The review process of manuscripts submitted to the Editors of the Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (Proceedings ZIN)

  1. All the scientific manuscripts submitted to the Editors of the Proceedings ZIN (hereinafter Editors) are subject to mandatory peer review. Review of the supervisor or scientific consultant cannot replace the peer review.
  2. After manuscript is submitted to the Editors, the assistant editor of duty registers the manuscript in the database and gives it a number (PZIN-year-serial number), which is further used in internal and external correspondence of the Editors.
  3. The assistant editor informs the authors of the manuscript that it is received by the Editors and registered under a certain number.
  4. The assistant editor checks the accordance of the manuscript to the formal requirements (subject, volume and format) and rejects the manuscript in case of inadequacy.
  5. If the formal requirements are followed, the assistant editor sends a review request to two referees, who must be well-known specialist on the subject of the reviewed materials and have papers on the subject during last three years. At that the opinion of the authors about undesirable referees is taken into account (see “Guide for authors”). The review request must include the authors’s names, title of the manuscript, volume data, and information about terms of the review (one month) and requirements to the manuscripts.
  6. If the referees agree to review the manuscript, the manuscript in electronic form (pdf or doc files) and Referee’s comment form are sent to them.
  7. After reviews are received from the referees:
    • if both reviews are positive, the assistant editor sends copies of the reviews to the authors with a requirement to submit answer to the referees’ comments and corrected version of the manuscript within three months of the review process (at the expiration of this period the manuscript is considered rejected, see “Guide for authors”);
    • if both reviews are negative, the assistant editor sends copies of the reviews to the authors and informs them about rejection of the manuscript;
    • if one review is positive and another one is negative, the manuscript may be sent to one more referee;
    • in other controversial situations the decision on the further fate of the manuscript is considered by meeting of the Editors.
  8. After the corrected version of the manuscript is received by the Editors, the assistant editor makes a decision about acceptation of the manuscript into print or necessity of further corrections, and informs the authors about his decision.
  9. After the manuscript is accepted into print, the assistant editor includes editorial corrections in the manuscript and passes the manuscript to the assistant editor responsible for the current issue of the journal.
  10. All stages of the review process are recorded in the database of the Editors.
  11. The originals of reviews are kept in the Editors at least five years from the date of publication of the material or the date of the decision to reject the manuscript.
  12. The Editors take obligation to send copies of reviews in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on request.


Referee's Comments Form  


© Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Last modified: September 23, 2024