Valeria I. Mikhalevich

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Academic degree: Doctor of Biological Sciences
Academic title: Senior Researcher
Position: Leading Researcher
Contact phone: +7 (812) 328-07-11, ext. 201
Educational background: Leningrad State Pedagogical University in honor of A.I. Hertzen, 1969
  • “Bottom Foraminifera off the shelves of the tropical Atlantic.” (PhD)
  • “Macrosystem of Foraminifera.” (PhD habilitation)
Research interests: Morphology, taxonomy, phylogeny, ecology, biogeography of Foraminifera, general evolutionary regularities.
Field studies: The Recent water areas of the Black Sea, tropical part of the Atlantic Ocean, underground waters of the Middle Asia, microfossils samples of the different geological periods in Carpathians.
Professional membership:
Editorial activity:
  • Editor of vol. 184 “Classification, ecology and stratigraphy of the Miliolata “Foraminifera”, “Proceedings of the Zoological Institute”,
  • Member of Advisory editorial board of “Protistology”, 1999 y
Pedagogical activity:
  • Member of Dissertation Council at Zoological Inst RAN (in specialties 03.00.09 –entomology, 03.00.19 – parasitology, 03.00.33 –protistology) -2007 2009
  • Lecturer in the University of Anger, France, 1998
  • Lecturer in International Foraminiferal School (ISF), in Urbino University, Italy – 2015
  • Book “Post-Cambrian Testate Foraminifera as a System in its Evolution” 2013, Nova Publishers, NY is planned to use in the process of preparation of the museum exposition on the evolution of foraminifera in Naturkunde, Berlin
Scientific projects and grants:
  • Scientific project “Fauna of the South Ocean. Revealing of the taxonomic composition, regularities of the distribution of the different animal groups, their abundance and their role in the trophic chains of the Antarctic seas ecosystems, including biocenoses structure changes under anthropogenic influence. Fauna of the Foraminifera of Antarctic , 1996 - 2000, 2001 -2005, 2005 – 2010, 2010 -2015”
  • Biodiversity: “Treatment and consistent implementation of the methods of diagnostics of animals as the base of inventory of the biodervisity of Russia in the form of key tables and computer key systems” (Working out of the key tables for the three orders of the class Miliolata (Foraminifera). From 1998
  • Sepkoski grant,USA. 2007. “Comparison between the test and wall ultrastructure of the Fusulinoids and Milioloids and the definition of the Fusulinoid position in the Foraminiferal system.”
  • grant RFBR 97 – 04 – 48 359. Head V.I. Mikhalevich. “Macrosystem of Foraminifera”
  • grant RFBR № 08-04-08391 “Macrosystem of the class Nodosariata”
  • Co-chairman of the International Working group on Foraminiferal classification (IWGFC), Suppoted by Grzybowski Foundation – beginning from 2006.
Selected Publications:
  • Mikhalevich V.I. 2000. Chapter: . Tip prosteyshie – Protozoa. [Phylum protista – Protozoa. Order Foraminifera d’Orbigny, 1826. [The phylum Foraminifera d’Orbigny, 1826 – Foraminifers]. In: Alimov, A.F. (ed.), Protisty: Rukovodstvo po Zoologii, pt. 1. Nauka Publishers, St. Petersburg, pp. 533-623. (In Russian, with English summary pp. 611 - 616)
  • Mikhalevich V.I. 2004. The general aspects of the distribution of Antarctic foraminifera · Micropaleontology, 50 (2):179-194.
  • Mikhalevich V.I. 2008. General evolutionary regularities of organic and social life. Evolutionary Biology from Concept to Application, 73-94.
  • Mikhalevich V.I. 2009. Taxonomic position of the superorder Fusulinoida Fursenko in the Foraminifera system. Paleontological Journal, 43 (2):117-128.
  • Mikhalevich V.I. 2013. New insight into the systematics and evolution of the foraminifera. Micropaleontology, 59 ( 6): 493 – 527.
  • Mikhalevich V.I. 2013. Post-Cambrian testate Foraminifera as a System in its evolution. Nova Publishers, New York. 426 p. ISBN: 978-1-62618-772-6 (hardcover)
  • Mikhalevich V.I. 2016. New subfamily Petschoricinae and its position in the system of Foraminifera. Paleontological Journal, 50 (5):432-434.
  • Михалевич В.И. 2016. Наблюдения за представителями отряда Miliolida (Miliolata, Foraminifera) в лабораторных условиях. 1. Massilina secans (d’Orbigny), 1826. Зоологический журнал, 95 (7): 1 – 8.
  • Михалевич В.И. 2016. Наблюдения за представителями отряда Miliolida (Miliolata, Foraminifera) в лабораторных условиях. 2. Miliolina sp. Зоологический журнал, 95 ( 8): 1 – 8.