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- Lagerholm V.K., Sandoval-Castellanos E., Ehrich D., Abramson N.I., Nadachowski A., Kalthoff D.C., Germonpré M., Angerbjörn A., Stewart J.R., Dalén L. // On the origin of the Norwegian lemming // Molecular Ecology. 2014. Vol. 23(8). P. 2060-2071. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.12698
- Lebedev, V.S., Bannikova, A.A., Tesakov, A.S., Abramson, N.I. Molecular phylogeny of the genus Alticola (Cricetidae, Rodentia) as inferred from the sequence of the cytochrome b gene // Zoologica Scripta. 2007. Vol.36 (6), P. 547-563. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1463-6409.2007.00300
- Aбрамсон Н.И., Лебедев В.С., Тесаков A.С., Банникова А.А. Надвидовые родственные связи в подсемействе полевочьих (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Arvicolinae): неожиданный результат анализа ядерных генов // Молекулярная биология. 2009. Т. 43. № 5. С. 897-909. Версии: Abramson N.I., Lebedev V.S., Tesakov A.S., Bannikova A.A. Supraspecies Relationships in the Subfamily Arvicolinae (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Arvicolinae): An Unexpected Result of Nuclear Gene Analysis // Molecular Biology. 2009. Т. 43. № 5. С. 834-846. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0012496609050196
- Bannikova A.A., Lebedev, V.S., Lissovsky A.A., Matrosova V., Abramson N.I., Obolenskaya E.V., Tesakov A.S. Molecular phylogeny and evolution of the Asian lineage of vole genus Microtus (Rodentia: Arvicolinae) inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence // Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2010. Vol.99 (3): 595-613 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1095-8312.2009.01378.x
- Abramson N.I., Petrova T.V., Dokuchaev N.E., Obolenskaya E.V., Lissovsky A.A Phylogeography of the Gray Red-Backed Vole Craseomys rufocanus (Rodentia: Cricetidae) Across the Distribution Range Inferred from Nonrecombining Molecular Markers // Russian Journal of Theriology. 2012. Vol. 11. № 2. P. 137-156.
- Petrova T.V., Zakharov, E.S., Samiya R., Abramson N.I. Phylogeography of the narrow-headed vole Lasiopodomys (Stenocranius) gregalis (Cricetidae, Rodentia) inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences: An echo of Pleistocene prosperity // Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. 2015. Vol. 53 (2): 97-108, https://doi.org/10.1111/jzs.12082
- Palkopoulou E., Baca, M., Abramson N.I.,Sablin M., Socha P., Nadachowski A., Prost S., Germonpr M., Kosintsev P., Smirnov N.G., Vartanyan S., Ponomarev D., Nystrome J., Nikolskiy P., Jass C.N., Litvinov Yu.N., Kalthoff D.C., Grigoriev S., Fadeeva T., Douka A., Higham T.F.G., Ersmark E., Pitulko V., Pavlova E., Stewart J.R., Wezglenski P., Stankovic A., Dalén, L. Synchronous genetic turnovers across Western Eurasia in Late Pleistocene collared lemmings // Global Change Biology. 2016. Vol. 22 (5): 1710-1721, https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.13214
- Бодров С.Ю., Костыгов А.Ю., Руднева Л.В., Абрамсон Н.И. Ревизия таксономического положения Ольховской полевки (Rodentia, Cricetidae) // Известия Российской академии наук. Сериябиологическая. 2016. № 2. С. 171-181 /Версии: Bodrov S.Y., Kostygov A.Y., Abramson N.I., Rudneva L.V.Revision of the taxonomic position of the Olkhon Mountain vole (Rodentia, Cricetidae) // Biology Bulletin. 2016. Vol. 43. № 2. P. 136-145.
- Petrova T.V., Tesakov A.S., Kowalskaya Y.M., Abramson N.I. Cryptic speciation in the narrow-headed vole Lasiopodomys (Stenocranius) gregalis (Rodentia: Cricetidae) // Zoologica Scripta. 2016. Vol. 45 (6). P. 618-629, https://doi.org/10.1111/zsc.12176
- Lagerholm V.K., Norén K., Ehrich, D., Ims R.A., Killengreen S.T, Abramson N.I., Niemimaa J., Angerbjörn A., Henttonen, H., Dalén L. Run to the hills: Gene flow among mountain areas leads to low genetic differentiation in the Norwegian lemming // Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2017. Vol. 121 (1), P.1-4. https://doi.org/10.1093/biolinnean/blw020
- Lissovsky A.A., Petrova T. V., Yatsentyuk S. P.,| Golenishchev F. N., Putincev N. I., Kartavtseva I.V., Sheremetyeva I. N., Abramson N.I. Multilocus phylogeny and taxonomy of East Asian voles Alexandromys (Rodentia, Arvicolinae) // Zoologica Scripta. 2017. Vol. 47(1). P.9–20.
- Abramson N. I., Petrova T. V. Genetic analysis of type material of the Amur lemming resolves nomenclature issues and creates challenges for the taxonomy of true lemmings (Lemmus, Rodentia: Cricetidae) in the eastern Palearctic // Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2018. Vol.182 (2). P. 465-467. https://doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlx044
- Bondareva O., Genelt–Yanovskiy E., Abramson N. Copse snail Arianta arbustorum (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda: Helicidae) in the Baltic Sea region: Invasion or range extension? Insights from phylogeographic analysis and climate niche modeling // Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. 2020. Vol.58 (1). P. 221-229. https://doi.org/10.1111/jzs.12350
- Bondareva O.V., Abramson N.I. The complete mitochondrial genome of the common pine vole Terricola subterraneus (Arvicolinae, Rodentia) // Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources.2019. VOL. 4, NO. 2. P. 3925–3926, https://doi.org/10.1080/23802359.2019.1687026
- Bodrov S., Vasilieva V.K., Okhlopkov I.M., Mamaev N.M., Zakharov E.S., Oleinikov A. Yu., Genelt-Yanovskiy E. A. and Abramson N.I. Evolutionary history of mountain voles of the subgenus Aschizomys (Cricetidae, Rodentia), inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear markers // Integrative Zoology 2020; 0: 00–00, https://doi.org/10.1111/1749-4877.12415