Features of meiobenthos in Lake Krivoe (Karelia)

V.A. Petukhov

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2016, 320(3): 348–356   ·   https://doi.org/10.31610/trudyzin/2016.320.3.348

Full text  


The paper presents the proportion of animals encountered in the coastal meiobenthos of Lake Krivoe (Karelia) which are typical for the majority of water bodies of the North-West of Russia: eumeiobentthic organisms – water mites, nematodes, cladocerans, harpacticoids, ostracods, benthic cyclops; organisms of pseudomeiobenthos – chironomids and oligochaetes. The main part in the biomass of meiobenthos in this zone accounts for water mites, chironomids and oligochaetes. In macrobenthos of this zone are registered: amphipods, larvae of caddis flies, mayfly larvae, larval Megaloptera, larval stoneflies, chironomid larvae, larval midges, also oligochaetes, leeches, bivalves, gastropods. Other groups of macrobenthic animals have almost equal low portions. Thus, the coastal zone of Lake Krivoe practically does not differ in composition of meiobenthos and macrobenthos from that of other water bodies of the North-West of Russia. Some features of meiobenthos community development in Lake Krivoe (Karelia) at depths of 9–32 m were found. In the coastal zone of the lake at the depth of 0.5 m meiobenthos has quantitative characteristics typical for regional mesotrophic water bodies. Deepwater meiofauna of Lake Krivoe is different from meiofauna of other deepwater lakes (Ladoga, Onega and Konstanz), where depths are inhabited by sufficiently rich, both qualitatively and quantitatively, meiobenthos. At greater depths we have discovered presence of the only species of nematodes (Paramononchus alimovi) in meiobenthos which was found in high numbers, both in abundance (6.8–93.0 thousand ind./m2) and biomass (0.044–0.596 g/m2). Structural and functional characteristics of deepwater meiobenthos Lake Krivoe varies greatly and are experiencing some impact of surface water temperature. The amount of seston sinking on the bottom increases in the middle of the vegetative season that probably leads to the sharp increase in the abundance and biomass of deepwater meiobenthos.

Key words

meiobenthos, nematodes, production

Submitted March 30, 2016  ·  Accepted July 20, 2016  ·  Published September 23, 2016


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