Marina N. Malysheva

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Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences
Academic title: No title
Position: Senior Researcher
Contact phone: +7 (812) 714-66-51
Educational background: Leningrad State University, 1982
Dissertations: “Life cycle and morphology of development stages of flagellates Proteomonas brevicula (Kinetoplastida, Trypanosomatidae).” (PhD)
Research interests: Protists, parasitology, kinetoplastids, taxonomy, biodiversity, morphology, ultrastructure, cultivation, life cycles.
Field studies: North-West of the Russian Federation.
Professional membership: Protozoological Society RAS
Scientific projects and grants:
  • RFBR 11-04-00217-а PI A.O. Frolov “Experimental and theoretical analysis of a phylogenetic concept of Conosa”
  • RFBR 15-04-00396-a. PI A.O. Frolov. “A comprehensive analysis of cytobiontic communities of the archamoebas (Amoebozoa, Archamoebae)”
  • RFBR 15-29-02734 ofi_m Pl S.A. Karpov “Depository of cultures as a basis for studying the biological diversity of parasitic protists in the territory of Russia”
  • RFBR 18-04-00138-а. PI A.O. Frolov. “Trypanosomatids and their prokaryotic endosymbionts: cophylogeny and a diversity of symbiotic associations”
  • RSF 18-14-00134 PI A.O. Frolov “Development of a phylogenetically coordinated model of the evolution of life cycles in parasitic flagellates of the order Trypanosomatida”
  • RSF 22-24-00033 The project leader Frolov A.O. “Updating model systems of horizontal transitions in trypanosomatids”
  • RSF 21-14-00191 The project leader Kostygov A.Y. “Trypanosomatids of bloodsucking insects of the temperate zone – actual and potential pathogens of animals and humans”
Selected Publications:
  • Podlipaev S.A., Malysheva M.N., Kolesnikov A.A. 1991. Leptomonas rigidus sp. n. (Trypanosomatidae) – a parasite of Salda littoralis L. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Acta Protozoologica, 30: 121-127.
  • Frolov F.O., Malysheva M.N. 1992. The endomastigotes, a special type of the transmission stages of trypanosomatides of the genus Proteomonas. Parazitologiya. 26(4): 351–353.
  • Фролов А.О., Малышева М.Н. 1993. Описание Phytomonas nordicus n. sp. (Trypanosomatidae) из хищного клопа Troilus luridus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Паразитология, 27 (3): 227-232.
  • Malysheva M.N., Frolov A.O. 1995. The developmental cycle of Proteomonas brevicula (Trypanosomatidae) in the predatory bugs of the family Nabidae (Hemiptera). Parazitologiya. 29(4):289–297.
  • Frolov A.O., Karpov S.A., Malysheva M.N. 1996. The ultrastructure of mitosis in the free-living Kinetoplastid Bodo curvifilus. European journal of Protistology, 32 (4): 498-505.
  • Frolov A.O., Mylnikov A.P., Malysheva M.N. 1997. Electron microscopic study of the new species of the free-living flagellate Dimastigella mimosa sp.n. Tsitologiya. 39(6): 442–448.
  • Frolov A.O., Mylnikov A.P., Malysheva M.N. 1997. Description and electron microscopical study of the free-living cryptobiid flagellate Dimastigella mimosa sp. n. (Kinetoplastida, Cryptobiidae). Цитология, 39 (6): 447-448.
  • Фролов А.О., Малышева М.Н., Подлипаев С.А. 1997. Необычный способ формирования цистоподобных стадий у Blastocrithidia sp. (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae), паразитирующих в кишечном тракте клопов-водомерок (Hemiptera: Gerridae). Паразитология, 31 (4): 356-363.
  • Frolov A.O., Malysheva M.N. 2002. Ultrastructure of the flagellate Cruzella marina (Kinetoplastidea). Tsitologiya. 44(5): 477–484.
  • Malysheva M.N., Frolov A.O. 2002. Описание и лабораторное культивирование Leptomonas repentinus sp. n. (Trypanosomatidae, Kinetoplastida) паразита клопа-водомерки Gerris rufoscutellatus Latreille, 1807. Паразитология, 36 (4): 286-294.
  • Малышева М.Н., Фролов А.О., Скарлато С.О. 2006. Образование цистоподобных клеток жгутиконосцев Leptomonas oncopelti в средней кишке клопа Oncopeltus fasciatus, Цитология, 48 (9): 723-734.
  • Malysheva M.N., Karpova M.S., Frolov A.O. 2007. Mitosis of the free-living flagellate Bodo saltans strain Ps+ (Kinetoplastidea, Bodonida). Tsitilogiya. 49(6):512–520.
  • Malysheva M.N. 2009. Contributions of the fauna of haemoparasites of batrachians (Amphibia, Anura) in Kyrgyzstan. Parazitologiya. 2009. 43(1):32-45.
  • Костыгов А.Ю., Малышева М.Н., Фролов А.О. 2011. Исследование причин конфликта таксономии и молекулярной филогении трипаносоматид на примере Leptomonas nabiculae Podlipaev, 1987. Паразитология, 45 (6): 409-424.
  • Малышева М.Н. 2014. Ранние стадии развития Trypanosoma rotatorium (Mayer, 1843) из периферической крови и внутренних органов бесхвостых амфибий Bufo bufo (L.) и Rana sp. (Anura). Паразитология, 48 (5): 373-381.
  • Kostygov A.Y., Grybchuk-Ieremenko A., Malysheva M.N., Frolov A.O., Yurchenko V. 2014. Molecular revision of the genus Wallaceina. Protist, 165: 594—604.
  • Frolov A., Malysheva M., Yurchenko V., Kostygov A. 2016. Back to monoxeny: Phytomonas nordicus descended from dixenous plant parasites. European Journal of Protistology, 52(1): 1-10.
  • Frolov A., Malysheva M., Ganyukova A., Yurchenko V., Kostygov A. 2017. Life cycle of Blastocrithidia papi sp. n. (Kinetoplastea, Trypanosomatidae) in Pyrrhocoris apterus (Hemiptera, Pyrrhocoridae). European Journal of Protistology, 57(1): 85-98.
  • Frolov, A., Malysheva, M., Ganyukova, A., Yurchenko, V., Kostygov, A. Obligate development of Blastocrithidia papi (Trypanosomatidae) in the Malpighian tubules of Pyrrhocoris apterus (Hemiptera) and coordination of host-parasite life cycles. PLOS One, 2018, 13(9): e0204467. PMID: 30261003.
  • Frolov AO, Malysheva MN, Ganyukova AI, Spodareva VV, Yurchenko V, Kostygov AY (2019). Development of Phytomonas lipae sp. n. (Kinetoplastea: Trypanosomatidae) in the true bug Coreus marginatus (Heteroptera: Coreidae) and insights into the evolution of life cycles in the genus Phytomonas. PLoS ONE 14(4): e0214484.
  • Ganyukova A.I., Frolov A.O., Malysheva M.N., Spodareva V.V., Yurchenko V., Kostygov A.Yu. 2020. A novel endosymbiont-containing trypanosomatid Phytomonas borealis sp. n. from the predatory bug Picromerus bidens (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Folia Parasitologica 67: 004.
  • Alexander O Frolov; Marina N Malysheva; Anna I Ganyukova; Viktoria V Spodareva; Jana Králová; Vyacheslav Yurchenko; Alexei Y. Kostygov. 2020. If host is refractory, insistent parasite goes berserk: trypanosomatid Blastocrithidia raabei in the dockbug Coreus marginatus. PLoS ONE 15(1): e0227832.
  • Alexei Y. Kostygov, Alexander O. Frolov, Marina N. Malysheva, Anna I. Ganyukova, Lydmila V. Chistyakova, Daria Tashyreva, Martina Tesarova, Viktoria V. Spodareva, Jana Reznarova, Diego H. Macedo, Anzhelika Butenko, Claudia M. d’Avila-Levy, Julius Lukes and Vyacheslav Yurchenko. 2020. Vickermania gen.nov., trypanosomatids that use two joined flagella to resist midgut peristaltic flow within the fly host. BMC Biology. 18, 187.
  • Marina Malysheva, Anna Ganyukova and Alexander Frolov. 2020. Blastocrithidia frustrata sp. n. (Kinetoplastea, Trypanosomatidae) from the brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae). Protistology 14 (3), 130–146.
  • Alexei Yu. Kostygov, Alexander O. Frolov, Marina N. Malysheva, Anna I. Ganyukova, Daria Drachko, Vyacheslav Yurchenko and Vera V. Agasoi. 2022. Development of two species of the Trypanosoma theileri complex in tabanids. Parasites & Vectors. 15:95
  • Malysheva M.N., Kostygov A.Yu., Frolov A.O. 2022. Niche partitioning within an insect host: trypanosomatids Wallacemonas raviniae and Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum). Protistology 16 (2): 87–97.
  • Frolov A.O., Malysheva M.N., Ganyukova A.I., Chistyakova L.V. 2022. Crithidia versiformis sp. n. (Kinetoplastea: Trypanosomatida), a parasite of the green lacewing Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae). Protistology 16 (3): 161–180.
  • Kostygov A.Y., Malysheva M.N., Ganyukova A.I., Razygraev A.V., Drachko D.O., Yurchenko V., Agasoi V.V., Frolov A.O. 2022. The Roles of Mosquitoes in the Circulation of Monoxenous Trypanosomatids in Temperate Climates. Pathogens. 11, 1326.
  • Malysheva M.N., Ganyukova A.I., Frolov A.O. 2023. Host specificity of Phytomonas serpens (Kinetoplastea: Trypanosomatida) to experimental vectors from two families of the true bugs, Pentatomidae and Coreidae. Protistology 17(2):85–91.
  • Malysheva M.N., Ganyukova A.I., Drachko D.O., Kostygov A.Y., Frolov A.O. 2023. Description of Zelonia daumondi sp. nov. (Trypanosomatidae: Leishmaniinae). Zoosystematica Rossica 32 (2): 252–268.
  • Malysheva M.N., Ganyukova A.I., Frolov A.O., Chistyakov D.V., Kostygov A.Yu. 2023. The Mite Steatonyssus periblepharus Is a Novel Potential Vector of the Bat Parasite Trypanosoma dionisii. Microorganisms. 11:2906.