About Horsfield’s tortoise of the Stone Age of Tajikistan

L.I. Khosatzky, V.A. Ranov and V.A. Stal’makova

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2013, 317(4): 376–381   ·   https://doi.org/10.31610/trudyzin/2013.317.4.376

Full text  


This paper presents results of the comparative morphometric study of the Horsfield’s tortoise (Agrionemys horsfieldi) from the Ogzi-Kichik archaeological site of the Stone Age (Southern Tajikistan) and a sample of representatives of modern populations of this species. From the time of existence of the Ogzi-Kichik population to the Present, noticeable changes (decrease of the shell length, its height and convexity and changes in the proportions of some plates of the shell) have occurred in the shell morphology of this species. These changes, probably, reflect intensification of the burrowing adaptations connected with the aridization of the climate in the Southern Tajikistan during the mentioned historical period.

Key words

Stone Age, Horsfield’s tortoise, Tajikistan, Agrionemys horsfieldi

Submitted November 10, 2013  ·  Accepted December 10, 2013  ·  Published December 30, 2013


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