Review of type specimens of the Meadow lizards Darevskia (praticola) complex (Sauria: Lacertidae)

I.V. Doronin

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2016, 320(2): 158–175   ·

Full text  


The paper provides data on the current location of the type specimens of Darevskia (praticola) complex as of March 2016: Lacerta praticola Eversmann, 1834 (storage holotype place (on monotype) is unknown), Lacerta vivipara stenolepis Nikolsky, 1911 (holotype for monotypes – ZISP 7203, location unknown), Lacerta praticola pontica Lantz et Cyren, 1918 (lectotype – ZISP 22853, paralectotypes – ZISP 5279, 5280, 22847, 22852.1-2, 22854), Lacerta praticola hungarica Sobolewsky, 1930 (location lectotype and paralectotypes ZISP 9814 unknown, paralectotypes – ZMMU R 2538), Lacerta plicata Bartenef et Reznikova, 1931 (holotype (on monotypes) – ZISP 15204), Darevskia praticola hyrcanica Tuniyev, Doronin, Kidov et Tuniyev, 2011 (holotype – SNP 1473.5, paratypes – SNP 1473.0-19, ZISP 12301, 12630, 12632-12635), Darevskia praticola loriensis Tuniyev, Doronin, Tuniyev, Aghasyan, Kidov et Aghasyan, 2013 (holotype – SNP 1568.9, paratypes – SNP 1569.1-19, ZISP 17075). The history of description of all known forms of the complex is given. L. praticola pontica has been described in 1918, not in 1919.

Key words

Darevskia (praticola) complex, Meadow lizards, type specimens

Submitted March 29, 2016  ·  Accepted May 10, 2016  ·  Published June 24, 2016


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