New genus and species of the tribe Gryllini (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Gryllinae) from Peru

A.V. Gorochov

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2020, 324(3): 293–297   ·

Full text  


A new genus with a new species (Itarogryllus proprius gen. et sp. nov.) from the tribe Gryllini are described from Peru. Possible belonging of this genus to the subtribe Brachytripina is discussed. The genus is similar to Brachytrupina in the structure of its male ectoparameres but differs from all other genera of this subtribe in its small body size in combination with the following characters: male tegmen wide and having a wide mirror; epiphallus characteristic, having a pair of arcuate posterior lobes; ectoparamere with a complete fusion of the apical and proximal parts, with a developed but very narrow and completely isolated mesal lobe, and with poserodorsal sclerite having a very short and rounded “spine-like process” at the apex.

Key words

Gryllidae, Gryllinae, Gryllini, new genus and species, Peru, taxonomic position

Submitted 6 June, 2020  ·  Accepted 24 August, 2020  ·  Published 25 September, 2020


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