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- Allentoft M.E., Sikora M., Refoyo-Martínez A., Irving-Pease E.K., Fischer A., Barrie W., Ingason A., Stenderup J., Sjögren K.-G., Pearson A., Sousa da Mota B., Paulsson B.S., Halgren A.S., Macleod R., Jørkov M.L.S., Demeter F., Novosolov M., Sørensen L., Nielsen P.O., Henriksen R.A., Vimala T., McColl H., Margaryan A., Ilardo M., Vaughn A., Mortensen M.F., Nielsen A.B., Hede M.U, Johannsen. N.N., Rasmussen P., Vinner L., Renaud G., Stern A.J., Jensen T.Z.T., Scorrano G., Schroeder H., Lysdahl P., Ramsøe A., Skorobogatov A., Schork A.J., Rosengren A., Ruter A., Outram A.K., Timoshchenko A.A., Buzhilova A., Coppa A., Zubova A., Silva A.M., Hansen A.J., Gromov A., Logvin A.V., Gotfredsen A.B., Nielsen B.H., González-Rabanal B., Lalueza-Fox C., McKenzie C.J., Gaunitz C., Blasco C., Liesau C., Martinez-Labarga C., Pozdnyakov D.V., Cuenca-Solana D., Lordkipanidze D.O., Enshin D., Salazar-García D.C., Price T.D., Borić D., Kostyleva E., Veselovskaya E.V., Usmanova E.R., Cappellini E., Petersen E.B., Kannegaard E., Radina F., Yediay F.E., Duday H., Zugasti I.G., Merts I., Potekhina I., Shevnina I.V., Altinkaya I., Guilaine J., Hansen J., Tortosa J.E.A., Zilhão J., Vega J., Buck K., Pedersen K.B., Tunia K., Zhao L., Mylnikova L.N., Larsson L., Metz L., Yepiskoposyan L., Pedersen L., Sarti L., Orlando L., Slimak L., Klassen L., Blank M., González-Morales M., Silvestrini M., Vretemark M., Nesterova M.S., Rykun M.P., Rolfo M.F., Szmyt M.H., Przybyła M., Calattini M., Sablin M., Dobisíková M., Meldgaard M., Johansen M., Berezina N., Card N., Saveliev N.A., Poshekhonova O., Rickards O., Lozovskaya O.V., Gábor O., Uldum O. C., Aurino P., Kosintsev P., Courtaud P., Ríos P., Mortensen P., Lotz P., Persson P., Bangsgaard P., Damgaard P.- B., Petersen P.V., Martinez P.P., Włodarczak P., Smolyaninov R.V., Maring R., Menduiña R., Badalyan R., Iversen R., Turin R., Vasilyev S., Wåhlin S., Borutskaya S., Skochina S.N., Sørensen S.A., Andersen S.H., Jørgensen T., Serikov Y.B., Molodin V.I., Smrcka V., Merz V., Appadurai V., Moiseyev V., Magnusson Y., KjærK.H., Lynnerup N., Lawson D.J., Sudmant P.H., Rasmussen S., Korneliussen T., Durbin R., Nielsen R., Delaneau O., Werge T., Racimo F., Kristiansen K, Willerslev E. Population genomics of post-glacial western Eurasia // Nature. 2024. V. 625. P. 301-311. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06865-0
- Bergström A., Stanton D., Talon U., Frantz L., Sinding M-H. S., Ersmark E., Pfrengle S., Cassatt-Johnstone M., Lebrasseur O., Girdland-Flink L., Fernandes D., Ollivier M., Gopalakrishnan S., Westbury M.V., Ramos-Madrigal J., Feuerborn T., Reiter E., Münzel S.C., Swali P., Conard N., Carøe C., Haile J., Linderholm A., Androsov S., Benecke N., Bocherens H., Carden R.F., Fedorov S., Drucker D.J., Gasparik M., Germonpré M., Grigoriev S., Groves P., Hertwig S.T., Ivanova V.V., Janssens L., Jennings R.P., Kasparov A.K., Kirrilova I.V., Kurmaniyazov I., Kuzmin Y., Kosintsev P.A., Lázničková-Galetová M., Leduc C., Nikolskiy P., O'Drisceoil C., Outram A., Pavlova E.Y., Perri A.R., Pilot M., Pitulko V.V., Plotnikov V., Protopopov A., Sablin M., Storå J., Verjux C., Vigne J.-D., Zaibert V.F., Zazula G., Hansen A., Willerslev E., Leonard J.A., Götherström A., Pinhasi R., Schuenemann V.J., Hofreiter M., Gilbert M.T.P., Shapiro B., Larson G., Krause J., Dalén L., Skoglund P. Gray wolf genomic history reveals a dual ancestry of dogs // Nature. 2022. V. 607. P. 313-320. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04824-9
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- Bergström A., Frantz L., Schmidt R., Ersmark E., Lebrasseur O., Girdland-Flink L., Lin A.T., Storå J., Sjögren K.-G., Anthony D., Antipina E., Amiri S., Bar-Oz G., Bazaliiskii V.I., Bulatović J., Brown D., Carmagnini A., Fedorov S., Fiore I., Fulton D., Germonpré M., Haile J., Horwitz L., Irving-Pease E.K., Janssens L., Kuzmanovic-Cvetkovic J., Kuzmin Y., Losey R., Mashkour M., Onar V., Orton D., Radivojević M., Roberts B., Sablin M., Stojanović I., Tagliacozzo A., Trantalidou K., Carmagnini A., Haile J., Irving-Pease E., Ullén I., Villaluenga A., Wapnish P., Götherström A., Linderholm A., Dalén L., Pinhasi R., Larson G., Skoglund P. Origins and genetic legacy of prehistoric dogs // Science. 2020. Vol. 370. P. 557–564. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aba9572
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- Reynolds N., Germonpré M., Bessudnov A.A., Sablin M.V. The Late Gravettian site of Kostënki 21 Layer III, Russia: a chronocultural reassessment based on a new interpretation of the significance intra-site spatial patterning using lithic and faunal evidence // Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology. 2019. Vol. 2, no. 2. P. 160–210. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41982-018-0018-6
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- Drucker D.G., Stevens R.E., Germonpré M., Sablin M.V., Péan S., Bocherens H. Collagen stable isotopes provide insights into the end of the mammoth steppe in the central East European plains during the Epigravettian // Quaternary Research. 2018. Vol. 90, no. 3. P. 457–469. https://doi.org/10.1017/qua.2018.40
- Losey R.J., Nomokonova T., Drake A., Fleming L.S., Kharinskii A.V., Kovychev E.V., Konstantinov M.V., Diatchina N.G., Sablin M.V., Iaroslavtseva L.G. Buried, eaten, sacrificed: archaeological dog remains from Trans-Baikal, Siberia // Archaeological Research in Asia. 2018. Vol. 16. P. 58–65. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ara.2018.02.005
- Losey R.J., Nomokonova T., Gusev A., Bachura O., Fedorova N., Kosintsev P., Sablin M. Dogs were domesticated in the Arctic: culling practices and dog sledding at Ust’-Polui // Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 2018. Vol. 51. P. 113–126. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaa.2018.06.004
- Losey R.J., Fleming L.S., Nomokonova T., Gusev A.V., Fedorova N.V., Garvie-Lok S., Bachura O.P., Kosintsev P.A., Sablin M.V. Human and dog consumption of fish on the lower Ob river of Siberia: evidence for a major freshwater reservoir effect at the Ust’-Polui site // Radiocarbon. 2018. Vol. 60, no. 1. P. 239–260. https://doi.org/10.1017/RDC.2017.77
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- Germonpré M., Fedorov S., Danilov P., Galeta P., Jimenez E-L., Sablin M., Losey R. Palaeolithic and prehistoric dogs and Pleistocene wolves from Yakutia: identification of isolated skulls // Journal of Archaeological Science. 2017. Vol. 78. P. 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2016.11.008
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- Germonpré M., Losey R., Láznicková-Galetová M., Galeta P., Sablin M.V., Latham K., Räikkönen J. Spondylosis deformans in three large canids from the Gravettian Předmostí site: comparison with other canid populations // International Journal of Paleopathology. 2016. Vol. 15. P. 83–91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpp.2016.08.007
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- Germonpré M., Láznicková-Galetová M., Losey R., Räikkönen J., Sablin M.V. Large canids at the Gravettian Předmostí site, the Czech Republic: the mandible // Quaternary International. 2015. Vol. 359–360. P. 261–279. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2014.07.012
- Germonpré M., Sablin M.V., Láznicková-Galetová M., Després V., Stevens R.E., Stiller M. Palaeolithic dogs and Pleistocene wolves revisited: a reply to Morey // Journal of Archaeological Science. 2015. Vol. 54. P. 210–216. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2014.11.035
- Панковский В.Б., Гиря Е.Ю., Саблин М.В. Трасологические критерии отличия предметов первобытного искусства и остатков фауны с естественными видоизменениями // Stratum plus. 2015. № 1. С. 169–184.
- Losey R.J., Jessup E., Nomokonova T., Sablin M. Craniomandibular trauma and tooth loss in northern dogs and wolves: implications for the archaeological study of dog husbandry and domestication // PLoS ONE. 2014. Vol. 9, no. 6. P. 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0099746
- Цыбрий А.В., Долбунова Е.В., Мазуркевич А.Н., Цыбрий В.В., Горелик А.Ф., Матузевичиуте М., Саблин М.В. Новые исследования поселения Ракушечный Яр в 2008-2013 гг. // Самарский научный вестник. 2014. № 3 (8). С. 203–214.
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- Losey R.J., Garvie-Lok S., Leonard J.A., Katzenberg M.A., Germonpré M., Nomokonova T., Sablin M.V., Goriunova O.I., Berdnikova N.E., Savel’ev N.A. Burying dogs in ancient Cis-Baikal, Siberia: temporal trends and relationships with human diet and subsistence practices // PLoS ONE. 2013. Vol. 8, no. 5. P. 1–23. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0063740
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