Six new genera of the subtribe Thioniina (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Issidae) based on type material of L. Melichar and E. Schmidt in the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin

V.M. Gnezdilov

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2020, 324(2): 221–241   ·

Full text  


Six new genera are erected in the subtribe Thioniina of the tribe Issini to accommodate seven American species of the family Issidae, six of which were described by L. Melichar and E. Schmidt in early 20th century from Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, and Peru, and one new species is described from Paraguay as follows: Carimeta gen. nov. (type species: Carimeta maculipennis sp. nov.); Metopasius gen. nov. (type species: Thionia proxima Melichar, 1906); Cophteroma gen. nov. (type species: Thionia truncatella Melichar, 1906); Cyclometa gen. nov. (type species: Thionia bifasciatifrons Melichar, 1906); Memusta gen. nov. (type species: Thionia obtusa Melichar, 1906); Thiopara gen. nov. (type species: Thionia fusca Melichar, 1906). Thionia sinuata Schmidt, 1910 is transferred to the genus Carimeta gen. nov. Six new combinations are formed: Carimeta sinuata (Schmidt, 1910), comb. nov.; Metopasius proximus (Melichar, 1906), comb. nov.; Cophteroma truncatella (Melichar, 1906), comb. nov.; Cyclometa bifasciatifrons (Melichar, 1906), comb. nov.; Memusta obtusa (Melichar, 1906), comb. nov.; Thiopara fusca (Melichar, 1906), comb. nov. The lectotypes are designated for Thionia fusca Melichar, T. proxima Melichar, and T. sinuata Schmidt to stabilize the nomenclature in the studied group according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. New record for Cyclometa bifasciatifrons from Brasil is provided. Photographs of the type specimens with original labels including Melichar’s and Schmidt’s autographs as well as drawings of all studied species are given.

Key words

Issinae, Issini, lectotype designation, morphology, Neotropics, new combination, new genus, new species, systematics

Submitted April 25, 2020  ·  Accepted May 11, 2020  ·  Published June 25, 2020


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