The role of European smelt Osmerus eperlanus in fish fauna structure of the Imandra Lake Basin (Murmansk Province)

P.M. Terentjev, N.A. Kashulin and E.M. Zubova

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2017, 321(2): 228–243   ·

Full text  


The current trends of the fish community transformation processes in the Imandra Lake Basin (Murmansk Province) under processes of climate and hydrological regime changes, intensification of water eutrophication and pollution were studied. The continuing anthropogenic pollution load on the lake together with the uncontrolled fishery and the lack of favorable conditions for fish reproduction led to a decrease of quantity and share of long-cycle stenobiont fall-spawning salmonid and coregonid species in fish fauna structure. At the same time the amount of eurybiont spring-spawning low commercial value species, such as a European smelt Osmerus eperlanus (Linnaeus) was seriously increased. It was found that the smelt population growth is accompanied by an increase in its size and weight parameters. The highest size values of this species now are comparable to smelt of the Onega and Ladoga lakes. It was also mentioned that smelt demonstrates quite an intense self-dispersion within the Imandra Lake Basin. Smelt expands rapidly within the subordinate lake and river system of Bolshaya Imandra Lake. One of the most interesting phenomena now is a process of fish self-dispersion along the Bolshaya Belaya River. It was found that the smelt shows a very active expansion of habitat, despite of the intense impact of apatite-nepheline production and strong eutrophication of water. It is shown that European smelt have good opportunity to naturalize and form an isolated self-reproducing population in a typical mountain reservoir – Bolshoi Voodyavr Lake, influenced by intensive mining industry. The observed expansive strategy of low commercial value species could be consider as invasion of alien species, reducing resistance and resource potential of the freshwater ecosystems of the North.

Key words

european smelt, fish community, self-dispersion

Submitted January 20, 2016  ·  Accepted April 10, 2017  ·  Published June 26, 2017


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