New genus of the family Delphacidae (Homoptera: Cicadina) from North America

A.F. Emeljanov

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2019, 323(3): 369–372   ·

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A new genus, Euryburnia gen. nov. (type species: Megamelus magnifrons Crawford, 1914) is erected to accommodate the group of Nearctic species of the family Delphacidae erroneously placed by Hamilton (2002) in the genus Eurybregma Scott, 1875. The new genus differs from Eurybregma by narrower metope without intermediate carinae on eumetope (only median carina is developed). According to male genitalia structure the new genus is close to the genera Unkanodes Fennah, 1956 and Chilodelphax Vilbaste, 1968, but distinguished by angular (not rounded) latero-ventral lobes of pygofer and by pygofer phragme without teeth and processes. From the genus Eurybregma the new genus differs by the presence of latero-ventral lobes of male pygofer. According to presence of unique, well developed beak-shaped basal lobes of dorso-lateral plates of ovipositor (first valvifers) the new genus is distinguished within all Delphacidae. New combinations proposed: Euryburnia magnifrons (Crawford, 1914), comb. nov. (=Megamelus magnifrons Crowford, 1914), Euryburnia montana (Beamer, 1952), comb. nov., (=Eurysa montana Beamer, 1952), Euryburnia obesa (Beamer, 1952), comb. nov. (=Eurysaobesa Beamer, 1952), Euryburnia eurytion (Hamilton, 2002), comb. nov. (=Eurybregma eurytion Hamilton, 2002).

Key words

morphology, Nearctic, new combination, new genus, Delphacidae

Submitted May 13, 2019  ·  Accepted July 19. 2019  ·  Published October 1, 2019


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