Taxonomy of the subgenus Triacanus Erichson, 1843 and its distribution in the Palaearctic and Indo-Malayan regions (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae)

A.G. Kirejtshuk

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2016, 320(4): 431–449   ·

Full text  


The paper devoted to summarizing of new data on the Asian members of the subgenus Triacanus Erichson, 1843 sensu stricto considered together with subgenus Monafricus Kirejtshuk, 1995, stat. nov. in composition of one genus. All Asian species of Triacanus were re-examined, except for T. (Triacanus) japonicus Hisamatsu, 1985 from Japan. Triacanus (Triacanus) conformis sp. nov. from Sichuan (China), T. (T.) pullus sp. nov. from Fujian (China) and T. (T.) unicolor sp. nov. from Cameron Highland (Malaysia) were described. Triacanus (Triacanus) nigripennis Reitter, 1873 with a very wide range in the Indo-Malayan Region is regarded as including three forms, forma typica, forma parva” from Vietnam and forma “punctatissima” from Myanmar (Burma); Vietnam; India, Kerala; Sri Lanka; Malaysia, Cameron Highlands, Sabah (names of these forms taken from synonyms of T. (T.) nigripennis: punctatissimus Grouvelle, 1892 and parvus Kirejtshuk, 1990, syn. nov.). The new data on distribution of all studied species of Triacanus were given and a key to species of this subgenus was elaborated. The probable mode of life of the species of the considered subgenus is discussed.

Key words

new species, generic diagnostics, synonymy, distribution, key to species

Submitted August 21, 2016  ·  Accepted December 15, 2016  ·  Published December 25, 2016


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