New taxa of the subfamily Meconematinae (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from Africa and adjacent islands

A.V. Gorochov

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2017, 321(1): 32–64   ·

Full text  


History of the taxonomic study of Afrotropical and Madagascan Meconematinae is briefly discussed. The subtribe Acilacridina subtrib. nov. is established for a few African genera of Meconematini. Twenty six smaller new taxa of Meconematini [Kamerula korupi gen. et sp. nov., K. kameruni sp. nov., Parakamerula irisovi gen. et sp. nov., Brachyamytta rapidoaestima speculifera subsp. nov., Naskreckia gen. nov., Xiphidiola (Deinodiola) adunca subgen. et sp. nov., X. (D.) lobulata sp. nov., X. (D.) dja sp. nov., X. (D.) quadrimaculata immaculata subsp. nov., X. (Hemidiola) emarginata subgen. et sp. nov., X. (H.) minuta sp. nov., Paracilacris (Neacilacris) latiexcisa subgen. et sp. nov., Anaroegas subgen. nov.] and Phisidini [Afrophisis (Jinkevania) parva subgen. et sp. nov., Mirabiphisis subgen. nov., Longiphisis gracilis gen. et sp. nov., L. media sp. nov., Breviphisis robusta gen. et sp. nov.] are described from Cameroon, South Africa and Madagascar. Amyttosa mutillata bubiana (Bolivar, 1906), stat. nov. and Xiphidiola aliquantula nigrospinosa Bolivar, 1906, stat. nov. are restored from synonymy to A. mutillata (Karsch, 1890) and X. aliquantula (Karsch, 1893) as subspecies of these species; one former genus is considered as the subgenus Paradecolya Jin, 1992, stat. nov. within the genus Brachyphisis Chopard, 1957; several morphological, taxonomical and geographical remarks on A. mutillata and some other taxa are given.

Key words

Africa, Madagascar, Meconematinae, Meconematini, new taxa, Orthoptera, Phisidini

Submitted August 24, 2016  ·  Accepted November 10, 2016  ·  Published March 24, 2017


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