Nervous and muscle systems of rhabditophoran “turbellarians” (Plathelminthes, Rhabditophora)

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The collection contains images of temporary whole-mount preparations. The images were taken by confocal laser scanning microscopy. The preparations were created using immunohistochemical staining of nervous elements for serotonin, FMRFamide, substance P, neurotensin and alpha-tubulin and histochemical staining by phalloidin for muscles. The collection includes images of the central and peripheral nervous systems and neuromuscular interactions in 40 species of rhabditophoran “turbellarians” from 5 orders: Macrostomomorpha Doe, 1986; Proseriata Meixner, 1938; Kalyptorhynchia Graff, 1905; Neodalyellida Willems et al., 2006; Neotyphloplanida Willems et al., 2006. The images are kept on the server of the Zoological Institute RAS (Laboratory of Evolutionary Morphology) and are available from the author.

Serotonergic nervous system (orange) and the musculature (green) of the turbellarian Monocelis fusca (Rhabditophora, Platyhelminthes) in the region of the brain.


Collection author(s): A.A. Petrov

Place of storage: Zoological Institute RAS


  1. Microdalyellia picta (O. Schmidt, 1848)
  2. Monocelis fusca Örsted, 1843



Preparation ZIN-AAP-RHA-0-1

Nervous system and the musculature of the turbellarian Microdalyellia picta (Rhabditophora, Platyhelminthes). Anterior end of the body.


Microdalyellia picta (O. Schmidt, 1848)



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Description: Nervous system and the musculature of the turbellarian Microdalyellia picta (Rhabditophora, Platyhelminthes). The nervous system is stained with antibodies to alpha-tublin. The anterior end of the body showing the brain with the longitudinal nerve cords and the pharyngeal nervous system. The preparation also shows the cilia of the protonephridial terminal cells and the musculature of the body wall and pharynx.

Staining: alpha-tubulin, F-actin in muscle fibers (Phalloidin)

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Preparation ZIN-AAP-RHA-0-2

Serotonergic nervous system and the musculature of the turbellarian Monocelis fusca (Rhabditophora, Platyhelminthes). Anterior end of the body.


Monocelis fusca Örsted, 1843



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Description: Serotonergic nervous system and the musculature of the turbellarian Monocelis fusca (Rhabditophora, Platyhelminthes). The preparation of the anterior end of the body showing the brain with two pairs of longitudinal nerve cords (one lateral and one ventro-lateral) that arise from the brain and the anterior nerves (one pair of lateral nerves and one unpaired nerve). The preparation shows the musculature of the body wall and the muscle fibers that form the muscle sheath around the brain.

Staining: F-actin in muscle fibers (Phalloidin), serotonin

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Preparation ZIN-AAP-RHA-0-3

Serotonergic nervous system and the musculature of the turbellarian Monocelis fusca (Rhabditophora, Platyhelminthes). Brain area.


Monocelis fusca Örsted, 1843



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Description: Serotonergic nervous system and the musculature of the turbellarian Monocelis fusca (Rhabditophora, Platyhelminthes) in the aea of the brain showing serotonergic elements in the brain neuropil, the somata of brain neurons, two pairs of longitudinal nerve cords (one lateral and one ventro-lateral) running posteriorly from the brain, the anterior nerves (one pair of lateral nerves and one unpaired medial nerve) and the nervous elements of the subepidermal plexus. The preparation also shows a pair of neurites extending from the brain to the statocyst (which is visible as a dark spot at the anterior end of the brain). Also visible are the body-wall musculature, the muscle sheath around the brain and the muscle fibers passing through the brain.

Staining: F-actin in muscle fibers (Phalloidin), serotonin

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