome b in Some Taxa of the Eelpout Family (Pisces, Perciformes, Zoarcidae) from the Northern Sea of Okhotsk // Russian Journal of Genetics, 44(1): 94–100.
  • Radchenko O.A., Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V., Petrovskaya A.V. 2008. On a taxonomic status of the genus Petroschmidtia (Perciformes: Zoarcidae, Lycodinae) by results of the molecular-genetic analysis // Bulletin of Northeast Science Centre of FEB RAS, (2): 68–73. [Russian]
  • Radchenko O.A., Chereshnev I.A., Petrovskaya A.V., Nazarkin M.V. 2008. Molecular-genetic and morphological studying of interrelationships of some fish taxa of subfamily Lycodinae (Zoarcidae, Pisces). P. 335–343. In: Conservation of biodiversity of Kamchatka and coastal waters. Materials of IX international scientific conference (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 25-26 November, 2008): Kamchatpress. [Russian]
  • Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V. 2008. Systematic composition of gunnel’s fauna family Pholidae in the seas of Russian Far-East (with guide of the genus and species). P. 354–358. In: Conservation of biodiversity of Kamchatka and coastal waters. Materials of IX international scientific conference (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 25-26 November, 2008): Kamchatpress. [Russian]
  • Radchenko O.A., Chereshnev I.A., Petrovskaya A.V., Nazarkin M.V., Chegodaeva E.A. 2008. Nucleotide Sequence Variation of the Mitochondrial COI Gene in Several Eelpout Species of the Genus Zoarces (Zoarcidae, Pisces) // Russian Journal of Genetics, 44(7): 803–811.
  • Radchenko O.A., Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V., Petrovskaya A.V., Chegodaeva E.A. 2008. Relationships among Several Species of the Subfamily Gymnelinae (Zoarcidae) Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Analysis // Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 34(2): 126–130.
  • Voskoboinikova O. S., Nazarkin M.V. 2009. Larval Cyclopsis tentacularis (Cyclopterydae, Scorpaeniformes) from Astronomicheskaya Bight of Bay Babushkin in the Northern Part of the Sea of Okhotsk // Journal of Ichthyology, 49(1): 39–46.
  • Chereshnev I.A., Nazarkin M.V. 2008. Pholis (Enedrias) crassispina (Pisces: Pholidae) from the Northwestern Part of the Sea of Japan – the First Reliable Record for Russia, with Remarks on the Species Composition of the Family Pholidae in this Region // Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 34(5): 270–275.
  • Voskoboinikova O. S., Nazarkin M.V. 2009. Comparative Osteology of Cyclopsis tentacularis (Cyclopteridae, Scorpaeniformes) // Journal of Ichthyology, 49(1): 39–46.
  • Radchenko O.A., Petrovskaya A.V., Nazarkin M.V., Chereshnev I.A., Chegodaeva E.A. 2009. Relationships of the eelpouts of the genus Zoarces (Zoarcidae, Pisces) based on molecular-genetic data. P. 374–378. In: Conservation of biodiversity of Kamchatka and coastal waters. Materials of X international scientific conference (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 17-18 November, 2009): Kamchatpress. [Russian]
  • Golubova E.A., Nazarkin M.V. 2009. Feeding Ecology of the Tufted Puffin (Lunda cirrhata) and the Horned Puffin (Fratercula corniculata) in the Northern Sea of Okhotsk // Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 35(7): 593–608.
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2010. On the Identity of Two Species of Eelpouts (Pisces: Zoarcidae) from the Sea of Okhotsk // Journal of Ichthyology, 50(1): 1–11.
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2010. Redescription of Large-Scale Eelpout Lycodes macrolepis Taranetz et Andriashev, 1935 (Perciformes: Zoarcidae) // Journal of Ichthyology, 50(8): 596–604.
  • Gudkov P.K., Polyakova N.E., Semina A.V., Nazarkin M.V. 2010. Comparative morphological analysis of big-scaled redfin Tribolodon hakonensis Günther, 1877 (Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes) from Sakhalin and southern Primorye // Journal of Ichthyology, 50(9): 740–744.
  • Radchenko O. A., Petrovskaya A. V., Nazarkin M. V., Chereshnev I. A., Chegodaeva E. A. 2010. Relationships of Eelpouts of the Genus Zoarces (Zoarcidae, Pisces) Inferred from Molecular Genetic and Morphological Data // Russian Journal of Genetics, 46(11): 1344–1351.
  • Voskoboinikova O. S., Chegodaeva E. A., Nazarkin M. V. 2010. Comparative Osteology, Relationships, and Systematics of Fishes of the Genus Zoarces (Zoarcidae, Perciformes) // Journal of Ichthyology, 50(9): 704–717.
  • Shinohara G., Shirai S.M., Nazarkin M.V., Yabe M. 2011. Preliminary list of deep-sea fishes of the Sea of Japan // Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Ser. A, 37 (1): 35–62.
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2011. Morphology of Two Eastern Pacific Eelpouts (Pisces, Zoarcidae, Lycodes) in Connection with Features of Distribution of Species with a Double Lateral Line // Journal of Ichthyology, 51(3): 209–216.
  • Sakai H., Yamazaki Y., Nazarkin M.V., Sideleva V.G.,  Chmilevsky D.A., Iguchi K., Goto A. 2011. Morphological and mtDNA sequence studies searching for the root of silver crucian carp Carassius gibelio (Cyprinidae) from ponds of Sergievka Park, Saint-Petersburg, Russia // Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 315(3): 352–364.
  • Voskoboinikova O.S., Nazarkin M.V., Golubova E.Yu. 2011. Early developmental stages of fishes from the northern Sea of Okhotsk P. 105–108. In: Materials of the IV international conference "Theoretical and practical aspects of an oology in the modern zoology" (Kiev, 5-8 October 2011). [Russian]
  • Shinohara G. 2012. Taxonomy of Lycodes matsubarai Toyoshima, 1985 and Lycodes yamatoi Toyoshima, 1985 (Perciformes, Zoarcidae) // Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Ser. A, 38(1): 33–47.
  • Nazarkin M.V., Malyshkina T.P. 2012. The first reliable record of selachians from the Neogene deposits of Sakhalin Island // Zoosystematica Rossica, 21(1): 180–184.
  • Shinohara G., Nazarkin M.V., Nobetsu T., Yabe M. 2012. A Preliminary List of Marine Fishes Found in the Nemuro Strait between Hokkaido and Kunashiri Islands // Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Ser. A, 38(4): 1–27.
  • Nazarkin M.V., Yabumoto Y., Urabe A. 2013. A new Miocene three-spined stickleback (Pisces: Gasterosteidae) from Central Japan // Paleontological Research, 16(4): 322–332.
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2012. The review of the fish remains from the archeological sites of Sakhalin Island // Archeozoological researches on Sakhalin, (1): 43–50. [Russian]
  • Nazarkin M.V., Carnevale G., Bannikov A.F. 2013. A new greenling (Teleostei, Cottoidei) from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island, Russia // Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 33(4): 794–803.
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2013. Hooked Mako Isurus planus (Agassiz, 1856) from the Miocene of Sakhalin // Zoosystematica Rossica, 22(2): 311–314.
  • Nazarkin M.V., Shinohara G., Shirai S.M. 2014. Phylogeny and taxonomy of Petroschmidtia teraoi (Katayama, 1943) (Osteichthyes: Perciformes: Zoarcidae) // Zootaxa 3780 (1): 171–193.
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2014. The Fossil Viperfish Chauliodus testa sp. nov. (Stomiiformes: Stomiidae) from the Neogene of Western Sakhalin, Russia // Paleontological Journal, 48(3): 317–325.
  • Nazarkin M.V., Voskoboinikova O.S., Balanov A.A. 2014. Distribution, Morphology, and Taxonomic Position of Psychrolutes pustulosus (Schmidt, 1937) (Scorpaeniformes: Psychrolutidae) // Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 40(3): 177–187.
  • Nazarkin M.V., Bannikov A.F. 2014. Fossil mackerel (Pisces: Scombridae) from the Neogene of South-Western Sakhalin, Russia // Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(1): 158–163.
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2014. Gill rakers of basking sharks (Lamniformes: Cetorhinidae) from the Tertiary of Sakhalin Island, Russia Russia // Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(2): 265–271.
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2015. Fossil Bristlemouth Cyclothone mukhachevae sp. nov. (Stomiiformes: Gonostomatidae) from the Neogene of Western Sakhalin, Russia // Paleontological Journal, 49(2): 162–175.
  • Nazarkin M.V., Yabumoto Y. 2015. New fossils of Neogene pricklebacks (Actinopterygii: Stichaeidae) from East Asia // Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(1): 128–137.
  • Voskoboinikova O.S., Nazarkin M.V. 2015. Georgimarinus gen. nov. — a new genus of the family Cyclopteridae (Teleostei, Cottoidei) from the Aleutian and Kuril Islands // Journal of Ichthyology, 55(5): 530–535.
  • Voskoboinikova O.S., Nazarkin M.V. 2015. Redescription of Andriashev’s spiny pimpled lumpsucker Eumicrotremus andriashevi and designation of a new subspecies E. andriashevi aculeatus ssp. n. (Cyclopteridae) // Journal of Ichthyology, 55(2): 155–161.
  • Trikolidi F.A., Nazarkin M.V. 2016. New data on the cow shark teeth (Hexanchiformes) from the Cretaceous deposits of Sakhalin Island (Russia) // Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 320(1): 66–70. [Russian]
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2016. Complexes of the Tertiary deep-sea fishes from Far-Eastern Russia. P. 260–262. In: 100 anniversary of Paleontological society of Russia. Problems and prospects of paleontological researches. Materials of LXII session of Paleontological society (4–8 April, 2016). Saint-Petersburg: VSEGEI publising. [Russian]
  • Voskoboinikova O.S., Nazarkin M.V., Kudriavtseva О. Ju., Chernova N.V. 2016. Interrelationships of lumpsucker fishes, family Cyclopteridae. P. 137–140. In: Conservation of biodiversity of Kamchatka and coastal waters. Materials of XVII scientific conference (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 16-17 November, 2016): Kamchatpress. [Russian]
  • Chernova N. V., Nazarkin M. V. 2016. Spotted snailfish, Liparis callyodon (Liparidae), a New Species for the Sea of Okhotsk // Journal of Ichthyology, 56(5): 639–643.
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2016. Cenozoic fossil fishes of the extinct alepisauroid family Polymerichthyidae from the Sakhalin Island, Russia // Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 61 (4): 829–838.
  • Yusupov R.R., Shilin Yu.A., Lachugin A.S., Vyshegorodtsev V.A., Metelev E.A., Nazarkin M.V., Shershenkov S. Yu., Kaika A.I. 2016. DISTRIBUTION AND BIOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF FLATFISHES (PLEURONECTIDAE) IN THE NORTHERN PART OF THE OKHOTSK SEA // Bulletin of the North-Eastern Scientific Center of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2016, No. 4, p. 72–88. [Russian]
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2016. Barreleye Macropinna sp. (Argentiniformes, Opisthoproctidae) from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island, Russia // Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 36(5). DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2016.1187158.
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2017. A New Horned Sculpin (Pisces: Cottidae) from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island, Russia // Paleontological Journal, 51(1): 77–86.
  • Voskoboinikova O.S., Nazarkin M.V. 2017. Osteology of the Southern Ocean Daggertooth (Anotopterus vorax) and Status of the Anotopterus Genus in the Aulopiformes Order // Journal of Ichthyology, 57(1): 10–19.
  • Voskoboinikova O.S., Balanov A.A., Kudriavtseva О. Ju., Nazarkin M.V., Orlov A.M., Chernova N.V. 2017. Actual problems of systematics of lumpsuckers family Cyclopteridae. Materials of the scientific session devoted to 185th anniversary of Zoological Institute RAS. Saint-Petersburg, 13–16 November, 2017. Publishing house of the St. Petersburg University: 37–40. [Russian]
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2018. Neogene Deep-sea Smelts (Argentiniformes: Microstomatidae) from the Far East Russia // Paleontological Journal, 52(1): 303–319.
  • Voskoboinikova O.S., Nazarkin M.V. 2018. Juvenile Leuroglossus kobylianskyi (Argentiformes, Microstomatidae, Batylaginae) from the Miocene Deposits of Sakhalin Island // Paleontological Journal, 52(5): 546–549.
  • Nazarkin M.V., Yabumoto Y. 2018. A new Miocene clupeid, Clupea macrocephala from Sakaki Town, Hanishina County, Nagano, Japan // Paleontological Research, 22(4): 352–363.
  • Nam K.-S., Nazarkin M.V. 2018. Fossil prowfish, Zaprora koreana, sp. nov. (Pisces, Zaproridae), from the Neogene of South Korea // Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2018.1514616
  • Nazarkin M.V., Carnevale G. 2018. A Miocene Pearleye, Benthalbella praecessor, sp. nov. (Teleostei, Aulopiformes), from Sakhalin Island, Russia: The First Known Skeletal Record for the Family Scopelarchidae // Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2018.1511992
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2019. Hooked-Horn Sculpins (Pisces: Cottidae, Artediellinae) from the Miocene of the Sakhalin Island, Russia // Paleontological Journal 53(2): 172–182.
  • M. V. Nazarkin, O. A. Maznikova, and A. M. Orlov. 2019. First Mass Capture of Black Snake Mackerel Nealotus tripes (Gempylidae) // Journal of Ichthyology, 59(4): 566–571.
  • Nazarkin M.V. 2019. Tubesnout Aulichthys miocaenicus sp. nov. from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island (Russia): the First Reliable Fossil Record for the Family Aulorhynchidae // Paleontological Journal, 2019, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 522–529.
  • Nam K.-S., Ko J.-Y., Nazarkin M.V. 2019. A new lightfish, †Vinciguerria orientalis, sp. nov. (Teleostei, Stomiiformes, Phosichthyidae), from the middle Miocene of South Korea // Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2019.1625911
  • M. V. Nazarkin, and A. N. Kotlyar. 2020. A Fossil Melamphaid Fish of the Genus Scopelogadus (Teleostei: Melamphaidae) from the Neogene Deposits of Sakhalin Island, Russia // Paleontological Journal, 54(2): 180–186.