Andrew G. Bublichenko

Web of Science ResearcherID:
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Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences
Academic title: No title
Position: Senior Researcher
Contact phone: +7 (812) 328-46-09, ext. 269
Educational background: Leningrad State University, Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences, Chair of Vertebrae Zoology, 1984.
Dissertations: “Spatial and ethological structure of the population of collared lemmings (Dicrostonyx torquatus and Dicrostonyx vinogradovi) on the northern border of the range.” (PhD)
Research interests: Theriology; fauna, ecology and protection of mammals; museum investigations.
Field studies: North-West of Russia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, the Caucasus, Taimyr, Wrangel Isl., Ecuador.
Professional membership:
Scientific projects and grants:
  • GC № 28 SCE SPNA dated 06/15/2012. On the provision of services for the examination of the whereabouts of animals listed and recommended for inclusion in the Red Data Book of St. Petersburg. Head;
  • GC № 30 SCE SPNA dated 07/18/2012. Implementation of the preparation of the original layout of the publication “Atlas of Specially Protected Natural Areas of St. Petersburg” with the completion of textual and cartographic materials. General scientific edition of the sections "Mammals". Executor;
  • TOPCONS International Project (№ 2011-022-SE511) (ENPI CBC): to create innovative spatial planning tools for regional planning in the Gulf of Finland. Theriofauna of insular and coastal territories. 2014 - 2015. Contractor;
  • GC 82.1 (SPbSC RAS, 2015). The impact of nature management on the mainland and marine fauna of vertebrates of coastal and island ecosystems in the Eastern Gulf of Finland. Ground mammals. Repl. executor;
  • GC № 36 dated July 3, 2017. “The implementation of research work on the Red Data Book of the Leningrad Region regarding on objects of the wildlife.” Executor;
  • ER55 — ADRIENNE Project. Increasing capacity of inviromental protection to maintain biodiversity and ecosysnem perfomance in the Gulf of Finland under multiple human uses and climate change pressure. Estonian-Russian Cross-border Cooperation Programme; Europaean Committee. Associates: Committee for Nature Use, Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety of the City of St. Petersburg; All-Russian non-governmental organization Russian geographical society - Leningrad oblast branch; Finnish Environment Institute (FEI); Kotka Maritime Research Centre (KMRC);
  • Contract No. DPFR-1870-20 dated May 15, 2020 “Environmental monitoring during the construction of the offshore section of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline (Russian sector)” – Geoecological Center “Surveys. Design. Monitoring” (OOO GC “IPM”), Moscow. Executor.
Selected Publications:
  • Cucina, A., Di Francesco, A., Saletti, R., Gaetana M., Pittalà1 G., Zilberstein G., Zilberstein S., Tikhonov A., Bublichenko A.G., Righetti P.G., Foti1 S., Cunsolo V. 2022. Meta-proteomic analysis of two mammoth’s trunks by EVA technology and high-resolution mass spectrometry for an indirect picture of their habitat and the characterization of the collagen type I, alpha-1 and alpha-2 sequence // Amino Acids, 54(6). P. 935–954.
  • Bublichenko A.G. Terrestrial mammals. Section 09.03. // Islands and archipelagos of the Kara Sea, the Yamal and Taimyr Peninsulas: monograph [Electronic online publication] M.: Heritage Institute, 2022. P. 471-491. [In Russian].
  • Cucina A, Cunsolo V, Di Francesco A, Saletti R, Zilberstein G, Zilberstein S, Tikhonov A, Bublichenko AG, Righetti PG, Foti S. 2021. Meta-proteomic analysis of the Shandrin mammoth by EVA technology and high-resolution mass spectrometry: what is its gut microbiota telling us? //Amino Acids, 53(10). P.1507-1521.
  • Bublichenko Yu.N., Bublichenko A.G. Fauna of birds and mammals of the Gulf of Finland region. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2020. 218 p. [In Russian].
  • Bublichenko A. G. Mammals // Red Data Book of St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg: Deaton Publ., 2018. P. 507-525. [In Russian].
  • Daria Ryabchuk, Vladimir Zhamoida, Marina Orlova, Alexander Sergeev, Julia Bublichenko, Andrey Bublichenko, and Leontina Sukhacheva. Neva Bay: A Technogenic Lagoon of the Eastern Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea) // Estuaries of the World: The Diversity of Russian Estuaries and Lagoons Exposed to Human Influence. Springer journ., UK, ISBN 978-3-319-43392-9, 2017 2016 (2017). P.191–221.
  • Bublichenko A. 2015. Marine mammal observations in the Gulf of Guayaquil on the south coast of Ecuador in May–June 2013 / Russian J. Theriol. 14(1): P. 57–64
  • Bublichenko A. G. The impact of environmental management on the coastal and island ecosystems of the Gulf of Finland // J.I. Alferov, O.V. Belyi, G.V. Dvas, E.A. Ivanova (Eds). Promising areas for the development of science in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of Permyakov S.A., 2015. P. 420-427. [In Russian].
  • Bublichenko A.G. Mammals. // V. N. Khramtsov, Т. V. Kovaleva, N. Yu. Natsvaladze (Eds). Atlas of Specially Protected Natural Areas of St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg, 2013. 176 p. [In Russian].
  • Bublichenko A. 2010. Coastal and island theriofauna of the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland. / Russian Journal of Theriology, 8(1), P. 37 – 46
  • Kharitonov S.P., Bublichenko A.G., Korkina S.А. Ecology of nesting white owls in Northwest Taimyr: a comparison with the phases of the dynamics of the number of lemmings and spatial distribution // Owls of Northern Eurasia. М., 2005. P. 23-31. [In Russian].
  • Bublichenko J. N., Bublichenko A. G., Romaniuk B.D. Criteria for assessing the biodiversity of vertebrate animals (for environmental planning for forestry).WWF. М., 2005. 49 p. [In Russian].
  • Bublichenko A. Lemmings and other mammal studies / In: Willems F., van Turnhout C., van Kleef H. & Felix R. (eds.) 2002. Breeding birds of Medusa Bay, Taimyr, Russia. Methods for biological monitoring in the Arctic with results of 1998 and 1999. WIWO-report 77, Foundation WIWO, Zeist, 2002. P 157-168.
  • Galtsova V.V., Bublichenko J. N., Bublichenko A. G., Schukin А.К. 2001. The system of marine protected areas as a tool for monitoring of biological diversity. In: To the creation of a national system of marine protected areas. WWF 2001. P. 27-49. [In Russian].
  • Terrestrial vertebrates of the Kurgalsky Peninsula and the islands of the Kurgalovskaya Reima // Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists, Series 1, T.92. P. 85-106. [In Russian].