Sergei G. Medvedev

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Academic degree: Doctor of Biological Sciences
Academic title: Professor
Position: Head of Laboratory
Contact phone: +7 (812) 328-07-11, ext. 312
Educational background: Leningrad State University, Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences, Chair of Entomology, 1981.
  • “The fleas of bats (Ischnopsyllidae, Siphonaptera) of the USSR.” (PhD)
  • “Morphological basis of the classification of fleas (Siphonaptera).” (PhD habilitation)
Research interests: Morphology, taxonomy, ecology, phylogeny, biogeography of fleas (Siphonaptera).
Field studies: Nord-West of Russia, Middle Asia, Caucasus, Far East.
Professional membership:
Editorial activity: Parasitologiya,
Pedagogical activity:
  • member of dissertation council D 002.223.01 of ZIN RAS — Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
  • member of dissertation council D 006.015.01 of VIZR – All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Protection
Scientific projects and grants:
  • RFBR- 14-04-01139-а. PI S.G. Medvedev. “Evolution of blood-sucking insects – morpho ecological approach”.
  • RFBR- 13-04-10163-k. PI S.G. Medvedev. “Scientific project of carrying out a complex zoological expedition for collecting the material of Diptera associated with aquatic environment and ticks in the regions of Northwestern and Northeastern Russia”.
  • RFBR- 12-04-10147-к. PI S.G. Medvedev. “Organization and carrying out of a complex zoological expedition for collecting the material of Diptera and cyprinid fishes in Western Siberia, Altai, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and Northwastern Russia”.
  • RFBR- 11-04-10079-к. PI S.G. Medvedev. “Organization and carrying out of a complex zoological expedition for collecting the material of bloodsucking insects and lampreys in Sakhalin Province and Sakha Republic (Yakutia)”.
  • RFBR- 11-04-10079-к. PI S.G. Medvedev. “The fauna of bloodsucking insects of the Palaearctic Region: pathways of formation and regional features”.
Selected Publications:
  • Медведев С.Г. Классификация отряда блох (Siphonaptera) и ее теоретические предпосылки // Энтомологическое обозрение. 1998. Т. 77, вып. 4. С. 916- 934. =Medvedev S.G. Classification of fleas (order Siphonaptera) and its theoretical foundations // Entomological Review. 1998. Vol. 78, N 9. P. 75-89.
  • Medvedev S.G. The Fauna of Bloodsucking Insects of the Gnus Complex (Diptera) of Northwest Russia. Analysis of Distribution. Entomological Review, 2011, Vol. 91, No. 9, pp. 1092–1107.
  • Medvedev S.G., Kotti B.K. Patterns of Formation of the Flea (Siphonaptera) Fauna in the Caucasus Entomological Review, 2012, Vol. 92, No. 4, pp. 409–421.
  • Medvedev S.G., Aibulatov S.V. Regionalization of the Territory of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Province in Connection with the Distribution of Blood-Sucking Dipterans // Entomological Review, 2013, Vol. 93, No. 5, pp. 608–619.
  • Medvedev S.G., Kotti B.K. Host Associations and Origin in the Formation of the Caucasian Fauna of Fleas (Siphonaptera) // Entomological Review, 2013, Vol. 93, No. 3, pp. 293–308.
  • Medvedev S.G. Taxonomic Composition and Zoogeographic Characteristics of the Flea Fauna (Siphonaptera) of Russia // Entomological Review, 2013, Vol. 93, No. 5, pp. 595–607.
  • Medvedev S. G. Organization of studies of the gnus complex of bloodsucking dipterans (Diptera: Culicidae, Ceratopogonidae, Tabanidae) by Yu. S. Balashov. Entomological Review, 2013, Vol. 93, No. 9, pp. 1218–1227.
  • Medvedev S.G. The Palaearctic Centers of Taxonomic Diversity of fleas (Siphonaptera) // Entomological Review, 2014, Vol. 94, N 3 pp. 345-358.
  • Medvedev S.G. et al. Fleas of Small Mammals from the North of the Russian Far East. Entomological Review, 2014, Vol. 94, N 9, pp. 1288-1296.
  • Medvedev S.G., Tretyakov K. A. Fleas of Small Mammals in St. Petersburg. Entomological Review, 2014, Vol. 94, N 9, pp. 1297-1305.
  • Medvedev S.G. 2015. Morphological Diversity of the Skeletal Structures of Fleas (Siphonaptera). Part 1: the General Characteristic and Features of the Head. Entomological Review, 2015, Vol. 95, N 7, pp. 852-873.
  • Medvedev S. G. Morphological Diversity of the Skeletal Structures of Fleas (Siphonaptera). Part 3: The General Characteristics and Features of Thoracic Setation. Entomological Review, 2016, Vol. 96, No. 1, pp. 51–58.
  • Medvedev S. G. 2016. Morphological Diversity of the Skeletal Structures of Fleas (Siphonaptera). Part 2: The General Characteristic and Features of the Thorax. Entomological Review, Vol. 96, No. 1, pp. 28–50.
  • Medvedev S. G., Khalikov R. G. Experience in Application of Databases of Bloodsucking Insects to Zoological Studies. Entomological Review, 2016, Vol. 96, No. 8, pp. 1008–1014.
  • Medvedev S. G. 2016. Morphological Diversity of the Skeletal Structures of Fleas (Siphonaptera). Part 4: The General Characteristic and Features of the Abdomen. Entomological Review, Vol. 96, No. 8, pp. 1069–1083.
  • Medvedev S. G. 2018. Morphological Diversity of the Skeletal Structures of Fleas (Siphonaptera). Part 6 Entomological Review, Vol. 98, No. 1, pp. 10–20.
  • Medvedev S. G., Seryodkin I. V. Fleas (Siphonaptera) of Carnivores (Mammalia, Carnivora) of the Russian Far East. Entomological Review. 99 (1) : 70–77.
  • Medvedev S. G. 2018. Morphological Diversity of Fleas’ Structures (Siphonaptera). Part 5: Features of Thoracic Combs and Legs // Entomological Review, 2018, Vol. 98, No. 7, P. 819-825.
  • Tokarevicha N.K., Panferova Yu.A., Freylikhman O.A., Blinova O.V., Medvedev S.G., Mironov S.V., Grigoryeva L.A., Tretyakov K.A., Dimova T., Zahariev M. M., Nikolov B., Zehtindjiev P., Najdenski H. 2019. Coxiella burnetii in ticks and wild birds. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases. 10 : 377-385.
  • Krasnov B. R., Shenbrot G. I., Warburton E. M., Mescht L., Surkova E. N., Medvedev S. G., Pechnikova N., Ermolova N., Kotti B. K., Khokhlova I. S. Species and site contributions to β-diversity in fleas parasitic on the Palearctic small mammals: ecology, geography and host species composition matter the most. Parasitology 146, 653–661.
  • Medvedev S. G., Kotti B. K., Verzhutsky D. B. 2019. Diversity of Fleas (Siphonaptera), Vectors of Plague Pathogens: the Flea Citellophilus tesquorum (Wagner, 1898), a Parasite of Ground Squirrels of the Genus Spermophilus. Entomological Review 99 (5) : 565–579.
  • Medvedev S. G., Verzhutsky D. B. Diversity of Fleas, Vectors of Plague Pathogens: the Flea Oropsylla silantiewi (Wagner, 1898) (Siphonaptera, Ceratophyllidae). Entomological Review. 100 (1) : 1–13.
  • Агасой В.В., Прокофьев В.В., Медведев С.Г. 2019. Биологические особенности слепней (Diptera, Tabanidae) и ландшафтное зонирование Псковской области. Паразитология. 53 (5) : 378-397.
  • Mironov S.V., Apanaskevich D.A., Medvedev S.G. 2019. In memoriam of Andrei Vladimirovich Bochkov (1968–2018). Scientific biography. Acarina, 27 , 2 : 117-144.