Лаврентьев Петр Ярославович

ResearcherID: https://publons.com/researcher/Q-7449-2017
Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6603314459
РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?authorid=8572-2224
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5635-7920
Google Scholar: ---
Учёная степень: Кандидат биологических наук
Учёное звание: ---
Должность: Старший научный сотрудник
Электронная почта: ---
Телефон: ---
Образование: Ленинградский государственный педагогический институт им. А.И. Герцена, факультет биологии, 1987 г.
Диссертации: «Инфузории субарктических тундровых озер» (кандидатская)
Область научных интересов: Экология морского и пресноводного планктона. Экспериментальное изучение трофических взаимодействий между компонентами планктонной пищевой сети и бентическими беспозвоночными. Трансформация азота в пищевых сетях. Влияние естественных (изменение климата, гипоксия, шторма, виды-вселенцы) и антропогенных (эвтрофикация, взмучивание, нефтяное загрязнение) пертурбаций на планктонные сообщества.
Полевые исследования: Адриатическое, Баренцево, Белое, Бофортово, Гренландское, Карское, Балтийское моря, Северный Ледовитый океан, Мексиканский и Чесапикский заливы, Ладожское озеро, оз. Эри, Гурон и Мичиган, оз. Маракайбо (Венесуэла), оз. Тайху (КНР), озера Большеземельской тундры.
Редакционная деятельность: Рецензент для журналов:
  • Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Environmental Microbiology, Frontiers in Marine Science, Limnology and Oceanography, Journal of Great Lakes Research, Journal of Plankton Research, Marine Biology, Marine Drugs, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Nature.
2018-2022: Российский государственный педагогический университет им. А.И. Герцена, факультет биологии, кафедра ботаники и экологии – профессор.
Научные проекты и гранты:
  • Руководитель проекта The effects of diatom-produced polyunsaturated aldehydes on the microbial food web in temperate and polar waters. National Science Foundation (NSF). 2014-2018
  • Ответственный исполнитель Carbon Bridge: Bridging productivity regimes in the Arctic Ocean. Norwegian Research Council. 2014-2017
  • Руководитель проекта Impacts of Climate Change and Ice Conditions on Microbial Food Web Dynamics in the Barents Sea. NSF. 2009-2014
  • Руководитель проекта Real-time hypoxia monitoring platform. Lake Erie Commission. 2009-2010.
  • Со-руководитель проекта Adaptive integrated framework: a new methodology for managing impacts of multiple stressors in coastal ecosystems. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the US Department of Commerce (NOAA). 2007-2011.
  • Руководитель проекта Microbial Food Webs in Lake Taihu, China. University of Akron и Китайская Академия наук. 2008-2009.
  • Со-руководитель проекта Spatially-explicit, high-resolution mapping and modeling to quantify hypoxia effects on the living resources of the northern Gulf of Mexico. NOAA, 2006-2009
  • Руководитель проекта Microzooplankton and phytoplankton distribution and dynamics in Lake Erie. NOAA 2005-2006.
  • Со-руководитель проекта Salinity, nutrients, and food webs in Florida Bay. NOAA, 2004-2007
  • Руководитель проекта Microbial Observatory: Eukaryotic microbial communities of the Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Research Reserve. NSF. 2003-2006.
  • Со-руководитель проекта The Effects of a Recurrent Coastal Plume on the Dynamics and Structure of the Lower Food Web in Southern Lake Michigan. NSF. 1998-2002.
Важнейшие публикации:
  • Lavrentyev PJ, Franzè G, Moore F B-G (2019) Microzooplankton distribution and dynamics in the eastern Fram Strait and the Arctic Ocean in May and August 2014.Frontiers in Marine Science https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00264
  • Svensen C, Halvorsen E, Vernet M, Franzè G, Dmoch K, Lavrentyev PJ, Kwasniewski S (2019) Zooplankton communities associated with new and regenerated primary production in the Atlantic inflow north of Svalbard. Frontiers in Marine Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00293
  • Olli K, Halvorsen E, Vernet M, Lavrentyev PJ, Sanz-Martín M, Paulsen ML, Reigstad M (2019) Food web functions and interactions during spring and summer in the Arctic Water inflow region: Investigated through inverse modelling.Frontiers in Marine Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00244
  • Stoecker, D.K., Lavrentyev, P.J. (2018) Mixotrophic Plankton in the Polar Seas: A Pan-Arctic Review. Frontiers in Marine Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2018.00292
  • Franzè G, Pierson JJ, Stoecker DK, Lavrentyev PJ (2018) Diatom-produced allelochemicals trigger trophic cascades in the planktonic food web. Limnology & Oceanography 63: 1093–1108 https://doi.org/10.1002/lno.10756
  • Franzè G, Lavrentyev PJ (2017) Microbial food web structure and dynamics across a natural temperature gradient in a productive polar shelf system. Marine Ecology Progress Series 569: 89-102 https://doi.org/10.3354/meps12072
  • Gardner WS, Newell SE, McCarthy MJ, Hoffman DK, Lu K, Lavrentyev PJ, Hellweger FL, Wilhelm SW, Liu Z, Bruesewitz D, Paerl HW (2017) Community biological ammonium demand: a conceptual model for cyanobacteria blooms in eutrophic lakes. Environmental Science & Technology 51: 7785-7793 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.6b06296
  • Lavrentyev PJ, Franze G, Pierson JJ, Stoecker DK (2015) The effect of dissolved polyunsaturated aldehydes on microzooplankton growth rates in the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic coastal waters. Marine Drugs 13: 2834-2856
  • Lavrentyev PJ, Vanderploeg HA, Franze G, Chacin DH, Liebig JR, Johengen TH (2014) Microzooplankton distribution, dynamics, and trophic interactions relative to phytoplankton and quagga mussels in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. Journal of Great Lakes Research 40: 95-105
  • Franze G, Lavrentyev PJ (2014) Microzooplankton growth rates examined across a temperature gradient in the Barents Sea. PLOS One 9: e86429. (14)
  • Морозова OA, Весман АВ, Добротина ЕД, Тарасенко АД, Шумская НК, Лаврентьев ПЯ, Оношко ВА (2013) Особенности гидрохимической структуры вод Карского моря в летний период 2012 г. Проблемы Арктики и Антарктики, 95: 61-71
  • Лаврентьев ПЯ (2012) Исследования микрозоопланктона Карского моря и прибрежных вод полуострова Ямал в ходе экспедиции «Ямал-Арктика 2012». Российские Полярные Исследования, 10: 24-26
  • Лаврентьев ПЯ (2009) Микрозоопланктон Ладожского озера. Труды ГосНИОРХ 334:96-112
  • McCarthy, M.J., Gardner, W.S., Lavrentyev, P.J., Jochem, F.J., Williams, C.J. (2009) Water column nitrogen cycling and microbial plankton in Florida Bay. Contributions in Marine Science 38: 49-62
  • Nor R, Nesterenko M, Lavrentyev PJ (2010) Oxybuoy: Constructing a real-time inexpensive hypoxia monitoring platform. Ad Hoc Networks Revised Selected Papers. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Germany. 28:795-804
  • First, M.R., Miller, H.L. III, Lavrentyev, P.J., Pinckney, J.L., Burd, A.B. (2009) Microzooplankton growth and trophic interactions and their effects on herbivory in coastal and offshore environments. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 54: 255–267.
  • Williams, C. J., Lavrentyev, P. J., Jochem, F. J. (2008) Bottom-up and top-down control of heterotrophic bacterioplankton growth in a phosphorus-depleted subtropical estuary, Florida Bay, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 372: 7-18
  • Duff, R.J., Ball, H., Lavrentyev, P.J. (2008) Application of combined morphological-molecular approaches to the identification of planktonic protists from environmental samples. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 55: 306-312
  • Gobler, C.J., Davis, T.W., Deonarine, S.N., Saxton, M.A., Lavrentyev, P.J., Jochem, F.J., Wilhelm, S.W. (2008) Grazing and viral induced mortality of microbial populations before and during the onset of annual hypoxia in Lake Erie. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 51: 117– 128
  • McCarthy, M.J., Gardner, W.S., Lavrentyev, P.J., Moats, K.M., Jochem, F.J., Klarer, D.M. (2007) Effects of hydrological flow regime on sediment-water interface and water column nitrogen dynamics in a Great Lakes coastal wetland (Old Woman Creek, Lake Erie). Journal of Great Lakes Research 33: 219-231
  • McCarthy, M.J., Lavrentyev, P.J., Yang, L., Zhang, L., Chen., Y., Qin, B.,Gardner, W.S. (2007) Nitrogen dynamics and microbial food web structure during a summer cyanobacterial bloom in a subtropical, shallow, well-mixed, eutrophic lake (Lake Taihu, China). Hydrobiologia 581: 195-207
  • Vanderploeg, H.A., Johengen, T.H., Lavrentyev, P.J., Chen, C., Lang, G.A., Agy, M.A., Bundy, M.H., Cavaletto, J.F., Eadie, B.J., Liebig, J.R. Miller, G.S., Ruberg, S.A., and McCormick, M.J. (2007). Anatomy of the recurrent coastal plume in Lake Michigan and its impacts to light climate, plankton and nutrients. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans 112 (C3): C03S90
  • First, M.R., Lavrentyev, P.J., Jochem, F.J. (2007) Patterns of microzooplankton growth in dilution experiments across a trophic gradient: Implications for herbivory studies. Marine Biology 151: 1929-1940
  • Bundy, M.H., Vanderploeg, H.A., Lavrentyev, P.J., Kovalcik, P.A. (2005) The importance of microzooplankton versus phytoplankton to copepod populations during late winter and early spring in Lake Michigan. Canadian Journal of Fishery and Aquatic Sciences 62: 2371-2385
  • Lavrentyev, P.J., McCarthy, M.J., Klarer, D.M., Jochem, F.J., Gardner, W.S. (2004) Estuarine microbial food web patterns in a Lake Erie coastal wetland. Microbial Ecology 48: 567–577
  • Jochem, F.J., Lavrentyev, P.J., First, M.R. (2004) Growth and grazing rates of bacteria groups with different apparent DNA content in the Gulf of Mexico. Marine Biology 1213–1225
  • Chen, C.S., Wang, L.X., Qi, J.H., Liu, H.D., Budd, J.W., Schwab, D.J., Beletsky, D., Vanderploeg, H.A., Eadie, B.J., Johengen, T.H., Cotner, J.B., Lavrentyev, P.J. (2004) A modeling study of benthic detritus flux's impacts on heterotrophic processes in Lake Michigan. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans 109 (C10): art. no. C10S11
  • Gardner, W.S., Lavrentyev, P.J., Cavaletto, J.F., McCarthy, M.J., Eadie, B.J., Johengen T.H., Cotner, J.B. (2004), Distribution and dynamics of nitrogen and microbial plankton in southern Lake Michigan during spring transition 1999–2000, Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans 109 (C3), art. no.C03007.
  • Eadie, B.J., D. Schwab, T. Johengen, P.J. Lavrentyev, G. Miller, R. Holland, G. Leshkevich, M. Lansing, N. Morehead, J. Robbins, N. Hawley, D. Edgington, and P. Van Hoof. (2002) Сharacterizing a major episodic event: a recurrent winter-spring plume in southern Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 28: 324-327
  • Chen, C., R. Ji, D.J. Schwab, D. Beletsky, G.L. Fahnenstiel, M. Jiang, T.H. Johengen, H. Vanderploeg, B. Eadie, J.W. Budd, M.H. Bundy, W. Gardner, J. Cotner, Lavrentyev, P.J. (2002) A model study of the coupled biological and physical dynamics in Lake Michigan. Ecological Modelling 152:145-168
  • Gardner WS, Yang L, Cotner JB, Johengen TH, Lavrentyev PJ. (2001) Nitrogen dynamics in sandy freshwater sediments (Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron). Journal of Great Lakes Research 27: 84-97
  • Lavrentyev, P.J., Gardner, W.S., Yang, L. (2000) Effects of the zebra mussel on nitrogen cycling and the microbial community at the sediment-water interface. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 21:187194
  • Gardner WS, Laventyev PJ, Bootsma HA, Caveletto JF, Troncone F, Cotner JB (2000) Effects of natural light on nitrogen dynamics. Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie 27: 64-73
  • Gardner, W.S., Bootsma, H.A., Troncone, F., Lavrentyev, P.J., Cavaletto, J.F. (1998) Nitrogen cycling rates and light effects in tropical Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. Limnology & Oceanography 43: 1814-1825
  • Lavrentyev, P.J., Bootsma, H.A., Johengen, T.H., Cavaletto, J.F., Gardner, W.S. (1998) Microbial plankton response to resource limitation: Insights from the community structure and seston stoichiometry in Florida Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 165: 45-57.
  • Lavrentyev, P.J., Gardner, W.S., Johnson, J.R. (1997) Cascading trophic effects on aquatic nitrification: Experimental evidence and potential implications. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 13: 161-175.
  • Lavrentyeva, G.M., Lavrentyev, P.J. (1996) The relationship between fish yield and primary production in large European freshwater lakes. Hydrobiologia 322: 261-266.
  • Eadie, B.J., Schwab, D.J., Leshkevich, G.A., Johengen, T.H., Assel, R.A., Hawley, N., Holland, R.E., Lansing, M.B., Lavrentyev, P.J., Miller, G.S., Morehead, N.R., Robbins, J.A., and Van Hoof, P.L. (1996). Development of recurrent coastal plume in Lake Michigan observed for the first time. Eos 77: 337-338
  • Lavrentyev, P.J., Gardner, W.S., Cavaletto, J.F., Beaver, J.R. (1995) Effects of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha Pallas) on protozoa and phytoplankton in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. Journal of Great Lakes Research 21: 545-557.
  • Lavrentyev, P.J. (1995)Swimming patterns and other characteristics of abundant ciliate species. In: Workbook on protist ecology and taxonomy. Setala, O., Kuupo, P., Ekebom, J., Kuosa, H., and Patterson, D.J. (eds.) Yliopistopiano, Helsinki, pp. 131-138
  • Lavrentyev, P.J. (1994) Anthropogenic stress in ciliate communities: A short-term study in arctic tundra lakes. Archiv für Hydrobiologie Beiheft Ergebnisse der Limnologie 40: 149153.
  • Šimek, K., Vrba, J., Lavrentyev, P.J. (1994) Estimates of protozoan bacterivory: From microscopy to ectoenzyme assay? Marine Microbial Food Webs 8: 71-85.