Ultrastructural changes in the digestive system during the metacercarial development in Diplostomum pseudospathaceum (Trematoda: Digenea: Diplostomidae)

I.M. Podvyaznaya

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2013, 317(1): 101–109   ·   https://doi.org/10.31610/trudyzin/2013.317.1.101

Full text  


Ultrastructural organization of the foregut and intestinal caeca was investigated in the developing and mature metacercariae of Diplostomum pseudospathaceum. The features of metamorphosis were found in the development of the metacercarial caeca and oral sucker. It is suggested that metamorphic character of the development of the metacercarial gut may be related to peculiarities of the structural specialization of the free living larvae. In D. pseudospathaceum metacercariae, the functions of the gut are discussed.

Key words

ultrastructure, development, digestive system, metacercaria, Diplostomum pseudospathaceum

Submitted August 15, 2012  ·  Accepted December 16, 2012  ·  Published March 29, 2013


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