New data on the Cow Shark teeth (Hexanchiformes) from the Cretaceous deposits of Sakhalin Island (Russia)

F.A. Trikolidi and M.V. Nazarkin

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2016, 320(1): 66–70   ·

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The tooth of cow shark of the genus Hexanchus (Hexanchidae) from the Cretaceous (Lower Campanian) deposits of southern Sakhalin Island is described. It is most similar with the teeth, described as Hexanchus microdon (Agassiz, 1835) or H. cf. microdon from the Upper Cretaceous of Japan. Previously shark teeth from the Cretaceous deposits of the Russian Far East not described.

Key words

sharks, teeth, Cretaceous, Sakhalin, Hexanchus

Submitted January 27, 2016  ·  Accepted March 25, 2016  ·  Published March 24, 2016


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