Review of type specimens of the rock lizards of Darevskia (rudis) complex (Sauria: Lacertidae)

I.V. Doronin

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2017, 321(3): 339–361   ·

Full text  


The paper provides data on the current location of the type specimens of Darevskia (rudis) complex as of July 2017: Podarcis depressa Camerano, 1878 (syntypes – MZUT R2737.1-3, NHM 1946.9.1.31-32), Lacerta depressa var. rudis Bedriaga, 1886 (lectotype – MZUT 2737.1, paralectotypes – MZUT 2737.2-3, NHM 1946.9.1.32), Lacerta depressa var. modesta Bedriaga, 1886 (syntype – NHM 1946.9.1.31), Lacerta saxicola Subsp. bithynica Mehely, 1909 (lectotype [here designated] – ZISP 17128, paralectotype – NMW 11685), Lacerta saxicola tristis Lantz et Cyren, 1936 (lectotype – GNM 2481, paralectotypes – GNM 2482-2485, 2487 and GNM one unnumbered specimen), Lacerta saxicola obscura Lantz et Cyren, 1936 (lectotype [here designated] – ZISP ZISP 17171.1, paralectotypes – NHM 1966.769.773, ZISP 14435, 14436, 14437, 14438, 14439, 14440, 14442, 15402, 16290, 17057.13, 17058, 17059.1-3, 17171.2-26, 17172.1-15), Lacerta rudis macromaculata Darevsky, 1967 (holotype – ZISP 17940.6, paratypes – ZISP 17440.1-18, the location of three paratypes is unknown), Lacerta rudis bischoffi Bohme et Budak, 1977 (holotype – ZDEU 183/977, paratypes – ZDEU 222/976:1, 3-6, 8-9, ZDEU 183/977.2-10, ZFMK 22062.63), Lacerta rudis svanetica Darevsky et Eiselt, 1980 (holotype – ZISP 17875.1, paratypes – ZISP 17875.2-8, 17814.1-18, NMW 24138.1-6), Lacerta rudis chechenica Eiselt et Darevsky, 1991 (holotype – NMW 33504.1, paratypes – ZISP 17878.1-13, 17882.2-4, ZISP 18374.1-5, 18781.1-6, 19545.1-13, ZFMK 16448.52, 29262, 38037.45, 40431-33, NMW 32619.1,2, 33504.2,4,5), Darevskia rudis mirabilis Arribas, Ilgaz, Kumlutas, Durmus, Avci et Uzum, 2013 (holotype – ZDEU 145/2002.9, paratypes – ZDEU 145/2002.1-8, 10-18, O. Arribas private collection (1-6)), Darevskia rudis bolkardaghica Arribas, Ilgaz, Kumlutas, Durmus, Avci et Uzum, 2013 (holotype – ZDEU 144/2009.6, paratypes – ZDEU 144/2009.1-5, 7-8, O. Arribas private collection (1-4)). Strictly following the ICZN the name Lacerta depressa var. rudis Bedriaga, 1886 should not be considered as the replacement name (nomen novum) for Podarcis depressa Camerano, 1878, but the only available name. The history of description of all known forms of the complex is given. Localities, collectors and dates of collection of the type specimens are clarified.

Key words

Darevskia (rudis) complex, Rock lizards, type specimens

Submitted July 13, 2017  ·  Accepted August 23, 2017  ·  Published September 25, 2017


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