Alexander O. Frolov

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Academic degree: Doctor of Biological Sciences
Academic title: No title
Position: Principal Researcher
Contact phone: +7 (812) 714-66-51
Educational background: Leningrad State University, 1982
  • “Life cycles of homoxenous trypanosomatides the parasites of hemipteran insects.” (PhD)
  • “A new hypothesis of the origin of trypanosomatides.” (PhD habilitation)
Research interests: Protists, morphology, taxonomy, phylogeny, Kinetoplastea, Amoebozoa, biodiversity, symbionts.
Field studies: North-West of Russia.
Professional membership: Protozoological Society RAS
Editorial activity:
Pedagogical activity: Dissertational council D 002.223.01: 03.02.05 - entomology, 03.02.11 - parasitology; biological sciences
Scientific projects and grants:
  • RFBR 11-04-00217-а. PI A.O. Frolov. “Experimental and theoretical analysis of a phylogenetic concept of Conosa”
  • RFBR 15-04-00396-a. PI A.O. Frolov. “A comprehensive analysis of cytobiontic communities of the archamoebas (Amoebozoa, Archamoebae)”
  • RFBR 19-34-90027-graduate students. PI A.O. Frolov. “Comprehensive analysis of trypanosomatids species with potentially low levels of host specificity”
  • RFBR 18-04-00138-а. PI A.O. Frolov. “Trypanosomatids and their prokaryotic endosymbionts: cophylogeny and a diversity of symbiotic associations”
  • RSF 18-14-00134 PI A.O. Frolov “Development of a phylogenetically coordinated model of the evolution of life cycles in parasitic flagellates of the order Trypanosomatida”
Selected Publications:
  • Фролов А.О. 1993. Происхождение трипаносоматид. Паразитология, 27 (2): 97-107.
  • Фролов А.О. 1994. Классификация морфологических форм жгутиконосцев семейства Trypanosomatidae. Паразитология, 28 (4): 261-269.
  • Фролов А.О., Скарлато С.О. 1995. Тонкое строение и механизмы адаптации низших трипаносоматид в полужесткокрылых насекомых. Цитология. 37 (7): 539-560.
  • Frolov A.O., Karpov S.A. 1995. Comparative morphology of Kinetoplastids. Цитология, 37 (11): 1072-1096.
  • Frolov A.O., Karpov S.A., Mylnikov A.P. 2001. The ultrastructure of Procryptobia sorokini (Zhukov) comb. nov. and rootlet homology in Kinetoplastids. Protistology, 2 (2): 85-95.
  • Walker G., Foster P., Silberman J.D., Karpov S.A., Preisfeld A., Frolov A.O., Novozhilov Y., Sogin M.L. 2003. An ultrasructural and molecular study of Hyperamoeba dachnaya, n. sp., and its relationship to the Mycetozoan slime moilds. European journal of Protistology, 39 (3): 319-336.
  • Гудков А.В., Чистякова Л.В., Серавин Л.Н., Фролов А.О. 2004. Краткая история и современное состояние концепции пелобионтов (Класс Peloflagellatea). Зоологический журнал, 83 (6): 643-654.
  • Frolov A.O., Goodkov A.V., Chystjakova L.V., Skarlato S.O. 2006. Structure and development of Pelomyxa gruberi sp. n. (Peloflagellatea, Pelobiontida). Protistology, 3: 227-244.
  • Костыгов А.Ю., Малышева М.Н., Фролов А.О. 2011. Исследование причин конфликта таксономии и молекулярной филогении трипаносоматид на примере Leptomonas nabiculae Podlipaev, 1987. Паразитология, 45 (6): 409-424.
  • Ptáčková E., Falteisek L., Cepicka I., Kostygov A.Y., Chistyakova L.V., Frolov A.O., Patterson D.J., Walker G. 2013. Evolution of Archamoebae: morphological and molecular evidence for pelobionts including Rhizomastix, Entamoeba, Iodamoeba, and Endolimax. Protistology 164 (3): 380-410.
  • Чистякова Л.В., Митева О.А., Фролов А.О., Скарлато С.О. 2013. Сравнительная морфология представителей подтипа Conosa Cavalier-Smith 1998. Цитология, 55 (11): 778-787.
  • Фролов А.О., Малышева М.Н., Костыгов А.Ю. 2015а. Трансформации жизненных циклов в эволюционной истории трипаносоматид. Макротрансформации. Паразитология. 49 (4) : 233—256.
  • Фролов А.О., Малышева М.Н., Костыгов А.Ю. 2015б. Трансформации жизненных циклов в эволюционной истории трипаносоматид. Экзотрансформации. Паразитология. 49 (5) : 313—338.
  • Фролов А.О., Малышева М.Н., Костыгов А.Ю. 2016. Трансформации жизненных циклов в эволюционной истории трипаносоматид. Эндотрансформации и аберрации. Паразитология. 50 (2) : 97—113.
  • Фролов А.О. 2016. Трипаносоматиды (Kinetoplastea: Trypanosomatida) и насекомые (Insecta): паттерны коэволюции и диверсификация систем паразит-хозяин. Труды Зоологического института РАН, 320: 16-73.
  • Frolov A., Malysheva M., Yurchenko V., Kostygov A. 2016. Back to monoxeny: Phytomonas nordicus descended from dixenous plant parasites. European Journal of Protistology, 52(1): 1-10.
  • Frolov A., Malysheva M., Ganyukova A., Yurchenko V., Kostygov A. 2017. Life cycle of Blastocrithidia papi sp. n. (Kinetoplastea, Trypanosomatidae) in Pyrrhocoris apterus (Hemiptera, Pyrrhocoridae). European Journal of Protistology, 57(1): 85-98.
  • Gutiérrez G., Chistyakova L.V., Villalobo E., Kostygov A. Y., Frolov A. O. 2017. Identification of Pelomyxa palustris endosymbionts. Protist, 168 (4): 408-424.
  • Danyil Grybchuk, Natalia S. Akopyants, Alexei Y. Kostygov, Aleksandras Konovalovas, Lon-Fye Lye, Deborah E. Dobson, Haroun Zangger, Nicolas Fasel, Anzhelika Butenko, Alexander O. Frolov, Jan Votýpka, Claudia M. d’Avila-Levy, Pavel Kulich, Jana Moravcová, Pavel Plevka, Igor B. Rogozin, Saulius Serva, Julius Lukeš, Stephen M. Beverley, and Vyacheslav Yurchenko. 2018. Viral discovery and diversity in trypanosomatid protozoa with a focus on relatives of the human parasite Leishmania. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2018. 115: (3). E506-E515; published ahead of print December 28, 2017,
  • Frolov, A., Malysheva, M., Ganyukova, A., Yurchenko, V., Kostygov, A. Obligate development of Blastocrithidia papi (Trypanosomatidae) in the Malpighian tubules of Pyrrhocoris apterus (Hemiptera) and coordination of host-parasite life cycles. PLOS One, 2018, 13(9): e0204467. PMID: 30261003.
  • Frolov AO, Malysheva MN, Ganyukova AI, Spodareva VV, Yurchenko V, Kostygov AY (2019). Development of Phytomonas lipae sp. n. (Kinetoplastea: Trypanosomatidae) in the true bug Coreus marginatus (Heteroptera: Coreidae) and insights into the evolution of life cycles in the genus Phytomonas. PLoS ONE 14(4): e0214484.
  • Alexander O Frolov; Marina N Malysheva; Anna I Ganyukova; Viktoria V Spodareva; Jana Králová; Vyacheslav Yurchenko; Alexei Y. Kostygov. 2020. If host is refractory, insistent parasite goes berserk: trypanosomatid Blastocrithidia raabei in the dock bug Coreus marginatus. PLoS ONE 15(1): e0227832.
  • Kostygov A. Y., Frolov A.O., Malysheva M.N., Ganyukova A.I., Chistyakova L.V., Tashyreva D., Tesařová M., Spodareva V., Režnarová J., Macedo D., Butenko A., d’Avila-Levy C., Lukeš J., Yurchenko V. 2020. Vickermania, gen. nov., trypanosomatids that use two joined flagella to resist midgut peristaltic flow within the fly host. BMC Biology. 18, 187
  • Frolov, A., Kostygov, A., Yurchenko, V. 2021. Development of monoxenous trypanosomatids and phytomonads in insects. Trends in Parasitology. Vol. 37, Issue 6 p538–551
  • Kostygov A.Y., Frolov A.O., Malysheva M.N., Ganyukova A.I., Drachko D., Yurchenko V., and Agasoi V.V. 2022. Development of two species of the Trypanosoma theileri complex in tabanids. Parasites & Vectors. 15:95.
  • Ganyukova A.I., Malysheva M.N., Chistyakova L.V., Frolov A.O. 2022. A puzzling finding: the Brazilian tomato parasite Phytomonas serpens in the western conifer seed bug Leptoglossus occidentalis in Crimea. Protistology 16 (1): 30–41.
  • Chistyakova L, Berdieva M, Goodkov A, Frolov A. 2022. Pelomyxa doughnuta sp. nov. (Archamoebea, Pelobiontida) with an unusual nucleus-glycogen association. J. Eukar. Microbiol. 69:3. e12733.
  • Kostygov A.Yu., Malysheva M.N, Ganyukova A.I., Razygraev A.V., Drachko D., Yurchenko V., Agasoy V.V. Frolov A.O. 2022. The Roles of Mosquitoes in the Circulation of Monoxenous Trypanosomatids in Temperate Climates. Pathogens 11: 1326.
  • Frolov A.O., Malysheva M.N., Ganyukova A.I. and Chistyakova L.V. 2022. Crithidia versiformis sp. n. (Kinetoplastea: Trypanosomatida), a parasite of the green lacewing Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae). Protistology 16 (3): 161–180
  • Albanaz A., Carrington M., Frolov A., Ganyukova A., Gerasimov E., Kostygov A., Lukeš J., Malysheva M., Volf P., Votýpka J., Zakharova A., Záhonová,K., Zimmer S., Yurchenko V., Butenko A. Shining the spotlight on the neglected: new high-quality genome assemblies as a gateway to understanding the evolution of Trypanosomatidae // BMC Genomics. 2023. 24 (1): 471
  • Macedo D., Grybchuk D., Režnarová J., Votýpka J., Klocek D., Yurchenko T., Ševčík J., Magri A., Dolinská M., Záhonová K., Lukeš J., Servienė E., Jászayová A., Serva S., Malysheva M., Frolov A., Yurchenko V., Kostygov A. 2023. Diversity of RNA viruses in the cosmopolitan monoxenous trypanosomatid Leptomonas pyrrhocoris. BMC Biology 12; 21(1):191.
  • Malysheva M. N., Ganyukova A.I., Frolov A. O., Chistyakov D. V., Kostygov A. Yu. 2023. The mite Steatonyssus periblepharus is a novel potential vector of Trypanosoma dionisii. Microorganisms 11: 2906.
  • Chistyakova LV, Yu Kostygov A, Goodkov AV, Radaev AV, Frolov AO. 2023. Phylogenetic position of the pelobiont Mastigamoeba aspera and revision of the family Mastigamoebidae (Archamoebae, Pelobiontida). Eur J Protistol. 91:126029.