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Geographic variation and intraspecific taxonomy of weasel Mustela nivalis (Carnivora, Mustelidae)

A.V. Abramov & G.F. Baryshnikov

Abstract. Relationships of Holarctic weasels (Mustela nivalis), based on cranial variables, sizes and proportions of body and tail, and coloration of summer pelage were analysed. It is possible to divide M. nivalis into three groups: large long-tailed weasels with “nivalis”-coloration, weasels of average size with a relatively long tail and “vulgaris”-coloration, and small short-tailed weasels with “nivalis”-coloration. The combination of all characters allows us to divide M. nivalis into 19 subspecies, including M. nivalis rossica subsp. n. (Eastern Europe). The Egyptian weasel (M. subpalmata) is regarded by us as a separate species. Large long-tailed weasels with coloration of “nivalis”-type (group numidica) are probably closest to the ancestral type of M. nivalis. Small weasels (group nivalis) appeared later, probably in the boreal regions of the Palaearctic. These weasels could have penetrated North America through Beringia. Another form (vulgaris-boccamela) was formed during the Late Pleistocene in the eastern Mediterranean from numidica. When weasels of this group occupied Western and Central Europe they displaced small nivalis to the north and east.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 1999, 8(2): 365–402  ▪  Опубликовано в печати 16 марта 2000 г.

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