Pogonophryne sarmentifera sp. nov. (Artedidraconidae; Notothenioidei; Perciformes) – the deep-water species of Antarctic plunderfishes from the Ross Sea (Southern Ocean)

A.V. Balushkin and V.V. Spodareva

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2013, 317(3): 275–281   ·   https://doi.org/10.31610/trudyzin/2013.317.3.275

Full text  


A new species of Pogonophryne sarmentifera sp. nov. from the Ross Sea (Southern Ocean) is described. The new species belongs to the «mentella» group of the genus Pogonophryne and is characterized by having a mental barbel long (68.0–70.0% of head length), sarment-shaped with a slender terminal expansion (5.9–8.1% of barbel length) composed of rows of short and flattened incubous processes; сanals of seismosensory system top of head have the small pores; weakly developed internasal organ, peritoneum is light.

Key words

plunderfishes, Ross Sea, taxonomy, Southern Ocean, Pogonophryne sarmentifera sp. nov.

Submitted July 11, 2013  ·  Accepted August 30, 2013  ·  Published September 23, 2013


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