Factors affecting the morphometric parameters of eggs of Trichocephalus suis Schrank, 1788, Ascaris suum Goeze, 1782 and Oesophagostomum dentatum Rudolphi, 1803 in the Republic of Crimea

A.A. Pasechnik, G.A. Lukyanova and L.V. Yagenich

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2020, 324(2): 283–288   ·   https://doi.org/10.31610/trudyzin/2020.324.2.283

Full text  


The publication presents the results of the morphometric parameters of eggs of the most common intestinal nematodes of pigs in the Republic of Crimea that were measured using a computer program ImageJ. It was found that the sizes of eggs of Trichocephalus suis Schrank, 1788, Ascaris suum Goeze, 1782 and Oesophagostomum dentatum Rudolphi, 1803 differed significantly within the species in a fairly wide range. Also, the factors affecting the morphometric parameters of eggs of these nematodes were determined. Their changes depended significantly on the intensity of invasion, the season of the year and the stage of the biological cycle. Thus, it was found that with an increasing intensity of invasion the sizes of the eggs of these parasites decreased. Also, in the process of their maturation and development in the environment under the influence of favorable conditions of the time of year the sizes of the eggs of these species changed in different ways – they decreased in some species (A. suum, O. dentatum) and increased in the others (T. suis). Thus, the combined effect of certain specific factors in a particular area will contribute to a faster or slower maturation and development of the eggs of a particular type of helminth in the environment. Consequently, the period of the biological cycle of the same species of parasites in different areas will span a different interval of time. This issue was covered poorly in both domestic and foreign literature and will require further study and systematization.

Key words

morphometric parameters, Republic of Crimea, pigs, eggs, Ascaris suum, Oesophagostomum dentatum, Trichocephalus suis

Submitted July 22, 2019  ·  Accepted March 14, 2020  ·  Published June 25, 2020


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