Possible the Future of the Aral Sea Residual Water Bodies Fauna

P. Micklin, N.V. Aladin, I.S. Plotnikov and Z.K. Ermakhanov

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2016, 320(2): 221–244   ·   https://doi.org/10.31610/trudyzin/2016.320.2.221

Full text  


The Aral Sea, a large saline terminal lake in Central Asia, since 1960 dries quickly, and by September 2009 it had separated into four residual water reservoirs. The maximum water level decline exceeded 26 m, the surface area has decreased by 88% and water volume by 92%. Salinity increased by more than 20-fold. Prior to the modern recession, the Aral Sea experienced a number of water level declines and subsequent recoveries over the last 10 millennia. The main causative factor until the 1960s was the periodic westward diversion of the Amu Dar’ya towards the Caspian Sea by both natural and human forces. Modern regression is the result of irrigation development and has caused many severe problems. To restore the Aral Sea to its present state would be very difficult, if not impossible, in the foreseeable future. However, a partial restoration of its separate parts is possible. Completed in 2005 project has allowed to raise the level of the Small (northern) Aral Sea and further reduce its salinity. In the paper are discussed plans for further rehabilitation of the Small Sea and possible restoration of some parts of the Large (southern) Aral Sea.

Key words

Amu Dar’ya, Aral Sea, Syr Dar’ya, salinity, terminal lake, fauna

Submitted April 28, 2016  ·  Accepted June 3, 2016  ·  Published June 24, 2016


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