Aleksei A. Miroliubov

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Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences
Academic title: No title
Position: Senior Researcher
Contact phone: ---
Educational background: SPbSU master degree
Research interests: Rhizocephala, parasitology.
Field studies: White sea, Barents sea, Mediterranean sea, Japan sea, sea of Okhotsk, Vietnam, Commonwealth sea (Antarctica), Northen sea.
Scientific projects and grants:
  • RFBR №18-34-00727 Peculiarities of parasite-host interactions between parasitic barnacles (Rhizocephala) and their crustacean hosts.
  • RFBR №20-04-00097 Parasitic rhizocephalans (Rhizocephala: Kentrogonida) of the Sea of Japan: morphology, species composition, biology of reproduction, life cycles, and interaction with hosts.
  • RFBR №13-04-00725-a. Muscular and neural systems of Orthonectida.
  • RFBR №15-04-01203-a. Morpho-functional and ecologo-physiological peculiarities of life cycle, host-parasite relationships and evolutionary trends of parasitic mites and ticks (on the example of Parasitiformes: Ixodina, Acariformes: Parasitengona) 15-04-01203
  • RFBR №16-04-0078-a. The mystery of orthonectids plasmodium nature.
Selected Publications:
  • Miroliubov A., Borisenko I., Nesterenko M., Lianguzova A., Ilyutkin S., Lapshin N., Dobrovolskij A. 2020. Specialized structures on the border between rhizocephalan parasites and their host’s nervous system reveal potential sites for host-parasite interactions. Scientific Reports, 10(1): 1-11.
  • Miroliubov A. A. Muscular system in interna of Peltogaster paguri (Rhizocephala: Peltogastridae) //Arthropod structure & development. – 2017. – Т. 46. – №. 2. – С. 230-235.
  • Waiho, K., Glenner, H., Miroliubov, A., Noever, C., Hassan, M., Ikhwanuddin, M., & Fazhan, H. (2020). Rhizocephalans and their potential impact on crustacean aquaculture. Aquaculture, 735876.
  • Miroliubov A.A. et al. 2019. Muscular system in the interna of Polyascus polygenea and Sacculina pilosella (Cirripedia: Rhizocephala: Sacculinidae) // Invert. Zool. Vol.16. No.1. P.48–56.
  • Lianguzova, A. D., Ilyutkin, S. A., Korn, O. M., & Miroliubov, A. A. 2021. Specialised rootlets of Sacculina pilosella (Rhizocephala: Sacculinidae) used for interactions with its host's nervous system. Arthropod Structure & Development, 60, 101009.
  • Golubinskaya, D. D., Korn, O. M., Sharina, S. N., & Miroliubov, A. A. 2021. Morphological and molecular investigations of the rhizocephalan barnacle Peltogaster lineata Shiino, 1943 in the northern part of the species range (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan). Marine Biodiversity, 51(6), 1-11.
  • Arbuzova N. A., Lianguzova A. D., Lapshin N. E., Laskova E. P., Miroliubov A.A. 2022. Muscular system of Peltogasterella gracilis – A rhizocephalan with the modular type organization of interna. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 297, 1-7.