Systematics, geographic distribution and evolutionary pathways of fleas

S.G. Medvedev

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2009, 313(3): 273–282   ·

Full text  


The geographic distribution and host-parasite relations of fleas and their hosts, mammals and birds, were analyzed by means of the analytic system PARHOST1. The parasite-host relations were considered using various recent phylogenetic hypotheses for fleas. The formerly proposed taxonomic and phylogenetic systems of the order Siphonaptera based on the molecular data from 4 loci (Whiting et al. 2008) is critically analyzed. The results based on that molecular study once more showed problems in the constructing of the classifications of fleas, and conclusions drawn out from these results are rather provisional. In general, fleas are characterized by the nest-and barrow type of parasitism, in which the distribution of species is determined by adaptations both to the warm-blooded host and to microbiotopic conditions in the nest. These characteristic properties of flea’s ecology determined a complicate pattern of host associations between particular flea taxa with host taxa. The majority of higher taxa of the order Siphonaptera are characterized by a wide range of host taxa. The diversity of features in fleas derived from the common morphological basis that significantly embarrasses the recognition of peculiar features caused by the coevolution of flea and host (mammalians and birds).

Key words

fleas, mammals, parasite-hosts associations, birds, phylogeny

Submitted February 18, 2009  ·  Accepted June 1, 2009  ·  Published September 25, 2009


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