Laboratory of Ornithology

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Ornithology Lab was established in 2020 by splitting the corresponding department from the Laboratory of Ornithology and Herpetology. The head of the Lab is Prof. Dr. Nikita Chernetsov. In 1994-2019, he has worked at the Biological Station Rybachy of the Zoological Institute, in 2015-2019, as the station’s director. Nikita Chernetsov studies bird migration with focus on the mechanisms of their long-distance orientation and navigation.

Ornithology Lab includes specialists who study ecology of avian populations and demography (Dr. V.A. Payevsky), avian population biology (Dr. V.G. Vysotsky), fauna and ecology of birds in St. Petersburg and Leningrad oblast (Dr. V.M. Khrabryi), taxonomy, morphology, phylogeny, and fauna of fossil birds (A.V. Panteleev). Further development of research at the lab will be mainly focused on the studies into avian phylogeny and taxonomy using state-of-the art methodological approaches.

Besides, in the framework of research project “Magnetic compass and magnetic map in birds and amphibians” (Russian Science Foundation, project 24-14-00085, PI Nikita Chernetsov) Kirill Kavokin, Julia Bojarinova, Roman Cherbunin and Dmitry Sannikov are studying the mechanisms of work on magnetic compass in passerine birds.

Laboratory Structure

11 employees (8 researchers, 2 collection keepers, 1 research assistant).

Nikita Chernetsov (Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Biological Sciences)

Vladimir A. Payevsky (Principal Researcher, Doctor of Biological Sciences)

Vladimir M. Khrabryi (Senior Researcher, Candidate of Biological Sciences)

Andrey V. Panteleev (Junior Researcher)

Ivan J. Starikov (Senior Researcher, Doctor rerum naturalium)

Alexander G. Veselkin (Senior Collection Keeper, Candidate of Biological Sciences)

Vadim G. Vysotsky (Senior Collection Keeper, Candidate of Biological Sciences)

Kirill K. Kavokin (Leading Researcher, Doctor of Physics Sciences)

Julia G. Bojarinova (Leading Researcher, Candidate of Biological Sciences)

Roman V. Cherbunin (Senior Researcher, Candidate of Physics Sciences)

Dmitriy G. Sannikov (Senior laboratory researcher)

Topic of State Assignment

“Phylogeny, morphology, ecology and systematics of terrestrial vertebrates”
PI: Doctor of Biological Sciences N.B. Ananjeva
No. 122031100282-2

Laboratory collections

The history of ornithological collections is traced since the foundation of the Kunstkammer (Chamber of Curiosities) by Peter the Great. At present, the volume of the ornithological collection constitutes more than 200000 samples.

Main publications of the Laboratory staff

Payevsky V.A., Shapoval A.P. 2024. Seasonal migrations and morphometry of the European Nightjar according to long-term (1957–2016) trapping and ringing in the Eastern Baltic. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS 328 (1): 101–107.

Payevsky V.A. 2023. Hypothetical reasons for the shift of the equal sex ratio in bird populations: a brief overview. Ornithologia (Moscow) 37: 5-12.

Chernetsov N.S. 2023. Bird migration research today: some achievements and new challenges. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS 327 (4): 607–622.

Bojarinova J., Kavokin K., Cherbunin R., Sannikov D., Fedorishcheva A., Pakhomov A., Chernetsov N. 2023. Sensitivity threshold of avian magnetic compass to oscillating magnetic field is species specific. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 77: 6.

Payevsky V.A. 2022. Sylvia warblers of the world avifauna. Moscow KMK Scientific Press Ltd. 161 p. [Russian].

Payevsky V.A. 2021. Body condition of long-distance migrant birds from the Eastern Baltic before and after a population decline. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS 325 (3): 339–347.

Brlík V., Pipek P., Brandis K., Chernetsov N., Costa F.J.V., L.G. Herrera M., Kiat Y., Lanctot R.B., Marra P.P., Norris D.R., Nwaogu C.J., Quillfeldt P., Saalfeld S.T., Stricker C.A., Thomson R.L., Zhao T., Procházka P. 2022. The reuse of avian samples: opportunities, pitfalls, and a solution. Ibis 164 (1): 343–349.

Andreyenkova N.G., Karyakin I.V., Starikov I.J., Sauer-Gürth H., Literák I., Andreyenkov O.V., Shnayder E.P., Bekmansurov R.H., Alexeyenko M.N., Wink M., Zhimulev I.F. 2021. Phylogeography and demographic history of the black kite Milvus migrans, a widespread raptor in Eurasia, Australia and Africa. Journal of Avian Biology 52 (10): e02822.

Payevsky V.A. 2020. The Mysteries of Bird Migration. Publ. House "Phyton XXI". 144 pp.

Payevsky V.A. 2020. The Phenomenon of the Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs L.) as the Absolute Dominant in European Forest Bird Communities // Russian Journal of Ecology 51 (1): 82–89.

Payevsky V.A. 2020. Differential migration of birds: Diversity and Inconsistency. Biology Bulletin 47 (7): 18–28.

Payevsky V.A. 2020. Sex ratio and sex-specific survival rates in avian populations: a review. Zhurnal obshchei biologii 81 (4): 272–284. [Russian]

Loskot V.M., Bakhtadze G.B. 2020. Distribution, systematics and nomenclature of the three taxa of Common Stonechats (Aves, Passeriformes, Muscicapidae, Saxicola) that breed in the Caucasian region. Zoosystematica Rossica 29 (1): 33–57.

Pakhomov A., Chernetsov N. 2020. A hierarchy of compass systems in migratory birds. Biological Communications 65(3): 262–276.

Bojarinova J., Kavokin K., Pakhomov A., Cherbunin R., Anashina A., Erokhina M., Ershova M., Chernetsov N. 2020. Magnetic compass of garden warblers is not affected by oscillating magnetic fields applied to their eyes. Scientific Reports 10: 3473.

Rotov A.Yu., Cherbunin R.V., Anashina A., Kavokin K.V., Chernetsov N., Firsov M.L. 2020. Searching for magnetic compass mechanism in pigeon retinal photoreceptors. PLOS ONE 15 (3): e0229142.

Chernetsov N., Pakhomov A., Davydov A., Cellarius F., Mouritsen H. 2020. No evidence for the use of magnetic declination for migratory navigation in two songbird species. PLOS ONE 15 (4): e0232136.

Payevsky V.A. 2018. Etymology of the names of Palearctic birds. Moscow-St. Petersburg: KMK Scientific Press Ltd. 289 p. [Russian]

Khrabryi V.M. 2016. Game animals of the Leningrad Region. St. Petersburg: SBSU. 328 p. [Russian]

Khrabryi V.M. 2015. Game birds of the Leningrad Region. Field guide. St. Petersburg: Amphora. 222 p. [Russian]

Khrabryi V.M. 2015. Birds of St Petersburg. Illustrated reference book. St. Petersburg: Amphora. 463 p. [Russian]

Payevsky V.A. 2015. True finches of the world. Moscow: KMK Scientific Press Ltd. 304 p. [Russian]

Laboratory staff participate in the following grants

RSF No. 24-14-00085. “Magnetic compass and magnetic map in birds and amphibians” (PI N. Chernetsov).